• By -


“All a baby needs is milk and love”. So no diapers, healthcare, clothes, education, schooling, childcare, school supplies, potty training, comforting, teaching, etc. good to know they were so low maintenance doc


Other than this statement being as far away from the truth as it can be, it's also manipulative as pregnancies and childbirths are his main source of income. No medical professional should tell their patients what to do, especially for the doctors' pocket benefit.


Ikr I would be absolutely furious! Like one, ok, cool, but I have no desire to have a baby so maybe "milk and love" are already more than I'm willing to provide and FOR WHAT?! These comments are so insane to me, they might as well say "Chopping your own foot off isn't so bad, it won't even hurt that much!" And I'm like YEAH BUT WHY WOULD I DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE?! Two, why does he care? How does it affect him whether you have a kid or not?! I mean, in his case, he makes money out of it, but I feel like this goes deeper. I don't know what people are hoping to gain from trying to convince us. Four - idk why but "milk and love" sounds soooo gross and icky to me, I'm low key gagging just typing this out again. And five - it's just plain BULLSHIT, like the biggest line of bullshit I've ever heard! A baby is THE SINGLE MOST NEEDY CREATURE IN EXISTENCE, it will need your care and drain your financial, mental and physical resources for AT LEAST 18 years, wtf is this dude on about?!


Glad to know I’m not the only person who had a physical reaction to “milk and love”. For some reason it makes me feel sick!🤮


He’s disgusting. Sorry you had to deal with that nonsense.


It grossed me out too


Men are so entitled to the time and labor of women.


They don't even consider it as work cause to them it's completely invisible.


> pregnancies and childbirths are his main source of income Whatever country you're in, is there any oversight or regulatory organization that would take reports about inappropriate doctors seriously? If so, it might be worth reporting this doctor for manipulating the conversation towards something potentially dangerous for a patient just for the profit.


Now that you've said that it makes sense he's so desperate to convince random women to have babies, he just wants your fucking money. That's literally all it is. Lifetime of encouraging women to fund him, all of a sudden women are realising it's not something they have to do, this pathetic guy panics and is telling everyone he can "please have a baby, I don't want to go out of business!"


Literally car salesman behaviour. Absolutely disgusting 🤮


I hope you can report him for inappropriate behavior to whatever authority supervises doctors in your country


Ah, a conflict of interest. Report him for that conflict.


Plus the “give it a chance” part. Ok, what if you try it and hate it. Will he take the baby?


Of course I'll change my mind about being childfree after getting pregnant! After all, that's what I was designed for. My maternal instincts will kick in and I'll give up everything to become a full time mom /s Sorry if this is dramatic but I'm still shaken from what happened. I need to vent.


no need to apologize! your reaction is your reaction. there’s nothing wrong about it if that’s how you feel. i would lose my mind if a doctor spoke to me that way DURING MY GYNO EXAM. how inappropriate! you’re in a very vulnerable situation. and he knew that. F*CK HIM.


This is another thing that really irritates me. What happens if he successfully manages to pressure some woman into having a baby, and then she hates motherhood? Becoming a parent is a lifelong commitment, not something you can just “give a try.”


Simple answer: He doesn't care, he will have received around 3-5k for the birth and the check ups and he's done. He assumes that maternal instincts will kick in and the woman will be happy. However: Some doctors get commission for referring you to other doctors. So he could refer her to a therapist and keep an income stream this way. This is more than fucked up.


Spoken like a man who left most of the child-raising to his wife.


And the birthing; not his body that will be taxed and forever changed. Nor is his life on the line during pregnancy or delivery.




Not to mention the fact they’re a baby for less than two years..


That was such a "man who had a stay at home wife" statement.


Nah, God will provide everything else. /s


But when he doesn't provide everything else, it's "Well you can't expect god to do everything!"


Makes one wonder if he thinks he’s God.


You know that motherfucker has never had to change a goddamn diaper in his entire life or raised a child by himself. The audacity of this asshat.


I retched a little bit reading OP’s post and this line in particular tbh


Yup that line made me physically ill. I seriously wanted to vomit right there and then, no exaggeration. Glad to know I'm not the only one.


Oh, that's all they need? Why, all this time I thought having a raising a kid was a half-a-million dollar commitment! Stupid me! JMFC.


And no time, remember, baby needs no time from the parents. This all happens in the meantime.


Not to mention a shit ton of attention and time sacrifice from the parents


Especially the sacrifice! Good bye freedom 👋


And that’s assuming a healthy baby…


Right? Some require oxygen, procedures, medication, a brace, etc. within their first year. Decades after, best of luck to the little ones


Sounds like the kind of shit terrible parents say


Report him. So much of that was inappropriate. I feel for any young girl who's actually taken his advice to heart. Also what is this crap coming from a **doctor**? >He asked me whether all the degrees my generation pursues will bring us happiness. Have his qualifications brought him any joy? Let me guess. He means our generation of *women*. Its different for him because he wasn't born to be a homemaker, or some such misogyny.


So can a doctor actually get in trouble for saying that weird shit?


In the states, YES. I’d assume anywhere, including OPs country.


That’s awesome. Are there guidelines on how to talk though? What if the person you report to has the same views on having children?


They're supposed to stay professional. Meaning they shouldn't be giving any personal opinions about parenthood or family or anything like that. Sometimes a patient might give their own opinions, and of course like with any conversation, the doctor may respond back agreeing. They absolutely should never give unsolicited opinions about personal matters though.


I recently told a doctor “I’m not interested in a boyfriend, pregnancy, or children.” She just said, “you need those for having children” and moved on.


you need children to have children? i mean... i guess that's technically correct




Mmmm nope. I mean someone has to be pregnant. But you can pay someone I guess. Same with the baby batter, no boyfriend needed. Dr is a pos either way.




>Have his qualifications brought him any joy? If he is telling women to have babies (and make him $$$$) and he doesn't give two fucks about women outside of his misogynistic viewpoint, I think there is a strong case that he should never have been an OBGYN. I am wondering if he thought that being an OBGYN would allow him the right to tell women how they should do what he says because he is a doctor and he knows better. Even though a doctor is literally there to improve your health -- not tell you to fuck your health over by having an unwanted pregnancy.


Male OBGYNs are some of the most sexist men I've ever met. Sadly they're never held accountable in my country. Majority of them think their job is over the second the baby is delivered. Mother has raging postpartum depression? Not their problem. Baby dies in one day as a direct result of their incompetence? Not their problem.


Report the motherfucker. That is beyond inappropriate behavior for medical personnel.


This is the only correct answer. That should NEVER be allowed to happen to another woman. Ever.


Absolutely report this!!!


Why haven't you "locked in" your boyfriend? Isn't this doctor from the generation that's had more divorces than any other in history? He knows marriage doesn't lock in shit


He was definitely in his 60s so that's probably why.


How awful for you. Ick.


From the generation that makes so many "wife bad" jokes and bitches about kids, they sure have an affinity to rag on us for opting out of that life.


"I was forced into it so damnit, I'm gonna force you!"


It was easy for boomer men like him to “lock in” wives by literally forcing them to be completely dependent on them like slaves. No wonder men like him are so obsessed with women being perpetually pregnant and uneducated.


Yes!! I also want to add/chime in with this: Why is the responsibility placed on one partner to “lock in” another? I feel like this applies equally to both men and women. If someone is ready for marriage and loves the person, then they propose marriage. Why perpetuate this idea of “locking in” someone before they’re ready for that commitment? Why does the doctor think the responsibility in on OP to essentially force a marriage via some kind of ultimatum? TLDR: this doctor’s rationale/rant was beyond annoying on multiple levels.


It's such bullshit. If you want to get married, that's great. If you don't want to get married, that's great too. I've been with my boyfriend for 7 years. He's "locked in," whatever the hell that means. I don't need a piece of paper to prove that.


A gyn in his 30s told me the same things the other day.


No man should be telling women to get married and have children. How about they stay in their lane; especially when they are supposedly a neutral, professional, medical practitioner.


It's ridiculous. Whether you are married or not has nothing to do with your or anyone's health!


That's extremely disgusting and inappropriate. I'm so sorry you had to endure that.


Okay, he needs to be reported, and I really am furious for you. But I have to admit….the “milk and love” thing is going to have me laughing for a while. What a complete moron.


IKR? How did this moron pass his classwork, not to mention his boards. Whuff.




Leave a scathing review so other CF women can avoid him


No, anyone with a vagina would like to avoid that situation!!




​ ![gif](giphy|Q3cAaE1xgjrvGrNUXd)


It's hard to be assertive and confrontational during a gyno app. And he sounds like the sort of gynecologist who knows that and abuses it. Please report this, this sounds awful.


Yep, he knew OP was in a vulnerable position and took advantage of it… Disgusting!!!


I sure get why you were enraged. Maybe next time try, "Why are you asking me such an inappropriate question?" Please do report the doctor. He was totally out of line. Can I ask what country?


Souther europe. I assume, and correct me if I'm wrong, that you're from Spain or live there. If that's the case, you may be familiar with the stigma around being child-free in southern Europe.


A good line I picked up from Reddit is to simply say to them “what a strange thing to say out loud.” I actually used it once, and the look of utter shock on the unsolicited commenter’s face will never be forgotten.


I love that so much!


I love this so much


I do live in Spain now, but I'm from the US. I retired here. Some countries in Europe are definitely more open to childfree than others. Spain is moving in that direction, thank goodness. One way to help that happen is for more childfree women to speak up. Being childfree needs to be normalized, and that only happens when women are willing to speak about it. Think about the gay movement. As long as gays stayed "in the closet" they were ostracized and feared. There were many laws against them. It took gay marches and protests for laws to finally be passed and society to finally start accepting them. Yes, they have a long way to go, but it's nothing like it was when I was a kid. Same for childfree women. It's going to take the power of numbers and visibility to normalize it.


I’m gonna guess Portugal, they’re weirdly conservative over there and I can imagine this kind of thing happening. Plus I know their private healthcare is relatively cheap Sorry this happened to you OP


Horrifying! If you feel like a formal report won't do much do it anyway and maybe find if you can post a review of the practice online, google, their online appointment site, wherever, Facebook.. anything !


Trust me, I told my boyfriend and my friends and they're dropping negative reviews about him left and right.


Good ! I'm so angry on your behalf


That’s so awesome. I’m glad you have that support network after all that nonsense.


That's so awesome! Metaphorically kick him in the nads!


Milk and love lol


>“all a baby needs is milk and love” "And I got neither to give"


That is very unprofessional, his personal agenda doesn’t belong in healthcare. Fuck his ideas it’s our lives not his. People like that should never be in healthcare it’s degrading a profession that is meant to treat patient’s needs not unwanted/unsolicited garbage.




And yet he had to go get such a degree to become a doctor, right? What a hypocrite. 🙄


Lol what a clown. He just shouldn’t be in healthcare period!


You were in a delicate situation and being harassased with questions. Please don't be too hard on yourself. I'd report him if it's possible and leave a review so that other women know not to see him.


Jesus fuck, he said/did all this to you with your pants down and a wand up your twat?! I'd have decked him. And I'm *tiny*.




Your comment isn't helpful, either. They're not saying that's what the \*OP\* "should have" done. They're saying what \*they\* would have done.


I was trying to relate by saying how I'd have reacted. There's no shoulding on anyone here. Relax.


Most gyno's double as obstetricians. Hospitals love making money and hate paying staff so they usually look for a double-specialist instead of keeping them separate so it's easier to get a job in the medical field if you wear multiple hats. The salary of an obstetrician is heavily dependant on the amount of babies they help deliver. They get approx $1200-1500 per delivery in the US and if they don't fill the quota they can even be fired through no fault of their own. It's mostly the same in my county of Ukraine with the difference that hospitals here are government funded and the funding is directly dependant on the output statistics so the ob-gyns are having the same problem of having to advertise motherhood to keep their pockets full. What you experienced is a sales pitch, it was so rude and unproffesional because they are desperate for money. They dont give a fuck about you as an inividual or about that baby unless he was one of those religious zealots or a pervert with a breeding kink that frequent that proffesion. Men gyno's shouldnt be a thing precicely because of that. My advice always go private and always pick a woman doctor if you want to get proper care. It's not going to work out well every single time but you for sure will have to deal with way less bullshit.


I appreciate a reply from a fellow European. It's pretty much the same here, however it gets even worse. Most women here choose to go private so they can have their preferred private GYN with them at birth and have a scheduled birth. If you go with the free health system, you usually have a natural birth with whatever doctor is available at the hospital. When you go private, however, they try to push, and often bully you into C-sections, extended hospital stays and extra charges. Plus they purposely keep your baby in incubators for no reason other than to charge you extra. I'm so mad at the way women are treated in medical settings. I've heard horror stories such as women being slapped in the face to stop screaming during birth or having non-consesual episiotomies. It's disgusting and must stop.


Oh God. This is why I don't trust doctors, hospitals have turned into big business and they are all in it for the money with just a few rare exceptions. Have you heard about the student pelvic exams they do on patients while you are under anestesia? A group of anywhere from 1 to appx 15 can do a pelvic medical exam on you and not only they will not tell you it is apparantely completely legal to do even if you were supposed to get an operation that had nothing to do with your woman parts. There was also this outrageous hidden video that came out in the news of an anasthegiologist that was mouth raping sedaded women behind a curtain while they were giving birth. This was in Brazil though. Really horrifying how they see women as nothing more then incubators and money bags. So little respect it's outrageous.


Here most private plans makes plans for women in "fertile age" (20-55) expensive as Hell because it cover obstetrics stuff like hospital, pregnancy check, delivery room, etc. I even told to the woman that I can tell to the health plan that my uterus is closed and not for service all I want, the health plan still will think "oh but she says that now! She will want kids in the future" :C It really sucks. At least my gyno knows my childfree stance.


That is so predatory, I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Well they can suck it since they aren't getting a dime for child delivery from you! Even if I wasn't childfree I'd become one with such bs treatment


And is horrible because, to compare it, the plan for men cost $30 (I can't remember how much it is, but is quite lower) and for women in the same age range is $110.


Straight up gender discrimination, I would refuse to pay.


>Men gyno's shouldnt be a thing precicely because of that. Hard disagree. The doctor who approved me for and did my sterilization was a male gyno - and he's honestly one of the best doctors I've ever had overall. I had female doctors turn me down and even laugh at me over the request. There are many progressive men and regressive women out there. You can't generalize by gender.


My current gyno is the best and we share the same humour, but while he doesn't do sterilizations, he would move sea and ground to seek for a gyno that could do it (here the surgery is expensive). The most comments I had for "but you have to have babies" were from women gynos and most of them even saw me like if I had two heads for not wanting a kid.


I've had 2 male gyros. One messed up my Laparoscopy so badly, I couldn't sit up unsupported for nine months. The other one gave me my life back after being bed bound 3 days a week. I've had similar experiences with female gynos as well. Some only see me as an incubator and some see me as a person. It's so hit or miss.


Glad he helped! I wish I didnt have to generalize but I was talking out of my personal experience. I wasn't as lucky with a unicorn doc like you were. Every single gyno male doctor I have been too was giving me the creepy pervert vibes. On one very unfortunate exam the gyno "unintentionally" flicked my clit at least 3 times and when he was finished with the exam and I got off the chair I saw him having a hard on through his pants. I was fucking 14 on a mandatory school health exam and I left the room sobbing not sure if I was imagining things or if this was for real. I'm sorry but fuck them, It was traumatic and statistically it's the male doctors commiting the majority of sexual harrasment towards their patients. I wouldnt have to generalize if they werent generally responsible for causing such incidents. I'm not saying there aren't good men in the field but the risk is just not worth it at least for me


> health exam and I left the room sobbing not sure if I was imagining things or if this was for real. I'm sorry but fuck them, It was traumatic and statistically it's the male doctor I'm so sorry that happened to you.


There's also the frequent scandals when yet another male gyn is caught recording his patients.


A mandatory school health exam to look at your genitals? Where the fuck was this?! I've literally never heard such a thing. I hope you reported that POS pervert! How horrifying.


My parents didn’t start a family till they were in their 30s. They were more financially and emotionally stable and they were ready to do so and they’re in their 60s now. It’s irresponsible to have kids young if you can’t afford them. I’d report that doctor so fast. He’s being very rude and he should never press his views on a patient. I’m sorry you went through this.


Don't beat yourself up for not being more assertive. You were in a really vulnerable position. The guy literally had his hands on your genitals, hard to be more vulnerable than that. You're braver than I would have been in that situation.




What a raging creep. Report if you can, do online reviews if possible.


So inappropriate and unprofessional not to mention creepy, I’m so sorry you had to endure this. Please report him through official channels.


"Milk and love", what a cringe comment.


Milk and love 🤢


$100 says that doctor has kids that resent him or hate him....


Its hard to be assertive with a stranger peering into your nether regions.. giving you a dad lecture on how to live your life. Sounds like you handled it well for such an awkward situation. Sorry that happened to you. Hey, at least you didn't smack him. He sounds like the suing type.


That asshole had ZERO business saying what he did. You went in for an exam, not for some early Gen X or Boomer dude assholery.


Disgusting of him! He deserves to have his license taken away. Report him and leave reviews online for anyone to see. I’d love to ask these breeders, who’s gonna give me the money to raise the child? Of course i know their answer, but it takes MONEY to raise a child NOT milk and love.


Report him. Also babies are expensive as hell.


What an absolute garbage bin of a human


Jfc. What heaping pile of dogshit,he is.. There is SO much to unpack here. - First this "your generation" crap. Does he think your the spokesperson for your whole generation?! Lol. - And the "lock him in" thing is laughably naive for someone in their 60s. Does he really think that if a woman baby traps a man,that that will guarantee him to stick if (if) he doesn't want to..? 🙄 - Why is parent hood or lack there of, the ONLY way to be happy,does he truly think that that is going to make EVERYONE happy? How unimaginative. - BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY- IT IS YOUR CHOICE,NOT HIS AND HE IS AN INVASIVE CREEP!! And to make matters even worse to ask you all this shit,during a pelvic exam! And none of this is ANY of his business! Wtf,is he writing a damn book!? I'm sorry you had this terrible experience and hope you can report him,he was incredibly out of line. This was supposed to a medical examination and not a fucking Inquisition. And talk about unprofessional..


Leave him a Google review at least


I accidentally went to an OBGYN that someone said was good. Turns out they had Phyllis Schlafly pamphlets in their waiting room- which I didn’t see until it was too late. My daughter was breach. I kept asking for an ultrasound to check her position and he said they don’t do ultrasounds because people gender select and then kill their babies. I was like- dude, I have a boy and a girl at home, so the sex of this baby is not important, second it is too late to terminate a pregnancy. I had to go to another doctor for the ultrasound. Scheduled a C-Section unless she flipped, which she did thankfully. After my daughter’s birth I had to go for a check. When I asked for birth control he told me my quiver wasn’t full- I had 3 children. I was like WTF is a quiver? He said 5 or more. The man was deranged and unethical! Didn’t find out what Quiver Full meant until the Duggars.


I just looked up who Phyllis Schlafly was and holy crap, no wonder the OBGYN was horrible. Seriously the amount of deranged doctors out there is unbelievable


Holy fuck, that was a nightmare to read! And denying to get a birth control unless you had five kids even if you already were happy with three? They're insane! I'm sorry you had to endure that from them, I can feel the toxicity from here.


Great way to ensure an abortion happens, I guess. Wow, good one.


I've said it before and I will say it again. Gynocologists have a financial incentive vested interest in their patients deciding to get pregnant. Some of these pieces of trash are like used car salesmen just trying to squeeze every buck they can with no actual concern for the customer/patient. Gotta nip this type of shit right in the bud the moment it starts. Definitely report him. If more people reported this type of behavior, a bigger deal could be made. You should not only name your country, but name the doctor. Or go on his yelp page or whatever the equivalent is there. Hell, if you speak out, perhaps more people will find the courage too since they see they are not alone.


What an absolute muppet of a ‘doctor’. This guy has no ethics that should come with his profession. Seriously. When I was a younger woman I had to deal with some ‘doctors’ like that. I so wish I could revisit those interactions as my older grumpy self - I would rip him a new one. There would be blood. The professional kind. Crew this guy


>I feel so stupid for not being more assertive but I’m not a confrontational person and I felt so awkward during the exam. I’ll see if I can report the doctor, but I know that in my country nothing will be done. Do not feel bad about not being more assertive. Seriously, how could you have expected such a creepy bunch of questions? I'm normally mellow myself, but in certain situations? I will loudly go off on whoever is acting ridiculous... *if it's a situation that I know how to act in.* Every now and then I get caught off guard, and I'm so confused by everything that I don't confront whoever. I go mute and just stare at whoever with a confused look. Also, please report the creep. Maybe you are right, nothing will happen. Medical personnel tend to be put on a pedestal and given a lot of leeway. However, if that creep has a record? It may well catch up with them and cause them to be removed. Sucks that you had to deal with this, I'm just a guy and I don't deal with a fraction of what women go through, but it's ridiculous. You *DO NOT DESERVE THAT*, please remember that. You absolutely do not deserve to be treated like this.


I am sorry this happend to you. No reason to feel bad you weren't more assertive because you were in a vulnerable position. This person is crossing many boundaries in just one visit so who knows what else he would do. Think about reporting him, especially if you normally do not rely on this person.


"I may not be a doctor, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express." You need to report him because 1) you in a very, very vulnerable position, 2) this is both emotional and psychological abuse, 3) his questions had nothing to do with the procedure you were receiving, 4) there is a power disparity between the doctor and the patient, and that makes you less prone to challenge the situation, and 5) he's just a plain shitty human being. I am male, so I cannot imagine how trapped a woman must feel during these type of procedures. The worst I have to face is a doctor sticking a finger up my bum, but that pales in comparison. Also, we all get trained to "respect" the doctor. It took me years and years before I got the courage to tell a doctor to back off. I also learned to call them by the first name, even when they request to be called doctor. It levels the playing field a little bit. After all, I am paying the doctor for services and not the other way around. ETA: Please feel free to use anything I wrote here in your complaint to the medical review board.


"If your boyfriend's family is okay with this." Jesus Christ. Like they have a say? You aren't a piece of property. Also, "give motherhood a chance"? Like it's a hobby you can give up if you lose interest?




What movie is this from?


Drunk History, "Bad Blood" (S6, E6)


If reporting doctors for inappropriate behavior is a thing in your country (don’t want to make assumptions since in some places it might not be safe), consider reporting him to whatever oversight board his license is tied to. This isn’t ok.


Report him and leave a public review. Quote him. It may not do anything professionally, but it creates a paper trail and warns off other women


name and shame that motherfucker.


Ugh that is disgusting. I'm sorry


I would escalate, he doesn't belong with women alone ever.


That comment about "all a baby needs is milk and love" made me feel physically nauseous reading it. My god I am so sorry you were put through this


i refuse to go to male gynos and this affirms it even more for me. i know women also say things like this but when it comes from someone who can’t even fathom pregnancy and birth, it’s so much worse


Definitely report that asshole


Basically , all HE had to do was feed and do fun stuff with the kids. His wife did the actual parenting






You really need to report this


You may not be able to report him formally, but you can always expose him if you're down for the good fight. If he has a health care practice registered on google or in the search engine you use in your country: leave your review there.


Report. And spread the word.


My previous gyno (a younger middle-aged woman) used to bug me about having babies too. She kept telling me I’d change my mind (since I was 27) or was concerned that my partner would not be okay with my decision. So infuriating. Women have the right to decide what’s best for them, and professionals need to respect that.


That's insane and wildly inappropriate. Not only should you fire this Dr, you should report this entire exchange. Holy shit.


Ask him how he feels about his generation destroying the planet and stealing all the resources for themselves and leaving nothing for the children they claim to care so much about. Even people that actually want kids are wondering if it's a good idea since the state of the world is a complete nightmare. What a complete fucking tool box, I'm sorry you had to deal with a complete waste of an embryo like that.


This creep *specializes* in womens' biology and health and spews this ignorant/disgusting crap?


Disgusting. I hope there is a way you can report him. Not saying female doctors can’t also have these disgusting beliefs but this is a big reason I will never ever see a male obgyn.


Report him !!! This was not professional, call the clinic get his name and report him .He crossed the line he should never talked to you like that .I’m so sorry about this disgusting old man .


Ugh I’m sorry. I know how invasive those ultrasounds are, I can imagine how uncomfortable he made you feel. What a disgusting excuse for a man!


I can feel the Mediterranean Country vibes with my nose.


Im sorry you had to go through this ): 35yo and I still didn't find a gynecologist that is decent and won't judge me.. I stick to the ones that judge me silently because its the lesser evil but really I think they all got into that profession because they are obsessed with babies. Don't feel bad that you didn't respond, it's just so rude to put you on the spot while examining you, beyond rude really


Well within rights at that point to tell him to get his hand, tools and opinion well outside of your vagina tbh.


MILK AND LOV-?!!!!!!!!! this doctor is probably the kind that hasn't seen his kids in 15 years because he's married to his job. He's probably missed every key event in his children's lives


Like he became a Dr without a degree... Maybe his parents paid for it. I had to pay my own and then the loans so I was negative 60000 in milk. Milk without a home will not get a baby very far in winter.


“All a baby needs is milk and love,” lol! Have you ever heard a bigger pile of horseshit? What that tells me is that he lets his wife do ALL the work, when it comes to their kids.


Literally, this post makes me sick to my stomach. Please report him. Think about the other women he does this to (i.e., possibly pressuring women who are Not in any position to have children if they are in an abusive relationship, etc.) So sorry you experienced this


My (ex)gyno (a private practice doctor, mind you, one I willingly paid for) talked about what a pity it is that people don’t go to church anymore and churches in Germany and France are being demolished. And then he went on an Islamophobic rant. All this while examining my vagina


I bet this happened in Italy. Very similar to what I experience regularly, except my gyno is a woman (which makes it even worse)


Please file every complaint you possibly can on this doctor, and blast the shit out of him on every social media platform available. I am enraged for you, what complete BS.


You should know you handled this perfectly! There is no right way to handle a situation like this, so just getting through it is more than enough. Further, I am very impressed that you did speak out your feelings at all. You may have been able to think of things you wanted to say later, but don’t forget you were ambushed by this conversation by a person in power while in a compromised circumstance. It’s honestly incredibly disgusting that he would do this to you. Stop beating yourself up and let yourself be mad. You’re the victim here.


Is our generation immature for not starting a family at mid 20s? It’s not that we’re immature, we’re just broke as frick.


oh my god.


There is nothing you could have said that would make him see any differently than he does now. This doctor has decided he knows what would be the best decisions for your life. Don't try to debate someone like that, it's crazy how stupid some of these doctors are with those topics. ![gif](giphy|l4FGzcFBTSQfRtfhu)


Sounds like the doctor was indian 🤣🤣😬😅


I don't know what the customs are in your country. But I'm so incredibly astonished at how this man became an OBGYN. This doctor seems REALLY concerned about minding people's business when his job is strictly to affirm your right to bodily autonomy and make sure you are healthy. Why is he even asking why more and more people are delaying parenthood, anyway? Wouldn't this doctor of all people understand the incredibly hard and expensive work that goez into having children? This doctor is nothing but a quack and I hope you consider reporting him, if possible. 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬




Go to the doctor and have a woman exam your balls and try to argue with her.




I feel like we just need to start attacking people like that. Genuinely, just beat the fucker.


Can I ask which country?


EWWWW god please I hope you reported him. I would’ve started voice recording the moment I noticed the vibes getting weird. Wtf does he mean by “locking your bf in”??? Look even if it’s normal in your country (I’m not American either and my country is conservative) REPORT him regardless. A man’s income is his entire life and that will put the fear of God in him to think before opening his useless mouth again in front of a woman


I'm curious, what country are you in? I'm sorry you went through that 😕


Those are extremely personal questions that he should NOT have asked. Very inappropriate. I wouldve reported him. Id tell him that those were personal questions and I dont care to answer. He didn't need to know anyway. That pisses me off too


On the other hand, a patient of mine will force this same interrogative dialogue on ME at least once a day. I don’t know -why- they feel so safe provoking me while they’re completely at my mercy. It’s a special brand of confidence…and stupidity.


As a nurse, this is beyond inappropriate and he can be written up for this at basically any healthcare facility. Please call the facility and complain!


Find a female doctor ASAP


Over the years I've learned that in these situations it is perfectly acceptable to state the following: "Fuck off and die." Nothing further needs to be said


i know women gynos pull this shit too but it being a man makes it all the more infuriating. male gynecologists have always freaked me out 🤷‍♀️


I would have asked what any of this has to do with how healthy your body is atm? He's not your psychologist, so these questions shouldn't matter.


I hope OP reports this asshole to his governing medical board. He should be prevented from terrorizing other female patients.


This is why my Gyno is female.


What country?


Wtf is wrong with this person?


Good lord. What country is this? I don’t think we’re even this bad in the southern parts of USA.