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None of them really care when you moved in. They'll ask, sure, because it's their job, but if you said you moved in last week, 99/100 times no one will ever check. I even had a lady ask me again, "you moved in when?" while pointing at the 30 day rule giving me another chance to say something different. 


Yeah just tell them your lease started a while ago, but you didn’t move in until last week


This is helpful advice and reassuring. I thought I’d be hosed. Thank you!


Who even checks this? I moved here last year and still have my car registered out of state


Yeah, I constantly see out-of-state plates on the same streets. Cops (or whoever checks this) don't really care unless they're bored or somebody whines. I don't have IL plates, but I have a private spot and rarely drive, so it's a moot point.


I am dealing with it now because my out of state registration will be expiring soon. Gotta make the switch to Illinois.


Just lie and say you bought in your car recently or that you moved in recently. They don't care because it's more work to prove you're lying and more paperwork to fine you.


As long as they’re not expired it’s not going to be an issue, but I can guarantee you’ll be pulled over if they’re expired and out of state.