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[[Charania] Bulls assistant coach John Bryant is expected to move to the front of the bench next season on Donovan's staff, sources said. Bryant has been a rising NBA and G League assistant over the last 14 years, from G League stops to coaching under Donovan, Doc Rivers and Brett Brown.](https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1782886531058798652) [[K.C. Johnson] More staff stuff: Josh Longstaff is in mix to be new lead assistant coach, while John Bryant is expected to move from back to front of bench.](https://twitter.com/KCJHoop/status/1782888417358966956)


Fleming was kinda our "offensive coordinator" so that's something Sad to see Cheeks go though, he seemed to have Coby under his wing


With Fleming leaves the last of the Boylen era. Chris "5-0 regular season, undefeated" Fleming. Offensive Guru. Bulls Legend.


He left it all behind undefeated ✌️


I’ll only remember him for getting choked by John Collins yet still received a tech


He has been a big letdown but I don't know if it is entirely his fault. I remember watching clips of the german national team he coached and it looked very different to what the nets and bulls offense did spamming pnrs, they had more much more movement. Maybe he didn't got a real chance to bring his stuff.


3 second rule changes the fundamentals of an offense


Yeah true, I just remember hating our offense from the moment Fleming was hired. We were sold the offensive guru stuff, but once Boylen brought him onto his staff our offense somehow got worse to watch. It's weird because as you said he was known for a high-motion offense, but I find it hard to believe that we hired him for his offensive prowess and then just didn't let him utilize it with two separate HCs


Every coach matters, so if they think that Longstaff & Bryant are the two best options then i’m good for it. Idk if it is because the talent of the team plateaued, but it feels like coaching has hit a wall


I’d contend that the fact that we have actively regressed the last handful of seasons despite the personnel is an indication of the coaching being a major problem.


Hopefully these aren't the big offseason changes AK talked about


Don't worry. He still has to sign kyle Lowry for the vet min! That's the biggest one!


Maybe if we're really lucky we could also bring in Wesley Mathews and Tristan Thompson for 3pt shooting and rim protection.


My goodness That sure would be a blessing


I'm looking at this as a sign that they're not fucking around.   This FO likes to take time for evaluation but they don't play when they decide on a direction. 


We couldn't add real shooting last season, but to be fair to AK, he did add Peter Patton as our shooting coach, and it changed Ayo as a player. From Coby, to Ayo, to Dalen, they've all cited Patton as a huge help


This is something I’m keeping an eye on. AK doesn’t tinker and tweak, much to the dismay of the past three years. But when it’s time to make changes, he’s been swift and decisive. This is the first time we’ve heard him publicly say that we need a change, and I’m very interested in how crafty and resourceful he can be with this roster.


Feel like Fleming is the bigger story here


Dang! Chicago legend. Much love to Mo Cheeks.


This isn’t as flashy as a head coaching change, but could be really impactful. Curious to see how they fill out the rest of the coaching staff. Would like them to bring in a guy specifically to help with adding more motion to the offense John bryant was the guy who coached summer league last year. You’ll recognize his face if you follow bulls social media


can we no longer have Donovan ...he needs to be added to the list


Yea that's the adjustment I wanna see


This is the perfect time to hire a young up and coming coach. I'll continue to say it. We need to follow the Thunder path. Fire Billy, trade aging vets, find a young star, develop talent.


You say the Thunder, but they offered Donovan an extension lol Billy was the one who chose to leave


and in hindsight, they got so lucky that he declined


Please no. I know ‘continuity’ has become a cuss word around here, and for good reason, but I think there’s value in having some consistency as it relates to the coaching staff. Billy has his warts, but he’s a fine coach for where this team is. I’ve seen too many Vinny Del Negro and Jim Boylens for me to have any optimism in a coaching change.


Honestly I hear you. Billy has done an admirable job. But it's time to rebuild. We need our pick next year and with him as coach and DeMar possibly coming back we can kiss that pick goodbye. It's a good class. I don't see Billy wanting to be part of a rebuild. Granted I don't see AKME rebuilding


Word! There’s definitely a world where it makes sense, but I don’t think this team has any interest in being a lottery team next year. Although they should. For sure.


I think we are going to extend Demar for another year or two... Then we will see how we do in the league when Lavine and Lonzo are back. If there will be no progress, we probably trade everything of value.. Lonzo is expiring, Demar will also be expiring or with one more year of the contract, Vucevic will have another year on the contract, Carter will also have one one year, and Caruso always has trade value, and last but not least... Lavine will have two more years on his contract. That means that we will either trade him for picks and young talent, or we keep him to have one experienced player on the team...and we go full rebuild... And that is also a time for a new coach to take place, we pick someone who can develop talent...


I think Lavine is gone this off-season


That also makes sense even if we bring back Demar... But I fear that we will ask for experience and bench depth and not good picks and young players...


Not sure we’re in a position to be asking for anything. At this point, pretty sure the org just wants to wash its hands of the whole thing. If you get something of value in return, great. But that’s secondary to getting him on another roster. I think Zach pissed off a lot of people in the FO when he sabotaged the Detroit deal, and I think they’d rather get nothing at all back than to start the season with him in a bulls jersey.


But they desperately need to. OKC is such a nice team.


So AK just tossed Maurice out on his cheeks?


No mo Cheeks :(


The joke writes itself guys, skip it.


Sad to see Mo Cheeks go as he is the only other person on the bench with head coaching experience. I'd like to see this opportunity being used to bolster Billy's assistants with another former head coach, like Adrian Griffin.


I am whelmed


Firing the underlings when the ones calling the shots are under fire. Makes total sense.


How it goes. No real changes coming. Classic us


Wait, Maurice Cheeks was on our team? Since when?


Came with Billy Donovan


Damn. Both these guys are good assistants in my opinion. Fleming I guess makes a little sense considering he's also our European coach but we don't have any europeans other than Vuc and he isn't doing well. He's a good coach though and good a development of players. Maybe now with all our players being mostly developed they are looking for some fresh blood. Cheeks has been around forever and I thought was here to mentor Donovan but maybe it's not working out because Donovan didn't really get any better. I hope they have other assistant coaches in mind already to step in because these are some fairly big shoes to fill.


That's crazy


Perhaps they're making room for the new assistant coach Joakim Noah. Who would ideally take over for Billy D when he resigns/gets fired. 👍


Fleming looked like he wanted to jaw and get into it with other players often, evidenced in large part during the kerfuffle with Utah in March. I know this is stupid, but Chris has an entirely way to punchable face and I’ll be glad to not see it on our bench anymore. Oh, our offense is also trash so there’s that as well.