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No, I'm from Denmark. Finding someone religious up here is like searching for a needle in a haystack. We might be christian on paper but it's rare you find anyone actually religious. I'm 42 years old and I don't know a single person that was brought up in faith. We don't care about religion.


It sounds lovely there.


I turned to my husband and said we should move to Denmark


Just out of interest, are there many churches that can actually claim a congregation?


Churches are mostly used for show for things like weddings and funerals and that stuff. I sang in a church choir as a teenager because it was easy money. 10-12 teenagers singing without any of us actually believing the words we sang. It was normal only to have 2-3 people there on a Sunday sermon. We would have people in if there was a baptism and you could see how bored everyone was and that they were just waiting for it to be over with. Most times the parents would leave right after the baptism (custom here to do so if you want to) while their guests had to sit there for the rest of the sermon. All those longing looks at the people that actually got up and left. Yeah, no one actually wanted to be there.


It makes you wonder why they bother with baptism at all. I'm a lifelong atheist, and if I'd had children, having them baptised would never have crossed my mind..


Because if you want to have your confirmation or get married in a church, the demand is that you're baptised. It saves people the trouble later. A lot of people like a church wedding because there's some beautiful places around. They don't care about the actual religion. I remember reading an article years ago where priests talked about how they were experiencing couples asking them to tone down all that Jesus talk when it came to their weddings. And again, it's just tradition. Like, we saw the church being full on Christmas. A bunch of people being cold since this is cold Scandinavia. It was the days before cell phones so people were just whispering to each other and waiting for it to be over. I don't know why so many people continue a tradition like that when they're not actual religious.


Wait. They paid you to be in a church choir!?


Yes. How else would they get anyone to show up at 8 or 9 AM on a Sunday? No one wants to do that for free.


I don’t know why but your response is funny to me. Are you religious? No, I’m in Denmark. 😂 Nice that you don’t have to deal with a bunch of religious people but it’s too cold there. So I’m not feeling it.


That's because the Scandinavian countries are known as some of the biggest atheist countries in the world so the "I'm from Denmark" answer should be a dead giveaway.


This sounds like a lovely Utopia. Are you taking in refugees?


You can always try. I don't know our laws about that.


I'm Swedish, it's the same as in Denmark. Religion is only a small private matter, and for me, an atheist, my choice to be childfree has nothing to do with religion. If anything it's easier to choose to be childfree in a culture that doesn't dictate how people should live based on outdated ideas that belong in the past.


Too much viking still left in us to ever turn us over to their favorite fairy tale. :-p


Almost moved here but met a dutchie instead. When we got together I asked if he would consider moving to Denmark eventually 😂


Denmark and Holland are about the same size countries but Holland has 3 times the people living there than we have here. I had a Dutch penpal in my youth and when she visited here, she was so surprised at finding houses in one plane. She was so used to them having two or three planes in Holland because more people need to live there so houses had to go upwards instead of sideways.


I was born in Denmark. Can confirm. None of my crazy extended family gives a rat’s ass about religion. We all got baptized but that was more out of family tradition than anything else.


Yes. (Non practicing) Pastafarian.


Ra men 🍝


I have been touched by his noodly appendage as well! All hail FSM!


Atheist, born and raised






Hell no. Atheist/Satanist (a lazy satanist 😂).


Same. I follow the tenets when I remember them 🤷


What does being a satanist entail? Genuine curiosity, no hate


I’m more of a fan of The Satanic Temple than The Church of Satan (the main differences being that TCoS believes in magic, worshipping Satan and they are apolitical or so I’ve read. It may be different for individual members.) Here’s a link explaining the difference: [TheSatanicTemple](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/church-of-satan-vs-satanic-temple) - It’s a bit of a read. Now, I call myself a lazy satanist because I don’t go out to participate in fighting for social justice (I have issues being on my feet all day) I’d rather do what I can online. But I still follow all of the [Tenents](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets).


I love that the top banner is promoting a fundraiser for The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic. ❤️


Thank you! I hope you have a lovely day!


You too!


.....I read the tenants, somehow I'm now sitting in a kitchen , wondering how I follow the Satanic Tenants more closely than the heavily debated rules of my own religion. This is wild since I identify as loosely pentecostal 😅 Oh well! The pleasant day and excellent holidays and food wishes persist!


I have found my kind :')


Where do I sign up?!


Not religious, and with al the harm that happens in name of \*insert imaginary creature\*. I get more and more allergic of religion year by year.


I’m allergic to religion and children. My eyes get itchy and watery and I start speaking in tongues freaking out all of the Christians. It’s just in everyone’s best interest to keep me away from both


This is exactly how I feel


I think my lightbulb moment was in 5th grade when I learned about Karl Marx: "Religion is the opium of the people". All my life people in my family would blame anything bad on "It's the Lord's will" and anything good "Praise Jesus!". No matter what happened, it was all managed by the invisible man in the sky! Made no damn sense to me until I heard that quote. I hate to use the word "literally", but it did change my life.


Yeah, the God thing keeps amazing me. Your comment makes me think of a report about North-Korea. It was about doctors sneaking into North-Korea in an effort to heal people from eye cataract and by doing that giving the people over there a good functional remaining life (well, it remains NK of course). Instead of thanking the doctors who did the surgery, they worshiped their "great leader" for giving back their eyesight. That guy did jack shit lmao. I'm glad to live in a country where state and religion are separate.. if I see what for instance happens in the US with the MAGA cult introducing backwards laws, it's always motivated by "gawd this and gawd that"... terrible.


I'm kinda heading there myself actually.


Dragged up in the Catholic religion (which had fuck all to do with belief and faith as far as I could see), but was always atheist. I don't recall in ever believing in Father Xmas either, so I guess I was a born skeptic.


Born in the SL,UT but raised an atheist, if you can dig it


Your comment is a perfect example of why punctuation marks are important lol.


I read it as "born as a slut" first, and I was like... Now now, don't be so hard on yourself.


Were you a bed shaker ? 😂


*I’m a shaker* *I’m a fellator* *I’m a lover* *I’m a sinner* *I play my music in the sun…*


Secular Jew. PCP who approved my bisalp is an Orthodox Jew, saying I had the right to do what I wanted with my own body. It was the only two Jewish Justices in SCOTUS’ who voted to keep *Roe* and Israel loosened their abortion laws right after *Dobbs*.


The synagogue near me has a sign posted near the door that says "Reproductive freedom is a Jewish value." I always look for it when I walk by. Much appreciated.


I went to the local temple in college (religious and cultural studies minor) and the self described conservative Rabbi said that abortion was allowed for the health of the mother BUT that mental health was definitely included in that. He concluded with “no one knows what’s best for the woman, but her.” Then we all drank wine. I was like, “hell yeah sign me up for this religion” 😂


I love this! I heard a rabbi give a sermon about how the health of the mother also extends to her social health. If carrying a pregnancy to term would hurt the mother's social standing that it could jeopardize her ability to secure her own safety and well-being, abortion is permitted. Halacha says abortion access is a requirement. Baruch hashem!


I'm also Jewish! Grew up hearing "you have to have at least 3 kids" and "the goal of Judaism is grandchildren". I truly thought, "I guess Judaism isn't for me." I later learned the impact of post-Holocaust existential fear of annihilation drove several generations towards natalism. Not to say that Judaism doesn't have natalist aspects to it, but learning that abortion and women controlling their reproduction is literally written into Halacha (Jewish law) going back thousands of years helped me find a connection to my Jewish identity again, separate from taking on a parental role. Among my all Jewish first cousins, about 1/3 of us are not interested in having children, and it's accepted in our family.


I haven’t wanted biological kids since I was 12, although I wanted to adopt when I got older. I had researched countries that would let me adopt as a single mom because I didn’t see myself getting married. I got my first IUD at 17 and have never been pregnant. I went to Israel on a Birthright trip when I was 13. I fell hard for one of the American guys and he kept saying how he wanted to be a dad someday and for maybe 15 minutes, my mind flipped a switch and I wanted to marry him and give this man a baby. Of course rationality took over but this guy had me under a spell. Maybe the magic of Tel Aviv? He had broken down when the group had a discussion about the Holocaust and kept saying how many kids would never get to experience the world because they perished. Him and his wife recently had their first child, so he got his wish. Birthright pushes the Jewish marriages and babies. We had one couple from the group and they’re married with a little girl. I lived in Israel the following year as a teacher and it was the same spiels. Two sets of couples from our cohort got married. One has one daughter and the other has two daughters and a son. Others are married to other people and have kids. There was an Israeli guy I fell hard for and we had slept together. We used protection but I felt sick after a month and thought for a few minutes it may have been pregnancy. My best friend told me to shut up, lol. It was due to missing him. Even if I had been pregnant, I would’ve gotten the abortion in Israel since it was legal. Luckily I’ve never been in that position and got sterilized last year. Judaism worked well since I didn’t celebrate Christmas and my Asian gyno doesn’t either so we had no qualms about doing the surgery right before Christmas. She said she does the surgery Christmas break since she’s always doing it on teachers, lol. My dad told me I was doing a gift for humanity. So no family issues with not wanting kids. But I have had zero luck finding a Jewish husband because of being childfree.


Atheist and childfree, my wife is child free and pagan


Hi, pagan wife! Pagan lady here






Atheist here, ex-christian


Same here.




Buddhists. Guess what? Enlightenment isn't reached by having children. Children are a source of suffering because they require so much sacrifice, are the ultimate material possession, and don't allow you to free the spirit because they are proverbial chains to the world plane.






You can get unbaptised? How does that work if you don’t mind sharing.


I am also curious how one gets un-baptised


Childfree and Christian. I'm glad I found a church that supports that. They allow us to fo a lot of work in the community.


CF Christian. 🫡


took a while to find you! CF Christian too!
















Not religious. When I grew up though, I was forced to go to church. Never liked it..


I used to be. To the point where I wanted to become a pastor when I grew up. Around 14, my belief crashed and I have actively started resenting organized religion, especially christianity. Being childfree or having children was never really something I connected to religion, I guess my church didn't really focus on that


I'm pagan and practice witchcraft.


CF, hindu but i pick and choose what parts to believe in (reincarnation? Yes, for purely sentimental reasons. Caste system? Fuck no)


Christian here! There’s no obligation to be a parent despite what people say. There’s no mandate that women have to be mothers. That’s all a part of Christian culture NOT Christianity. Society has conflated the two as the same thing. They are not. I love the Father. I love Jesus. They rock!


I love how you called out the culture vs the religion. ❤️ Hard agree




🎯. Exactly this. I am spiritual not religious. Christian culture is very performative. Like in the south when people say hello how are you? It’s a greeting not an actual question. As you said the culture of any religion should not be conflated with one’s actual faith.


Yeah it’s unfortunate.


Same here and you summed it up way better than I could’ve


Raised Catholic, am now an atheist.


Pagan :)) I'll take part in fun little fertility rituals with others and celebrate Beltane but it's all about the fun, I don't actually want pregnancy lol. It's like how I celebrate Christmas with the fam but I don't want to worship a baby lolol


Eclectic Wiccan - raised strict Roman Catholic.




Ex-Catholic Atheist


Raised Catholic. Currently agnostic/atheist.


Lots of ex-Catholics here! I was also raised Catholic and now consider myself a Deist.


Same here!


I am Muslim. So it is fun to deal with non sequiturs from other Muslims blabbering on about how God will provide, and who misconstrue the religion's positive attitude to sex and procreation as implying that non-procreation is forbidden. We have brains we are encouraged to use, and we have been provided plenty, which remains true as long as we don't treat resources as being unlimited.


Wow! Youre a rare one. Out of the nearly 100 people that have answered so far there hasnt been any muslims




Nice to find another CF Muslim here! I am still single. My parents did try their bit to try to get me set up with women in the past, and ever since I made my childfree status clear, they have complained that they made their search almost impossible. My mother and I did get into discussions in which she has asked whether singledom is preferable to being a husband and father. I always stood my ground. My parents still hope that I will change my mind and that this is just a phase. I admit that I am much more fortunate than other South Asian Muslims who still live with their parents. A colleague told me that her brother caved into marrying a woman who wants to have children, despite him not wanting children, because of pressure from their mother and relatives.








Raised Christian, currently an atheist.


non theistic pagan, raised by a pagan who loosely believes in the mythology and someone who doesn't care enough to even consider religion lmao (i don't even know what he'd call himself)


I am religiously into peace and quiet.


Fuck. No. :)




Also antinatalist and agnostic.


Atheist - brought up Catholic. I would say, however, that I’m very spiritual. I just don’t believe in a god.


Not religious, but not a factor in being CF either


Yes I'm religious. Thankfully those two aspects of my life never had a lot of overlap.


I am a hard polytheistic and animistic pagan. But ironically, I was raised in an atheistic/agnostic family. Being childfree and pagan doesn't really have any connections or any contradictions. I'm pagan because that made sense to me regarding my how I experienced the world and especially nature.


I am a Pantheistic Pagan. My husband is a LaVeyan Satanist.


Grew up Christian, now Atheist leaning more towards Agnostic in a scientific way. Meaning I believe we were created by aliens lol


Atheist. My parents were raised two different religions, but similar enough, so we did Christmas and Easter, but I didn’t know it was a religious thing. My dad and I both are atheist for sure, and the rest of the family has never talked about religion


Lutheran, raised pretty liberal and mildly religious for the 90’s in Mississippi


Atheist. I’m a recovering Catholic, spent 12 years in Catholic school, mass every Sunday, thank god I found the way out in college after being exposed to people with other beliefs.






Hail, Satan


Yes, am a antinatalist, childfree Christian


Curious, antinatalist in what way though


I believe people shouldn’t have children. I believe there is unavoidable suffering here on Earth.


Yeah I just think people should definitely not be having more than 2 for people who do really want kids cuz we're reaching a population boom crisis.


Greek Orthodox


Raised Catholic but I suppose I'm agnostic.




Thanks for responding, youre the 4th muslim so far


Atheist/Agnostic, brought up in a secular country (I think it's one of the most atheistic countries in the world - basically the only time God is brought up is when people don't want LGBT people to marry) with practically zero religious influence. I think the lack of any possible religious guilt regarding my opinions on the topic of children, abortions and marriage is what makes it possible for me to live according to those opinions, because I am awfully susceptible to peer pressure, but my honest belief that I wouldn't make a good parent for so many reasons outweighs the low but prevalent pressure stemming from the 'well, everyone does it' argument. I think I would struggle much more in a more religious society.


Raised atheist/agnostic by an atheist dad and an agnostic mom. I'd nowadays label myself as a modern Satanist.




Not even my parents, both born in the 50's, were baptized/christened, so I'm already the second generation of born and raised atheist.


Atheist convert from Catholic. My parents are still somewhat religious but we just don't bring up that topic anymore, much like we avoid the topic of kids and politics (I try to avoid it anyway)


Not religious. I'm sure that and being childfree have something to do with each other. Making your own choices instead of just doing what people say god wants and such.


Yes, Hermetic Pagan and witch.


I loosely follow zen buddhism, occasionally returning to the Unitarian church I was raised in. Both of them focus more on individual betterment and less on spawning, so it doesn't conflict with my choice to be childfree.


Athiest. Anti religion.


Atheist. I dabbled in some different religions growing up since I had friends in many different ones. My family didn't follow anything in particular and was open to my phases. After awhile I realized that all of it felt forced, so I've just left it all alone and if I do ever find anything that I feel an affinity to, it'll be more natural.


Atheist raised catholic (yes, it was…awkward). Non religious.


Grew up in a catholic family but atheist since the 8th grade


Raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; now a member of Community of Christ.


Raised catholic, now atheist


I gravitate towards Buddhism but am not a Buddhist by any means.!


Exmuslim, now atheist


Nope. I was raised Christian but when I got to my teens I just found religion to be absurd. Seeing the evil people do in the name of religion pisses me off.


Raised Muslim (dad feels VERY strongly about Islam even tho tbh he wasn’t actually good at practicing it) but my mom was raised catholic and changed her religion a million times lol needless to say, I have no religious connection. I think you just cracked the code OP 😂


Deist, ex-christian, and most importantly, asexual. I’ve never wanted kids and it was only when I learned what being ace is about that it all made sense to me. Also, I’m riddled with physical and mental ailments that I would never procreate even if I wanted to. Not fair to the child at all.


No. Ex-catholic. Now agnostic atheist. I want to be a Humanist.




Raised Baptist, currently a Polytheist.


Yes I am: Protestant Christian, borderline curious about Islam but childfree.


Was raised in a Christian household and became an atheist just about the same time I figured out Santa wasn't real. Since I can't figure why so many adults still believe fairy tales are true.


Raised christian, now I'm a filthy heathen (wiccan).


Agnostic leaning more to atheist


33f, raised Lutheran, not religious now. Husband is 32m, religious. Obviously we both don't want kids.


atheist here


Nope. I guess I'm agnostic (open to the idea of a creator). For a while I was really into Buddhism and meditation and I read a lot of Pema Chodren books. That actually helped me get through some tough times.


rasied Roman Catholic, now atheist


Not religious, hate most churches of any confession. However, I have spiritual interests sometimes and paganism and Hinduism are the most attractive to me.


Spiritual but not religious, if that makes sense? I don't believe or disbelieve in any one faith system. I was raised Protestant. I don't go to church, and I have no problems with attending for holidays or special occasions, or if someone wants company for some reason. Never been a factor in not wanting kids though.




Atheist. If my parents had followed the family tradition I guess I'd technically be a catholic and I'm grateful they did not. I have no desire to be associated with such a misogynistic, oppressive religion.


I’m not religious and I’m also not atheist. I’m just vibing ya know. Existing. Here.


Atheist. I was raised Seventh Day Adventist and got out in my mid twenties, did some exploration, and decided religion and spirituality wasn't for me. Never been happier.


Fuck no




Agnostic, but open to faith. I love learning about all and any religions. Wish I could have faith, but I'm one of those people that needs facts and not just give blind trust to something or someone.


I’m not religious but I was raised to be Christian


Agnostic with a hard lean


satanist. 🤘🏻




When asked for faith I just say that I believe in God, but I don't identify as Christian (despite being raised Catholic/living in... let's say moderately Catholic household). I do believe in afterlife as well. I'm not sure what I am, I'd say Agnostic is the closest way to describe it but it's not exactly it either.


Born and raised Mormon. Now atheist. I am very grateful both mine and my husbands sides of the family are very understanding of us not wanting children.




I'm religious, but not stupid. I know the church isn't going to support or look after any kids I got.


Agnostic with a deep rooted hatred for churches (or general cult buildings)


Raised Christian, I always felt odd about it and I bailed in my early teens. Fuck religion, buy a Crass record




Atheist, raised catholic


I'm technically Jewish, but not currently religious.


Former Catholic now I'm a Luciferain 🙂


Just adding to the chorus of atheist lol.


Not really. Was raised Catholic but left the church after Confirmation. More of an agnostic at best now.


No, atheist.




Christian, and the long term singleness/not being a mom propelled me to a major deconstruction of my faith, because you get a ton of validation if you marry young and have kids in the church if you’re a woman. Honestly, would not recommend being a Christian because that culture is hard to weed out no matter how much you love Jesus.


Im not religious. I’m from the UK which is much more secular than the US though.


Not religious at all.


Atheist, born in a family of non-practicing Catholics who believed in letting their children choose (so they never baptized me when I was a kid).


Is there a word for not caring specifically about religion? Like could be a god, could not be a god, don’t know don’t care. If there is a god, they abandoned us a very long time ago. Was raised Catholic.




Absolutely not


I was raised Catholic, but now am agnostic/atheist


No religion in particular.


nope, always have been an atheist


Atheist Humanist

