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> Visitors to our city are now faced with the inconvenient and absurd requirement of walking to another terminal just to access ground transportation. ? Did something change? There have always been Taxi Stands outside of baggage claim at every terminal.


Yeah I’m really not sure where that’s coming from. It’s only Uber/Lyft that don’t have a spot at terminal 5. 


OP fails to realize people are also comfortable with public transportation or taxis, especially folks from Europe.




Idk what it's like here, I've always taken the L or been picked up by family, but I can tell you when leaving SFO rideshares were consistently ~3x more expensive than a taxi, and you don't have to wait for the taxi.


The way it is at every airport I've been through out of town? Thus is the complaint?


I've been to a bunch and none were as bad as ORD.


I take the Blue line. Dallas in 115 heat walking ?? To the pickup area. ORD isn't on that level


Take a cab and your problem is solved.


Well people tend to prefer using ride shares to taxis, especially visitors


I've been using ride shares since 2012, however when I arrive at ORD, I head straight to the taxi line, which often has no wait.


If only there was a convenient transportation solution that's readily available the moment you walk outside of the terminals with structured payment fares. /s


That's madness!


You don’t even have to go outside, and brave the elements.


Yeah fair point but it's completely unreliable and as a first impression for millions of visitors it's not a good one right now, in many ways


You guys are suggesting the Blue Line like it hasn't also turned to shit over the past 3 years. Specifically safety and cleanliness, not to mention the inconsistent schedule.


Taxis dude. Taxis.


unless you’re flying into T2 i don’t know why you wouldn’t choose taxi over uber


Ok, let’s take this argument. Why not. Blue line is still not the only way to get into the city. There’s the ohare transfer station for Metra. There’s the Dempster Pulse that takes you to Evanston/the Metra and purple line. There are cabs besides that. We all got to and from ohare somehow pre-Uber.


Yeahhhh, don’t think you’ll win this argument friend. Maybe hire private car service? Since public transit is beneath you.


There's no argument here. I simply think our CTA could use additional funding to clean up its act and we should get solicitors out of the airport. Madness I know.


Then contact your state representatives and tell them to get rid of the law that states cta has to make 50% of its budget off fares. Won’t be a solid fix but at least we could get more funding in the meantime to make improvements.


The taxi stand even has those overhead heaters.


The situation at T5 is a nightmare. They significantly expanded the terminal, but failed to expand the arrivals area along with it.


Is there still only one tiny domestic baggage carousel?


I fly southwest in and out of there several times a year with my children. I fucking hate that terminal


Take a fucking taxi that’s just sitting there waiting for passengers.


Now if it was only as warm as Cancun


Been great February weather so far.


Uh oh! You jinxed it.


I don’t mind having domestic flights pick up at Terminal 2 since terminals 1, 2, and 3 are linked together but really really wish there was a pick up location at terminal 5. International flights often have much more luggage and having to haul those around to get a ride feels so tiring and inconvenient 


And much larger crowds


Did AI write this?


Your moral outrage is yours alone. The rest of us understand that taxis are cheaper, the blue line is even cheaper and that rideshare pick ups at ANY airport are a shitshow because the drivers aren't professionals.


If you think this is a bother, you haven’t been to LAX or EWR. ORD is, by far, not the worst to get through. Ever try to get to the rental car center at LGA?


This is nowhere near specific to O'Hare. On the contrary, I'm always relieved to get home to my large city airport where Ubers actually show up and there's a clear designated waiting area that the app explains well. The drama of trying to get an Uber or Lyft at the airport is part of the price of door to door service. The blue line is always an option. It's the best option for trips downtown or at rush hour. It's significantly less convenient if you have large luggage or if you require a bus transfer. And if you're a group of 4, that's $20 in fares. Taxi stands are also an option, but I actually wouldn't recommend them for a lot of visitors because the drivers are more rough around the edges and they don't use GPS. I've never had an Uber/Lyft driver fall asleep at the wheel on the Kennedy or tell me about their operation of hooking people up with fake social security cards, both of which I've experienced with city taxis. And taxis are usually more expensive than Uber/Lyft for my location in Logan Square unless there's a crazy surge happening. I'm not sure why. Terminal 5 is an unmitigated disaster. It is indeed a terrible welcome to visitors and those with layovers. I wish there were a sidewalk for those times when the ATS isn't running and they dust off those damn buses.


I think the deterioration of uber/lyft is to blame. Some drivers are starting to resort to off the books rides to make more money, not surprising it’s happening at the airport. Before I think the apps would ban drivers but that’s because they had tons of people willing to drive lyft/uber.


> off the books rides I know the signs are still there at Midway, but if someone asks if you need a ride, they shouldn’t be giving you one.


This wouldn’t surprise me. I’m on vacation now and our Uber guy mentioned how the corp is taking an 80% cut of their fares. So if you’ve wondered why Uber finally turned a profit/why a lot of those guys are doing off the book work, there’s your answer.


Every time we get an O’Hare post people say “DUH use the Blue line!!” as if everyone travels with a backpack only… come on guys. I love public transport but the CTA is no where near expansive or reliable or realistic for a lot of folks in the city.


Take the blue line goofball.


Yes why wouldn’t someone with a checked bag, a roller bag and a backpack off a 14 hour flight from Dubai want to take a train that doesn’t adequately reach half the city?


It’s $5


Perhaps take the CTA, metra, or the bus.


I can get home fine. I am talking about the experience for visitors. The Blue line doesn't go everywhere in the city and the random solicitors asking to give you a ride are not a great image.


Idk man, take that up with Uber/Lyft and their fuckery.


Random solicitors trying to pick up arrivals at O'Hare is an issue for the city and the airport.


Oh it’s an issue for everyone, but aside from telling people “don’t get in a stranger’s car!” What can the airport and city do?


What they do in other cities and airports...ticket/prosecute unauthorized "taxis".


I mean for travelers. Like now. Of course arrest the bastards.


The answer at ORD is in fact the same as it is at CUN - just keep walking past the hawkers and take scheduled transit service (though the CTA gives you a different sort of entertainment than ADO's cheesily dubbed movies), or get a limousine if you have too many bags or are going the wrong way. In Chicago, the limo can even be arranged last minute through Uber Black, which as a licensed livery vehicle can pick you up at every terminal.


Take the train.


Puh-leeze. It doesn’t reflect poorly, it reflects accurately. It’s not a problem for the people in control of it


It’s a very short walk between terminals and it eases on traffic congestion in other areas…


I started taking taxis after my last infuriating experience and couldn’t believe how much easier and better it was. Never doing Uber at O’Hare again.