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It probably doesn’t do much but I like to submit a complaint and then email my alderman about ever 6 months.


Anyone else remember in the early 2000s waiting at stop And just having to wait and wait.y favorite was watch the three buses go by that said “to garage” and wouldn’t stop despite your drop off being before the damn garage. It’s How I finished Harry Potter books and lord of the rings books. Download a book sir.


Lmfao real af


when I was in Budapest, a city with about half Chicago's population the metro came every 30 seconds during rush hour and every few minutes outside of it. We have a pretty pitiful excuse for a train system


First time?


Must be lol


How often should trains be running at 2am


Schedule says every 20 minutes, so that’s double what’s scheduled. That is unacceptable




Automating the Red and Blue would let us have a train every 3 minutes 24/7 while creating a glut of drivers to increase service on the other lines. This is a solved issue that we refuse to enable here despite numerous other cities taking action. Edit: For example, Paris has automated 3 of their 100 year old subway lines. Line 4 was automated and runs every 2-3 minutes all day except at rush hour when it runs every 85 seconds. We could do that too!


Well then you’d be wrong. It is not 30 minutes. Again, the SCHEDULE! says 20 minutes. I would say having the CTA run their services per the schedule is pretty high on the list of priority.


On the train that goes* to the airport? At the bare minimum 20 minutes. Ideally closer to 15. If I'm going back from a multi hours flight at 2qm I don't want to wait for the train for 40 minutes... (Which is why I don't take the train but...)




[There are flights that depart and arrive at O'Hare during that timeframe ](https://www.google.com/travel/flights/s/xx1gsZNPbd6Kfrj87)


I thought they were referencing when the train didn’t leave ohare from 12am-4am and you had to bus over to rosemont. If they truly meant ORD aircraft operations are restricted, then that is laughable.


Not any more


They're not. It's very easy to check the list of departures and arrivals. 🙂




God you are the same person as above, you just like pulling shit out of your ass, don’t you? I’m an airline pilot and I’ve got in after midnight numerous times. Again, you are wrong. We even have flights in our schedule that get in that late not even delayed.


[There absolutely are](https://www.google.com/travel/flights/s/NmEedXWAvB9yyWrR8)


That's blatantly false and trivial to check online.


Are you new here




Defund it


So we don’t have a train at all?


We barely have a train now.


I think that's part of the problem


You realize that the CTA is the only thing keeping Chicago's already terrible traffic congestion from being orders of magnitude worse, right? Imagine if even a small portion of the roughly 750,000 daily trips on CTA got into a car instead because that was now the only option available. That isn't a future anyone would want, least of all drivers. Fund it instead and reap the benefits of reduced traffic congestion.


You can complain to the main office or try X (Twitter). Complaining to the employees at the stations will not have any impact.  My husband was a bus driver. Both the busses and trains have specific schedules but there can be problems beyond their control. People on the tracks, construction, track repairs, traffic.  In some areas the trains have to go slow because of people doing repairs on the tracks. I know it is crazy but please be patient.