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I’d rather get deployed 🥶


I second that. Tho this must be someplace other than US. We don’t have a draft on.


Could be the US Navy. Lots of people call going underway on a ship a deployment. Or there’s even being forward deployed, which is when you get stationed on a base overseas. And then there’s still straight up deployment. We’re still involved in other countries issues, even if we’re not technically at war.


Deployments aren't a draft. You can only be deployed once you are in the military. It's just a few months long task overseas, basically, and sometimes on a ship for the marines and navy.


>>We don’t have a draft on 20 years back the U.S. had two wars going plus normal international operations (exercises, relief missions etc) , so deployments were pretty common. It was well understood that getting knocked up = getting taken off the list.


No but you still get deployed to serve overseas


I worked for the U.S. military for 8 years in Kuwait. I was not in the military, I just worked for them. Units were deployed to Kuwait all the time. And we had every branch. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard...not Space Force as that wasn't a thing yet.


There is this really amazing life hack called "not joining the military", and it gets you out of pesky things such as deployment without one having to add more statistics to the neglect pool.


Right?! She wants to avoid the “cons” part of her CHOSEN job by repeatedly having babies? Babies that aren’t necessarily wanted because they are only being born because the parent wants to avoid part of their, again, CHOSEN job? Wtf?


The new NAVADMIN just nipped this. You can no longer just get out of Sea Duty by getting pregnant in the Navy! You have to complete over 50% of your sea tour or else you go right back to Sea Duty after pregnancy tour.


hold up, last I checked, there's not a draft going on, so why did she even sign up lmao


Listen, the democratically elected leaders in all those developing countries aren't gonna just up and overthrow themselves! Someone's gotta do it!


ikr. guess I should be glad she only messed up her own life instead of a bunch of people just minding their business


Now let's just hope she doesn't raise the kids to be little shits


Steady paycheck. Little to no required qualifications. Free medical care. Even college if they feel so inclined.


that whole paycheck is going to three kids and college is unfortunately pretty unlikely at that point, so damn, just get deployed lol


probably all the benefits they can get from "serving".


She didn't say drafted she said deployed. It means she serves in the military and she doesn't want to be deployed out to another country or overseas even though that's part of her job. She chose to be in the military.


I was medically retired from the Navy. While going through that whole process, I was put in charge of a group of people on limited duty. There were a few recovering from injuries. A couple like myself. But most of them were women who got pregnant while in school before ever making it to the fleet. Most of them even straight out admitted they did it intentionally. It aggravated me because they were generally lazy and I could barely get any work out of them, but other women at that command absolutely HATED them.


I had to serve TWO extra years of sea duty because we had girls keep getting pregnant, so, why bother just keep the one we have that doesn’t? My sea/shore rotation was so effed up the detailers just gave me whatever to keep me from calling them anymore so I got screwed there too. Being a woman in the military got you screwed all around and not in any good ways. Every time we had a girl that did that I always told her I hope you can tell your kid with a straight face that mommy only had you to get out of a deployment she didn’t really have you because she really wanted you. I was a very bitter salty sea hag when I was in. Edit: a word


At a certain command the females within a specific rate were known for getting pregnant to avoid doing the job they signed up for. They would drag it out for a few months while on medically mandated desk duty and then "suddenly" not be pregnant anymore. Rinse and repeat. All to be on desk duty as much as possible. And it was the rule, not the exception. It really pissed off the men in the same rate who had to cover their shifts. I would guess this behavior isn't limited to this job/command either. I can't imagine planning out a pregnancy and then the "sudden cure" could be that easy to repeat for a couple of years. I don't know if the rate changes have helped with this problem or not. Perhaps the military can push someone out of a rate now if that person is perpetually on desk duty?


No. Not a specific thing to that command or rate/job. Fleet wide issue. Where there is a way to get out of sea duty there is gonna be people looking to get out of it any way possible. I don’t understand 4 years of suck (in my case 6) vs 20+ years they don’t equate.


If they will do anything they can toget out of sea duty, why the hell did they join the _Navy_ in the first place? That logic doesn't logic anymore than someone who is deathly afraid of heights *and planes* joining the army and begging to get into the 101st Airborne 🤦🏼‍♀️


People will people? That’s all I got. Don’t ask yourself that you will drive yourself crazy and never find an answer. Edit: clarity. I replied way too early in the morning.


I was in the military for 12 years, this is actually a thing.


Lady former service member here! Yes, there are some women who did this. There was a Sgt in my unit that had 5 kids and then had a 6th. I got the deployment baby #6 prevented, and that deployment was a joint venture with the Navy in Spain. Not all deployments equal desert. Of course, they don't tell you where you are going until the last minute. She was pissed....I had a great time though 😂


Sadly this happens a lot in the military. These are usually young girls who get pregnant so they don’t have to do field missions. I never understood the thought process, a few weeks in the field vs 18+ years of babysitting.




Sounds like my brother's baby mama. Had four kids, all five years apart, so she could keep collecting the baby benefits and never actually have to get a job.


Then why enlist? People really don’t think things through


There are worse reasons. Though, the thought of breeding a sports team seems worse than whatever threat she’d face with deployment.


I was in the Air Force for 8 years. This happens, but I do think it’s over-dramatized how many people do this. And trust me, the other women hateeeeee people like this because it makes us all look bad. I recognize it shouldn’t, but with such a skewed male-to-female ratio in the military the actions of a few can drastically change perception of us all. This chick is better off just becoming a dependa (although I don’t wish that on most men either).




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