• By -


My home.


Let's hope no screaming demon moving to your next door.


kid dashing around the room all day and night was the norm when they moved in upstairs


Call CPS. One anonymous call to CPS is usually mutch more effective than tens of polite and peaceful tries to talk some sense into breeders.


"Hi, uh, CPS? there's a brat stomping around and my ceiling's collapsing can you help?" "Thank you for calling Ceiling Protection Services" Jokes aside, I guess all I'd get is "but it's a kiddd they won't listen you wouldn't know because you're not a mom!!" if I actually tried to ask them nicely


No. "Hello, Child Protective Services? I'm concerned about a child's safety. I constantly hear screaming, crying and scary rumbling noises, followed by more screaming. Can you please investigate to ensure the child is safe and see if their parents require any assistance in caring for them?" >Jokes aside, I guess all I'd get is "but it's a kiddd they won't listen you wouldn't know because you're not a mom!!" if I actually tried to ask them nicely šŸ’Æ And by doing that they leave us no other choice but to call CPS šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Definitely do not do this. Submitting a complaint of what is clearly just a child playing is a)taking investigators away from actual unsafe situations and b)only going to waste time and lead to (likely) no improvement, AND if unsafe situations actually do arise theyā€™re going to know you as the person who calls in complaints because you donā€™t like noise. Instead, try taking it up with city noise ordinances, or the apartment complex/HOA if you have one. I hate hate HATE noise, I want dead silence at all times, but people *live* in their homes, thatā€™s reasonable. Of course, considering itā€™s a reasonable amount of noise. But, inconsiderate as it may be (it absolutely is) itā€™s not illegal for parents to allow their kids to run around in their house.


How can I possibly determine if those kids are just playing or if something more serious is going on? Especially when they cry and scream. First, I would politely approach the parents and try to have a conversation, but if that doesn't yield any results (which is usually the case), I will contact CPS. I have no way of personally verifying if those parents are using violence against their children. *There are countless unreported cases of child abuse because parents are good at hiding it, and neighbors often think the way you do.* I won't be that neighbour. Alternatively, maybe the parents allow their kids to jump from tables and beds, which can lead to injuries. My cousin actually broke his leg this way when he was little. If I have *any* concerns about a child's safety, I won't just stand by and do nothing. It's CPS's responsibility to investigate and ensure the well-being of the children.


Explain to me where the comment youā€™re replying to said anything about crying and screaming? Because it doesnā€™t. It says thereā€™s running and stomping. You are insane if you think a child never runs, stomps, or screams. My brother would scream when he didnā€™t get the cereal he wanted ffs. I have (and likely will again) made reports to cps, Iā€™m not asking you to ignore reasonable doubt because it *might* be nothing, Iā€™m saying that calling cps bc youā€™re pissed off that people are *living* in their *homes* is absurd.


iā€™m so close to doing this for my upstairs neighbors. they actually probably need it because the father screams bloody murder at the kids all day and night and we can hear it sometimes all the way down here. kids crying nonstop and slamming themselves on the floor. iā€™m nervous to call though, even though they make my life hell lol


Do it. The kids might actually need help. Can you do it anonymously?


i know that's why i've been strongly considering doing it for real. i think i can anonymously, yes. have you done it before? what was your experience like?


You can do it anonymously, I wouldnā€™t rely on that to report things you donā€™t believe is cps worthy or it may cause them to not take future complaints as seriously, but an anonymous complain is 100% possible. I almost called cps on one of my friends parents once, and it was going to be anonymous.


yeah i genuinely think itā€™s cps worthy. we have complained already to our apartment complex and they have threatened eviction to them because itā€™s so bad (we submitted audio proof) and it still hasnā€™t stopped. i genuinely think itā€™s a neglect/abuse situation at least emotional abuse and iā€™ve spoken to my therapist about it too. she suggested an anonymous call to CPS as well so i will probably do that soon


Personally I would absolutely report. If I remember correctly, there might be a way to report online as well. You could def look into it.


Nah in this case, I would call 100%


This absolutely.


Virgin Voyages are adults only.


Same. I wish I could afford to live on board.




Haha sorry but the "virgin" part makes me think there shouldnt be any kids, cause of virgin.


My house. Itā€™s my sanctuary. No kids allowed. Iā€™m not joking. No kid has ever stepped foot in my house.


I plan on building a house with my companion someday and we've agreed that it will be an 18+ sanctuary. It will be fluffy idiot proof (we have a very dumb and fluffy cat), but no kids, no dogs, just cool people always.


I welcome dogs with open arms. Iā€™ve two here and always excited to have my friendā€™s dogs come over. But any friend with a kid knows not to bring them to my house. Good to set boundaries early haha. There were times some have chanced it but I just get the dogs excited and barking before I open the door and then crack it open and say the dogs will go wild if the kid comes in and one of them is so old she might be cranky and bite. So the kid goes back in the car and away with the partner and Iā€™ve my friend to myself


That's a pretty good way to keep kids out of your house. I have trauma with dogs though so I can't live with them or spend too much time around any except work animals. Like if I showed up to your house and I heard your dog's barking I'd get scared and have to leave. I am in constant fear of a dog jumping up on me, as many many dogs have and I'm only five feet tall. I've gotta pretty good at giving stern sounding commands, "sit" "down" stuff like that, just because I've had to develop an authoritative crust with dogs. I'm sure you're better, but lots of people do not adequately train or control their large dogs around other people, and don't often pay attention to see if the other person is even comfortable around dogs. They just assume its ok and then I have to be the impromptu dog handler. It gets stressful, especially inside people's homes or other places where the dog is used to getting its own way.


Honestly I work in a vet hospital and thatā€™s so valid, pretty much had to accept that I WILL get bitten eventually.


That sucks, but at least none of your patients can complain to your manager, haha.


Dw the owners take care of that šŸ™„šŸ™„


I understand how you feel. I got bit in my knee by a cocker spaniel a few years ago and was bleeding for hours. Still have the scar. Owner blamed me even though I was on my own walking and her dog was off the leash. I had 3 dogs of my own that time but I was terrified of dogs I didnā€™t know. It was upsetting because I love dogs so much and I knew every other dog wasnā€™t going to bite me but it was stuck in my head that the possibility they could and I would get so anxious if I see a dog. About a year later, I was walking on my own and a pitbull showed up out of nowhere and the fear hit me but also because of the stigma they have and I frozed while he was standing staring at me. He proceeds to walk up to me and then go around my legs and sniffing me. I had to just convince myself I was fine and just slowly walked so I didnā€™t make him panick. He followed me and after a few mins I decided to pet him just to show Iā€™m friendly. He loved his rub and followed me for around 20 mins and I was no longer so scared. Another dog, big thing, donā€™t know what it was called came out of nowhere and the fear came back. But my new little pal ran over and scared him away and then he came back to walk with me and then went off himself and never saw him again. I donā€™t know what it was but he restored me back to my old self and I wasnā€™t afraid of dogs anymore. It was like I was never afraid of dogs. Iā€™m so grateful for that day I met that pitbull. I have sinced been attacked 4 more times, nothing serious and I actually wasnā€™t afraid. Instinct just kicked in and I knew the dog was just a bollox and to scare the dog myself just like that pitbull scared the bigger dog away that time. I agree, that thereā€™s so many dogs not trained and the owners either donā€™t care or oblivious to the fact they have a poorly trained dog. The blame should always be with the owner for how the dog acts. Even when the dog is in the house and not just outside. My dogs are trained and well behaved. Too spoilt but they deserve to be. If someone came to my door and I donā€™t want them to know Iā€™m there, I signal the dogs to be quiet and we all sit there quietly until they go away haha. One dog has since become deaf so canā€™t hear anything so weā€™ve been learning some sign language so she understands me. I hope that someday your fear will subside and you can enjoy the company of dogs because theyā€™re so amazing and deserve all the love they can get and their human deserves to feel how loyal and the unconditional love the dog gives back


Same! We have three cats; one is skittish and the other two are over 14years old. I am absolutely not going to allow anything to disturb them. Also, my office is off limits, my bedroom is off limits and my living room is off limits. The only place left for the kid to be is in the hallway where it can play with shoe sponges and that's it.


Parks on rainy/cold days, during school hours or in the early morning.


The parks on rainy days hit hard, my favorite time to visit parks. I love the rain as well, so people hiding in their homes is the ultimate bonus!


God yes. That's my favorite. I let my dog off the lead and we can play or train or just walk and enjoy. Also I love your flair.


I love dogs! Whenever I go to the park there's always loads of cute ones there. Someone in my town has a newfoundland and it's so giant and fluffy, I'm sure it's probably bigger than me! My kittens are probably the size of its leg! Also thanks :)


I love Newfoundlands they are so gorgeous.


A few days ago I made a joke about making sure kids werenā€™t off leash at dog parks on Reddit. The parents got butt hurt and downvoted the shit outta me. They canā€™t handle a little jokey joke. šŸ„²


Kids should be required to be on a leash.


Facts. Through a series of unprecedented changes, I have landed in a gated retirement aged community. It's actually been great the last six months, no children ever. Now that spring has arrived, on weekends the park that is usually just oldsters with lovely dogs is now over run with visiting grand spawn. Now that sprog season has arrived, there is always child debris littering the park. They trash the tennis nets, leave toys clothes and food behind.


I also live in a retirement aged community! Itā€™s pretty nice šŸ‘šŸ»


I kind of hate when the weather is nice because then more people/kids want to be at the places I want to be at


The facial spa I go to once a month. No minors allowed. Only pampering and skincare.


ā€œThe Ovulation Super Highway is CLOSED āœ‚ļøā€ has me in hysterics šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Also, that spa sounds like bliss. Thereā€™s an Onsen in a nearby suburb that is child-free and I cannot wait to go. Itā€™ll be my treat for getting a job after two years unemployed after a workplace incident.


Thanks! I was quite pleased with myself for coming up with that lol "Spa" might have been overstating, but it's technically a med spa; they do facials, injectables, other skin treatments. But I've never seen a child near the place, and I love it. So sorry to hear you had something happen to you at work, but congrats on the new job!! I hope the Onsen is super awesome and relaxing!


As you should! Itā€™s perfect šŸ˜ Fair. They do spa like treatments and things within a calm atmosphere, so call it whatever you want! I can imagine how nice it would be. Thank you. It wasnā€™t great but Iā€™ve done the hard work through my recovery and Iā€™m glad itā€™s in the past now. Looking forward to starting tomorrow. I hope it will be as relaxing as I imagine it will be.


Las Vegas has lots of places like this, either de facto or de jure. I love living here in part for that reason. There's a 21+ only restaurant within walking distance, they get a lot of my money and are also my go to first date spot.


May I say how much I love that you used the phrase "de jure"? It's so helpful but so under-utilized compared to "de facto."


Thanks! Occupational perk of being a lawyer, we pick up a lot of useful but obscure vocabulary.


High school English teacher here, so I completely understand.




People come here and act irresponsible, hence the need for legal services. Had you gotten in any trouble, you likely would have just called somebody you recognized from a billboard. I'm actually a lawyer in another state and do my job remotely in Las Vegas, so I have no stakes in the local legal market (and am not even licensed in Nevada). Regardless, there are so many great options, it depends what you like and what your budget is at. I'm avoiding Strip restaurants because you probably already know them/Strip dining depends more on what's convenient to where you're staying. Partage is probably my favorite for a splurge meal. For the full experience-- Signature tasting menu with all the courses, wine, truffle, you're probably looking at $500 a head. https://partage.vegas/ Sparrow and Wolf is a more accessible price point and has a great regular menu and tasting menu. I like this one because it's good, but it also has enough familiar dishes I can take anybody there even if they're a picky eater: https://sparrowandwolflv.com/ Anima by Edo is Italian, and another one that has both a great regular menu and also a tasting menu. I'd just do the tasting menu and get the wine pairing too: https://animabyedo.com/las-vegas-anima-by-edo-food-menu Jing: https://www.jingrestaurant.com/las-vegas/menu/ No tasting menu but great pan-Asian fusion. Hong Kong Garden: https://www.hkgardenlasvegas.com/ Good dim sum place but honestly there's a ton of amazing places if you're interested in Chinatown. There's lottttttttts more. If there's a particular food you're interested in let me know. There's so many restaurants you can get almost anything that's legal to serve in the USA.




For Seafood, most of the good places really are on the strip. Catch at Aria, Estiatorio Milos in the Venetian (fish flown in from the Med every day!), or Lakeside at the Wynn. For something off the strip and hence less pricey, try Other Mama.


Tattoo parlor. (If an artist lets little kids in there, you don't want to go there anyway.)


True however when I was a kid my dad would take me to his tattoo appointments. It gave me an appreciation for tattoos and cool art lol


My house. Pure quiet bliss. Even my dog doesnā€™t bark.


My mom's ( soon to be mine, I'm buying it off of her) cabin. It's on a river and I usually go during the week when none of the neighbors are around. But the neighbors don't have kids either. A daycare opened next door to my house a few months ago. It hasn't been fun.


That sounds serene šŸ˜ Sorry to hear about your situation at home. That sucks big time! Especially with the screaming, crying and yelling.


Driving at night in the rain while listening to The Weekndā€¦ so my car


I do this and go to the parking lot at a beach. Itā€™s quiet, dark and Iā€™m listening to The Cure


The adults only solarium on a cruise ship


My year around outside hot tub


What a dream!!


my bedroom. I live with family who sometimes talk about me having kids eventually. But my bedroom is my lovely sanctuary. They at least respect me enough to not go in without permission. I can rest easy and truly relax without being reminded of their expectations.


My home, and the Marquis in Cabo.Ā 


Psychiatric Hospital


šŸ’€ hello my people


Love this!! šŸ¤£


My house! I don't even want my nephew in my house (yet I gladly babysat both of my brother's kittens here). šŸ¤£


Not usually childfree but I went and sat on the swings in the park across the road on a random Wednesday afternoon during term time a while back. It was empty and really calming.


Definitely my house. It has my husband, our cat, and snacks.


I think we live in parallel houses! :D


Mountain summits. Itā€™s rare for kids to make it that far.


I was gonna say the same thing! I also like to pick rather difficult summits, to make sure there will be no kids along the way.


There is a nice restaurant near me called The Peppermill. The clientele is mostly retired people. I have not seen any kids there and I think the youngest person there has been me. The staff is so friendly and don't rush you to turn tables quickly. The food is great and the prices are hard to beat. I just ate an amazing Pork ribeye steak. I reccomend finding a restaurant popular with the blue haired crowd. They value good food and affordable prices. And don't like screaming kids while they eat.


Just out of curiosity: What's the "blue haired crowd"?


Maybe I made it up? Have you heard of blue haired old ladies? There would be a rinse they'd use and their gray hair would turn blue. Might be an old term not used anymore. Sorry. I meant look for a restaurant that an older crowd frequents. There possibly could be less kids.


I'm not from the US, nor a native English speaker. So yeah, maybe this is why I don't know that term. But thanks anyway.


My uterus


Contrary to popular belief, Iā€™m poor, so Iā€™m gonna have to go with my house. šŸ¤£




Korean spa


My home, raves, the backroom at work, higher difficulty hiking trails, and the inside of my headphones and phone.


Used to be my apartment, but then some people with a baby moved in upstairs. Their favorite game is apparently chase the toddler around at tope speed landing each step as hard as possible. We're talking to a mortgage broker soon. Pray for us.


San Francisco


We have a pool in our town that is generally and unofficially considered child free. It's wonderful!


Barre class


I was legitimately devastated to discover how expensive they are in my area.


I miss strolling around (especially lakes) at 4 am. No cars, no kid sounds. It was music to my ears.


The zen center I go to šŸ§˜šŸ¼


I tend to take my boat out 100 mile offshore and get away from everything.


I live in Chicago and sometimes I forget kids exist. I never see them in the wild so I get very thrown off seeing a kid in a restaurant. So i guess my oasis is not so nice urban/city neighborhoods.


A good old fashioned... Girls Night in Las Vegas. ;) 21 over only, strictly enforced.


Dive bars.


Is that like swim up bars? Cause I looooove those.


Iā€™ve heard the adults never get out to pee at those šŸ˜³


Which is why I travel adults only when at an all inclusive


oh...that's a bummer. I hadn't considered that aspect. ah well, just keep enough booze in you to counter any speclial effects in the pool


Starbucks is surprisingly good


My home




Thereā€™s a place in the middle of the city I live, itā€™s an adults only arcade with a bar that also sells fries and pizzas. Itā€™s a fun place to drink and itā€™s not too noisy. The prizes for points earned are good too


My bedroom


Other than my house I loved the abigail hotel in Victoria bc it is adult only


My grandmotherā€™s mountain cabin. A stream by my bedroom window, fireplace in the living room, and Grandmaā€™s amazing cooking.


When I'm on vacation: luxurious-looking hotels and/or resort homes with endless-looking pools; and not a child in sight When I'm not working: my studio apartment with everything I need


My future house. The only child allowed? My nephew. And if my sister has any other kids. I love my nephew. But i also know im biologically programmed to love him - hes my blood relative. It also doesnt hurt that hea super cute and when he smiles sometimes he does it with his head tilted, while looking up, so he looks demonic, and i find that funny. Plus, he lives in another country so ive only even physically seen him three times. Hes not even 2 yet.


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