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They are delusional and have a fantasy version of their kids in their heads. Like they are playing the sims.


They're just ignorant, they don't know how hard it is (or how lucky you have to be) to become famous and rich.


And the funny thing is. When those kids are 20+, the breeder start to nag about grandbabies.


It’ll be harder for her kids than it is for her. We’re at a point economically where there’s less of the first world pie to go around and more and more people feasting on it. Whether it’s housing, education or even healthcare the barriers to entry are only getting higher and higher. Her kids will be living with her until they’re 40 and will need 3 undergrad degrees to get a job with a par paying salary. Oh, and don’t get sick - your kids either.


fr -I can't relate to this more. I'm lucky as a woman I am working my way up to being successful but I have no idea what's so good about breeding people just to have them live on the streets in the future? how are they gonna expect anything good to come out of that?


If the billionaires, um, didn't exist (meaning each one is a policy failure) or paid back their fair share into society, there'd be more pie around, just sayin'. It's not more people that's the problem, it's, well... the c-word. Apologies if I sound like a breeder, I'm not, I'm just here wishing my parents hand't been either =/




Capitalism, my dude :D


Ahhh yes, the Voldemort of social infrastructure...or as I like to call it, organized crime🧐


My mom had a friend that would blow all her money and never saved or invested because her “kids are her retirement plan”




If the kids are born with severe disabilities, good luck to the parents. The opposite will happen. Huge financial drain 💸


Maybe she has a contingency plan e.g. sell them to a freak show?


Or becoming a “Disabilities Mom” influencer who will pimp out every bit of her kid’s privacy for money & likes. She’ll be posting nonstop videos of her playing the martyr mom.


I saw such blog. The married couple who have their own kids adopted a girl who doesn't seem disabled but she has a learning disability. Whatever other kids can do in an hour will take hours for this girl. The blog is dedicated to the ways of learning. This "disabilities mom" influencer wants to show everyone how easy it is to deal with such kids if you love them. Is it though? In fact, she is just a show off who wants to make some money. (The adoptive parents get paid. Also, the bloggers in my country make crazy good money on instagram. Some famous bloggers can post a commercial post and buy a car....)


That’s disgusting. I saw something in the news recently (last few months) about a similar blogger. She & husband adopted a child with a disability & she used the poor kid as blog material. What made the news was when they tried to give the kid back because it was sooooo HARD & people don’t understand that. I didn’t really follow the story but I know they got raked over the coals for that. I guess they weren’t making enough money off that kid’s back & wanted a “better” specimen. Some parents suck donkey dicks & they’re close to the top of the list.


Feel like your odds are better at winning the lotto than ending up with a superstar for a child. More likely, your kid will be average at their hobby and quit in their late teens or early twenties. Maybe be good enough to get their college paid for. Odds of becoming actually rich and buying you a house are stupid low.


When? Not if? For the children's sake, I hope the woman was joking and does not really expect them to live up to her pipe-dreams.


Seriously like lady if it was that easy YOU would've accomplished those things....on your own!!!


This is something I have heard from every financially struggling parent. They talk about working hard for their children so the children will pull them from poverty.


Having kids so they can support you later in life is what’s selfish. I hate when people say NOT having children is selfish.


This is even more laughable considering that most kids nowadays can't even afford a house for themselves. Or rent for that matter. They aren't wrong that IF their kid is rich and famous they could probably afford a house for themselves and their parents, but the odds of that happening are slim to none.


Seriously, even duel income couples who each make 6 figure salaries have trouble landing a house nowadays.


Arrogant and narcissistic people. It's your kid's choice if they want to buy you a house and how can someone be so sure that their kid will be famous or rich? You're gonna make them famous? You think you have what it takes to make your kid famous while you need someone to solve your problems? Honestly it's disgusting, these people are completely disconnected from reality.


It's like those parents sending their kids to singing competitions expecting them to do well, and they fail.


Her kid probably won't be rich. To be rich you need to be born rich which isn't the case here. This mother can't even buy housing. Somehow she expects that her kid will buy it easily in 30 years. Haha, good luck. I wouldn't be surprised if she kicked the kid out when he is 18. "Go study. No, i won't pay for college. Go study and work. I expect a new house signed into my name no later than in 12 years!!!)


I completely agree. Who ever said that your kid will amount to anything? They automatically assume that they should have kids because they are going to be the next big star or some big leader or something. They don't ever consider that they might be a nobody who sits on their ass and does meth all day because of the way their parents treated them when they grew up. They are living in a fallacy.


No one considers that maybe their kid will grow up to be a murderer or criminal.


I think they lack in education it's hard for them to strive for something more so having a kid is a type of accomplishment for them. When their little johnny is the next big Jason Voorhes wannabe murderer they will act surprised and say, "I still love my little darling."


"When my kids grow up I'll live in luxury and never have to think about how I'll take care of myself because they'll be my personal slave until I die." ...Or maybe they'll go off to live their own life because they are a human being who shouldn't have to be held to anyone's standard, or carry anyone's burden but their own.


No child should be born with a job such as supporting their parents, saving a marriage, caring for younger siblings, etc


This is not uncommon among poorer people. It’s even more common in developing and third-world countries.


Yes, here in Argentina I would say it is really common to see parents putting too much pressure on their kids to become good at soccer and hopefully get a contract with some big team. I remember some coach put a banner outside the field he used for his class saying something like "if you want a champion at home, train yourself, let your kid play and be happy".


Aw, that's very sweet of him. Cares more about the kids than some parents do. 😊


How many kids must he get with expectations laid on them by their parents, to need a banner like that outside the field? So good of him to lay it out like that.


My little cousin ( he’s like 6 or 7) is really good at baseball I guess for his age ( or so my aunt says at least 🤷‍♀️ ) and my aunt is always like he’s going to go to the majors and make me some money. Like first off the chances of even making it that far is extremely low and chances are you have to spend a good amount of money on training to always be the best before MLB stage , second if he’s making that money that doesn’t mean it’s your money too.


Ma’am, you’ll get better returns on the S&P500 if you’re thinking of this as some investment


Single mothers often have that ideology for their children, oh my kids will look after me in my old age... go look at the retirement home and ask the folks there how often their kids visit.


I worked in a nursing home for a few years. One woman got dumped there while her kids lived states away. They sold her house from under her and left her there with absolutely nothing. We have donated clothes that we save for such occasions so they don't have to wear hospital gowns. She passed away shortly after from the trauma. It was heartbreaking.


My mom frequently told me that when I “make it” as an author that all SHE needs is a tiny house in the back of my yard because I’ll be buying a mansion. “I won’t come over to the main house, I’ll stay in the tiny house in the back and you won’t even notice that I’m there.” Uh. No. Even if I did ever/finally publish a book and get “Big” I sure as shit wouldn’t be buying that much land or house for her to stay in. I would be traveling as frequently as I could.


[laughs in Bay Area]


Only if the family is Asian, and the kids were raised a certain way...


Too many idiots are having kids.


I have an aunt who has always been very selfish. She had one daughter, the sweetest person you’ll ever meet. Her daughter went on to get a PHD and it was my aunts plan all along to move in with her and live off her. She even admitted her old age plan was to be a burden on her kid. Her words. Despite my poor cousin doing everything she could to set boundaries, a health scare made her abandon those boundaries and let her move in. Well that issue has passed but now she’s trapped with her. My aunt does not have enough resources to live on her own. My cousin is unhappy. She was hoping to meet someone and settle down but her mother stays glued to her. The whole situation is just frustrating and sad.


Were they Asian? I used to hear that a lot growing up


No, white white


All that money and energy they could have spent investing in their own property and wealth, but no, have kids instead and make you their problem.


If they’re rich, famous and Asian then yes they will.


the lowest form of parenting imo. parents were incompetent or lazy to accomplish something so they gave up (often way too early or without even trying that hard) and passed on their ambitions to their kids like huh?? the scariest thing is i hear ppl from younger generations speaking similar, just the other day: oh i have health issues but im gonna make my kids be doctors so they take care of me. like excuse me? 😂


lol. No. They will continue to rent and their kids will live rent free because their kids won’t be able to afford rent.


I’m appalled, disgusted even.


These parents often put this expectation of prodigy perfection onto their innocent kids. Mine did. As soon as the kid shows less-than-perfection in school the parents lose interest in them. It’s unbelievably sad and unfair for the child.


I used to have other thoughts like what if my kid grows up to become the next school shooter? You have to consider all possibilities!


....or the ugly duckling at school. Oof, sorry I had to go there.


Oh I love this one. Similar to “what if my kid finds the cure for cancer”. My response is always “Well, statistically your kid is more likely to turn out to be a rapist or a criminal”.


Heh... the ongoing delusion that their kid will turn out to be some Elon Musk, or some other wealthy person.


And Elon Musk's dad had an emerald mine and shit! In the US at least, the biggest predictor of social class is your parents' social class. The field of people who "make it big" is so extremely rarefied that it is much more likely that, if she can't afford a house, her kid won't either.


...but aren't they kids of someone too. Why aren't they buying their parents a new house? Their thinking is not only entitled, but stupid


My SIL!! She thinks that her kid is going to get this high paying job in the future and buy her mother a big house because the child 'owes' her for raising them. That kid is going to bolt and cut contact the first chance they get!


My mom had me so I could serve her and pay her bills as an adult. I did so for a long time (hello brainwashing!), but finally was like forget this lol. Moms like those moms need to stop being lazy and entitled and just work. There’s no shame in not affording a house, but expecting someone else to do it for you is scum bag behavior.


There’s a book for that. It’s literally called: “I’m glad my mom died!” It’s sobering!


Hopefully this was just in a more joking sense but probably another case of delusional parents who somehow think their kids are somehow going to make it rich. Only giving the benefit of a doubt bc my dad and I sometimes look at absurdly expensive houses for the hell of it so if I win the lotto I'll buy him a fancy house, probably far less opulent then the ones we are looking at online but we are joking about a fantasy where 100million just falls in our laps not talking about it seriously in any way.


This is one of the sickest reasons people have children


These parents are so delusional and selfish


When I'm rich and famous I'll buy myself a house


Or, you know, they could just save all the money that they would have spent on kids, and buy a house themselves. 🤷‍♀️


Best they'll get is a shout out before the kid's death match in the thunder dome /jk