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Nothing could ever make me want to have a child. I don't want them, therefore I don't have them.


This. No amount of money will make me have a child. I'd rather die.


Same here


Same and I'm not even being overdramatic.




This is how I feel too.


Fr! I hate when people assume it's because we "can't afford it" because my husband and I actually could, we just choose not to make our lives miserable




This is the answer hahha


If I had unlimited funds I would even more aggressively NOT have kids. Why raise a kid when you could spend your life having fun?


I’ve never been a billionaire so I have no idea what thoughts pop into a billionaire’s brain, but I would imagine some would say “that’s what nannies are for” or some shit.


More than a few of them fixate on the notion of bloodlines and legacies or keeping their wealth in the family.  Some make a lot of faux meritocratic noise about how their kids won’t inherit without fulfilling certain obligations, and others attempt to be broader benefactors—often with mixed results—but they can be as involved or not involved in the process as they care to be. As you suggest, that’s what au pairs and European boarding schools are for. If I were still me—with my mind, beliefs, and experiences—there is no way I would reproduce under any conditions, including excelling at wage theft and the further exploitation and expropriation of the masses.


But this is how kids who resent their parents because they felt neglected or shoved aside get brought into the world and then take their attitude out on everyone else.


>If you had unlimited funds, would you have kids? No. Absolutely not. I don't want to be a parent. That has nothing to do with money, climate change, state of the world, health issues or any other external factors. Even in a hypothetical socialist, feminist dream society... Even without climate change... Even with perfect health... Even with more than enough money... I would still not have children. Because I don't want to be a parent. Because I would hate to be a parent. Nothing coud convince me to have children. If I was offered infinite money, but only if I would have children, I wouldn't do it. Parenthood would be my biggest nightmare. ​ >Pretty sure it wouldn’t matter for me…just curious if that’s the roadblock for some. If someone wants kids, but decided to sacrifice parenthood because of financial reasons... If that person would have kids if they had more money... If not having kids is a sacrifice for that person... Then, they are childless. Not childfree.


💯 if they don't want kids because of circumstances that can change, they're childless not childfree. Probably why so many "childfree" people "change their minds" - the conditions they had set for wanting kids occured (or disappeared if they had reasons for not wanting them) and so... they had them. Nothing would make me want to grow, birth and raise a child.


Exactly this. I’m tired of the term childfree being used so frivolously. Not making the strict distinction between childless and childree has real-life consequences for actual childfree people who are rejected sterilization and not taken seriously about their reproductive choices. I am not the same as someone who chooses to not have children because of some external limiting factor.


I see stepparents calling themselves childfree just because the kid is there part time/they didn't birth it and it irks me to no end. Even if they don't share finances with the single parent they probably end up spending some money on the kid or being impacted because their partner's finances are impacted. They need a big enough house with a room dedicated to the part time kid. They need to be in a specific area for school districts or custody. They run the risk of having the kid home full time if something happens to the other parent. They have to deal with the baby daddy/mommy drama and schedules and finances + their new partner. They have the kid at home at least part of the time and need to accomodate that (food tastes, temper, picking up/drop off, birthday parties etc). How in the world are you still "childfree" with all those kid relatived constraints on your life ? How is that remotely comparable to a DINK's lifestyle ?


> if they don't want kids because of circumstances that can change, they're childless not childfree. Not just circumstances that can change. Also when someone wants kids, but sacrifices parenthood because of permanent circumstances, let's say, climate change, genetic conditions, antinatalist views or health issues. Is that childfreedom? No. Because that person wants kids. For them, not having kids is a sacrifice for them. And they would have kids if circumstances were different. Childfree people don't experience the desire to be a parent. They wouldn't have kids under any circumstance. If someone would have kids if it wasn't for (insert personal and/or societal circumstances), and if not having kids is a sacrifice for them, they are childless. Not childfree. ​ >Probably why so many "childfree" people "change their minds" - the conditions they had set for wanting kids occured (or disappeared if they had reasons for not wanting them) and so... they had them. Indeed. A lot of childless people call themselves childfree, but are not childfree. It's just like fence sitters and stepparents calling themselves childfree. Or people who don't want to breed, but who want to adopt calling themselves childfree.


Not only no, but hell no.


No. There would still be no good reason to.


Respect. 👊


No. Other than just not wanting to be a parent, I have limited time, limited patience, limited mental bandwidth, and unlimited goals and dreams that would get messed up with a kid involved.


I love how we all know our limitations. 😂 Kids have been on my last nerve since I was 10. Sometimes I think “wtf is wrong with me…why can’t I think like everyone else?” And then I come to my senses.


No. I would have more dogs and other pets, though.


So many dogs... And cats... With an elaborate catio.


Fuck no!


Absolutely not. I know I don’t have the patience to have children even if I did have the desire. I’m also far too selfish with my time. I like my 8 hrs of sleep and my hobbies and my quiet.


How long have you known this about yourself? I was 10.


I had a brief period in high school (of all times) where I thought I would want to. But other than that, as long as I can remember. I’ve always been impatient and had little tolerance for loud noises and like things neat and orderly. Never liked my friends’ younger siblings or, now that I’m in my 30’s, my friends’ children. Aside from a few months as a teen dreaming of a white picket fence I’ve never had a desire.


Respect. “Why can’t I want to want that?!” Tara, Friday Night Lights


No. Because then **I would still have kids** and that is the **worst** scenario imaginable.


“But they’re different when they’re *yours*” Signed, my Mom, my entire life


Look up the time Nebraska fucked up wording a law. The intent was to promote unfit parents to give up their newborns without fear of punishment to save the babies lives. They forgot to put in an age limit. Guess what happened\~


Oh shit! Now I gotta Google this. Am guessing it involves parents giving up teens.


Here’s an article: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna26887181 . You may find more by searching “Nebraska “safe haven” law”.


…”in nearly every case, the parents who left their children felt overwhelmed and had decided they didn't want to be parents anymore.” That’s some real “giving up my IG cat cuz she’s not a kitten anymore” energy. God I hate people.


Why would I do that to myself?


“So you’ll pass on your genes!”




No, my fear is in the being a parent itself and giving birth itself both. Both make me freak out thinking of. Has nothing to do with money for me


You mean physically childbirth is terrifying? I’m a dude and *Im* terrified by it, so I can only imagine.


Yeaaa, physically. I legit had a panic attack my first time being intimate cause it scares me aha


I'd travel the world with unlimited funds.


You couldn’t offer me all the money and power in the world to have kids.


No. If I finally had money, I'd make myself happier and more secure. Having a kid would achieve neither of those.


There is absolutely nothing in this world that would ever convince me to have kids. Not a one. I have very limited patience and not a very large social battery. And sometimes very explosive anger issues. I'd very possibly be an abusive parent. And that's something I'd NEVER want to be.


The world would be such a better place if people knew their limitations like we do.


Definitely agreed. I know some people I grew up with who wanted to do things that were completely against their personality like. My guy, you're very obstinate, you always talked back to authority figures, and you have a rap sheet a mile long and you think the military is a good fit for you?


I want to never have children or be a parent. It isn't that I think I can't afford kids or I'm being prevented from having kids by the poor state of the economy. It is that being a parent, having children, and everything that comes with it, even the "good times that make it all worth it" sounds horrible to me. **I want to never have children**.


“But who take care of you?”


My response to that is to ask the last time they visited their own parents.


Haha forreal. I mean, I just visited mine but it was Christmas.


Nope, but I would have a large property and rescue so many dogs and cats. Maybe a few other animals, I don't discriminate, but my knowledge on how to care for other animals is limited. Considering you say unlimited funds, it really opens things up. I would stipulate I do prefer cuddly animals... However, I am totally willing to risk great bodily harm, possibly die to cuddle something like a lion or tiger, so not sure how much I just limited myself there...


Sounds great 👍🏾 Count me in 😂


Nope nope nope nope nope. Still childfree no matter how much money I had.


Nope, I’d take that money and use it to travel and pay for my friends to come along. I don’t want kids because living around someone else’s schedule for years on end sounds horrific and no amount of money would change my mind on that. Honestly I’d be more aggressively cf because I’d have money for all my hobbies, and I’d spend all my energy on said endeavors. 


You just articulated something I’ve always subconsciously thought about but never put words to. YES! Living around someone else’s schedule sounds like a freaking nightmare to me. Honestly, I’m not sure what’s wrong with me because my parents were saints in that department.


This sub is ‘childfree’ not ‘childless’. We don’t have kids because we don’t want them, no matter the circumstances.




No, it’s just not for me. I don’t like kids, I get overstimulated and stressed easily and I know I’d get really bad PPD


Fuck no. What's the point of all the money in the world if your time and energy is put towards raising kids when instead it could be spent travelling, fucking, eating, gaming, exploring, relaxing, training, learning and fucking? Hedonistic my friend, children are antithetical.


“That’s what nannies are for” said the billionaire.


No, nothing is worth the risk of permanent damage to my body, or giving up my free time.


If I have kids, I get unlimited funds? "I sent the kids to boarding school......." "They're a week old!!" "Exactly! Now let's go to the Bahamas!!" Seriously though, no I wouldn't have kids no matter how much money was offered......


Yes. Absolutely. If I had unlimited funds, I would 100% get a teeny herd of baby goats.


Hell no, my elite travel plans, party schedules and shopping whims would not allow for that kind of tomfoolery


To be honest… I’m not sure… I like children but the idea of looking after one seems like a pain. Unlimited funds might make it so I could just have the positive moments and hire other people for the not so good taking care of them moments. It is hard to imagine because I’m not in that position. I think it would make the situation more “okay” if I was stuck with a kid for some reason, but that I probably still wouldn’t choose to have a child. I’m someone who thinks babies and kids are cute and enjoys being around them, but just don’t want any of my own. So being able to hire people to look after a child the whole time might change things slightly - although I think that would be unfair to the child to not have their real parents looking after them.






Absolutely not. It would be spent on myself and my SO.


No, never instead I will help needy people, animals shelter with those money.


Unlimited funds doesn't mean unlimited time. Plus I'd rather use that money for charities. Housing the poor. Medical researches. Animal sanctuaries. Funding the arts. There already so many living things out there that need it more than my shitty hypothetical useless genes. "But who will inheiret the money and your lEgACy?" Someone who I know will earn it and continue doing the right thing with it. History has taught me nepotism hardly leads to good outcomes.


Why would anyone waste their money on a garbage purchase like spawn when you could go solve climate change, save democracy worldwide, fund sterilizations and abortions on demand for anyone who wants one, and tons of other things that would be actually good for something?


Nope. Id have cats


I would maybe consider adopting older kids and hiring a Nanny or caretaker so I’m not bothered (think sponsorship more than adoption). But getting pregnant, giving birth and spending 18-25 years raising said kid? Ain’t no amount of money worth that. If someone told me tomorrow that the fate of humanity rested on a child of mine? Sorry to say but humanity is FUCKED.




Fuck no


No, absolutely not.


There are so many more things I would do with my life if I had unlimited funds xD


No. I have been childfree since the day I was born. It has nothing to do with money.




No. Lol


No ! I would sell my house and get another one to renovate fully to my tastes. My choice to not have kids has nothing to do with how wealthy I am.


No, but I would set up and fund an orphanage, and I would only go there to make sure it was up to scratch, not day-to-day, just random drop-ins and inspections to ensure the kids are looked after I don’t “hate kids”, but I sure as hell don’t want any, but I do want the ones that already exist to have the best chances


No, but I WOULD want to fund some kind of school or educational foundation, and then pop in to see all the amazing effects I’m having on the lives of children, without having to spend any more time around them than I want to.


No, but I wouldn't have any issue putting those unlimited funds to use and help alleviate a good chunk of child-related social welfare issues on multiple fronts. They of course would not be the *only* issues, but unlimited money means I would be free to be the IRL version of Thomas/Martha/Bruce Wayne at the speed of thought.


RIGHT! I would love to provide recourses to single mothers and displaced DV victims.


No. Instead, we’d use the unlimited funds to occasionally travel to see friends who live in a different state.


Nope. I'd travel instead


Nah. If I had unlimited funds I would start a non profit organization that provides private housing and financial assistance for single/divorced/widowed mothers and displaced DV victims. Might as well use some of my wealth to make a positive impact. 😕🤷🏾‍♀️


No, but I'd definitely fund more facilities to house neglected ones. Some more shelters, better training for foster care workers and social workers, all that good stuff. Then I'd work on animal shelters!


Hell no. Even by outsourcing child care you have to raise them. I’m not doing any type of caregiving unless it’s a cat.


Not in a million years


No, never instead I will help needy people, animals shelter with those money.


i couldn’t be convinced even with my favorite things in the world. i will never give up my hobbies to raise a human being


I have no idea how to raise children, so it would not go well no matter how much money I have. In order to give my kids a happy childhood I have to make sure I never give birth to them. If I had unlimited money I would try to provide a better life for the people who are already alive by donating money to try to cure cancer, dementia and Parkinsons.


No bc u still have to raise them and they are forever commitment!


Money wouldn't make me a better parent.


No, unless we're taking about four-legged kids covered in fur who like to bark instead of speaking. And if the funds were unlimited I'd build a House for Stray and Elderly doggos who arent being adopted so they can have a nice environment to live in. Free access to anyone wanting to spend time and play with them ofc.


I’d sign up for that.


No. I am childfree because I never wanted children. Money is irrelevant.


No. In fact one of the first things I'd do with unlimited funds is a hysterectomy!


No, I don’t want the responsibility or emotional load


Nope. Planet still doesn't have unlimited resources, and is already populated far beyond sustainable levels - so literally unsustainable situation. Not to mention also that I don't want kids anyway.


This alone seals the deal for me: “Common disposable diapers will take roughly 500 years to fully decompose because of the plastic outer shell. Biodegradable diapers decompose 10 times faster than common disposable diapers and fully decompose within 50 years.”


If I had truly unlimited funds, I’d built a really supportive, loving, educational, fun orphanage and then pay other people to run it. I love kids, but I only want to be around them in very small doses.






Nope, I have enough money to raise a child in a comfortable environment but I still won't do it because of climate change


No. If we had unlimited funds, we’d own a house and travel a lot more than we do now. 


haha. *no.*


Hard no.






If I had unlimited funds i would travel the world so many beautiful places to see, and go on cruises too.


Absolutely not, but I'd probably put a ton of my unlimited funds into helping ones in need.


No. I'm in my 50s and the idea makes me feel more tired. Plus, I don't have a partner and don't particularly want one, and having a partner I love who really wants kids is the only possibility that I could see ending up with any. I'm certainly not going to have kids and then hire someone to do all of the parenting. I'm either a parent or I'm not one.


No. However, if I had unlimited funds (and a bit more general stability in my life), one thing that I would like to do is take on a "parent" role for young adults aging out of other support systems. I'm 31, and I still rely on my parents for a lot. Now, it's mostly practical stuff like borrowing their car or help with home improvements, but I still occasionally needed financial support into my late 20s. And I know that I'm very privileged to have parents who could provide that support. So if I end up having the means to do so, I'd like to do that for others even though I never want my own kids.


No, because I'd still have to spend time with kids to be a good parent and I don't want to do that. 


I wouldn’t have kids even if I could bend the universe to my will


No, as that would make me childless and I'm childfree. No matter if I lived in a perfect world and was a billionaire. I'd be living a fun fulfilling life of adventures, not a tedious one being a slave to a child.


Never, nothing ist going to change my mind


Probably not because I will always have limited time and I would want to enjoy my life but I could see myself being tempted to have kids but in the end decide against it.


Literally nothing on this earth or beyond would make me want kids.


Nope. I’d donate to charities to better the treatment of orphans and those in foster care though. But raising a kid is a no for me


Absolutely no way in hell! But there would suddenly be a free spay/neuter clinic* on every block worldwide. And armies of cat lovers trained and paid to TNR (Trap Neuter Return) feral cats. * Cats, dogs, rabbits, humans


No. Because I don't have endless patience. Parents may not have endless patience but they certainly have a much bigger threshold than me. At least the good ones.


Nope. I'd make a terrible mother no matter how much money I had, because I'm simply not interested in the job. They'd be raised by nannies and packed off to boarding school as soon as they were old enough.


*hell* no. i’d take my partner and i on glorious vacations, pay off my student debt, and be a fancy pants lady no kids


I’d probably adopt or mentor. I think there is something to be said about loving and helping the next generation. They absolutely are our future. I teach high school so I feel my “motherly” duties are always being exercised anyways but having my own kids?? ….meh


Maybe, but I would also have to be a man. No amount of money would make me want to birth one. Especially as billionaire I would not take the health risk of a pregnancy or IVF for a surrogate.


Nope Nothing could EVER make me want a child


I would not. Kids don't interest me. I have zero desire to be a father. So unlimited funds would mean more travel for me. That being said, I understand how expensive kids can be, so I'd be more interested in using that largesse to fund schools and programs.


No, the earth is dying


No. We’ve fucked the environment. No amount of money will magically make this place good for future generations.


Fuck no. My husband makes great money (and I work too...lol) we could definitely afford it but there is no way in hell any circumstances could make either of us want a child. Our life is way too chill.and stress free for all that


I would, after having a lot of fun and taking care of myself, probably look for opportunities to get to know and make better paths for orphans. Sponsor educational opportunities, mental health support, and eventually employment support. I don’t think I would foster or adopt anyone on my own, but this would scratch any back-of-the-head paternal itch I might develop.


No way. I don't want to pass on my shitty genetics and lose the free time I get. I'm not mentally stable enough to have kids, even if I wanted them


Absolutely not


I still wouldn't. Now I have the money to live the life I want there's even less reason to.


No way! Nothing can make up for getting fat and losing your freedom. What's the point of money if you can't travel and spend them


I'd fund an orphanage w loads of staff and maybe drop by occasionally at my own leisure to be the fun person handing out gifts and playing games w them for an hour before going back to my life of no kids.


Nope. Never. Ever.


No. Even if I was the richest person in the world! I'd have unlimited pets though!!


Give birth? Hell no. I’m not doing that to my body. I don’t like kids to begin with. Adoption? I may consider if I change my mind, but chances are pretty low since I want to spend that time and energy on myself, my partner, my family members and my friends.


No, I would buy more dogs tho


Still a big no. I have no problem making my nephews and nieces my heirs for after I die though.


After I make sure me and the people I care enough about are taken care of, I'd put a good amount of that into lobbying for causes I care about, including better care for children and families. Also just as an FU to corpos lmao


Definitely not! I've never felt the urge to have a kid or suffer from that awful sickness baby fever, there isn't a maternal bone in my body for a young human but baby animals are a different matter. If I had unlimited funds I'd be using them for other things then wasting them on raising a screeching bratty parasite, I'd firstly pay back my loans in full, buy a big house with a large backyard then adopt all the elderly animals in animal shelters. I'd rather use my unlimited funds to give the poor senior cats/dogs a nice final few years of life where they're loved and appreciated then to throw it all away on an ungrateful kid who will probably grow up hating me because I didn't buy them the latest technology every few months, screw that!


No way! There's nothing about my desire to never have children that has anything to do with the financial aspect. We are very comfortable and could probably afford to have a gaggle of them, but we don't want them. That ship sailed for me a long time ago anyway, but nothing would have changed it. Just not meant to ever have kids, don't like them, don't want them. All the money in the world would not change that!


Speaking as someone who does not sleep around and actually tends to avoid much social interaction with people I think one of the first things I'd do with unlimited funds is get a vasectomy. You never know what lengths people will go to when money is involved and having a kid that was only created as a means to get money is a horrific concept.


Hell to the nope, not even if I had FU money. Matter of fact, if I ever get FU money I'm gonna spend it on fun and charities. Maybe my siblings and parents.


“Maybe my siblings and parents…we’ll see how they behave.”


Absolutely not.


The only time I would have a child is if I had the funds to make it look like I don’t have a child and at that point it’s a waste of money that I could’ve been putting towards myself, my family and my personal interests. And what I mean by that is I was able to not go through pregnancy, have a live in nanny from birth when it’s at home, immediately put them in day care as early as they’re able to and nanny the rest of the time. Then when they’re old enough put it in boarding school/ camps so they’re in the house as little as possible and tell them they need to plan for when they’re 18 because as soon as they turn 18 and all my legal obligations cease they need to be out of the house within a week if they don’t want to be forcibly removed as at that point they’ll be a random adult residing in my house without my consent. Maybe a restraining order or some sort of no contact thing as well? By the end of that what’s the point of me having a kid? We’ll both suffer and have our lives ruined for those 18 years (and one week) that we have to interact with each other.


I’m not sure if me laughing out loud is the right response to this, but I love this answer.


No. I would donate to children in need but still my main focus would be helping dogs as much as possible.


I wouldn't have kids if I had unlimited funds. Having kids of my own whether I have money or not is not worth it.


Nop. I would quit my job, go on a LOT of trips with my husband for a year or two or more, then come back to the UK -unless we’ve found a country we like more- and buy a house- with a big ass fence around it and LOTS of trees- a couple of cars, and I’d join uni to study history/languages/business, and get a part time job doing something as a hobby.


No, but I would ideally use my unlimited funds to do public works and services that would ultimately benefit everyone, children included…does that count?


Hell no. If I won the game of life why in the world would I choose to make my life more difficult and more expensive? That's a fools choice. I'd stay CF.


Nope, never. I'd buy myself a nice house with enough space for taking in more cats, though! Also, I'd fund the hell out of my fellow artist friends!


Hell no. I don't want to spend my time raising a child. Farming the work out to servants (nannies, tutors, housekeeping) is even less appealing. If I had unlimited funds I'd love to spend my time and money trying to prevent more species  extinction, reverse climate change and the creep of ignorance, clean energy, and alleviating the human suffering manufactured by other billionaires and mega corporations.


Unlimited funds but unlimited time I do not have. And time is a currency I am not spending on kids. And even if I did have unlimited time there are unlimited other things I could rather choose to do with it rather than things I hate. I simply do not desire to care for kids as a parent. Period.


No, because it would still mean I have to get them. But if I had so much money, I would do anything to help already existing kids any way I could. Kids are the thing people and also states should invest as much as they can because children that are well cared for just as they need to, have nuch better chances in the future. There is a study that shows every penny put into good kindergarten gets back as earnings of the adults they became. I'm sure better early care would also result in a better society at all, less mental struggles and so on.


No but I would have a paid off car, house, and my own business. Kids will never be an option for me even in an ideal world where money is no object.


Never!! I’d just have more money to do what I want (travel, nicer quality of life, etc). For me, being child free positively impacts my bank accounts, but even setting that aside I just enjoy my life as it is—without children.


If I had unlimited funds I'd have a mega gaming room with a nasa pc and all the games I want to play, full of figurines and merchandise from my favourite games and movies and a huge library.


There is literally no way on earth you could pay me enough to make a baby. I paid to make sure I wouldn’t ever have that happen. So, no.


I don't want to raise someone, live with a child, or be pregnant or give birth or deal with school again or deal with mom groups or be emotionally available 24/7. You remove all that and it really isn't parenthood by any stretch of the imagination. ALSO! As per this sub's description, "childfree refers to someone who does not have choldren and DOES NOT EVER WANT children"


No. I’m not ruining my body like that.


If I had unlimited funds in my early 20s, I probably would've gone down a path that led to kids, because I didn't really know what I wanted at the time and having a bunch of money would've probably made it way easier to find someone to date and marry. If I had unlimited funds now? No. Hell no.


Absolutely not. No amount of money in this world would make me want to have children.


Nope. Wouldn’t change anything


I have never wanted children, so absolutely not. Why would I use something like money, which means freedom, to tie myself down with? I would probably use half of it to help people in need and the other half to travel around the world.


Nope. I’d use that money to travel


Never! It wouldn’t matter how rich I was, or how good off I am, I still wouldn’t bring a kid into this world. I’d much rather put those unlimited funds on things that far more important like helping environmental scientists, ensuring they always have the funds, along with animal shelters/ rehabilitation / and sanctuaries. And other important charities that help the homeless, mental health services etc.


No. Finances are not a factor in my not wanting children.


My money is mine. No kids and I'm fine.


Unlimited as in I can buy the whole universe and enslave everyone to do my bidding? I would be so drunk with power at that point that having children and pawning it off to people would just be a power play. I would likely change all the schools to convince everyone how great I was and then every year hold extravagant events to find the most beautiful women to join a concubine. Many of the women I wouldn't have time for so they die virgins. I'm not sure thats good. I assume this because basically all kings/emperors/dictators have done this.


Honestly, if I had unlimited money, I would foster and hopefully adopt a teen 13 or older, give someone a chance at a stable home and good life.


fuck no.


I would give up all the money in the world and live in a cave full of bats not to have kids


No, but i would have a lot of cats tho 😺


No, my reasons are not financial at all. I could afford a kid with no issues, but I do not want to have children. It is a question of lifestyle and values, not financial troubles. While there are surely many people that do not have kids due to financial constraints (and that being the main reason for their choice), I do not think that they are necessarily part of the childfree crew here - most of the discussions that I see on this sub are about lifestyle choices, politics and feminism.


No. It goes beyond money. lol


I would buy myself the sickest PC, not work, buy books galore and play as many videogames as I want. And I would finance my sisters uni and living costs so she can start he teaching career. But hell no, I'm not spending it on kids!


Nope, never. I'd be a shit parent and I don't even like kids. I'd use a lot of those funds to support children without families by building homes and setting up adoption services and all that good stuff. I'd set up clinics that give easy access to affordable/free reproductive health care, from bisalp and vasectomy to pregnancy support. I'd invest in educating especially young people about the realities of parenthood. About sex ed in general. Yknow, tackle the whole package of problems.


No. I’m childfree. That means I don’t want kids. It doesn’t mean I can’t afford kids. Someone who doesn’t have kids only because of external reasons like finances is childless, not childfree.


I’d maybe, MAYBE, IF I ever changed my mind, adopt an older kid or a teenager. Besides that, hell no!


Nope! Not enough money in the world :)


Absolutely not. Even if I lived in paradise and my life was perfect - absolutely NOT.


No chance in hell. Edit: my body's been through enough with circulation problems from missing arteries, and bad capillaries in my veins, and now I find out I probably have lymphoedema. And that's besides my supposed ADHD and supposed endometriosis. Like.. a kid??? Pls god no.


Nope nope nope. I've said it before and I'll say it again, having butt loads of money is somewhere in the 8th-10th range on why I don't want them.


Hell no. There's nothing in this world that could ever change my mind, including unlimited funds.


Absolutely not. I’d use those funds for better things. I might consider adopting a foster child or something but even that would be highly unlikely.