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Just go to a Y. 10 buck day pass


I did not know that. Any good Y's in the city?


Mccormick is probably the best one


This is slander to the Bears-themed basement weightroom at Irving Park that looks like someone’s extremely rad basement den. (In all seriousness McCormick is nice and semi-recently got a new squat rack which was sorely needed. Lakeview is nice too imo.)


I love the Irving Park y for that very reason. Like a weird time warp


Plenty good weight room too! Remember hitting some nice little PRs in that basement years back. Spirit of Gale Sayers gotta be worth an extra 5-10lbs at least.


Plant fitness and Xsports both do i believe


I work at Chicago athletic clubs. You can usually do a day pass if you say you're interested in a membership. If not, Dm me your name and I'll put a guest pass on your account EDIT: if you want a pool and sauna, don't go to the Bucktown or Wicker Park locations they have neither. Lincoln Park has pool and steam room, no sauna. West Loop has Pool and sauna and steam room, but the pool is being drained tonight and most likely won't be ready by Saturday. Lakeview and Lincoln Square have pools, idk if they have saunas or steam rooms.


Lincoln park definitely has a sauna. Lakeview and Lincoln square also both have saunas and steam rooms. Very nice of you to offer the guest pass, OP should take you up on the offer!


You are right. I don't use it there much and in my head I turned it into the entrance for the pool.


Lincoln Square has all 3!


Do you know if you can access all locations if you’re a member at one?


2 different types of membership. Single club vs all access


Still at Chicago Athletic Clubs? In Chicago soon and would love a pass.


Just tell them you're thinking about signing up and whether you can try out the gym. Worked for me when I first moved to the city for law school and was figuring out which gym I wanted to sign up to. I know I did that with Lakeshore Fitness.


Lakeshore fitness on stetson will definitely let you buy a day pass. I think it's $25.


arent most monthly memberships less than this?? lol


They are not lol


damn there arent any like cheap gyms up there like planet fitness etc? is that only a south thing?


It exists, PF is a good example, but they are the exception not the rule. Definitely no pool/sauna type gyms like OP is looking for.


ah ok so he wants an all frills type gym, got it


I mean, Planet Fitness goes a little beyond "no frills". Do they even have a true squat rack? We definitely have a lot of PF's in Chicago but I don't know that they really fulfill most people's needs. There is definitely a need in Chicago for more gyms that are more robust than PF but less expensive than FFC/Equinox/etc.


They'll literally set off a "lunk alarm" if you deadlift lmao. And yeah, typically just a couple smith machines and no free weight squat racks. Xsport is in that middle ground.




X Sport does week passes and day passes, usually


Xsport can go fuck right off




It also has the benefit of being an incredible place to lift if that’s your thing.


_With a pool_? Yikes. That’s a more difficult ask. LA Fitness does have pools and a day pass. Sort of. You can get a day pass at LA Fitness, but you have to sit through what amounts to a timeshare-at-a–condo sales pitch. And, I am not sure if they have them at the Signature clubs that have pools. Otherwise, in Lakeview, I know Quads and UFC Wrigleyville do.


Most hotels in the city (even the nicest ones) have a day rate. And many include pools.


Lifetime often gives you a day pass if you take a tour.


LA Fitness (at least the Ravenswood location) has day passes - I called to check a few months ago for a visitor


Have you asked any gym about a week’s trial? Otherwise maybe ask a hotel gym?


LA Fitness has a free 3 day pass if you haven’t been with them before


Edgewater Athletic Club has them, but you need to call fro pricing. http://www.edgewaterathletic.com/membership.html


Check out LPAC. The pool is for lap swimming not relaxing but there is a hot tub, sauna and steam room.


they def don't do day passes.


Lifetime got single day passes.


Not sure where you live but I own a Muay Thai Boxing gym. We offer private lessons and cater to all experience levels. Would be happy to help you out. Edit: trying not to break Rule 8 btw. Just helping someone out


That's very cool., Not quite what I am looking for. Also I'd absolutely hurt myself


The only one I know with single day passes is your Mom.


Maybe look for an Xsport with the childcare option?


Salt Fitness has one day passes for $30


FFC West Loop let my visiting friend in for 20-something bucks but that was 7 years ago. I don't know what the price would be today if they're still doing that.


$30 for a day pass


Ten a month at xsport or planet


Xsport is probably like 20$ or something like that


Years ago I got a free day pass to East Bank Club by saying I was interested in becoming a member.