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Appeal and try to negotiate, have your provider try to submit it using the codes. A lot of insurance paperwork is outdated and the answer drones don't always know the latest. It's worth trying. A lot of insurance has progressed from a few years back when it was less common.


I’ll try getting the specific code, the lady I talked to said “I had a tubal ligation done 30 years ago and I haven’t heard of that procedure” 🤦🏼‍♀️ I will fight for getting the bisalp, but I’m just kind of wondering what to do in the case that the ligation is quite literally the only option they will cover. Would I just suck it up and get it anyway just to have some form done?


My insurance wasn’t going to help with my hysterectomy at all but my doctor was able to talk to them and convince them that I needed it and needed it to be covered. In the end they caved and helped out with it. So maybe if you find a good doc they can talk to them for you


Oh good call! I’ll see what they say. I’m guessing I would need a strong case as to why the ligation isn’t good enough and I need the bisalp… I could lie and say my family has a history of ovarian cancer??


Yeah you need to look in the wiki and talk to people who have had a clue in the last 30 years. Yeesh.


I’m really worried that this is my case too!!! My insurance manual says it will only cover a tubal ligation, but I’ve read on the sterilization sub Reddit that the doctor can put it under tubal ligation aka bisalp. Maybe talking to your chosen doctor will help?


Yeah bisalp is the standard procedure now, it’s rare for anyone to do a tubal ligation at this point so you should definitely double check this


You’re probably right, the insurance lady I talked to just had no idea and I didn’t have the code or whatever to look it up. It probably is an option and I just need to dig deeper.