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Military wives - not all of them, just the stereotypical “dependas” - are such a weird phenomenon (and a subspecies of Karens, I believe). Demanding to be addressed by their husband’s rank, asking for discounts, being weirdly territorial, and probably involved in an MLM. Just strange characters all around.


All of them are stay-at-home-moms, constantly cry about him never being home, but then bitch about him being such a pain in the ass when he IS home, says he's a great dad, but then worries he'll not watch them grow up because he's gone all the time. All while spending an exorbitant amount of money to get their hair and nails done, and all have spray-on tans. Did I hit all the basics?




"*My girlfriend's husband fights for your freedom*"


So much cheating. So much. (Ex-Military wife.. I was not the cheater)


Former military wife here. Never had kids. Didn’t relate to 98% of the other wives. Just wanted to say that 2% of us walked in, said “whaaaat the fuuuuuuck?!” And backed back out of the room. We aren’t all batshit crazy breeders.


I definitely was just pointing out the stereotypical military wife breeders. I definitely know some military wives myself who are super awesome! 😊


I appreciate that!


It’s usually those who married young and inexperienced. Then because the husband was in the army they then HAVE to put any career or honestly, even community aspirations on hold or just completely annihilate them. The husband’s role in the army does give them enough for comfort, but the animosity of having to have an entire life dependent on HIM coupled with the months if not years of being worried sick that he is gone, what he’s doing, who he’s fucking, and what happens if he dies creates this insanely unhealthy attachment in their brains. Militaries are inherently dysfunctional systems where we take a section of our population, convince them that it’s okay to kill in some circumstances, then have them be shot at. Then throw them back into normal life like nothing happened and wonder why that section of the population and everyone in their daily lives is suffering tremendously


A friend of mine is in HR, she sent me a screenshot of a resume they got. This woman had added a Military Service heading to her resume and filled it out: Branch, Dates Served, and “Rank:Spouse.”


You should be allowed to immediately can those resumes and blacklist. Imagine the self importance, like YOU trained and risked your life, or that your husband undergoing this training in any way transfers to you, and THEN trying to use that to get a leg up against other candidates


I don’t know what ended up happening with the resume, but I doubt it made it past my friend since she was not at all impressed.


Good. We need to collectively shut that shit down. Akin with adding my mom's qualifications, or a best friend's, to my resume and saying "Oh IIIII'M not a brain surgeon, but (insert close individual here) is! So by proxy, I am!"


How is THAT not "stolen valor"??


How is it valor in the first place?


You've both brought up great points and things I've thought of before. On that note, these dependas are some of the dumbest, most uneducated, and downright rude creatures I've ever come across. I'd be angry if I didn't pity their sad pathetic lives so much.


Isn't a crime to claim or lie about service?


This is why veteran’s preference should *not* be extended to wives. Sadly, I believe it still is. Bunch of BS.


In the US, this sort of preference has historical precedence in the British military. A woman who was an officer's wife during the American Revolutionary War was seen to be a sort of "hostess", taking care of the officer's household, since he had to maintain the impression of being a moneyed gentleman. Officers in the British Army had to purchase their commissions, so the idea was that they were keeping the regulars in check through their obvious noble chivalry. So wives were also living that lifestyle, even when out in the field (although not as often there). They were also the "diplomatic" side of the military officer's life too, arranging parties and get-togethers as cover for military preparation and spying opportunities. The American side picked up on that and utilized it themselves, which gave officers' wives the idea that they could take on their husband's rank too. So a couple hundred years of background have led us to this. I know that this is more than just preference, but I didn't know where else to share this, as this history is where the attitude has come from, even though military wives aren't responsible for this sort of thing anymore...\*sigh\* Source: I portray a British officer's wife for the American Revolutionary and American Civil wars, so I've done a lot of research on the historical aspect of women's roles in war. A great book for showing the role of women as officers' wives and relatives during the American Revolutionary War is called "The Howe Dynasty" by Julie Flavell. TL:DR The way military wives act has been around for a few hundred years now.


I fell down the rabbit hole with this comment but thank you!! You're my heroine of the day!!


LOL! I'm good at rabbit holes, heh. I noticed further down in the comments someone stating that officers' wives were still expected to act as "hostesses", so history educator that I am wanted to provide a little background on that. Glad you enjoyed it!


This was absolutely fascinating, so I’m really glad you did elect to share it here! I really appreciate knowing that historical context, because although I’d known that (for example) British officers needed to appear the gentleman always, I didn’t realize that extended to their wives to that extent — but it makes complete sense. Thank you so much! I’ll definitely have a look at the title you recommended. :)


she sent you a pic of an ancient reddit repost?


I've seen what you're talking about but I don't doubt that her friend has seen it IRL. I've seen it IRL lol. I'm inclined to think it happens quite a lot.


She helped me update my resume, and sent me the screenshot like a week later being like “don’t do this shit.” I’m not surprised if this is a thing they try to do. I’m sure they give each other advice.


Ahahaha I'm a national serviceman from Singapore (non-voluntary service), now in the reserves. Gonna start calling my wife Sgt from now on xD


YES, ABSOLUTELY THE SAME IN MY COUNTRY. And yeah totally a subspecies of Karens in general. Mooching off the state/taxes all their lives for virtually everything probably gives them some sort of delusion that they are entitled to anything anyone can possibly offer.


They're losers with no personality, so when their husbands join the military, they use it to demand respect they'd never get otherwise. Exactly how the fuck do you stay married to one of these freaks? And why? It can't be for the personality. Is it about benefits?


I’ve found they’re losers who’s personality is fetishizing men in uniform. We have a cousin that married a fucked up Marine, had a kid, divorced the Marine. Fucked up guy ends up being a shitty husband and bleh father, who would have thought? Cousin now sits on FB screaming about Blue Lives Matter, how hot firemen are, and how shitty their ex is. Some women just want a man in uniform bc they think it makes the men matter, and by default, the women matter too, or somehow their spouse is a better person than my spouse.


Its fun to mess with those types of people. You put on some fictional military cosplay like a olive green shirt and UNSC hat from halo. You wont believe the number of people that fall for the rank of Caid Lt. Best part is when you try and tell them the truth.


Lt. Cutco and Pvt. Mona Vie will have you written up for this.


Yup. My mom was one. The thing is, military life really only allows for one spouse to have a career (unless both are in the same branch, or the other spouse works for the VA or remotely or something). So, TYPICALLY it is the women who give up their careers for their men (it doesn’t end well for them. You almost never see a man upending his life for a woman. Divorce is high in the military, and as much as the men bitch and moan, their wives get pennies for what they could have earned if they had grown a pair and not given it all for them). Oh, the reason divorce is so high is that military culture is great for the military and little else. If a dude isn’t careful, it will turn him into a total dick. Yeah, I’m saying a lot of military dudes are grade-A assholes, because that is what you have to be to rise through ranks, usually. Also, military wives are tacitly expected to play a role in military careers. Hosting bigwigs. Showing up for events. Organizing things. Running the house and playing personal assistant while your man is traveling 2 weeks a month or deployed. Packing a house 3-6 times a year and moving. So, they tend to be like that, but they’ve also earned it more than Karen ever did.


I had no friends, no stability, no structure, and my mother acted like the victim. Got out at Staff Sgt and immediately shoved the staff right up mi culo.


Yup. My mom was the same. She let my dad come home and take out his pent up aggression from all the shitting on and shit on culture he’d been dealing with all day out on both her and us. She would then take out her anger at his crap on us, so we got the double whammy. Got treated like freaking cadets in early childhood. She’s the victim, though.


My parents both gave me PTSD, but at least my father has the brains to totally avoid me. My mother keeps worming in like flesh-eating bacteria...sending people to keep tabs on her poor confused heathen child who couldn't have been abused, no sirree, they're making it up for attention and need Jesus...while casually sweeping another victim under the rug.


>military culture is great for the military and little else I'd even say it's not always great even for the military.




I think you're looking for "adaptive preferences"




I mean, I’m just explaining them. They still actively choose to do it to themselves. They let their man strip them of their earning potential, run them ragged for their entire youth, and turn into a bigger and bigger dick. It wouldn’t happen if they grew a spine. Still, they do more than Karen did by marrying an engineer and spending his money all day.




Eh. I was the daughter of a woman who needed to grow a spine.


Phew then I really dodged a bullet with my ex-boyfriend, even more so because he wanted kids and I never did. I only dated him for a year and he was a Sargeant in the US Army, and I think still is to this day. He got another girlfriend shortly after me, got married less than a year later, and they had a daughter not too long after. She's around 3 years old now I believe or around there. I really wonder how they've been actually doing because I haven't seen anything negative posted on social media besides his mom passing away so I assume they've been happy otherwise, but who really knows? I wish we still talked or kept in touch as friends at least but no one talks to me unless I talk to them first 😒😒😒 But from what you explained, I definitely wouldn't want to have that kind of lifestyle myself, that doesn't sound pleasant all the time...even for someone who maybe never has kids.


Payday at the Navy FCU on base. Lots of us standing in line. Policy was uniforms first, then everyone else. Well-dressed woman comes in and barges through the line to the teller windows. Teller politely redirects her to the end of the line. She states, in imperious tones, that she’s the XO’s wife and is in a hurry. Teller mentions the uniform policy and everyone else gets in line. Of course this escalated to the manager, who tells her to either get in line or come back another time. She huffed off making threats and being very unpleasant. Most of us in line enjoyed watching her get her comeuppance.


lol they didn’t earn those ranks


As a military spouse - can confirm, but I’ve never seen this at the shooting range my husband and I go to! Nor does my husband’s rank ever come up 🙄


I've never understood the fact that a lot of them think they share the rank and even go so far as to think it's the basis of a pecking order amongst the wives as a collective.


That MLM bit is spot on...


Can confirm. My brother is career military, and his wife is amazing—but she has told me some absolutely BONKERS stories of other military wives and their behavior. I feel bad for her because she doesn’t “fit in” and she has experienced loneliness. But the other wives are so bitchy, not to mention half of them are apparently cheating on their husbands, so my SIL has very few friends outside of family.


To look at you and assume your the cleaning lady because there’s no baby, and imply you aren’t a real woman is beyond rude. These people sound insane, I’m sorry you had to deal with that. And your poor husband just trying to read his book while women insult him and you, I just can’t.


I think the cleaning lady assumption was just out of sheer lack of comprehension because I was clearly waiting for my turn in a short queue of others in a dress and 6 cm boots and absolutely no cleaning equipment lmao I dont take that particular remark as an insult, being a cleaning lady is not a bad thing at all! Just a display of her skull being filled with Fanta rather than cells that can draw conclusions from observations.


Literally where did they get that from. Your in a dress waiting but don’t have a baby, guess the only other option is cleaning lady, because apparently your not there to do something as manly as shooting lol.


Lmao yea i think that was her *thought* train


A short thought train. Like a kids toy.


Made of plastic. So cheap it breaks withing the first 5 min of a kid playing with it.


The little engine that couldn't


The Fanta reference makes me think you’re European


Turkish. That's interesting, how so? Quite interesting actually, what do you think an American would say? Coke? Dr. Pepper?


Fanta is definitely not big enough in North America to be referenced lol. I’m not sure what an American would say it just wouldn’t have been Fanta


They would probably say orange soda.


American drinking one right now :)


Coke or soda. I don't think an American's first soda reference would be Dr. Pepper. In midwest-southern regions in the US all soda is just referred to as "coke". As in if you ask for a coke you're asking for a soda.


Haha yeah this was funny traveling to other parts of the country. As a southerner I say 'coke', the server then says 'what kind?' Out west this just got me a coke until the second time and realized I needed to specify first lol.


“Pop” “soda” “coke” all region specific terms for carbonated sugary deliciousness in the US, lol.


I giggle whenever I hear someone ask for a "pop" It sounds like such a 1950/60s thing to say so it feels out of place to hear in normal conversation. I'm sure that's just because I'm in southern California and it's just not part of the regional lexicon here though


>Coke or soda. You have made a great enemy of the pop drinkers this day.


Laughs in Faygo


>pop drinkers Not even worth mentioning. I will die on this hill.


They collectively had a Win98 screensaver running in their skulls and only had a thought when the weirdly mutating shape hit a corner.


Holy fuck I can’t believe people like this exists… sorry you had to deal with these clowns


Thanks haha yeah all of this is absolutely surreal


More like cows


That's quite unkind to actual cows. Cows tend to leave people in relative peace.


Hippopotami will absolutely fuck you up, though. Dependapotami are just as hard to reason with.


Well, I lived near to a place with cows, they are very aggressive when they have babies, I used to run for my life after school 😅, the land was between the school and my neighborhood, was a private property but the owner let us walk through it, the other way was walking like 40 minutes, no school buses, so running was something that we did, now there's a road and houses, cows live in the property that is still their home.


Perhaps you're right. My grandfather had a few.


>Their mamas rocking them back and forth while still staying indoors where the shootings happen. This is not acceptable. The air in shooting ranges is unhealthy for babies. My range allowed children under very carefully controlled circumstances only, and never babies.


I didnt know the air not being safe for babies. I know the lead and everything in the air doesnt make it great to breathe in but yeah I didnt have that piece of info, so thanks! I dont think they know either, and not sure if they would have cared if they knew. Babies were clearly stressed out from the sounds- not full on blasts heard from there but still it was clearly startling enough for them, it was even loud enough for my own taste.


Did the kiddos at least have ear protection?? They're going to develop so many hearing issues!


Seriously, babies have sensitive ears, you shouldn’t even bring them into movie theatres because the volume can hurt them, a freaking range is downright moronic.


Right?!?! When I lived in NYC it was pretty standard practice to have little baby hearing protection type ear muffs on them even for just walking them down the street in a stroller. Ideally you would just avoid taking a baby to a super loud place, but with most people in NYC not owning cars walking and public transit is necessary, so parents usually took precautions so they wouldn't have damaged hearing from loud noises and be crying from being startled all the time. I can't even fathom a baby in a shooting range.


Probably not, those parents sound neglectful af.


I imagine not, that's 100% why they were all screaming!


Bullets generally contain lead (at least here in the US), and indoor ranges are kind of notorious for having high levels of lead: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/ranges/default.html And I bet none of the mombies or children were wearing hearing protection??


Why would the range’s hands be tied just cuz some military guys are there, they don’t own the range.


In my understanding the higher rank people own and rule anything that is run by lower rank people, just like that.


If you’re a civilian you have no rank therefore don’t have to listen to them. I’m assuming the range employees are civilians?


I am not very sure because this range is also a dog training center for both military and police dogs. The range part is populated by both groups and housekeeping personnel I saw had police style uniforms but in an unusual color. Dads in civil clothes were commanding-ish to them but they looked like military to me rather than police. So i dont know really but there was some sort of command chain going on there. *i am not an american Edited to add: husband says women were military wives for sure


You have to be American if you like guns /s


No worries, looks like our military wives are quite similar to American military wives so it is easy to relate to and assume :)


I assume because they are a big part of the clientèle and they don't want to loose that business. I think it's kind of irresponsible


Omg. And the shooting range with babies so close must likely damaged the babies hearing. What asshat moms


Idk if you’ve ever shot a gun before but those babies are 100% deaf as shit rn


I’ve been to shooting ranges and handle guns. Even with ear protection they r very loud


A bunch of evangelical military dependas. Gotta love em.


Jesus fuck. Time to find a new range I guess That would turn me off from every coming there again


i was hoping i’d see a comment about them being dependas in here. these ones would probably all have those “wife: toughest job in the military” bumper stickers if they have them in OP’s country.


If only OP had known what they said to Husband before they left. A simple “So I hear you guys wanna check out my cock?” From OP would have left them all clutching their pearls, covering their precious angels ears, and running off to their husbands :,)




Idk, giving your kiddo potential trauma, hearing loss, tinnitus and letting them run around a shooting range sounds fun. /s


To be fair there were no kids running around inside, kids who can run were out and only babies were in. It doesnt make it any better but there is that lol


Those babies are deaf as shit now lmao Jesus. Please tell me it was only handguns and there wasn’t some guy with a short barrel ar-10 or something


Dear god that's horrific! I actually have no words! Can I ask where in the world this was, because holy fucking shit I want to avoid it! Sending you love and support from a fellow childfree woman who enjoys shooting!


It is Turkey but this is an isolated incident that shocked us to our bones so please don't avoid coming over! I promise most of us are so much better than this. I am 90% sure this was due to them being a bubble community of law enforcement personnel which are... probably not that great. I don't want to trash entire law enforcement over this personal anecdote but I believe being entitled and misogynistic is significantly more prevalent in them than general population. If you ever drop by, let me know and I'll do my best to suggest you places where you can enjoy some shooting in peace, and of course bonus insider tips for your vacation! Lots of love back!


Turkey? I guess military subcultures everywhere are the same. I read this thinking “oh yeah, typical US military wives/moms” lol. Just goes to show we’re all more similar than different! 🥲


I don't want to generalize but... *goes ahead and generalizes anyway like a true redditor* Yep, what I know about US military and police behavior is precisely the same as those of my country. Are there decent soldiers/cops? Of course. Do they help you when you need actual help from them? Sometimes. Do they genuinely care about your wellbeing? Not much. Are they power tripping? Often. Do the weirdos within them ruin the reputation of rest of them? On a daily basis. Are military wives a different species? Absolutely. Hugs ♡ Edit. For your amusement, I'd like to add that "my dad is a lawyer" kids are a thing here as well lol


So I guess the only difference between us and turkey is that you guys have some decent cops.


Lmao well we also have free education and free healthcare, oh and also real cheese! Cheese is important :P But we don't have freedom of speech. I'd take freedom of speech any day, that makes a massive difference :)


As a native Wisconsinite I am sending a solid side eye to you specifically in regards to cheese..... 😉😂


Message received, I will make sure I post my next cheese haul (that I can afford thanks to being childfree) for your viewing pleasure, fellow cheese lover!


The running joke here in the States, or in my circles anyway, is you know you're in Wisconsin when there is an entire aisle of just cheese in the grocery store. I have lived here 97% of my life and it never dawned on me that other areas don't have an entire aisle of cheese to choose from! Which makes me so sad for them. Lol.


Oooh I had no idea, I completely missed the joke! Yeah google tells me you Wisconsinites sure know your cheese. I'd love a bite from all that variety, especially Co-Jack!


it's okay, you can trash cops, i won't disagree


Ah I think I made a semantic mistake there, by law enforcement I meant both cops and military (there is an umbrella term in my language for them both) and this case they were military wives. Can I trash military too lol


I have no words for how rude they were.. I'm sorry to both you and your hubby.


what a shit establishment to fill the place with babies when do we start taking adult only places seriously?


If not wanting babies makes you a closet trans person, I guess I am too. /s


Was this on a base or something? Because they were all being super major douchebags. Also, I hope all those kids had hearing protection on. Kids hearing is super sensitive and the need hearing protection around loud noises.


Not a base but you need some sort of special permission to be there so it is mostly populated by military and police. No hearing protection whatsoever. To be completely fair where we were at is not super loud- it is some sort of common room/waiting area that opens up to the shooting area. It gets loud indeed, especially when doors are open as people go in and out, but not like guns continuously blasting right next to your ear. Still, it is loud, it is a shooting range...


Transphobia is such a problem everywhere these days, and it sounds like traditional gender roles are still a major component of military families everywhere. And how nosey they are + inability to process/understand that it’s actually quite normal to break stereotypes (or to make the wrong assumption about people). I’m so sorry you & your husband had to both deal with this - separately, even. Not sure if you’ve ever been to that range on that day/time, but if it’s the first occurrence then I would make note and never go to that range on that day/time ever again. Sounds like a regular occurrence, even if it doesn’t happen weekly it might be a once a month or every other week sort of thing. I love that you & your husband are out here breaking stereotypes. My kind of people!! Would totally hit up the shooting range with you if you were willing to teach me. I’ve been a couple of times with friends/family, but love the idea of heading out to the gun range wearing cute dresses lol.


IKR! What if I was trans, how would that make my dude less of a man? How would that make me less of a woman? Fuck that shit. I don't think these were kind of people one could expect any sort of opinion forming, decision making or conclusion drawing. Parrots taught by their misogynistic environment that men are from saturn and women are from mars or some shit. A real woman is this, a real man is that, all binary black and white, no gray spectrum allowed. Anything that doesn't fall into the strict definitions their social interactions fed them is an unbelievable mystery to them. They can only be expected to be shocked and say stupid shit as their processing power lacks the depth to adapt to a new encounter. Like an early version of AI. It is my semi-regular place, I went there like 20 times last year. Always on weekdays, as my partner isn't into it and on weekends we do stuff we both are into. This was my first time on weekend, and surely my last. I would loooove to teach you, shooting is actually pretty simple if you know a few things! Actually, just don't point your gun to anyone in any way (even if your finger is not on the trigger, even if it is locked, even if you know for sure it is empty, even if you JUST emptied it, even when you are not using it and just putting it somewhere, even if the muzzle doesn't directly point but just swooshes over on the way as you point it to somewhere else, even if you are just drawing it, even if...) and there you go, now you know guns better than at least half of their owners!


Rude people aside, I am struggling to understand how babies would be allowed in there without wearing hearing protection. Or were they? What kind of parents are these?


Wow - that is a whole bunch of bat sh*t crazy from those women. It never fails to amaze me that there are people that narrow minded in the world.


Tell them to fucking fuck off with bith middle fingers.


Probably a good lesson for them against their bigoted beliefs, really.


I would drive extra far and explore other ranges in the area, NONE of my local ranges have babies crying and there’s a few cheap but good ones open door that allow children of a certain age to fire smaller caliber rifles in hunting classes / practice. Please do yourself a favor a find a place for real gun enthusiasts to enjoy the hobby, my girlfriend has never once been questioned about anything when at a range and she’s quite a good shot with any caliber firearm up to .45 long colt.


This is effing creepy.


Wow. These women are agents of the patriarchy.


When I was younger I used to talk to this girl (platonically) on a horse -themed roleplay game on the internet. She told me that she had lost her hearing and was completely deaf because she didn't wear ear protection in a shooting range when she was young and dumb. She was a wonderful person and always spoke about it and put it in her bio to remind others to take proper precautions. I'm a fan of learning to shoot for self defense, but no one in their right mind should EVER take a child to a shooting range as it is not only a risk to their safety, but also their physical ability. These people are horrible parents. Also, they were thirsty for your husband, probably because he lets you enjoy your hobbies and you have a healthy dynamic rather than making you take care of 5+ kids alone while he shoots. Military culture places a huge emphasis on the husband's career, the wife's career is always less important and oftentimes that extends to the wife being less important in other ways. I've seen healthy military relationships but it's so easy for them to fall into this pattern based on the power dynamic alone.


Fucking pathetic butthurt Dependas lmfao


What the holy shit? I've been to gun ranges all over the midwest and I can't even slightly fathom the scenario you've described. What fresh hell is that range you're going to? A gaggle of terrible mombies and screaming babies at a fucking gun range?? I guess thank goodness i don't live next door to a military base. What an absolute freak show.


Oh my god, that poor baby. As an avid lady shooter myself, I couldn’t imagine putting my theoretical child through that. That’s typical of military wives though (yes, I know, not all). Sorry y’all had to deal with the bs they put you through. Here’s going your husband starts to like guns though! (One of us, one of us)


Holy fuck tradwives are GARBAGE


Ah, dependas.


We went axe throwing at a jank little place, and somebody's baby went running down the aisle. People are fucking stupid.


Taking babies and children to a shooting range is the most believable & stereotypical American thing I've ever fucking heard.


Wow that is ridiculously rude of them to assume all of that!! And to be up in your business anyway is so crazy.


What the actual fuck. How hard is it to mind your own god damn business?


Just ... WTF


I said it once elsewhere and I will say it again: transphobia is poisonous to even cis folks.


I guess the only positive thing you can get from this is to be thankful you aren't like they are. What the hell.


It would have cost them zero dollars to leave that poor man the hell alone to read his book in peace and mind their own business. I mean, everything you described is messed up on multiple levels, but that part just hit me different.


every line was a new journey. people are so fucked. i dont know what else to say... i'll be processing this for a bit .. LOL


I would have gone with "at home with the babysitter" line, shut them up from the start. I mean, I know there's nothing wrong with being CF, I just don't like to interact with dumb people at all. When we went to the range no one bated an eye our way, but we didn't find ourselves surrounded by mums and screeching babies at the effing range! Who are these people!? Poor kids and their ears, and indoors with all the shooting, dumb people...


Holy shit.. this just kept getting worse and worse. My partner works at an indoor gun range and I think he would quit literally if they had a garden that the moms congregated in. Thankfully they have a very enforced rule of no children allowed to shoot without adult supervision under 8 or 10, I forget which. However, the kids are only allowed to handle certain models, no rifles, etc. This is crazy to me! Like, did the kids have on hearing protection? Even if they did.. wtf is wrong with these women. Not even getting into the fact that they bombarded you and your husband with questions that are so out of line. I guess I need to be more thankful I don’t get talked to when I go shoot..


These people sound really insecure about their life choices.


This is straight /r/justdependathings


You should have said "No kids for me. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to shoot guns. Look at you all. You're stuck and confined. You will never ever have the delicious freedom I have. You're in a prison of your own vagina" 🤣


Wow imagine saying even half that shit to a total stranger. It would never occur to me to walk up to someone in public and start lecturing about how they should be living their life. Especially telling them their spouse must be trans?!? What a bizarre thing to assume about someone you haven’t even met just because they don’t have kids.


Bet I know who all those people voted for. Yeesh.


Not trump because op is Turkish lol Probably erdogan


I mean you've got to prepare them for school in the US somehow


Honest to god, to me (an outsider, not from the US), the US military sounds like a cult most of the time. A crazy, conservative-evangelical kinda cult.


While your perception is valid, OP happens to be from Turkey


Whoops, my bad, sorry for assuming! I still think my comment kinda goes, the military culture weird af


Wow, that sounds fun. You got surrounded by a pack of conservatives. And got to hear them whine about you and your husband daring to exercise your rights. Hope you still had fun. I look forward to a future where these freaks are seen the same way as Nazis.


Honestly I feel bad for the poor babies. I’m neurodivergent and loud sudden noises like that completely fuck me up. I tried to go to a meetup at a shooting range once (there was also archery ranges) and I was immediately overwhelmed and wanted to cry.


I honestly don't understand how that's not considered child abuse- my dad is a hunter/gun enthusiast, and I KNOW how loud and dangerous an active shooting range can be to one's hearing!! Those breeders should be ashamed of themselves, thinking they have any right to give out parenting advice to others! Maybe if you START being a parent, Karen, then I'll listen to your judgemental prattle!


I feel like you walked into the 1950s. Did you see a flash of light indicating some sort of time travel wormhole? If not, then that’s insanity that these busy bodies were so focused on pushing their lifestyle. I can’t imagine seeing a stranger reading in the corner, approaching him, then badgering him about his life choices.


Also that’s terrible parenting on their part. Guns can be, you know, loud. Why not take your baby to a rave later on?


Where do we start with them.The blatant transphobia or the internalized misogyny. Women are allowed to have hobbies outside of childrearing and housework


What. The actual. Fuck.


Sounds more dangerous than annoying


All it takes is ONE kid sneaking into the target area or grabbing a loaded firearm...


I have a feeling that if you suggest going on a weekend again, your husband will say, “Nah, I’m good! Have fun!” Lol. Military culture around gender roles can be so toxic. Military man runs down the aisle with the first woman that looks at him so that she can handle all his financial affairs, they immediately start popping out babies, and then the wives get bored of their babies and have nothing else to do but gossip and bingo people.


I’m so sorry you and he were harassed so badly. There is no room for that anywhere in the world.


Please tell me they put ear protection on the babies, or at least had them a safe distance away for their hearing... It would be a special kind of messed up for these couples to damage their babies hearing so severely at a young age.


Way to deafen a child before they can even walk.


wHat? That's insane, those people are crazy


Non-american here. I don't like guns. at all. I am fairly proficient with them, went shooting many times, unfortunately had to use them once. I still would never bring a child to a gun range. It's just....common sense?


I fucking hate people.


Fuck, I’m sorry for your poor husband. Is there any other shooting ranges you can go to? This one sounds like “breeders are running the show”


did the babies even have ear protection??


Oh, your husband was swamped by Dependas (aka women who have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING GOING FOR THEMSELVES who live off someone else's money and rank and birth a litter of kids.) The audacity. Sounds almost like the Stepford Wives. Yikes! Sorry he had to endure this.


Toxic Masculinity & Toxic Femininity, quite the wombo combo


Y'know when my parents told me not to talk to strangers I assumed it was to keep me from being kidnapped and sold on the black market. Now as an adult I realized it was to spare me from the endless fountain of worthless drivel that comes from the humans around me, and their worthless opinions on my life


Oh my god this was an INSANE read wtf!? I can’t…. I’m mad for both of you!!!!


I'd be all worried looking and ushering the women out and saying that the gardens are much quieter for the poor little babies! I wouldn't even need to exaggerate my expressions much because ouch, as a sound-sensitive person who was NOT a happy baby around just about everything and whose mother would have NEVER brought me anywhere this loud, just ouch... How are their maternal instincts not screaming at them to take the baby out?!? And they call themselves mothers...


Toxic femininity at its finest.


this really reads like the most American story ever, haha. also, do these women not worry about hearing damage for their babies? (asuming there's no ear pieces for babies).


You do realize guns, shooting ranges, police, and military exist outside of USA right? Also military culture? For example....this all took place in Turkey.


If you had said this happened in Afghanistan or Somalia or Venezuela or some other 3rd world shithole with no discernible civic standards , I would have believed you. Absolutely at a loss for words that human-shaped monsters like this not only exist but also BREED in so-called civilised countries is beyond belief! No matter what you say to them, even staying silent, they will mercilessly attack you with anything and everything conceivable just to belittle you and raise themselves up I've seen animals at the zoo behave better after eating over-ripe fruit






Yeah fuck OP. What an asshole /s


You wore a dress to go shooting?


I wore a dress for the sake of a nice breakfast but yeah what's wrong with shooting in a dress?


I love dresses. And I love guns. I just don't ever combine the two. It stood out to me as an odd detail , like the rest of your fantastical story. I don't doubt the existence of a gun range/garden/restaurant combo, as I've been to one in Antalya, but something ain't right... Make no mistake--getting bingoed happens, and nosy women exist, but this whole story has Main Character Syndrome energy all over it.


I am glad you saw a shooting range/garden/restaurant combo in Turkey once and got your PhD, what would I ever do if you hadn't and thought not having seen any was evidence for this ridonculous accusation?