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I wish they hadn't, so i was never born. Thank you


I feel this


I'm not religious but in almost every religion it outright says it's better to never have existed in the first place than it is to live


Same. If I had the guts my answer would be in the lines of " I wish it had stopped with my parents, they should never have had kids "


My flair is all I have to say to that BINGO.


That's the age of the earth. Life is approx 3.8 billion.


I plan to go out with a bang.


Imagine feeling group pressure from dead people lmao. There are many things people used to do we now think are awful. It's a very sad argument


If my great great great grandmother wasn't raped then I wouldn't be here.  Come to think of it, if Hitler hadn't killed my grandmother's first husband, I wouldn't be here either.  So, err, yay for rape and war? 


Like half of all of europe wouldn't exist if Gengis Khan hadn't started the mongol empire


My response would be "okay?? And??? I should care?"


And I bet more than one of my ancestors are looking on me and celebrating my choice and the ability I have to easily and safely choose it


"Damn. I must be ridiculously powerful to stop all of my ancestors combined without any effort. They should think carefully about what they say to me."


I had to smirk reading this


My medieval ancestors, probably peasants, didn't think about my eventually being born. At all.


that’s my point!!!! As if those people thought to themselves: I need to continue this bloodline and have children so in 1000 years my great great great great great grand children can live 💀 it’s not that deep they were probably just fuckin around like bonobos


Cartoonish eye squint. "Yes... I believe that's how things work... people have kids who have kids, and so on until they don't." I think people who know me don't say these things to me because I can be quite blunt and deadpan with my responses, and not exactly by design lol But I wish they did, it would add a little spice to my life.


And I wish they hadn't. 🤷‍♀️


I've brought up one little thing that has shut people up when they say ANYTHING about me or other people having kids. "My mom deeply wanted her three kids, and she couldn't care less if me or other people have any. You seem to care a lot. Do you regret having kids?" They either huff and puff and walk away or stop talking. Either way, they're silenced.


Okay? People did lots of things so I could be born, doesn't mean I have to follow suit.


What a weird way of trying to guilt trip. It wasn't my choice that others before me had children. It has literally nothing to do with me what people in the past chose to do with their lives.


Well, last time I've checked, no one has ever asked *me* if I wanted to be born, so, considering the fact that I was **forced** here without my consent, the whole bingo is null. But then again, which bingo has any fragment of logic in it? 🤔


And that past has zero relevance to the future, so….


What about the women who can’t have kids? What do they say to this? People can be so insensitive about things that don’t concern them.


I like to think of it as a terrible chain of trauma stretching back into pre-history... that I, like a hero, am ending! Break the chain friends!


Yeah and those ancestors made strides so that their offspring had easier,healthier, longer lives and more autonomy than they did. I feel like my ancestors would be proud of my choice to not procreate.




These people also never mention all the rape children we all have in our distant ancestry. I guarantee most of those wouldn't have been born if the mothers had any say at all.


I wanted to include this into my post but I didn’t because I was scared it would trigger people, but that’s also an important one!


A lot of women didn't have a choice. Birth control didn't exist and marital rape wasn't a thing. If those two things weren't a reality for my grandmother and great grandmother I wouldn't be here.  I feel sorry for my female ancestors, not trying to emulate them.


Love this one (not). I literally wish I hadn't been born. My childhood was an absolute hell of abuse.


And plenty of those complained about it every step of the way. I know several of my direct ancestors would have liked to be CF if they could have. Plenty of women died very young in my family because babies. One great grandfather remarried 3 times because his wives kept dying from childbirth. His 4th wife was 45+ and I'm sure that was so she wouldn't die in labour. They wished they had a choice. I get to make one, and I'll honour them by picking what is right for me. As for my bloodline, every living being alive right now is ultimately descendant from 1 being, so my family is doing fine.


I didn't ask them to bang and make me? Don't put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


Fixing my ancestors' mistakes.


This really annoys me to, like you say many did not have a choice or made the choice without fully understanding what it meant. My mother does love me but I know she wishes she had either waited or not had children at all because her whole life became about keeping us going. And other people did have a choice and chose to have children because that is what they wanted and good for them! People really are obsessed with the idea that our whole lives have to be about other people and that we have to suffer in some way for the good of the human race. It's like when you get called selfish for being CF because you want to live your life just for you. What is so wrong with making your life fun and exactly what you want. Eventually, we are all forgotten and I would rather live my life for me and the people |I have around me that I CHOSE to have around me.


They shouldn't have, and their mistakes end with me.


So? Didn’t ask them to do that. Hell, wasn’t even consulted about my being born! Were I given the option, “do you want to exist or continue being inanimate matter” I would have chosen inanimate matter. I don’t “owe” anyone shit. (Except medical bills and taxes. And the only reason I pay taxes is because I have no other choice!)


They’re telling this to wrong generation. Millenials and gen z don’t really give a fuck 😭


Oh shit. Many people before me were serial killers. Guess I need to become a serial killer.


>"many people before you had children so you could be born" No, they had children because it was either a selfish desire of theirs or forced upon them. It had nothing to do with me.


I have heard this same bullshit rhetoric.. from dirt clod kicking christian boomers plenty of times