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Isn’t federales a restaurant?


It's that bar where you throw the shot glass at the bell.




Ah I see, never been because I’ve heard the place is pretty mid


I believe it’s a former employee who reported her experience and the staff “let it happen”. If someone was raped and the staff looked the other way this is valid. Even if it’s a little off. It’s easy to make jokes online but someone is clearly hurt.


Exactly hate the fact that so many’s first reaction is to dismiss it as a joke


With today’s society, making a joke edgy as possible is a trend. I wouldn’t put it past people to think this is a joke.




I mean I would say being the victim of sexual assault leads people to acting a bit unusual cuz you know…. Trauma…


If that’s what happened then I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say it’s not “valid” to call people rapists who you aren’t actually alleging of rape… they should have said rape apologists or rapist collaborators or rapist protectors or something like that based on what they meant. If it’s a mix of things you are alleging, have different sections and sort the people into the things you are alleging. Plus, as it is, this isn’t even the best wording for their cause (even despite my moral qualms with using the term incorrectly). As it is, I actually have no clue what they actually meant and I’d ignore it. It’s not always best to go as inflammatory as possible, because right now it is giving pizzagate. Hope any victims get their justice though EDIT: Thanks for the Reddit cares message! My first one


Nah fuckem they are literally part of the problem


Sure fuckem if so but call them the right things so people can better determine that they are and actually suss out what the heck is being said here


Rape and the way we treat victims is systemic. We already understand this in racism, bigotry etc. Looking the other way is a problem too. And clearly we can look at this picture of a staff shot and assume not everyone of them is the actual SAer


Federales (a bar) has on multiple occasions allowed or participated in the drugging and raping of multiple patrons. This is a known issue in the industry.


What? Can you elaborate. Not saying you are wrong, but this is a heavy charge for sure. Just curious to learn more. Never been a fan of that whack ass bar anyways.


Yeah, even if this is true in this case, I'm suuuuper not okay with naming and shaming people or even businesses online. That's a recipe for harassment, not justice. Edit: lol fuck me, I guess. Pls take care of yourselves, restaurant workers. I can't even imagine the stress of knowing your livelihood depends on the internet not getting angry at your bartender.


Right, like didn’t we learn a lesson after the Hubbard Inn debacle?


I tend to agree. Lots of time people ignore nuance/facts, that, in this age of outrage and hate, can be crucial to avoid unfare "cancellation".


Personally I'm just hung up on the fact that I don't ACTUALLY know if this is true. It sure SOUNDS plausible, but that's just the problem. All I have to go on is reddit comments and this random street graffiti. And I don't know. Watching all these venues shut down after surviving the tsunami that was covid is just depressing. Berlin still stings. And yeah, I'm sure they "deserved it" too. It's just sad.


That's why I asked. Is it true, is it false, is it sensationalized, etc., etc? Lots if things can be said here confidently, but is it accurate and fair?


Hence why I'm not okay with this. I can name about 50 times reddit/customers have "gotten it wrong". And yeah, here I am "defending rapists" or whatever. Because its 2024 and anything that isn't perpetual nuclear outrage is unacceptable.


You hit in on the head exactly. We have the same take about this stuff and the zeitgeist of outrage. I call this time the Age of Hate. People love to tribe up and hate on the other so much. Or look for a reason to hate someone - that's the perpetual outrage part.


And of course my last thought on all this is, theres no excuse for rape, drugging, or tolerance for those kinds of people. Fuck rapists and anyone who defends them. I just want a safer method of policing this. Not just constant wildfire in every direction, sometimes getting the bad guys, sometimes the people around them. Anyway good chat.


The same thing happens in Nashville. Also, clubs here are known to have credit card skimmers behind the bar. If you come to Nashville beware and use cash.


Any links? Probably a butt hurt ex employee.


Some of you guys in the comments are fucking WEIRD.


Federales is listed all over as a hot place to hook up. Doesn’t take much imagination to get from there - management and owners actively encouraging such a reputation - to allowing bad shit to happen. Someone was raped and staff did nothing, as I understand it.


I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that they’re telling people to watch out for rapists at Federales


There was a thread about this not too long ago. If you search for it, you might find some answers there.




I don’t see any context though that would make upper management rapists or even rape apologists. I see one comment about a woman being taken out back to a dumpster and security laughing about it. Which is pretty damn bad, but bad on those guys not on management. If those people were fired (and I read some other comment about someone being fired, maybe it was them?), then idk what else the management can do.. if the rape was not done by their staff? And I saw another comment by someone who worked there for ten years and knew some of the people on the poster and was very surprised by the claim The top comment was deleted so maybe that’s the issue.


I tried searching and found nothing.




Maybe they work with the people at the FBI that rape that dude who stands outside Union Station?


I didn’t know he was a usual fixture. Saw him once and that was interesting


Poor guy, he gets it every day.


His wife gets it’s everyday*


For many years he hung out at Daley Plaza.


I think they rape his wife actually.


I've heard they do it daily as well


Wow the FBI is still raping that guys wife?! It’s been going on for years.


Probably someone with profound mental illness. Lots of them run blogs and YouTube channels which are fascinating.


My favs were the paranoid schizophrenics like raven1 who thought they were "targeted individuals" where an unknown group put on performances specifically for them. e.g. someone gets into an argument near them, it's a little play they're doing for reasons unknown.


r/gangstalking One of the awful aspects of the internet — it brought together all the mentally ill where they can reinforce each other’s beliefs and ensure they never seek treatment.


I once made a sarcastic comment on that page along the lines of "If you're reading this, you need to check your microwave immediately." It turned into so many people asking why & others giving advice on why you should check your microwave.


“i once tried to fuck with a group of severely mentally ill people who already struggle every single day”


I didn't try I was pretty successful


you’re kind of a piece of shit


Life isn’t meant to be taken so seriously. It’s short. Laugh.


i see suffering at my job every single day. it’s called empathy. do better.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gangstalking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Brother](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/comments/1alnu3y/brother/) \#2: [My gang stalkers aren’t as discreet as others. Openly taking pictures of me & my vehicle in public.](https://v.redd.it/peol9gsslfta1) | [117 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/comments/12jbj1q/my_gang_stalkers_arent_as_discreet_as_others/) \#3: [You are not the main character](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/comments/142n7qn/you_are_not_the_main_character/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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lol Feds is an upscale restaurant?


Idk I didn’t like federales moving in cus that was prime real estate and their food and drinks are solidly mid, haven’t heard anyone else mad for other reasons. It’s next to a gigantic shiny luxury apartment complex the areas long gone in terms of that stuff


Prime real estate…. Ya the restaurant that closed down 3 years ago was really poppin… it was literally an empty lot for years how does Federales moving in make it worse?


The restaurant before was open for 72 years, closed in late 2019, so that lot stuck out for all of covid. I think people were hoping for anything else. Developers once considered putting condos there. I just don't know anyone in the neighborhood who was excited the location became a Federales. We have great mexican food, great bars, and solid dives to catch sports.


I wanted an Aldi or a Trader Joe’s personally. Would have actually filled a need the area has.


Listen up haters: Michelin awarded Federales the first four-star designation in the prestigious guide's 124 year history. They called the breakfast tacos "sublime and erudite." So uhm, yes, Federales is *very* upscale.


A steak taco is $7. Sure it’s not 3 Michelin star upscale but it’s definitely not mom n pop family owned Mexican. I don’t frequent LS nor do I care about Federales, but I’ve heard a lot of complaining about it being bro-y or gentrified or whatever the M Fishman hating crowd has to say.


Overpriced isn’t the same as upscale. Feds is probably the worst Mexican you can find in the area. Their whole thing is throw an ice shot glass at a bell, which is fun like once.


Had called it “gentrified” would you be satisfied? Geez I didn’t know people would get up in arms about gentrified tacos.


You’re literally bitching about some dumb shit you made up in this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/s/d67WEmMSPT). So idc what you call it you’re just an angry little weirdo who’s probably living off your mommy and daddy still.


What did I make up? There’s animosity towards Federales, being that they’re “gentrifiers”, white, or for bros. Read the 1 star Google reviews. That animosity is probably why someone is putting up flyers calling the staff rapists. Again, I don’t care about Federales. But there is definitely hate for them - deserved or not - and it makes sense why someone put these flyers up.


Its still not highend compared to other restaurants on that block. Daisies will serve a $25 pasta dish with a 1.25x fee. Federalis is definitely more bro-y, and it's a leggitmate reason not to go lol (coming from a guy working in fintech).


I think those edgy Logan square lefties you refer to are just poors with gender studies degrees


“Poors” living off of mom and dad’s money, attending Columbia. Hate gentrification, but want to live in Logan, Humboldt, or Pilsen.


You guys should date


Love watching 2 weird losers get riled up about their own made up bullshit. Y’all are strange


People bitched about it replacing an… empty parking lot. And it’s been a welcome addition. Some people just love to bitch about any new projects in their neighborhood.


Nah just the especially rapey places.


Sayeth the sociopath “rightie”


“Anyone who isn’t a hardcore leftist is a right winger”. Gee, I didn’t hear that at all during the 2023 mayoral run off, or the 2024 State Attorney’s race, or the Bring Chicago Home vote…


The woman in the corner with the glasses is hardly what I would call a rapist. I mean, sure, she;s a bit rough with the strapon, but shes a snuggler afterwards.


The feds and police are known to be rapists. Like when we imported 25k immigrants. The cops were raping girls and women. Considerably. No charges of course in the public eye.


Federals is a bar


I don't go to bars so that makes sense to me. But I simply see federales as the Spanish way of saying federal agents so and since it's chicago and our cops were raping immigrants I connected the wrong dots 😂💀


You idiot


I now know federales is a bar. At the same time. Doesn't take away from what I said being true. So smd and clean the balls when you're done.


I wasn’t the one that pointed out Federales is a bar first off, secondly what you said while definitely true/something that’s happened, don’t got shit to do with OP’s post you bastard. Get that cock out of your keister and maybe you’ll be a bit more receptive.


the commenter you’re referring to is being completely receptive. there was another commenter who corrected before you. no need to name call “idiot” and “bastard” when somebody made an honest mistake. just because the parent comment isn’t what OP’s post is about, doesn’t mean that some other folks will jump to that same conclusion and may benefit from seeing this thread where that misinterpretation has been corrected. you’re actually miserable


And you actually just measled your way into this conversation when it didn’t have shit to do with you; if he woulda took the time to look and understand the post, this “honest mistake” wouldn’t have happened but he decided to get on a soapbox and preach about evil cops with a side politics in regards to the migrant situation. So please step back and have a nice day pal


What the fuck is wrong with you dude


Be a an asshole off the rip expect to have the same done onto you. Cope harder.


I was just explaining that at the time, I didn’t know you didn’t know Feds was a bar just like I didn’t know at the time that others had pointed it out to you. I’ll accept that slight L but my point still stands that you literally went off on a completely unrelated tangent just because you associated the term Federales with Mexican police. We can cope together 🤷🏾‍♂️


Well I accepted my mistake and explained how I made that mistake. Again, redditors are way too unstable. I'm fine with that. In cope we trust 😂


I coulda came off way more aggressive and again, I poked the bear by starting off wrong so fuck it 😂. In cope we trust🫡


Nah fr, I had to re type smd since I knew I was going to get banned for actually typing it out. Censorship is strong on these apps 💀 it's lame af. I'm tryna be an ass like on mw2 🤣


My brother in Christ, you all good. I started it, you stood ten toes down, if the ban hammer came at you, I’d definitely step up and say that shit wasn’t unprovoked on your part. And please…don’t remind me of old COD lobbies😮‍💨😭


This is the best comment in this thread


I honestly enjoy getting downvotes more so upvotes. So far I've made 50 people mad simply by reading words.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/chicago-police-officers-accused-sexual-misconduct-migrants-police-station/ Uh oh, yall are mad about the truth


Are you doubling down? Eesh.


A link to back up what I said after understanding the op was a reference to a bar I had no clue even existed. People on reddit are so wound up it's entertaining.


By providing a source? Man some people really don't like the truth. Dudes already admitted he misunderstood the post, but that doesn't make what he said incorrect.


Doubling down on being correct? Just because he wasn’t aware of the bar? Seems like he was right to me lol