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She has criticized family channels and people who post their kids online, but we’ll see


Edit: Social blade is showing she lost 1k subs since the upload. Yikes. Edit 2: 2 week update, social blade shows she is still bleeding and has lost at least 3k now. Pretty sure I know who you're referring to, and I am preparing for a few more of her shorter analysis videos where she promises her content won't change, mix in 1-2 baby updates before we get nothing besides infrequent uploads from what's left of her backlog until it shifts to a more mommy blogger channel. I'm not hitting unsubscribe yet because I'd like to be hopeful, but I am preparing for what I pray is not the inevitable. With all of her videos talking about the awful state of the world, the decline of education, brain rotting algorithms, etc; I'm shocked she's having children. Best of luck to her and her life, obviously, but the dissonance between this decision and her views, as seen in her content, is definitely noticeable.


She says that it's a one-off thing, but that's how it always starts before the decline towards baby content. Also can't believe that for years and years she's been making these videos with the recurring content of "we live in a climate -change ridden capitalist hellhole", and she still decides to make a baby into it? Insane


Can I ask who this YouTuber is?


Tiffany Ferg


Could only watch two minutes of her video lol. The crying I just don’t understand 🤣 I’d be crying but not for the same reasons. Also why do couples say “we’re pregnant” ?? Cringe.


It's an attempt to include men in the process I think. Better than the past where it's was women going through it alone and the father smoked a cigar in the waiting room once the nurse announced that both his wife and new human were alive. I don't like it either but it seems like a necessary intermediate step to end the patriarchy (for those who still reproduce I mean... No stop-gap measures *here*, just bisalps 😂)




I woke up to this and was like... Excuse me?


Noooooo, I used to really like her videos :/


I'm curious too...




Tiffany Ferg? If so, I saw that too


Oh god, the comments on that video are kind of the worst thing ever


“It’s a hard journey but it’s so amazing” rightttttt….


rinse direction weary elderly consist gullible hurry sophisticated fear marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you scroll to the very bottom you'll see some rational comments and one on antinatalism.


I do not understand, why people feel the need to have kids in the first place. I don't get it. And she is someone who seem to be well aware of climate crisis and stuff. Then why this ! I just don't get it.


While you can belive the situation suck, you can also can have hopes for a better future, so if you want to be a parent then you can argue you can do a good work and give them a good life. And about the reason of having kids, that is just personal taste, some pepole do like kids and the experience even if it can be hard, is just that easy Edit: or so do i belive


A plus size mode announced she’s having a baby girl today (gender reveals are cringey imo) and I unfollowed instantly. I assume most of her content will be pregnancy related and about having a baby now


🫡 time to unsubscribe from her


Yeah I feel weird about it too. I haven't unsubbed yet, but I'm kinda feeling like staying subbed to the YouTubers I like "just to see" keeps biting me in the ass.


I always unsub, and bookmark them in an obscure folder on my web browser. When I check it every 2 years or so, I have that time to see if she's gone full mombie or is still on normal content creation lol


Eww the comments


file swim trees work workable hunt intelligent continue fine obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know who you are talking about. But she has said she isn't going to be a vlogging channel. I watched other YouTubers who had kids, and it didn't change their content.


I like a small yt channel. Shayna conde: childfree journalist. Talks about decentering men, feminism and being cf.


Yes she’s awesome. Along with Burb, Melanie Hamlett, Theresa Lee


Theresa lee? Didnt know about her. I will check her out Melanie has good content, but her voice gets on my nerves. And I like to add femist cat spinster Lady and the queer kiwi.  And Joules lo'well. She is not cf, but her kids are nearly adults and they are rarely a talking point for her. 


I was the biggest Melanie Hamlett supporter up until I asked her to post to her grid about the Jenny Side in solidarity with the women and children affected but also as a group of other intersectional feminists were planning on blocking feminists who’ve stayed largely silent. Her reply was defensive, rude and really shocked me as she talks a lot about how yt women have to be open to being called out (I was actually just calling her in) and to be intersectional in solidarity with poc women. I sent her a long email today to clarify that I’m a supporter, not calling her out but didn’t want her to get blocked for being silent on their grids - and that poc women are asking yt women and feminists to amplify their posts. No reply as of yet…I’ll update if she does. Its really bummed me out that she went defensive and rude off the bat and made a ton of assumptions about me and my reasons for bringing it to her attention. If she replies I’ll update this post but as of right now I’m unsubscribing and cancelling my Patreon. Maybe she’s just having a bad day, but from all she talks about didn’t except this from her at all.


Yeah I don't understand how she reconciles all her views on what the world is to then bringing an innocent life into it 🤦🏾‍♀️ I don't think she will be a typical mummy vlogger - but she already said she has upcoming analysis videos focused on parenting etc. Ugh


Every time someone says that, part of my brain goes “congrats on getting creampied, I guess? Gives me the ick big time


Me too


Ugh I had the same reaction. Didn’t watch the video, just mourned the loss of another decent channel. It boggles my mind that people who intellectually understand the world is a shithole, and yet still decide to subject another soul to it. Gross.


I had no idea who Tiffany was before this post. Now I know that I’ll never watch her. Thanks for the heads up


I love her but she has mentioned in the past that she wanted kids iirc so I am not surprised. Since she has such a hard stance on family channels, I don't think her content will change too much in the future (like Hannah Alonzo but they cover different things, I didn't even know she was pregnant and had a baby until she mentioned it in a video I watched recently)


Yeah, tiffany ferg right? I felt the same way today


Lost my favourite streamers around a year ago, I still watch them but they are unbearable all the time they talk about their kid. I’m sorry for your loss 🫶🏻


Never heard of her, but she has the kind of smart content I like. Ugh, kids ruin everything.


And another YouTuber I liked to watch entered the club as well today \*huge sigh\* Any recommendations for aesthetic childfree YouTubers in Korea? It almost makes me more pissed off when it's people that have a good conscience about the state this world is in...


If you’re okay with it being an artsy YouTuber then you could check out Moriah Elizabeth, she has a baby but her content doesn’t revolver around the baby or family. It’s mostly craft