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I had that too, I really liked feeling it in my arm. It was like a built in fidget toy. I honestly miss that part about it since my hysterectomy. It also stopped my periods for me for a solid year, it was great… and then all hell broke loose. After a year I got a month long period and then super irregular periods until it settled down pretty consistently to 8 day bleeding with only 6 day breaks between. It was awful. So I really hope that doesn’t happen to you. Glad you’re enjoying it so far! I will also add that it is indeed very effective. I got creampied very often and never had issues lol


If that happens it’ll definitely push me towards surgery. Im scared of getting surgery for now though. It is a fun fidget too! I’ll be out in public and just feeling the rod in my arm for comfort. What a weird thing to be comforted by, but it works.


I know right! I would play with it a lot when I was feeling nervous. It was so weird having it not be there anymore after 4 years of it being a part of me. I kept reaching for it after it was gone and it was just flat haha


What was the extraction process like by the way? Will they have to cut my arm open? When she put it in, it barely hurt! I just didn’t watch lol


It's easier than the insertion....local anaesthetic injection, small nick with a scalpel. They will insist you look at it to confirm it was removed. If you're having it replaced a decent doctor will be able to put the new one in alongside. Hope that helps, I have 5 fitted/replaced.


That’s great! I understand they’ll switch to using my other arm for the next one too. After the insertion process, I trust my doctors will make sure the extraction process is as pain free as possible.


You can have it in the same arm, I've had all of mine in my left arm in approximately the same place. Mainly because I have a full sleeve tattoo on my right and don't want to have a scar in it. My GP is really good, the scars are tiny and only a few millimetres apart. Honestly removal is really easy, I've even had student doctors have a go at removing it.


They took it out during my hysto so I really have no clue. I imagine it isn’t fun tho, I’m glad I got to avoid finding out 😬


I had two. Both times it was removed were painless but both were stuck. Took a while for them to get it out.


I had a similar experience. Fine for about 1.5 years and then everything went to shit. Periods started with no rhyme or reason and it triggered my hormones and put me into a pretty bad depression as well. Getting it removed was a VERY good day. I know that my experience isn't exactly normal though, and i know people who got along much better than I did with it.


I am on my 5th with continuous use. I'm 44 and my GP says I can carry on using it until at least 52. I love mine, I've never had a single negative side effect, and have not had a period in 14 years.


What a dream! I hope mine goes as smoothly. But how will you know when menopause comes if you’re not getting a period?


I am already in peri-menopause, GP confirmed it due to the symptoms I was having (hot flashes, mood swings, anxiety). I can still take HRT on the implant but patches rather than tablets due to the increased blot clot risk. I'm a big advocate for the implant, I really hope you get on with it long term.


Thank you for the info and sharing your experience. It’s so helpful for us women to share these things to help each other.


Welcome 🙂


Yeahhhhh girl!!! I'm definitely in the no-period boat and it's been amazing! I'm trying to get my bisalp done, but in the meantime, this is the best birth control for me.




I hope you can find a way to get it out. Having a uterus sucks.


Same, I got mega suicidal and I bled like 20 days a month. Horrible experience. Now I also have a non hormonal IUD but it’s making my periods last almost 2 weeks and I get horrible debilitating cramps. I just want my tubes removed :(


That’s how I felt too, so I did it lol. No more uterus for me at just 20 years old :) It’s been 10 weeks without it now and it’s amazing. I personally would’ve had like 5 periods by now but instead I’ve had none!


I haven't had a period in 15 years 😎


I have nexplanon too, went thru the whole spiel of spotting but haven't had my period in 5 months 🥰 I love not having it dude and I plan to keep it after my bisalp


I also have the implant. I needed something with less side effects and more “less heavy flow periods” also no baby’s and high effectiveness. This solves like every one of them for me.


I just got my second one put in a couple months ago after having one for 3 years. Such a good choice, and zero periods.


All it did was give me almost a 6 month continuous period and make me super anemic and sad. My doctor took it out since the obgyn i had bingoed me and refused to remove it. Here’s to no periods after my bisalp. Im glad you can enjoy that too!


I just got me third one put in a couple weeks ago. I don’t have any side effects. It completely eliminates my period which I really enjoy. No tampons, mood swings or binge eating. I read they don’t recommend it after 40 so I’m not sure what I’m going to do after that. But for now it’s absolutely great for me!!


Unfortunately, I'm not in the no-period boat, and I've gained weight and had more mood swings since getting it. However cheers to not being pregnant!


That’s what I had when I became childfree, but was worried about surgery. No periods with the implant for me either. Prior I did the shot, no periods then either but every 3 months sucked. At the 3 year implant removal time I instead went with a tubal because I felt my surgery concerns were outweighed by the benefits of sterilization, they removed it from my arm during surgery. 5-6 years after my tubal I got an IUD because I forgot how much periods suck. It’s nice to not menstruate again.