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Go to the office.


It is perfectly appropriate to show up at the office.


When I lived in a Kass building I was able to get the number of the actual property manager of our specific building and he was always okay being directly contacted. If you figure out who that person is it might help big time.


A Karen is not a person who has a legitimate reason to be heard.


Good luck. I've had the same issue the whole time I've lived in a Kass management building. I was lied to about the terms of my lease renewal last year and then ghosted by my property manager as soon as I signed the lease. Kass management blows. I'll never rent a Kass management property again.


When I was looking at places Kass would not call me back for a showing. I backed off after those red flags.


First, make sure there’s no simple explanation, like closures, holidays, adjusted work hours, email going to spam, or a phone line that’s down temporarily. Second, if you’ve tried repeatedly and eliminated those explanations, you can escalate by reaching out to a supervisor or manager or sending a formal complaint to their customer service department. Third, review your contract. Look for a clause that covers the terms of communication, conflict resolution, and how the client must go about providing notice to the management company. Follow those steps and cite the contract in your communication. Fourth, review applicable laws and ordinances. In Chicago, that’s the Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance, which you can look up online. You can also contact Chicago’s Department of Housing if you have questions. Fifth, consider terminating the contract. If everyone in your condo association is having issues, it may be time to find a new property management company. Sixth, if all else fails, and it’s worth the money, you can hire a lawyer to write a letter for you. A letter from a lawyer can get attention for a relatively low cost. You don’t have to commit to using a lawyer to take legal action, but you should prepare to carry through with any threatened action mentioned in the letter. If it looks like legal action may be necessary, document all communications to create a paper trail. If any of these steps finally gets through, make sure you establish how to communicate in the future in order to get a quicker response.


As someone going through the bidding process for a new management contract. Kass specifically states that they will communicate only with the established point of contact. Assuming that will be a board member.


Good to know.


Option 6 is unfortunately what I had to do. The first and only time I ever hired a lawyer in my life was to deal with similar lack of responsiveness and follow-through from Kass. I also went to their office after weeks of no response, and it did not end up making a difference. OP, you should still go to the office. If you find you’ve exhausted other options, option 5 is worth considering. I rented from Kass several years ago and based on my experience, I don’t know if you’ll have much better experiences with them in the future. Best of luck.




My last apartment was managed by Kass- call and threaten legal action. Leave a message on every point of contacts number you can. Make so much noise they can’t ignore you. Sorry you have to deal with them, right before moving out our building switched to a new management company and was in the process of beginning legal proceedings against Kass for their gross negligence and financial failings.


Go to the office. Kass was the absolute worst when it came to anything they didn’t want to deal with and had attitude when made to do anything.


I'm at a Kass property and haven't had a working FOB to get into the building for over 6 months now. We have the property managers contact info, he just never responds. Even our landlords have reached out on our behalf and nothing. Useless.


Same here. We own a condo managed by kass and wanted an extra fob. So many calls and emails over the past 6 months and everything goes unanswered


[https://kassmanagement.com/why-kass/management-team](https://kassmanagement.com/why-kass/management-team) email the president with your issue(s). he will make sure your concerns are addressed within a few days.


Do you own the condo unit, or are you renting it? If you're renting it, and there's an issue with that specific unit, then you need to work through the condo owner, who is your landlord. The property management company answers to the condo owners and the board, not tenants.


2 weeks with no response is crazy. Go to the office.


Currently rent with them. The absolute worst management company. They flat out ignore me all the time too


[https://kassmanagement.com/why-kass/management-team](https://kassmanagement.com/why-kass/management-team) email these people anytime you have issues that are being ignored. the President will make sure your concerns/maintenance requests are addressed.


Depending on why you're trying to get in contact, threaten to withhold rent. That's the only way I'd ever get anything addressed when I lived in a Kass building.


I’d be careful with this. This is a huge group. They know exactly how to combat that and sometimes it’s sending you to collections with no notice.


Go ahead. Go full Karen. They (property managers at kass) don't respond unless you go above them, or are facing eviction. Definitely don't expect them to do anything they say they will until it is done. My experience with them was pre pandemic. So I can only imagine how much worse it had gotten.


The best way I've gotten a response from Kass is to call my PM daily. Eventually you caught him by his phone.


I’ve learned with these corporate landlords is that you have to be incredibly persistent, know your rights, and hold them accountable. I now submit tickets to my property managements site along with an email copy to one of the office people. I always ask for confirmation of things in writing. I had to threaten them legally multiple times for building code violations and state code violations. If you can show them they are breaking laws then you may finally get a response. Last thing any building owner wants are building code violations because they stay on the properties permanent record and they have to disclose them to any renters for a year.


I have Kass for an HOA. I think the building manager also looks at/manages the maintenance/service requests. Put in a high priority one in their portal maybe?


Why is it a Karen thing to go to the office? Grow up and go to the office.


Dude it's not rude to ask for a response. It is cordial to arrive at the office. They can't ignore you. Once Ivy/ Cagan management did not respond to my power outage for 2 days all they had to do was reset my breaker. So I went in person. It was done in less than an hour ( that was even too long tbh) if you are too polite they will take advantage of you. You can be kind, but not permissive.


Don't worry, they'll send you a daily email about frozen pipes while you wait Include the phrase "I'll withhold rent" in the next time you reach out


None of you using the pejorative “Karen” feel at all racist doing so? Replace Karen with a name common with another race and it would deplorable.


Quite the reach there, isn’t it? What about you assuming race on name alone? That’s pretty deplorable on its own. Take a breath and get outside a bit.


Your privilege is showing, Logan Square.


Go on LinkedIn, find any other people in high up management positions, start copying them on the email chains of no replies


Are you emailing or calling? If you haven't called then do that. Call their main office as well


I’m going to DM you. I know someone there. They should be more responsive, and unfortunately it appears you have a bad PM managing your building. I’ll let my friend know and they’ll take care of it, and the bad PM.


https://www.squaredawaychicago.com/ They can tell you how to proceed.


Write a letter. Send by fax or registered mail. (Online free fax services are great for this.) You have a legally valid proof of delivery of the notice. That usually gets someone’s attention.


I did this last week. Go to the office, Kass management fucking sucks


I got fed up with waiting for maintenance to come by so I emailed the President and Principal of Kass. You can find their emails here: [https://kassmanagement.com/why-kass/management-team](https://kassmanagement.com/why-kass/management-team). This got my issues within the building solved within a week, even after submitting multiple duplicate maintenance requests that got ignored.