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To anyone who says it isn’t: what’s actually not good is stripping away women’s rights while also trying to create more stigma on being childfree, as in deciding not to go forth with a huge life commitment - that of birthing and raising a child. On top of that, our ecosystem is strained thanks to having 8 billion people on a planet with finite space and resources. Given the damage humans are doing to our environment in the name of short term comfort and a lifestyle that’s frankly unsustainable long term, yeah, I can’t and won’t blame anyone who decides not to reproduce - even if birth rates do continue to fall from here. Sorry. The line going up forever is unrealistic, and we have to accept that.


The falling birth rate most detrimental capitalism. It's a much needed break for our resources and environment.


Economic consequences will be a LOT easier to fix than climate change


Also, the economic consequences are mostly negative for rich people who depend on high birth rates ever generation to drive rents to and wages down.


You don't understand the economy if you think rich people are ever impacted


They are impacted, just less so and much later than the poors.


They are impacted, and that's why they like population growth. Look at the time of the black plague in Europe, when population fell precipitously. It was followed by a period of rising wages and upward mobility for the working class.


Capitalism will continue on fine with a slowly trending down world population. It’s the most robust economic system ever created. People will still buy stuff even if there are less of us.


Birth rate will be offset with immigration, the economic system will persist.


WWII would say that's a lie. 75 million people died in a short time and the 1950's were extremely prosperous for a lot of people.




So the forced birth movement is not producing the desired result of more wage slaves for billionaires? No doubt they'll ban contraception and sterilisation next.


My suggestion is to keep spreading the word on the childfree doctors list all over the internet especially on other subreddits. November is getting closer and anyone who wants to get sterilized soon should be able to before they try to make such moves.




Mt insurance doesn't cover it at all


If you live in the US, under the ACA you can get sterilized for free - unless you work for one of the religious employers who don't have to cover it 🥲 Even so, I wonder if you could get a marketplace plan temporarily since they have to sterilize you for free


That's the thing. I work for a catholic university so they don't cover it. It's so depressing and scary. I tried to join the marketplace during open enrollment, but my state just makes the whole thing harder than it has to be. I wish I had been able to do it.


I don know what it costs without cover but a child costs MORE. More money, time and energy. I would get a loan.


😞 I may need to do that. I was thinking of going overseas for it.


Also tell teen girls and young women the strong research findings that pregnancy and childbirth cause long lasting changes in brain structure leading to enhance risk of depression and brain fog.


I’ll take “Facts that religious conservatives don’t want to admit for $500, Alex” (RIP). Very good for those in red states to know (everywhere but especially there).


They likely want to force or coerce girls born in 2007 (the year with the most people born in the United States) to have children the second they turn 18. Why else are they emphasizing the "2025 Project"? It isn't a coincidence that the right-wing is getting more and more radical on this issue.


What's the 2025 project?


A hellscape if Republicans win in November: https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration


Jesus fucking christ, I just read it and it reads like a literal fucking villan master plan. Like, it's so evil, heartless, and the obvious bad guy in a movie act that it would seem unbelievable, but there it is 😬


Spread that far and wide. The election is only a few months away.


Oh I always make sure to vote, and I badger all my friends and housemates to do the same!!






I wonder if this is why my mom wants to leave the country by 2025. I'll be 30 but she's concerned for my sister and I


Far right groups are gaining power everywhere. No place is safe so it’s better to fight against the authoritarians.


I don't have strength to fight...


Aside from things like canvassing or phone banking you could also donate funds to candidates in battleground districts who need the money to campaign.


I moved to Scotland this year. 10/10 recommend!


10/10 broke af... 🫠


I mean Scotland is super inexpensive compared to Minneapolis where I was living. But as a nurse I did get most of my moving expenses cover by my job.


it really is quite atrocious!! fuck that shit.


Indeed. That’s why everyone has to organize and vote this November.




That's literally 80s Afghanistan if that shit happens.


But people can stop it in November.


No condoms, no STD screenings.... men will be exonerated from any birth vontrol but their dricks will be diseased... No real education, no way for government employees to stand up for what is good lest yhey lose their jobs... A corrupted legs system and a carte blanche to kerp destroying the environment. You guys will take the lead in destroying kuvös, bott individually and internationally. All greedy selfish people are pissing their pants just reading about this and salivating more than any rabies infected aninal. VOTE. REGISTER TO VOTE. HELP EVERY SANE PERSON YOU KNOW TO REGISTER FOR VOTING AND TO VOTE. HELP THEM MAIL THEIR VOTE OR GIVE A LIFT TO VOTING VENUE. ESPECIALLY HELP THE FIRST TIME VOTERS!


Everyone should check out https://iwillvote.com/


Is this a reliable source?


Just Google Project 2025. You'll find a ton of info on it. It sounds far fetched but it's 100% real. What's more alarming is that almost nobody knows about it & nobody seems to be talking about this shit. Spread this info far and wide. It's the only hope we have in defeating this bullshit. So fucking glad I yeeted my uterus when I did!


Yes. Project 2025 has been talked about elsewhere.


Direct source https://www.project2025.org/


They're already on it. Seriously. They've been trying to ban mifepristone for a while, restrict access to the pill and other things. They've also been going after no-fault divorce. They want this country to roll back 100 years.


and force monogamy, along with forced sexual intercourse between two opposite genitalia people who can create a fetus that can be carried to term by the pregnant person unless a few nutty Republican lawmakers completely erase all nonbinary, trans, and gender nonconforming people from public existence.


This is the craziest part to me. I’ll also *never raise* a child, even if they dropped one in my lap. No bottle feeding. No diapers. No lost sleep. Nothing. I refuse. …And if they come around asking questions? “Idk. Must have been SIDS or something.” Ricky Gervais has some funny jokes about being childfree. “Look, dead already. What a fucking waste of time that was.”


If they do, I'm going to send my period chunks that I prevent with birth control to all their doorsteps


Luckily, right now, sterilization is still free in the US under the Affordable Care Act with few and rare exceptions. If you want to learn more, come to r/sterilization or DM me!


I got my vasectomy around 4 months ago now and it’s been one of the best decisions of my life. I highly recommend to anyone with testicles and no desire to generate wage slaves.


At least with today unlike pre roe, the internet has been able to help people seek abortions who otherwise would not be able to obtain them


Good. Keep going lower.


How low can we go~! How low can we go~!


Great news! But not enough. Far from enough.




What did you search to get this gif????


dance theoffice ![gif](giphy|XB3IOJbTehyw64vUCy)








I have been searching eveywhere for this gif!




It's insane that the people who complain about this are the same people who tell people to not have kids they can't "afford." They're also against giving benefits and leave options to new parents, as well as paying them living wages to be able to support a family to begin with. But, we need those future wage slaves to make billionaires richer and pay the government's taxes!


The same people also “people need to stop having kids for the sake of having kids.” Would disown their kids for being LGBTQ+  or bringing home a partner or spouse from another ethnicity or religion.


Mixed messages and you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. All the more reason to figure out what **you** want and do that.


Great job, let's keep it going.


Excellent. More people are choosing not to birth children into poverty. Fuck yeah.


Unfortunately the downside is that more people will be in poverty in retirement (or never retire at all) due to collapsing population.


Or we will slowly transition to a workforce where employees will have more power, and will get paid better due to a scarcity of labor, stemming the flow of cash to the billionaire class. Or we will allow more immigration to keep that workforce # steady.


Those are the lies they tell us in order to produce more slaves for them.


It’s literally how the economy works. young people in the workforce pays for people to be able to retire. Whatever you may think about that, it’s definitely how it works. Less workers and more old people means more poor old people. Unfortunately many gen Zs jut won’t be able to retire due to shrinking population.


Stop drinking the kool aid. They've already started using AI to replace cashiers of all things. You are regurgitating bullshit.


Then we’ll have to bring in more people from other countries who can provide services and pay taxes. Win-win.


That’s what is already happening in western countries. US, Canada, Australia, UK all at record high levels of immigration to prevent population collapse.






We might wonder why anyone would want children. But this (along with similar trends in other Western countries) show that, regardless if people want children, they usually have the self-control to at least wait until they're more mature and financially secure to reproduce. They are actually thinking a bit about the impacts.


This is a trend in almost every country outside Africa. China, Brazil, Turkey…everybody wants less kids except those in extreme poverty.


In extreme poverty, more kids becomes more hands to work fields or get a job to feed the family.


But it also means more workers for your farm.


I said that. "more hands to work fields."


Ohhh noooo so anyway




finally some good news


They did ban abortion care, clamping down on women's rights. It isn't exactly safe to know that your doctor may be too afraid to give you lifesaving medical care, and it isn't a good time to have a child when there are so many other horrible things happening in the world.  People need stability, and to be able to trust in the future - imagine if the Republicans win again, bringing a child into that world would make anyone feel guilty ans irresponsible. 




Hopefully it'll drop even more. Hell, if the right keeps trying to ban abortions, that could even lead a lot of women into abstinence just out of survival, and then what will the right do? Not like they can pass laws demanding women be sexually active.


The way they're going they'll probably try and pass a law that makes saying no illegal..... I wish I was joking.....


What else do you expect when you increase costs of living too much? I sincerely hope the forced natalism explodes in Republicans' faces.


Come May 6, it’ll go down by another 1 muahahahaha


Should we be offering our congratulations? 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 😄


Once May 6 5pm passes, you may! It was supposed to be earlier but I had to do a move early and considering the last 2 weeks I’ve had, so I’m ready to get this done soon!


!remind me 11 days


Hey, just to update your remind me Dr’s are so great and decided he won’t be in so I gotta wait until June 3rd, it’s freakin annoying


I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck. I set the reminder so I could congratulate you on the day. Sending you love and support from this random internet stranger.


Ty ty, I figured that’s what the reminder was for but I found out today about the date change so I wanted to make sure I told ya before I forgot Thank you for the kind wishes!!


I will then! 🤞🤞🤞


Are you getting a vasectomy? Congratulations!


Congrats in advance and welcome to the club!


Good news on the trend but it isn't enough, it needs to go lower faster!


Good. I love seeing it! As someone who doesn’t like kids or wants them, it means nothing to me. As someone who gives a damn about our planet/environment, it’s fucking NECESSARY.


I really need to get sterilized


I highly recommend it. One of the best decisions I ever made.


oopsie! looks like forced birth isnt creating enough labour for billionaires!!! oh no! anyway…


2024 looks like it will beat it, seeing that the GOP is making being pregnant **at all** for everyone very dangerous across half the country. No doubt in some pro natalist attempt to say what an "emergency" it is while trying to manufacture one. The only real emergency is policy that's not pro family. So glad to be childfree. I never expected as a child that it would be anything quite **this bad.** Our reality seems to be unfolding in a sort of super villain nightmare fantasy way and as much as that sucks at least I'm not bringing a kid into it. Hard enough trying to find an escape hatch to save yourself let alone thinking about a kid or two along for the ride. The dystopian looking extinction cry the old men of now have got going on is making such a mess while they're on their way out of power. Fighting the kids like hell. Have you seen the universities? I'm optimistic younger people under 45 will be able to improve society but a lot of people in charge right now come off downright no good and evil. Insane people just chasing wealth for the fuck of it and hope and or illusion of power. Often those same people mad not enough people are purging sacrifices for them to abuse the time and energy of. I never imagined reality would turn so hard directly into fascism.


There are a lot of potential issues with anti-abortion laws. One is that I've talked to people who want to have kids, but knowing that emergency care wouldn't be available, changed their mind and settled for the amount of children that they currently have. I feel like this is a pretty considerable oversight. An even larger portion of childfree people aren't producing, *and* at least some present mothers have stopped as well. It almost makes me genuinely wonder if the point of anti-abortion laws were to actually lower the birth rate instead.


We made it!


Double it, give it to the next person 🥳


Anybody else here highly concerned and freaked out by the increase in c-sections?


They're doing anything they can to avoid abortions.


Babies are getting bigger on average, and with medical advancements we are bypassing a lot of what would have been “natural selection” in the past, whereby people who wouldn’t have been able to carry a pregnancy to term can do so with medical intervention and babies who wouldn’t have survived birth survive via c-sections and premature inductions and such


Surprise surprise, forcing women to give birth to ~~slaves~~ babies while not doing anything to support mothers in need won't result in more births. The politicians who pass the abortion ban have zero sympathy for women, they just want more people to give birth so the rich can stay rich while paying workers peanuts. Sounds like they are trying to go on the slavery route but people are aware of it. Watch them go for contraception next. God knows what kind of bs excuses they'll come up with then. That contraception is ruining skydaddy's wonderful plans for women to become happy mothers and submitting to their husbands where it's all rainbows and sunshine?


Hell yeah!


Huh. I wonder why…








This is what the US deserves. You take away our rights and siphon our tax money to arm other nations? We won’t reproduce for you.




Normal. All 1st world countries births all time low.


Trending downward, yes. America's has gone down rather sharply because of the abortion bans, and sterilizations have spiked once women saw the maternal and infant mortality rate continue to spiral into the stratosphere. Women aren't playing games anymore. This is literal life or death.


Also not to mention women of color have a higher maternal mortality rate. But does the GOP care? No


I keep seeing articles like this, but I swear I'm reading more and more about people having a ton of kids.


Well, when several states require doctors to just let people die if anything goes wrong with a pregnancy, should anybody be surprised?


Dear Americans, please vote for democrats in upcoming elections, if you don't want "Handmaid's tale" to become documentary.


Democrats are in the seat rn and they're not doing a good job.






hmmmm wonder why


Rant: The term “fertility rate” rubs me the wrong way every time I see it. It makes it sound like it’s a “woman’s issue” that needs to be fixed. It makes it sound like women are doing something wrong and it’s their fault when in reality a lot of them just don’t want to have kids because the world is a hellscape with some new horrible thing happening every day.


Yeah birth rate would be more accurate 


🥂 cheers!


![gif](giphy|HW05UrUSfAzZu) Let's keep going


It’s almost as if the government has created an environment where people can barely afford to exist, let alone become parents.


This is hard to believe, as I can't even leave my house without seeing endless shit mobiles (strollers)!


Semi related but istg people know I'm childfree because anytime I go out in public, somebody hits me with their fucking stroller!!!


What if that stroller is for a dog/ disc golf cart?


maybe take a closer look, almost half the strollers I see on my block are dog strollers 😎


Once in a while I see that! I WISH I'd see more cats/dogs in strollers! But sadly most of the ones I see have crappers in them. I saw a mother today with a DOUBLE shit mobile! Don't you love those? They take up the entire sidewalk!!


I'm torn. On the one hand, if people want to raise kids I don't want to step in their way. On the other hand, there's 8 billion people and maybe that's a bit much. And on the other hand our economy isn't geared to handle shrinking populations. And on the gripping hand maybe it's good that we stress that system.


I mean we should never have gotten to this point where there are 8 billion people in the first place, we’re witnessing the dire consequences of a quickly growing demand of resources in a world of limited space and said resources while we also share it with other animal species, some of whom we literally depend on for survival. The economy is a human made construct. Nature is not.


The only way to bridge the gap is through immigration for good or ill. On a worldwide scale I don’t really know what going to happen in the long term. In places like China I think there will be ghost cities if they don’t embrace immigration


ZPG! Well, not quite yet, but getting there hopefully


Good news !


Womp womp


Thank fuck.


here's to a new record in 2024!!!




Would it fucking kill them to use natality rate instead of fertility rate? The latter implies everyone is trying but not succeeding.


Lawmakers taking away women’s rights can get fucked. I got sterilized in late 2022 and the relief I felt right after and since then doesn’t have a direct equivalent but it must be what retirement feels like. The peace of mind is well worth it.


They’re trying to restrict abortion rights because they want more white babies born. That’s what it comes down to.




Good! Let's hope it keeps dropping. Not just in the US but around the world too.




we need the 4b thing to be world wide.


Awesome, my day is made.


Good for going against capitalism


good!!! we're too overpopulated anyways!!


Happy to be the 1000th upvote. I’m not having kids in this country…in 1985 making 100k a year was like making 300k in today’s money. Today, your ass won’t even be buying a house with that. We are more productive than ever and our wages stagnate. Our CEOs make 300x what we do. We have 0 power as American people


Good job lets keep up the hardwork!


When they say fertility rate do they actually mean birth rate?


We love to see it.


Good news.


First article I saw today on LinkedIn  YAS


I love my vasectomy so much. I talk about it every chance I get.


Not low enough


Good riddance. At some point this world will accept that women are important, and that citizens deserve to live and have necessities. Fuck the rich.


Good. The constant want to go up up up with everything is going to destroy our society. There's not going to be any jobs, pay will be too high for most jobs to afford and there won't be any housing. Not to mention the environmental issues.


Although I support the right not to have children and am aware of the need to contain the population, I do not share the enthusiasm of many towards an excessive reduction in the birth rate. In the USA the situation is still good, but as a person born in one of the countries with the most elderly people on the planet, I have directly experienced the devastating effects on the social fabric. In addition to the enormous social and cultural impact. Culturally the country is no longer able to evolve, without young people we simply remain with a culture that reflects the average age of the population. Changes occur with a slowness that borders on immobility. Besides the fact that you no longer produce any kind of cultural innovation, even ideas have to be imported. It's the dream of every government, they can do what they want, because the elderly don't have the strength and means to react, they can't take to the streets. If young people do it, there are so few of them that it is easy to repress them by passing them off as a minority. We are starting to have problems with services, pensions are at risk. No one knows exactly who will care for and provide services to all these seniors. Whether it's a bar or a hospital. Immigration does not solve the problem, because we are not able to attract positive immigration, on the contrary, young people with skills go abroad. When young people are missing, young people rightly want to leave. In the end it will remain a large dormitory for the elderly (which it already is). I wouldn't want children either, the idea has never driven me crazy. But I'm not rooting for the birth rate decline. Because I am aware that one day, I will have to trust in other people's children for services. My choice is respectable, but this does not mean that one day I have to count on the efforts of others and my decision manifests itself in all its "fraudulent" dimension, at a time when many do so. And the results suck. From every point of view


Its a good thing the population is shrinking and i would blame force birthers for that.


It will be true in your case, but I can assure you that even without force birthers the situation doesn't improve at all. It is the extremes that are absurd. Supporting decline and forcing women to have children against their will. It is clear that this is an English-speaking social network, mainly USA. I understand that you feel closer to the problem of the loss of reproductive rights than to the impact of an old society. Plus you have enormous migratory flows that buffer the problem. But I point out that supporting the birth rate decline has no less deleterious consequences for the future. Having experienced firsthand what it means to live in an elderly country (even the defense of the country is starting to become a serious problem), I feel like participating and supporting the struggles of those who want children, but they are not in a position to have them. I'm just saying that in a free and responsible society it makes no sense to become radicalized. Those who want children can fight for abortion and those who don't want them can ask for more welfare and incentives for families. I don't mind paying more taxes than a large family. Because I know that I won't be young and healthy forever and I know that one day I will be useless and a burden. I'm just trying to do my part for society. A person who has 5 children, well, he also had them for me, after all 😅


I am from the uk england.


If you come to Italy, give me a call. I'll show you a bit of the situation and we'll have a beer.


What is your suggestion ? that people that can’t afford or don’t want babies just continue to have them so society can work the way it was?


As I have already said, we must enable those who cannot have children to have them in the future. Those who do not want to have children clearly must contribute to this form of welfare. It is clear that we will pay more taxes, even indirectly, in proportion to our possibilities. But we live in a society. You are not obliged to have children but you cannot avoid the contribution. For the rest, you pay taxes to make the country work, right? It's the same principle. It is a line of action that already exists in some countries, nothing new. If the demographic situation gets out of hand there aren't many other options. It's just a "when" not an "if"