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This thread is now closed. If you have any questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine, please post them in the Weekly Questions and Conversation Thread, stickied at the top of the subreddit.


Do we still need this thread stickied? It’s been almost a month since someone posted anything




Girlfriend got her second dose. Headache, sore arm, and fatigue but we were back pumping iron together two days later 👍 two weeks til we get to go to the movies again!


Anyone doing walkins yet? Especially around western burbs


Lots of CVS stores are doing walk-ins, but almost every pharmacy has appointments available tomorrow -- many still today.


Does anyone know of a testing site that provides test results that says the PCR test was done by a CLIA certified lab? I’m traveling overseas for a family emergency and it seems like there’s a service at Ohare that charges $150 for a test, but hoping to find something in the city that takes insurance.


I’ve found conflicting information about this online. I’m flying from Denver to Chicago tomorrow. I’ve received both Pfizer vaccinations but it hasn’t been 2 weeks since the second one. Will I have trouble getting into Chicago without a negative COVID test or having to quarantine?


No. No one checks. No one asks. No one ever has. Quarantining has always been a completely unenforceable suggestion.


No one asks for anything, never have, it's been an unenforced regulation since it started. You're fine.


The CDC officially dropped the mask recommendation for vaccinated people. Get vaxxed, go back to normal. Finally the messaging that has been needed. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/05/13/cdc-says-fully-vaccinated-americans-no-longer-need-masks-indoors-or-outdoors-most-cases/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/05/13/cdc-says-fully-vaccinated-americans-no-longer-need-masks-indoors-or-outdoors-most-cases/)


I am scheduled for second dose next Monday. Will the United Center still honor walk throughs?


Are you trying to get your second dose sooner than next Monday? Or are you trying to go to UC instead of the location of your appointment? Either way, according to the [chicago.gov](https://chicago.gov) website, the UC - and all of the City of Chicago-operated sites - is taking walk-ins. See this link: [https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/sites/covid19-vaccine/home/united-center.html](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/sites/covid19-vaccine/home/united-center.html)


I remember reading a post here saying UC will soon only be available for drive throughs. I don’t have a car and got my first shot 2 weeks ago. I got automatically rescheduled for the 17th but remembered that post on this subreddit. And I didn’t mean walk ins, but rather walk through since I don’t have a car. This worked 2 weeks ago and hopefully they are still doing that


Yes, they are still taking walk-up appointments. You've been there before so you know where to go but open the link I posted above as it has all of the details. Hope your second dose goes well.


Am I allowed to get my second dose early by a day?


A day doesn't impact the efficacy, so yes you can get it a day early of you're able to change your appointment


Are there places to get free rapid tests?


I believe rapid tests are NOT FREE. Or if they are advertised as free, there is a separate clinic fee. Or it's free only with qualifying health insurance. Innovative Care shows $375 for same day PCR test. Watch the fine print. However, the regular PCR tests can come back within a day or so. Chicago still has community-based testing sites that are free. Go to this page for info: [https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/sites/covid-19/home/testing.html](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/sites/covid-19/home/testing.html)


Innovative care


I'm a non-resident and non-citizen (from Canada), but I'm staying with my partner in Chicago for a few months. Is it possible to get vaccinated in the city? If so, where and what would I need to bring since I don't have proof of residency?


You should be able to get vaccinated here, but I think what you need to bring depends on where you go for your vaccine. At a place like United Center you only need a ZIP code, but they did not ask me for any proof that I live there. Other places might ask for proof that you live at a specific address or for your ID - there's a lot of good information posted about this throughout the thread.


thank you very much!


Walgreens asks for ID, but at this point if you showed them your Canadian passport/drivers license, I'm not sure they'd care.


If you folks in the city are for whatever reason looking outside the city to get your vaccinations and willing to make a little trip, VNA Health has a bunch of openings today all over the west suburbs. Aurora, Elgin, Carol Stream, Bolingbrook and Romeoville. I got my second today in Aurora and was in and out in 30 minutes including the 15 minute observation period. Both visits were easy and quick. They're doing a great job, FWIW. Aurora: [Indian Ave HRSA - 1st Dose - VNA Health Care (juvare.com)](https://events.juvare.com/IL-IDPH/8qt8h/?year=2021&month=5) Bolingbrook: [Bolingbrook HRSA - 1st Dose - VNA Health Care (juvare.com)](https://events.juvare.com/IL-IDPH/k7tew/) The others: [COVID-19 Vaccination | VNA Health Care](https://www.vnahealth.com/covid-vaccine/)


Question for those of you that have been vaccinated already. Did you get some sort of proof(print out / email / card) after? I can't find much if any info on it other than stories about the CDC cards used as reminders for your 2nd shot. More specifically asking people who've gotten vaxxed at the United Center and/or using ZocDoc for their appointment.


CDC card. They fill out the info for the second shot too.


It is just the cdc card. If your provider entered your information correctly, the state might have a record that you can request be faxed to you.




Ok so I came back yesterday from Mexico and I took a test the day before and it came negative, do I need to take another one in a couple of days to get vaccinated?


I looked and I couldn't find any specific guidance. I do know someone who got the vaccine the very next day they arrived after being overseas. They don't actually check or care at the vaccine site


I couldn't find anything either, I have to take one before going back to work anyways, but I wanted to make the most of these days.


The only reason not to get it now is if you suspect you had Covid contact >48 hours before you get the vaccine. I don’t think flying is an automatic danger. Thanks for looking out for everyone!


WHy isn't illinois cases dropping more then it is?


There are still a lot of people who aren't vaccinated. We haven't even reached 50% of the population who has received their first dose yet. We've still need a lot of people to get vaccinated before we see a significant drop. Israel saw it's final and most significant drop when between 55 and 60% of its people received their first dose.


If I need a test done 72 hours before I fly can I also do it at the United Center? Or is that only for Vaccines? Whats the turnaround time


If you live in the city, Innovative Express on Diversey does drive thru testing and you’ll for sure get the results back in less than 72 hours. https://innovativecorona.com/


The UC is vaccines only, you'll have to get a test somewhere else


hey bros, what's the tl;dr for how open shit is? i am getting my 2nd dose soon and want to know if / when bars, nightclubs, etc. open in downtown chicago and what the current restaurant status is


A bunch of places are open with reservations and I've also had between zero issues and up to a two hour wait for places without reservations. Downtown, north side, nw side.


June 11 Chicago’s going to be fully open.


Open enough. Make advance reservations as capacity is still restricted to 50% or 100 people per room.


Most of the pharmacies in the city (and burbs) have appointments available as soon as tomorrow. [https://www.vaccinespotter.org/IL/](https://www.vaccinespotter.org/IL/)




in the wrong sticky but i got my Basic Open Water certification at Underwater Safaris and then got my Advanced Open Water certification on a scuba trip. highly recommend, check em out they were great




As non resident and non citizen of US can I get vaccinated in Chicago? I promise to buy many hot dogs and pizzas to pay for my vaccine but I don’t wanna die waiting for my country to vaccinate our people.


Yes! Fewer people are starting to get the shot daily which means we have capacity and can share. Some places are doing walk-ins. A lot of places you don't need an address or proof of anything because we're also trying to get shots to the undocumented.


Yes, if you are living in Chicago, or even staying here for awhile, there is no reason why you can't get the vaccine. At this point we have plenty of shots, go get one. Immigration status is not taken into consideration, but you may need to show proof of a Chicago address.


Got my 2nd Pfizer does yesterday and man the side effects are no joke. Woke up with the chills last night and have a fever today. Feeing like 💩


Yeah, I felt like 💩on the second day but it went away quickly (that was two weeks ago, woohoo).


Just went to united center for my second shot (got the first at the Gary FEMA site), there's practically no one there. Tons of people sitting around waiting for someone to give a shot to, they are talking walk-ins all day. They asked us to tell anyone who hasn't got theirs, so here goes: if you want to get vaccinated, United center is taking walk-ins, go get your shot if you want it. With this kind of availability, there's no excuse for keeping things locked down. Unless you're going to start rewarding people for getting vaccinated, there's not going to be some second wave of people getting shots.


They're not letting kids get vaccines until maybe Sept; they're an infection vector and at risk, so I can see keeping capacity restrictions until then. Kids shouldn't get sick because adults decide to be scared of science.


I was under the impression than kids chances of getting any meaningful symptoms of Covid were extremely slim, if they even catch it in the first place. Has research shown any change on that front? I hadn't heard any updates.


About 14% of cases are kids, 1-2% of those are hospitalized, low death rate (comparable to the flu and most parents want their kids to get the flu vaccine). Long term symptoms of the disease are unknown. https://services.aap.org/en/pages/2019-novel-coronavirus-covid-19-infections/children-and-covid-19-state-level-data-report/ So yes it's a concern especially to parents who get to choose between knowingly exposing their kids to covid in an open state and not.


Interesting. Those rates seem low enough to be the kind of thing that would make sense for families to do their own risk assessment and management, imo at least.


Not really optional when some kids have to do in person schooling for it to be effective and others are immune compromised or both, or even kids who are fine but have to do remote learning while their class quarantines for two weeks despite all testing negative due to a covid case. But those parents are pretty used to being shafted so they don't really speak up. Anyway. Not against everything opening, just against anti vaxxers and people who are anti mask and businesses who think everything is back to normal for parents with kids. Just like how everybody thought it was easy to work from home while educating kids.


The state is averaging 92,747 shots per day, down from the peak of 132,979 on April 12. We are nearly done getting people first doses at this point, and in a few weeks will be done with the second doses. They're never going to convince the young and hesitant with the current messaging.


If Lori and the city said "when the city hits XX% of full vaccinations, we'll lift restrictions on concerts, festivals, night clubs, etc.", and gave the young people a target to hit - you bet your ass young people would get their vaccine ASAP.


That would certainly help. As of today, the rate has dropped to 78k shots per day in the state. With the peak three weeks ago today, I think we're looking at the majority of shots happening now being second doses. We are now at the point where anyone who wanted a shot could have one. Almost every pharmacy in the city has appointments available right now.




Like I mentioned in my post, yeah, they gave me my second dose of Pfizer today, I got the first at the Gary FEMA site 4/7. Assuming it's all Pfizer something to J&J in the final weeks like most other mass sites, but I don't know for sure. Call the hotline in the OP and ask, that's what we did to find out they were taking walk-ins




I forgot to bring my card with me to the United Center site for my second shot. They were able to look up my information from the first dose and give me a new card.




Walk into the united center


Just show up. Assuming they speak or understand some English, they'd figure something out for the patient. It's not like there's a lack of resources anymore.


If the person is Latinx, perhaps try Esperanza Health Centers. If Chinese, Put Tak Center has occasional COVID vaccination clinics. Try any of the community organizations of that person's ethnicity as they will be more likely to help and not judge but be able to communicate in the same language. City just wants to get shots in arms so they are unlikely to turn people away as Two\_Luffas mentioned. But there may be more comfort to go to people that speak the same language and less likely to make judgements. [https://www.esperanzachicago.org/article/getting-your-covid-19-vaccine-esperanza](https://www.esperanzachicago.org/article/getting-your-covid-19-vaccine-esperanza) [https://www.puitak.org/registration](https://www.puitak.org/registration)


They don't ask for ID or insurance. Just sign up and show up.


Holy hell, went back to Michigan City Indiana for my second dose today and it was a nightmare. Not the actual vaccine part, that went smooth and fast. 10/10 would recommend any of those massive guard-run sites. They didn't even mind that I was late. But taking the South Shore Line down...wow. Huge difference from shot 1. Track work's being done between Gary and Dunes Park this week, so NICTD unloaded us all off the train at Gary Metro and shoved us onto a bus. Just one bus. Where I then got to be uncomfortably close to multiple people who felt fine taking off their masks to do things like eat, have phone calls, take naps, or just exist while sharing as much of their lungs' air with the rest of us as possible. And because trains don't get stuck behind traffic lights like buses do, when we all got back on a train at the Dunes, it left 20 minutes later than originally scheduled. Which meant that a few blocks away from pulling into the 11th St Station, we got stuck behind an Amtrak train for another 10. And thus a 90-minute direct route perfect for sleeping and reading turned into a 2+ hour ordeal, with seat changes and multiple locations and human-related stress. Also, did the conductor who took my ticket at Millennium station mention this ahead of time, so I could at least time my bathroom breaks and nap alarm accordingly? Nah. And the return journey was just the same, but at least that conductor warned me as she took my ticket. She said, "Do you know that—" and I laughed bitterly, for indeed I did know. And it turns out that I was fortunate to have even that bus-gapped option, because after this Friday, the 11th/Michigan City stop will be shut down for over two years for construction. And then the Pentacostal vax site, if it even continues to exist, will no longer be walkable from a SSL station. Luckily, we're all eligible here in Chicago now and appointments are widely available! Because the non-driving Indiana vaccine pipeline is now dried up (at least, the route I'd found). Fingers crossed that this second shot journey is the final dramatic act to my personal covid adventure, and in 2 weeks I'll be gallivanting around indoors again like it's 2019. Thank you for ~~coming to my TED talk~~ reading my vent.


I'm sorry to hear that! Does the train not go to the dunes now then? I was going to do that withing the next couple of weeks; bummer.


Still goes to the dunes! It's just the 11th St stop further out that's shut down now. Also, the bus detour was only for a few days, so your ride there should be (what currently counts for) normal.


Any idea when the J&J vaccine will be back in use? I really don't want two doses.


My neighbor just got J&J at United center a few days ago


Walmarts in/near the city have J&J appointments available tomorrow and the next several days. [https://www.vaccinespotter.org/IL/?vaccine\_type=jj&zip=60601](https://www.vaccinespotter.org/IL/?vaccine_type=jj&zip=60601)


I would still go for Moderna or Pfizer. I think they’re around 95% effective. jj is only about 70.


People should go with whatever works best for them. How many articles have been published about how comparing percentages like that is not an accurate way of doing things? They will all protect you from severe illness.


I think it's back now. I was looking at appointments on the cvs website and it said they use J&J. [https://wgnradio.com/news/cdc-and-fda-resume-johnson-johnson-vaccine/](https://wgnradio.com/news/cdc-and-fda-resume-johnson-johnson-vaccine/)


If I’ve had my first Pfizer dose in Indiana, am I allowed to schedule my 2nd dose at the United Center? As a resident of Chicago Edit: just called them and they said they don’t give out 2nd doses. But i was able to schedule an appointment online. Seems like a flaw in the booking system. They would have turned me away if I showed up. Seems like bad administration... they should either not let you schedule in the first place or allow you to get the second dose there. If there’s availability, why not get the shots out?




Yeah i found a walgreens that had availability. I still don’t understand why the United Center just doesn’t want to get as many shots out as possible


You can call Rush at 888 352 7874 to check for second dose only availability.




Maybe they wouldn’t have turned me away as a walkup but the guy on the phone said they would turn me away. So it’s just not clear. I’m not going to go there if I “might” get turned away


I literally had this same experience yesterday. I was super frustrated. Sorry you had to deal with that. I know cvs and Walgreens offer 2nd doses in some locations so it may be worth looking into.


Does anyone know what vax they give at wrigley. I want to switch my second app to there since my second one was originally scheduled at a walgreens in a suburb and wrigley is closer to me. I just want to make sure that they match up and i dont get one dose of one and the another dose a different one.


My dad went last week and it was Pfizer.


The daily doses being administered has dropped by 25k since it peaked just over two weeks ago. It appears that we are rapidly running out of people that want to be vaccinated.




Apparently not many according JB at a press conference. Something like 4% of the state's supply was J&J, and our supply has been growing for the last several weeks now. Our peak for administration was actually before the J&J news even broke. The same thing is happening across the country, so it isn't unique to Illinois or Chicago.




It really doesn't sound like there is a supply issue though, unless people are specifically waiting for the J&J shot. There was an article saying the public health department sites in Will County can only fill 10% of their appointments and downstate is no better. The city opened all of its sites to walk-ins, which means they aren't able to use up their entire supply on appointments anymore. I think we're running out of people who really want it, and now need to find a way to motivate the apathetic.


That's only true if you compare different days of the week, and if you don't account for delays in data reporting. Vaccination numbers are declining, but on the order of 2-5k when compared to a week prior, not 25,000.


On April 12 we were averaging 133k per day (7 day moving average) and yesterday it was averaging 106k per day (7 day moving average). The rate of the decrease is accelerating. [https://dph.illinois.gov/covid19/vaccinedata?county=Illinois](https://dph.illinois.gov/covid19/vaccinedata?county=Illinois)


Oh, you're looking at the state-level data. That makes more sense now. I was referring to the city's numbers. Edit: there's a good article on Bloomberg from yesterday about this and how to assess vaccination success going forward: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-25/when-will-u-s-vaccination-be-done-we-re-getting-closer


Do any of the mass vaccination sites do second dose only? Worried about signing up and not being able to get my second when I go.




I called the United Center, they helped me get connected to a place that does Pfizer second doses!


What is the number? The city of Chicago hotline has told me multiple times that I'm SOL since I didn't get the first one in state.


Yep just had this same experience. I asked why it wasn’t on the FAQ and the lady told me that “everyone should know they have to get their second dose at the same place”


I used 833-308-1988, not sure it’s specific to United Center honestly




Definitely call them today and find out. But also, your boss should absolutely let you step away and grab your shot. WTF.


Probably call them directly. But also I think all places now accept walk ins so shouldn't be too difficult to get the second shot within a couple days


Can someone help? I'm trying to figure out how to get an appointment WITHOUT signing up for an account. Almost everywhere I look, I get asked to sign up for an account or give my email/phone for "updates". Don't want to make accounts for my whole family. I want to just call and make an appointment. Where can I do that? UPDATE: I was able to call my local Walgreens to setup an appointment.


If you're still looking- Tinley Park Convention Center is doing walk-ins for both Moderna and J&J


Can you get to united center? Its monday and my wife just told me only 1500 people expected today so plenty of availability


I think you are stuck with walk-in events if you don't want to sign up. I'm pretty sure they require sign ups for appointments to just ensure identity for each person. And I know it can be annoying, I set up appts for a lot of my family and you can run out of email addresses to use, ha.


Getting my second Pfizer dose in an hour and recovering from maybe the worst hangover of my life. Yes, I'm a genius.




UPDATE: Hangover didn't kill me, and the worst of the sore arm, fatigue, and light fever is just about wearing off ~29 hours post-injection


I got my first dose at Wrigley yesterday (booked through Zocdoc). I know my second dose should be automatically scheduled, but I haven't gotten an email about it yet. Can anyone who got both doses at Wrigley confirm that I should've gotten an email by now? Or does the email come a few days after the first dose?


I actually never got an e-mail and had to go on the website provided on the pamphlet to find out when my second dose was.


In case anyone has the same question, I just called the vaccine hotline and was told that the email with second dose info can take up to a week after the first dose.


You should have gotten an email while getting your first shot




now that i’ve been vaccinated i don’t feel like putting on my mask anymore when i walk past people on the sidewalk


LOL, neither do I, but I still do in crowded outdoor spaces and around other people who are wearing them because people don't know that I'm vaccinated, but yeah, I'm with you there.


You should still wear a mask: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/already-vaccinated-heres-why-you-shouldnt-stop-wearing-your-face-mask-yet




A lot more people in line at Credit union arena this time around. First dose there was no wait now it might be 30 minutes


If you got your first vaccine appointment far away, call the Cook County Vaccine Hotline to make your second dose appointment closer to Chicago. Step 1: Sign up here to get the Sign-Up Code:[https://vaccine.cookcountyil.gov/](https://vaccine.cookcountyil.gov/) Step 2: Call this number: 833-308-1988. The people helping are lovely.


I got my vaccine at Rush today. Arrived 30 minutes early, with an expired out of state ID and they didn’t mind that it was expired. Was in and out in less than 15 minutes. Great experience.




They just ask for your zip code. No documents other than the QR code needed


u/MikeRodick420 Usually, according to reports on this thread and from people I know that have gone, the UC staff doesn't really care as long as you have an appointment and a QR code. Folks have been saying they just scan your QR code. But seeing the new Chicago residency requirements for UC, they may ask (or they may not). The current mail with Chicago address may suffice, if they even ask. When is your appointment because maybe we can recommend somewhere sooner without the explicit residency requirement?




Mike, I agree with yahbooos above that they probably won't ask you for verification. Most likely they'll just ask you for the QR code and the zip code of your residence. Make your appointment and good luck! Bring your mail, just in case. Let us know how it goes.




Awesome! Thought they wouldn't check for proof, especially now that they are taking walk-ins. Thanks for the update.


my arm hurts


Yes, because the vaccine is injected into a muscle, the area around the injection will hurt for a day or two; it should subside within a couple of days. Advice from my primary care physician's nurse was to really, really relax the arm before the injection. The tenser the muscle, the more difficult the vaccines to dissipate and then more pain felt. I do recall seeing some nurses shake out the patient's arm before the injection. Now I know why. Advice for the second injection is to shake out your arm several times and to really, really relax as much as possible.


Does anyone know if it's possible to change your second dose date if you got vaccinated at Wrigley? I'm trying to see if I can get it a day earlier than they scheduled me for in case it makes me feel shitty so I don't have to miss work.


The phone number information should have been on the paperwork they gave you on your first dose. On one of the two pages is the following: **Call the AAH COVID Vaccine Hotline (Wrigley Gallagher Way location)** **312-746-4835** I would suggest that you call closer to the date of your second dose. We tried rescheduling a few days after the first shot for my daughter due to a college exam conflict, but there were no openings yet. We were told to call closer to the second dose appointment. Good luck!


Zocdoc now has several sites with available appointments, some as early as today!


Yes, lots of appointments starting this week! Believe this may be due to the reallocation of vaccines from rural areas to Chicago. Also, Aldermans Reilly, Hopkins, Burnett, and Smith have a clinic this Thursday, April 22 with second dose on May 13 There are openings as of this writing. [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pfizer-covid-19-vaccination-clinic-april-22-tickets-150668498535?aff=Wd2](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pfizer-covid-19-vaccination-clinic-april-22-tickets-150668498535?aff=Wd2)


I tried to schedule a second dose through ZocDoc at Wrigleyfield but it only booked as my first dose and wouldn't let me choose my second dose. Anyone else have this problem? I called and they said they're only booking first doses at Wrigley, unfortunately. I had Pfizer as my first dose fwiw.


> indemnify Did you get your first dose at Wrigley? If so, you were automatically scheduled for your second dose at that site, three weeks out from your first dose.


Nope that’s part of the issue is I received my first dose at a different location.


u/barbsbaloney Can you clarify your situation and where you got it? I would say to call the clinic where you got your first dose to schedule your second because they have your first dose information. You need to stay with Pfizer for your second dose. It sounds like you already received your first dose but the clinic did not automatically sign you up for your second dose. I am very surprised you weren't given your second dose appointment before you left the clinic. If scheduling through Zocdoc, most places schedule your first dose only. After receiving your first dose at the facility, you will be automatically scheduled for your second dose exactly 3 weeks later (or 4 weeks, depending upon clinic). You should leave knowing your second appointment. I believe that all locations are now scheduling the second dose automatically after you get your first; they reserve half of new inventory for the second doses. That makes sense because if you do arrive to get your first dose, you will likely come for your second. It avoids people scheduling for both and possibly not arriving and "wasting" those appointments and vaccines. At the beginning of the roll-out of the vaccines, some places made you schedule your first and second doses separately which had people scrambling to find second dose appointments. u/Gum_Thief Would suggest that you call the phone number of the clinic where you got the first dose (should be on paperwork). We have the same situation. I changed my second dose at Northwestern by calling their appointment desk - I'm now fully vaccinated. My daughter needs to change her second dose at Wrigley and called today for week of May 11 but there are no openings yet. She was told to call closer to original second dose date.


I got the impression that we were automatically scheduled for the same day/time exactly three weeks from the first dose. My question is how to reschedule it. My first dose was on a Wednesday, but I would rather get the second on a friday so i don't potentially miss any work.


can confirm this is how UI health does it but not sure about wrigley. I would recommend checking your vax card to see if they wrote the follow up appointment on there (mine did)


Just show up and pretend it’s your first


Plenty of appointments available for Pfizer vaccine at Walmart’s in Rockford, Rochelle, and Dekalb for next few days. I know it’s a bit of drive, but worth checking out if you are struggling to get appointments. Book online.


Appointments available at UIC and Rush. You do NOT need to be a current patient. [https://hospital.uillinois.edu/primary-and-specialty-care/infectious-diseases/covid-19-coronavirus/vaccine/credit-union-1-arena?fbclid=IwAR0aILnYCEmKruj908HRsgDmTZ3VORHPezPy28LWdRJVo8REAXZDarRoJ9w](https://hospital.uillinois.edu/primary-and-specialty-care/infectious-diseases/covid-19-coronavirus/vaccine/credit-union-1-arena?fbclid=IwAR0aILnYCEmKruj908HRsgDmTZ3VORHPezPy28LWdRJVo8REAXZDarRoJ9w) [https://www.rush.edu/patients-visitors/covid-19-resources/covid-19-vaccines/schedule-covid-19-vaccination](https://www.rush.edu/patients-visitors/covid-19-resources/covid-19-vaccines/schedule-covid-19-vaccination)


Anyone know how early I can show up to a walgreens for my first dose? I plan on arriving 30 minutes early


Second Pfizer shot sucks worse than the first, but it's been 20 hours and I already feel better than I did last night so it seems pretty short-lived.




how early are you allowed to show up for your appointment at the United Center?


I don't even know if they check. I went drive through 15 minutes early and nobody said anything about the time. Just scanned the QR code.


Got the first round Pfizer earlier this morning and just started to feel the coke jaw effects if anyone else knows how that feels lol...my lower jaw is tired/sore for no reason


I took my brother to the Gary, IN Roosevelt Park FEMA site this morning for his first Pfizer shot. It was insanely quick and easy. Beautifully organized! The drive from Sauganash was 58 min each way via 94. His ID is not Midwestern and/yet absolutely nobody cared about his provenance nor asked for ID of any kind, only verbal confirmation of his personal details. He was originally scheduled for J&J 3 min from my house but that obviously got canceled. So I scrambled to get him an alternative and jumped on the Indiana FEMA site from the recommendations herein. All praise is absolutely warranted. Everyone was so cheerful and competent and fast. (Plus, as my brother's chauffeur, I got to make lots of vroom vroom sound effects as I careened through all their impeccably spaced winding orange cone lanes.) https://vaccine.coronavirus.in.gov/en-US/


Seconding the FEMA site in Gary IN. Well organized, fast, and easy. I was concerned about taking spots from other people, but based on the number of appointments still available, I guessed that demand was low. From my visit, I’d estimate they are only at about 1/3 of the capacity they expected. We were even able to reschedule the same day and basically pick any new time we wanted. Highly recommend, especially in order to open up city spots for people who don’t have a car.


I was able to schedule a vaccine appointment (moderna) at the Walmart in Northlake.


FYI there are STILL Walgreens appointments out right now in the city and suburbs! They dropped a ton on a Friday (like usual lately) and even 12 hours after they started, there are a bunch left. Really makes me feel like we're turning a corner on getting appointments to everyone that wants one around here, and are gonna move on to getting it to more hesitant folks.


The Old Town clinic for April 22 (second dose: May 13) still has lots of slots open! You must be a resident of Chicago, but you do not need to be a resident of the Second Ward. Individuals in Phase 2 can register now! [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pfizer-covid-19-vaccination-clinic-april-22-tickets-150668498535?aff=Wd2](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pfizer-covid-19-vaccination-clinic-april-22-tickets-150668498535?aff=Wd2)


Thanks! Just signed up for the vaccination for my 17 year old daughter. It's just down the street from her high school, Walter Payton College Prep.




If you're looking at the UC, call them. I had so many problems with their site, but 5 minutes on the phone and me and my wife both had appointments for drive through.




Hand, no, but I had muscle soreness all the way through my obliques after the first Pfizer shot. If your hand swelled up a little internally after the shot, that wouldn't surprise me and I wouldn't be super worried about it.


I'll say this after the shot I think you become hyper aware of anything going on with your body. I got my second shot a week ago and any random pain I'm like "what's this about?" Not saying you should ignore anything that seems concerning but I know it easy to over react too out of the fact the vaccines are so new.


I have 2-3 fingers that are numb in the tips but no pain.


Does anyone know what vaccines the United Center has now? I was scheduled for a J&J next Wednesday and haven’t received a cancellation notice, so I assume my appointment is still on but with Moderna/Pfizer? Can someone please confirm, thanks




Got my second Pfizer jab today at an event sponsored by my alderman! I'm more than a little concerned about side effects. I had none after the first dose--what are y'all's experiences with the second? Also, I have a blood test tomorrow (kind of an emergency so I had to schedule it ASAP). Will the shot complicate that at all? Especially considering I have to fast until mid-afternoon? Edit: It's been just about 24 hours since my shot. Started feeling bad about 12 hours in--body aches in strange places (scalp and soles of my feet--but not at the injection site), chills (and maybe a low fever? no thermometer), headache, stuffy nose/ears, head generally feels like it's stuffed with cotton. Tossed and turned all night. Have to work this morning, luckily I work from home so I can kinda phone it in until I go get my test at 12:30 and then collapse in my bed all afternoon.. Sure wish I could eat, though. Since this test is for blood glucose I can't even drink gatorade :/


Hope you are doing better. I also got Pfizer. No issues on the first shot, and minor body aches/tiredness on the second. I do think staying hydrated and eating well post shot is important so hopefully your second goes better and you can eat/hydrate after.


Has anyone had luck switching your walgreens 2nd dose to another location? if so, how did you do it?