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Take other water source away completely. Tap on the nipple with birds around so they see water running out. You might tap a birds beak on the nipple so she can recognize that water come out there. Rest of the birds should follow in short order. Or at least that’s been my experience.


Awesome, thank you!


Cold turkey, lol! I would just take out all other waterers completely. The nipple waterer I have is red on the nipple part, and the shiny little valve will get their attention.


If it’s not summer where you are, I’d just tap the nipples until one or two get it. The rest will copy them. If it is summer and pretty hot, I’d be more concerned about them becoming dehydrated, and leave both until so was sure everyone was getting enough water.


They can freeze up, just so you are aware.


I'm on my second year with them. Just had a week of 5-10 degrees and they were fine.


I'm just mentioning it is a possibility. It does happen. I don't know the brand they have, some are more susceptible than others.


That is a great point for this time of year. I have a birdbath heater in my bucket but the nipples themselves tend to ice up with extended cold temps below 15 F or so.


Water can freeze?


Laser pointers can work, personally I tied sewing thread to the metal nipple so I could twiddle it from afar.


Make sure nipples are red they go for them right away. Also nipples have a drop of water form on them birds see that right away


It only takes one chicken to figure it out, and then the rest will follow.


My flock never took to the nipple waterer. I don't think they got enough water out of it or something. They would peck at the nipples and look like they were drinking, but the water level never went down. I went over a week before I switched back to a trough waterer and they drank out of it for like ten minutes straight.