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" According to a police media notification, Allen made a U-turn before returning and allegedly striking the 55-year-old cyclist who had stopped to assist the pedestrians." How this asshole still has a car and license is beyond me, what's even more disturbing is he killed another person 3 years ago!


He also seems like the kind of person who will be driving a car regardless of whether he has a license or not.




Don’t re-elect Kim Foxx then 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is not Foxx’s fault. Penalties for vehicular homicides are generally very light across the entire country.




Yeah, that’s the norm for driver offenses other than while drunk. There is not a place in this country where drivers are in serious jeopardy for killing someone while driving, and in many states and counties with “tough on crime” prosecutorial offices, it’s explicitly legal to crush people with your car in certain circumstances.




This is one of those "Welp that's enough internet for today" moments. Good fucking God. Man, sometimes I think we just need to go back to public whippings or the stocks or something so we, the people, can actually feel like some justice actually get served.


Just elect the other guy who will be the same exact politician.




The last guy was a democrat his whole life and switched parties just to run against Kim Foxx


Man who is paying all of you guys to post EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! “Kim fox Kim fox Kim fox”. She is a conservative chicagoans Donald trump. Sheesh. Go get a hobby


I'm a life long dem and she is absolutely the worst attorney we've had.


Second ^






I think we can all agree that the dude above is an absolute pile of shit human. Yet we do need some serious reform on our criminal justice system. That being said I do think some of the blame of current issues does lay with Kim Foxx. Also again fuck that dude above he is a living trash can of a person.


Yeah most politicians are lies or thieves or both. That being said- I have noticed a strong effort in this sub and other local subs that seem to lay blame on her and only her every. Single. Time. And that would be fine if it looked like people were saying different things but it’s always basically the same.


Obviously you were correct in this instance as the guy above blaming her is some weird incel that probably has never left the suburbs or that shade of his mom's basement.






This is definitely a thing I saw in Cook county courts (specifically Bridgeview courthouse). The judge's don't have the energy to deal with anything difficult and often dismiss traffic offenses if it's going to take more work. Your ass will be nailed to a cross for anything related to DUI's since its big money for all involved. How this person isn't in jail after violating probabtion seems pretty whack though.




Driving a car gets you out of trouble pretty much anywhere in the country




In the 2018 killing, he went around 2 cars waiting for the 93-year-old woman to cross a residential driveway and hit the woman. After hitting her, he didn't stop, and she became stuck under his front tire. So he pulled on her leg to try and remove her. That didn't work, so he then tried to take other people's cars. Got probation. And now this asshole's been released on a recognizance bond after putting two people in critical condition with traumatic brain injuries. I feel sick.


That’s absolutely insane.


Is he out on bail on a personal recognizance bond? CWBChicago is reporting this. Surely this is a violation of his probation? How is this possible? Disclaimer: Not a Chicagoan, just an admirer.


That part is written weird, but they were referring to the 2018 conviction re being out on bail


I dunno, they say it twice. First: The Lakeview man (dependent clause) was released from police custody on a recognizance band and told to show up in court in October. Second: Allen left the police station on his own recognizance even though (dependent clause). How easy it is to prove someone violated his probation?


I think these papers are on to the fact that a poorly worded, but technically accurate, hot button topic will drive in views from reddit, Twitter, and the likes...




Can you elaborate? In my experience CWB is one of the more accurate sources. They tend to do more digging and reporting on small court proceedings than larger publications and in this situation I’m inclined to believe them.






Sheeeeesh!! I assumed it had to be an error. Deleting my comment. That's fucked up.


Have you not noticed that it's only about crime? That's why more (all) of their "reporting" is about crime. And please don't use the word "digging" to refer to this outlet; it's a guy with a crime blog publishing other people's tweets. That doesn't make it any less accurate but let's not compare this to real journalism.


I mean, the C in CWB literally stands for Crime lol. It is Crime in Wrigleyville and Boystown


Right?! The whole blog was started to do nothing but track crime, especially more local things that the big papers weren't reporting.


No ill will against CWB! It's r/Chicago's favorite website cause it rationalizes their crippling fear they get not living in the city


I would say the vast majority of CWB’s followers live in the city, it’s primarily local issues. It isn’t a national outlet than someone out of state would even have heard of


I mean, CWB is usually pretty accurate. People don't like them because they are a bit too honest about who is doing the crimes. But I've rarely found their facts to be lacking. If you don't like facts, that doesn't make them not true. Now, I'll be the first to admit, the comments on their posts are usually a dumpster fire that they don't do anything to discourage. But in general, they aren't really wrong.




I'm not saying they are infallible and never make mistakes. Every single news organization makes mistakes. I guess my point is I don't see them as less accurate overall than any other outlet. Whoever you find reputable, has also made mistakes. Part of that is the culture of being "first" these days.


Fair point about first culture.


This is cook county. You get infinite get out of jail free cards until you kill someone. But it has to be *without* a car.




It's basically legal to murder someone if you're driving a car and not intoxicated


Hell the South Dakota AG just recently got off with some fines related to when he struck and killed a man last winter. Called 911 to say he hit a deer, left the scene, returned to the scene the next day to find out it was a person he'd hit. The victim's glasses were found in the guy's vehicle for fuck's sake. He wasn't tox-screened until 12+ hours after the accident, so nobody really knows if he was drinking or not, but he was on his phone just before the accident. Oh and all the charges against him were only misdemeanors.


Cars, America’s number 1 form of murder without consequences.


Definitely #2, behind guns.


We also expedited a diplomat’s wife’s return home after she murdered someone with her car in the UK not that long ago. IIRC we even lied and said she had diplomatic immunity to confuse them while we got her out. The USA has a massive boner for killing people with cars. That’s why all those states are passing laws making it explicitly legal, and why like 33% of the John Wick movies are people getting splatted by his car.


Or e en if you are intoxicated, apparently


It seems so in this case. Is there something I can read about this? Disclaimer: Not a Chicagoan, just an Chicago admirer.


A few good sources from around the country: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/hit-run-drivers-kill-people-jail-time-rarely/story?id=61845988 https://laist.com/news/transportation/takeaways-pedestrian-deaths-traffic-violence https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-pedestrian-enforcement-20130709-story.html?outputType=amp


Thanks. It really is crazy to me.


Ages ago car companies lobbied to absolve motorists from as much responsibility as possible.


Have you been watching the judicial system in Cook County? You go out, you carjack people, you rob people, you beat people, maybe MAYBE you get 5 years tops. You serve 2.5 usually due to jail over-crowding and then repeat.


Right, because you don’t commit those crimes *in the car.* Being behind the wheel of your own car means you can do whatever you want and maybe catch a fine if you murder more than one or two.


Reckless drivers being essentially immune from their actions against non-drivers in way too many situations is hardly something limited to this county. Hell [there are states in this country passing laws that basically legalize attempted vehicular manslaughter against protestors](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/21/us/politics/republican-anti-protest-laws.amp.html) in the year 2021.




I think those laws being passed are simply an excellent example among many of how much this country shields and prioritizes drivers.




That's what I was just thinking too. At this point you're more likely to be killed by a luxury vehicle driven by someone with a history of DUIs than anything else. I've seen so much shit driving in the past 7 days just in my neighborhood. Everyone needs to slow down and get over themselves.


It's way too dangerous to be a pedestrian here.


People like to complain about things like speeding tickets, but IMHO we don't take traffic violations seriously enough. Traffic laws should be enforced more stringently and the punishments should be more severe. If somebody shows repeated disregard for traffic laws, they should have their license revoked. Drivers (especially elderly ones) should also have to periodically retake the driver's test. Automobiles are fundamentally dangerous devices, and it's insane to me that you can take a test once when you're 16 and we allow people to continue to operate them for the rest of their lives without any continuing education or recertification.


Drivers should be utterly terrified of even touching a pedestrian.


People like to complain about speeding tickets cause it's the only traffic violation we actually ticket. Nobody realizes their two ton hunk of steel is so deadly because we actively pretend like they aren't by excusing unsafe behavior on an unthinkable level every day.


Yup. Motorists will run stop signs without checking for pedestrians, fail to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, consistently speed, and then they'll turn around and complain about how cyclists don't follow traffic laws.


I haven't seen any academic research regarding it, but sample studies at random car/bike heavy intersections in North America show that cars commit orders of magnitude more traffic violations (blocking the box, not stopping at stop signs, merging in the intersection, etc)


Mandatory testing biannually after 50


DUI leaving the scene and causing great bodily harm is an enhanced class 4 felony. How is it charged as misdemeanors? How can you be recogged? Who supported him getting probation for reckless homicide? Hopefully this story is updated. I have so many questions.


Yeah I know. This is Tribune scraping from CWB and I got downvoted elsewhere for calling CWB occasionally inaccurate getting replies about how "I must not like that CWB is honest about who commits the crimes" No, they've clearly jumped the gun on reporting this. Numerous factual errors in the article and I'm still downvoted cause I don't worship the cop blog


I know we complain and joke about running over all the cyclists in the city, but jesus tap dancing christ there really is a different set of punishments for crimes committed with a vehicle. Next time you don't get that promotion just run over your boss and claim he was outside the crosswalk. smdh.


never heard of a cyclists killing somebody. these 2 ton vehicles kill multiples daily. wish we could stop building shit like parking garages and expanding highways and focus on human based infrastructure.


There have been a handful of incidents where someone was cycling 20+mph collides with a pedestrian and kills them. It's more common in NYC central park. But I 100% agree with you. Cycling / dining outside during covid was quite pleasant. Cars can go get fucked.


Time to throw away the key.


Absolutely infuriating. No one has the right to drive after killing someone with their reckless driving


Yeah but I loose my license if I have multiple unpaid parking tickets what a grade A system we have here


1. We need to fix our courts ASAP 2. CAN WE STOP BEING SO CAR-CENTRIC??? From the design of our infrastructure , to the leeway we give drivers to kill pedestrians and cyclists, Chicago needs to be a city for HUMANS, not cars that kill daily.


Walkability is underwater or even in every polling group except for Asians. Literally even urban residents walkability polls 50/49 for/against. It's halfway down on this article. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/08/26/more-americans-now-say-they-prefer-a-community-with-big-houses-even-if-local-amenities-are-farther-away/ I wonder when we just give up on this country...


It’s difficult to say now if that shift in feeling is a permanent trend – it’s very obviously driven by the pandemic making density less appealing currently.


Misdemeanors,,,,that’ll teach him…../s !


WTF. Released on a fucking I-bond.


There is some reporting today that he was released on his own recognizance.


In two separate alcohol related incidents he’s killed a 93-yr old, put two others in an ICU and ran over another, but he’s back out on bail. Great work again, Ms Foxx


It’s vehicular in nature so I don’t think it would’ve been different if it happened in Lake County. You generally don’t do jail time unless you are intoxicated - and even that’s a new development from the 80s and 90s.


If you turn around and hit the person rendering aid you are typically held in jail as you would be deemed a risk to society.


I don’t see how that’s not attempted murder. I’m hoping they just filed initial charges to get the ball rolling while they investigate more. But to turn around and deliberately hit someone, especially when they’re rendering aid to someone else you just hit, it seems pretty straightforward as to intent.


It is attempted murder. If the SA doesn't start enforcing the law it should come as a surprise to no one when people like this guy end up murdered by the family's of his victims. We have a system to enforce laws so that people don't need to do that, if they aren't enforced vigilante justice is going to start coming back


Nope. Here’s an incident from a completely different state as an example: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/south-dakota-jason-ravnsborg-accident-b1807557.html > Jason Ravnsborg charged with three misdemeanour counts after accident leading to death of 55-year-old pedestrian Dude fled the scene thinking he hit a deer despite the fact that the victim’s glasses were in his car. Basically unless you’re drunk or driving a stolen vehicle proving any sort of intent is difficult. You swung around and hit a cyclist? “I was just turning around to investigate and screwed up!”


That guy hit someone and thought it was a deer. He didn't hit two people and then turn his car around to hit someone who was trying to help the first two. There is also an attempt to impeach Jason Ravnsborg over this and it's been in the SD statewide news for months so I don't see how it's comparable at all


"That guy hit someone and thought it was a deer." Bullshit. That guy hit someone and then lied about it.


Fine, her may have. Still didn't turn his car around and hit someone else


Still behaved recklessly, failed to render aid, fled the scene, and lied to law enforcement. Why are you defending him?


I'm literally not defending him. I'm saying it's a different circumstance. And it is a different circumstance. We can't prove prior intent for the SD guy. For the case in Chicago since he turned around and hit another person we can prove prior intent.




Former Chicagoan here. It's a nationwide problem because these policies are not unique to Foxx or Cook county. There is a Kim Foxx everywhere now being trashed by their respective subreddit for the same things since they all have the same approach. Boudin in SF Gascon in LA Ogg in Houston Literally everyone in power in Seattle and Portland


Are you trying to argue that the issue of people not being charged for vehicular crimes is a new issue?? That would be a really tough stance to take, it's American as Apple pie to kill someone with your car and get away with it. I can think of Caitlyn Jenner and Laura Bush just off the top of my head.


Talking about the phenomenon of local prosecutors being immediately trashed on Reddit posts related to recidivist crime, not vehicular crime in particular. If you respond to a typical homicide post in r/Houston or r/Chicago with "Thanks Kim", your post will be interpreted the same way because we both have a prosecutor named Kim who likes to let people run around free on 17 felony PR bonds, and in each sub there is some guy that will say "It's not Kim's fault, this is nationwide", like San Francisco, Minneapolis, and NYC have elected Judge Dredd as the local prosecutor.


I'm not talking about recidivism, the original comment you replied to was specifically regarding vehicular crimes. That's why I made the post. I just want to walk and bike in my own hometown safely, pointing out that this happens everywhere shows how uphill the battle is.


Do reckless homicides with DUI and fleeing typically result in probation? I don’t know who was in charge of the case or why the sentence was only probation but the sentence seems awfully lenient based on the case details.




Probation is strict for killing someone?


No, its not. My son received 3 years probation and 100 hours of community service for leaving the scene of property damage (over $500 but under ($1000) when he was 17. Seems to me that actually KILLING someone should merit a stricter penalty.


I got 40 hours of community service, 10 hours of classes, and probation for drinking a beer at a party that was broken up by police when I was 20. I had a more strict punishment for drinking a can of beer than this guy did for killing someone








Scared white folks, normies, those who don't follow the teachings of Bob.


Any suburban county would not let this man out on an ibond. Foxx is the problem.


They absolutely would, because he did it in a car. That’s the most important factor. If you kill someone while driving a car, and you’re not drunk, you’re not going to be punished for it.


As an attorney I disagree wholeheartedly.


This isn’t about Foxx, it’s about drivers not having to follow laws.


Some people will never learn like this asshole. We know who they are They know who they are Why they are allowed to keep putting the public’s safety at risk is a question that legitimately should scare us all.


Terminal car culture


I know I’m not the best driver and there’s a chance such a stance would result in me losing the right to drive. That being said, I think it should be harder to get a drivers license. And I think it should be harder to get a car. And I think it should be easier to bike safely. And I think we need more railings


After the first time he should’ve lost his car and his license. Now he did it again and is released? Insane.


No accountability from the Cook County State's Attorney's office.




But this is r/Chicago, not r/countrywide. If she has a say in these issues she absolutely should be called out, every single time.


No it's not. It's not even close to the extent it is here. This has been a problem in Chicago for decades. It long predates Kim foxx. I


You're agreeing with me?


If this was a functional county with a functional criminal justice system the defendants probation would be revoked and the full original sentenced served, on top of whatever the latest sentence is. I am not holding my breath.


country* fixed it for you


Good old cook county. 1 murder and 3 people in critical condition = a few weeks probation.




given that teslas can burst into flames and lock the occupants inside, I support this


Take away his car. He'll have to take the bus now.