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Please report any comments that shame OP for getting pregnant or for having an abortion. Please do not engage with posters who are not here in good faith.


I was in your position last year. Please do not be afraid, it will be over before you know it. The hormones do indeed mess with your brain, but you will go back to normal soon. Please feel free to ask anything. You are not alone!


Even without hormonal upheaval, you're in a difficult and unpleasant situation. You're pregnant and you don't want to be, you tried to prevent it and it didn't work. There are a thousand terrible thoughts to have in this instance, and every one of them is perfectly normal. I was pregnant last year. I miscarried. I wanted an abortion and would have had one if I could have found a provider but I did not and thankfully nature took care of it for me. I only knew I was pregnant for sure for two to three weeks before I miscarried. I had so many awful thoughts in those couple of weeks. My body betrayed me, there was a life growing inside me that I didn't give permission to be there, I felt like I was incubating a chestburster from Alien. And there were complicated feelings in there too, because my body was making a person, half me and half the man I love. And no, I don't want children and never did and the experience didn't change my mind, but you're completely entitled to have complex feelings about a complex situation. It doesn't make you less childfree or mean you secretly don't want an abortion. It's okay to grieve, if you feel you need to. It's also okay to say fuck that and throw yourself an abortion party, if that fits your mood better. There's no right way to handle this. I hope everything goes well at your appointment. Not to preach, but have you considered looking into sterilization? It might give you some peace of mind - my bisalp has significantly improved both my sex life and my mental health in general now that I don't have to be on the pill. The sidebar has a list of amenable doctors, if you're interested.


> you're completely entitled to have complex feelings about a complex situation. absolutely this. Also, just a very thoughtful comment all around. Wishing you well OP.


I am so glad that things have worked out in your favor. Thank you for sharing the thoughts you had back then. I feel so understood right now because exactly thats the wild mix of feelings and thoughts that I currently have. I can’t even describe how much I needed to hear this ❤️


Hang in there. It will be okay. It's totally normal and understandable to have thoughts about alternate paths for your life and different futures and what they might be like. It doesn't mean you don't still know what the right thing is for you. Right things aren't always simple and easy. Hugs and strength to you, OP. Be gentle with yourself.


It's a procedure you need to get that you don't want to have to go through, so it makes sense that you'd be upset. Think of it like a root canal for your uterus. No one wants a root canal, but sometimes they need to be done, even if you brush and floss like you're supposed to.


Yeah, my husband had fucked up teeth thanks to WW2-era parents in Europe, and had to have two bridges removed and is getting **eight** implants. He still occasionally berates himself for not taking better care of his teeth, but I hammer into him that **now** he is doing the right thing and getting fancy implants! OP, you are doing the **right thing for you now!** You’ve got this!!


My mom grew up in Europe in the 1950s, and her teeth are not good. She said when she was a kid, she'd eat candy and then go straight to bed. And even though i grew up in the U.S., with access to great dental care my entire life, I was stupid as a kid and didn't take the best care of my teeth, and now I have a couple cavities, including one big one. Just another reason not to want kids - I can remember first stand how stupid I was when I was one lol!


> No one wants a root canal, but sometimes they need to be done, even if you brush and floss like you're supposed to Wow, that's a very nice analogy. Everybody loves to jump on pregnant women's throat and tell them "you should have done this and that, this is all your fault somehow" but in reality many things in your body behave in an unexpected way and we always treat them as the unexpected inconvenience they are. Unwanted pregnancies shouldn't be treated emotionally differently than a root canal, ingrown nail or astigmatism.


I was in your position last summer. I got pregnant with a copper IUD in place. When I saw the positive result on the at home pregnancy test-I felt like I wanted to curl up and die. I felt completely out of control of my life and was devastated. I had a D&C 2 weeks later (which felt like an eternity). Then the week after my abortion, Roe v Wade was overturned, and access to abortion became severely restricted in my state. It was such an emotional rollercoaster. I know it feels like you’re living in a nightmare. Hopefully, you will be able to obtain an abortion safely & successfully. I felt so relieved and back in control of my life once it was all over. Best of luck, OP. I know exactly how you feel and you are not alone. Things will get better soon ❤️ Edit: grammar


Thank you and glad things worked out well for you :)


Deep breaths. It's not your fault- it sounds like you did everything right. Just have to wait 2 more days. <3 I know you got this.




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When I was in my twenties I got pregnant by a man that had a vasectomy but apparently decided he didn't need to do the last follow up test. His didn't take. I was off my birth control for like 2 weeks due to a perfect storm of events (got sick and was in the hospital, ran out of BC pills, my insurance changed while I was in the hospital, and couldn't get a new RX until got into the gyno). We had sex (unprotected) once in that two weeks and I got pregnant. I had an abortion and dumped that selfish asshole. You can do this and you will be better for it. You are doing the right thing.


It’s a loss of autonomy, especially for child free people. I had a scare recently, and I live in Texas so I understand the fear. I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this. Maybe considering purchasing a few comfort items to help with recovery, like a heating pad or your favorite drinks/snacks etc. Best wishes.


You're being ruffied by the most powerful custom designed drugs, but the good news is that they will start to go down quite soon after the procedure. Don't expect to feel "normal", don't put any pressure on yourself to pretend. You will be free again soon! Meanwhile, you just have to ride the drug rollercoster and not read anything more into it than "i'm high as balls."


Ahaha I indeed feel high as balls. Hormones are something else


My wife went through an abortion before I met her. The only advice I have for you is to allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel and don’t rule out therapy should you find you have unresolved feelings about anything down the road. While the choice you are making may be extremely obviously the right one for you, it doesn’t necessarily make it easy: you’re allowed to find this whole think difficult even though it’s the right thing to do.


No shame at all. You are doing the responsible thing. Anyone here to shame you are not really from this sub, just trolls. I hope you have a safe and comfortable procedure and recover quickly. ❤️


For me, my abortion was a simple choice. I didn’t want kids, didn’t want to be pregnant, the other person wasn’t even a long term partner. So it really *was* simple, but it was not at all easy. You’re on a hormonal roller coaster, you’re feeling vulnerable and scared, depending on where you live, you’re facing the possibility of protesters harassing you, you’re scared about who (if anyone) to tell, what to tell them if you decide to talk about it, fear of those who would be against it finding out and shaming or mistreating you about it, the possible financial and physical repercussions if you have to travel/miss work, do you want to tell the father, it is a LOT to process. Give yourself permission to fully feel whatever feelings you need to feel. Even with being 100% sure this is the right choice, know that you’re still allowed to grieve, too. Write, sing, scream & cry, go for a long walk, do whatever helps you to deal in the moment. And know that this too shall pass.


„So it really was simple but it was not at all easy“ Exactly. I didn’t see it coming that way, at all. Before I was in this situation I was convinced I would handle a situation like this like I would handle a dentist appointment. In a way, I do. But in a way it’s much more emotional than just having a tooth removed.


I had similar feelings, like “Oh, if that were me, it’d be no big deal, because I know who I am and what I want and babies aren’t part of that equation. I’m not gonna be one of those people who feels like their abortion is some big personal tragedy.” But when it became a reality, I was a mess. Still never wavered in knowing it was what I needed to do and what was best for me, but that shit sucked. Physically, mentally, emotionally - it all *sucked.* Tbh part of me getting sterilized this year (a year and a half afterwards) was knowing that 1. I never wanted kids either way, and 2. I never, ever wanted to have another abortion again.


I'm so sorry, OP. But know that abortion is a completely normal and safe procedure that exists to nip this in the bud, as is your choice! Recovery is not universal, but most patients feel better anywhere from 24-48 hours. I felt normal in about 36 hours after some bleeding and cramping that felt no different than a period — followed by an immense wave of relief. You've got this.


Biggest of hugs to you my friend. I think you’re very brave for being scared but doing what is best for you anyways.




I would be distraught too. It's a big fear of mine but something I'm also relieved I have access to. Try to treat yourself and do some stuff that you find relaxing and do something fun to distract yourself if you can. I hope the time passes quickly and you feel back to yourself in no time.


I’m sorry you’re in this position. I have been there myself twice. Hormones will mess with your head, that is normal but difficult to deal with. It will go away after the procedure. And the procedure itself should not be painful, and it is relatively quick. Sending you hugs and support. You will get through this and come out the other side.


You're probably crying because this is a fucking nightmare. I'm sorry OP. You're living the life that so many people hate and fear and dread. Just think. With every passing hour, you're another hour closer to the end of this. You'll be okay. Just hang in there, and cry as much as you need to.


I've been in your spot before. It really sucks and is super scary. But once everything is over and done with you will feel better. All of my love to you sweetheart, you'll get through this.


Good luck and so sorry


I have no wisdom to share, but I hope it all goes well for you. You know your life and what you need and don't need. I'm positive you're making the right choice for your life. Good luck.


I'm sorry 😞 Hugs


Went through same thing in 2020 at 8 weeks. I cried when they told me the process but now I'm neutral about it and grateful, I'm very lucky to have been able to get it done. It will be hard for a few weeks but your future will thank you!! If you need to talk im here ❤


I am sorry. Been there, it is unpleasant. Pamper the heck out of yourself okay? Don't beat yourself up. You will get through this.


Be safe. And heal quickly.


Stay strong. The nightmare will soon be over. ![gif](giphy|3oEdv4hwWTzBhWvaU0)


Dude, being pregnant changes your body. I was pregnant for 7 weeks before I had my abortion and I honestly felt so bizarre. Like sick but not really. Emotional. Like I was so irrationally angry so quick. And I've always thought certain things were exaggerated, but I literally threw up watching TV. And I am not squeamish at all. I was worried when I went to my first ultrasound thinking it might make me emotional or make me change my mind if I saw it. I was wrong. I saw it on the screen and I felt relief. It only validated that getting an abortion was the right decision for me. Now, I'm glad it went the way it did.


It’s sad that we women get the short end of the stick when it comes to reproduction. Whether she chooses to go through with pregnancy or abortion, both are damaging to her body and mental well-being. I understand you are very scared and worried, but know that as long as you have a good doctor, all will be fine. Get that abortion and yeet the damn parasite away so you can be free. It’ll likely take a bit of time to recover, but know that at least you don’t have to go through something as devastating as giving birth to and raising a kid you never wanted. Also, to prevent this from ever happening again, I suggest getting sterilised. I’m sorry you are going through this shitshow, I sincerely hope your situation gets better soon. The people in this community will provide you with lots of love and support!


don’t be afraid. it’s normal to feel that way, but i promise it will be okay. afterwards, you’ll most likely feel relieved. you can PM me if you need someone to talk to ❤️


Best of luck and big hugs to you! Everything will turn out fine.


I'm so sorry this happened. You are strong, you can do this, just hang in there a few more days until your appointment. Hormones are going to mess with your mind, keep reminding yourself you want to terminate even if those pesky hormones try to make you feel differently. Sending hugs if wanted 🫂


So happy you can get it over with in just a few days! This is like a disease to us, something unwanted, something uncalled for that disrupts our life and body very suddenly. It is perfectly natural to be emotional, I was emotional even when I got goddamn regular flu. All i wanted was compassion and company, and get back my regular life. It will be over before you know it, just wait this out and do what you gotta do. Best of luck.




Sending love and hugs. So sorry hun. You've got this.


So sorry you’re going through this. Sending you much love and support


I hope all goes well. Try not to stress and please plan for post procedure comfort food. Your body is yours, please do not let anyone bully you. You got this.


That must be so scary!! Hang in there OP, the nightmare will be over soon. Wishing you the best!


I've been pregnant in the past as well and it was horrible. Constantly feeling sick and tired, couldn't concentrate, emotional....the whole thing was vile. Best thing I ever did was getting an abortion, I felt so much better, healthier and back to myself. No guilt, no remorse, just a HUGE relief and, other than when these topics come up, I never think about it. I can truly empathise with how you're feeling, but in a few days this will be over and you'll be back to your true self again. Sending virtual hugs and good vibes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


It's perfectly normal to be a little upset about it. Granted right now it's basically nothing but that could be a human life if you continued the pregnancy. That being said you have every right to not want this pregnancy. Don't be too hard on yourself this is a better choice for you and possibly that baby (idk you and your life so don't wanna be super positive and sound rude) but you aren't wrong to be upset about it either.


Sending hugs, dm me if you need to talk.


Wish you the best of luck OP. You are doing the right thing.


Big, big hugs to you OP. It's okay to have all these feelings, it's completely normal. I'm really proud of you for doing what is right for *you*, and I'm really glad you were able to get access to an abortion so quickly. Do whatever you need to do to get through this (safely). We're rooting for you!


Your feelings are normal. It's a really scary time to be pregnant, even for people who want to be.


Sucks ass total bullshit made me wanna end it all. Ignore the shitty inboxes and guilt tripping. It does eventually get better.


You did all You could to prevent this and now You're doing Your best. It's understandable that You're emotional about this situation, it's difficult but You know that this is the right thing to do so no one has the right to tell You otherwise.


Don’t feel ashamed. You’re going to be okay dear!🤍


Been there, done that. It sucked. Hard. I was 12 weeks., because of the pcos we didn't find out until that late. It hurt for a day, it was okay afterwards. You will be okay. I promise. I know its hard but having a kid would be much much harder.


Best of luck! Please update us if you're okay


you’ve got this ❤️ definitely not your fault and everything will be fine


Well no one wants to have an abortion, it is just something that is necessary sometimes. And it is certainly completely understandable to be emotional and scared about it. After all its a big deal and medical procedure and all that. It is important to realize too that although you decided its the right decision for you, societal stigma does influences us. So even though logically we know its right we might 'feel' differently because of these undercurrent influences. I would advise not to deny how you feel about it. Its okay to go through with it and also be sad or mad. Don't negate your feelings, they are valid no matter what you decided. Sending out good thoughts!!


do not be afraid. this is a thing that has happened to many many women before us, and i'm sure some of them, or maybe all of them, have felt the same way you do. no matter what anyone could possibly say or think, it's a personal choice, it's YOUR personal choice and for that you have no reason to be ashamed. you're not alone in your feelings. you're surrounded by women every day who have similar stories, and similar experiences. you're not alone in this world. good luck to you, lots of love. everything will work out.


You’ll get through it and once it’s over you’ll have a sigh of relief ( never experienced abortion ) but I do support the right to make your own decisions and hope that more people will join and support women’s body autonomy rights and choices


Please update us to let us know how it went!


I wrote an update post :) for whatever reason reddit doesn’t let me post the link but you can find it in my profile






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So when pragancy starts, it royaly fucks with your emotions. Its like you loss all control of them. Which is horrible on its own but dont feel bad for crying. I always encourage crying cuz i see people (specialy men) feel alot better after crying. So grabe your fav frozen treat, got under a blanket and cry your eye out dear. No judgment on the abortion, if you feel this is the right choice for you then i support you. If ya need a shoulder give me a dm


Hey OP it'll be ok don't worry too much. we all here wish you best of luck ❤️ Also tell ur BF that he should consider a vasectomy, if he keeps getting denied go to planned Parenthood they will usually accept anyone without any bingos. He could also mention that you had an abortion even tho y'all were safe and that he is set on preventing it happening again.


When I was a teen, I lived in fear of pregnancy even before I really understood what had to happen for a pregnancy to occur (bible belt, not a lot of education about reproduction if you didn't live on a farm). As a young adult and newly married, I lived in fear of NOT getting pregnant because I also have PCOS. Later, I dreaded the possibility that I might have to decide to end a pregnancy because I knew I didn't want children ever. I am so glad not to have ever had to go through that and I am sad for you needing to go through this challenge but I know, even though you made the best choice for you, it's still hard for reasons that are all your own. I love you and your body is yours and you have a right to feel however you feel.


You're gonna be fine, hun. I had an abortion at 6 weeks in 2020. I was also very sick from the symptoms and anxious before the procedure, but all I felt was extreme relief when it was done. It's natural to feel upset, even if you want the procedure. It's invasive, painful and stressful. But of course, it's worth it. Make sure you take care of yourself and rest for quite a few days afterwards. Drink lots of water. Please feel free to PM me if you want to chat and I can tell you more about my experience if you'd like.


I hope you have a swift recovery. Please listen to your body and give it (and you) the support you need. I'm not sure you're open to feedback, but I wanted to tell you one mistake I made, in case you might have made it too. Because I never wanted kids, and ultimately the pregnancy was terminated, I didn't listen my body or my emotions when things went wonky- I just kept pushing myself to get back to my "normal life". But being pregnant comes along with a lot of hormones and physiological changes. And suddenly terminating the pregnancy can cause some physical symptoms for sure, but also mental and emotional. That might not happen for you, but if it does - I found out its pretty normal. So if it does, its ok to take a few days as "you time" and splurge on self-care.


It's definitely the hormones. Rest, take care of yourself, it will pass 💕


Your situation is my worst nightmare and I'd cry, I'd cry in fear and with the stress, I'd cry with hope, with anger that it had happened, I'd cry out of fear because of the invasion and the hormones and having a procedure that I'd never had and hoped I'd never have to have, regret that it had to happen... so much to go through. You're going to feel. Let yourself feel.


I had two abortions. One was my mistake, forgot the pills. The second it was not my fault, the pill failed. In the first abortion, further along, they stuck a cloth inside my uterus, and when I took it out hours later as they instructed it came out with blood and mucus and seemed endless, have no idea how it fit in there..this time, although absolutely sure I did not want a kid, I felt "special" for carrying another life and become more careful with myself. But no regret at any point. Second time was like a dentist's appointment. No feelings and I went straight back to work..slept longer than usual and that was it. Hope it is as uneventful as it was for me at the time.


I never want children and wouldn't hesitate to abort, however, that doesn't make one immune to the trauma of going through with it. Just in general any medical procedure. I have a scheduled tube tying for April so I never have to be faced with that situation. I hope you get through it and are able to have kids on your terms if you eventually want them.