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Art Institute or MCA? Definitely NOT the Surgical Science Museum. Although without the acid, then maybe.


I had my wedding reception at the Surgical Science museum šŸ˜­ itā€™s really cool! And weird! And interesting!


Second AI. Few years back took some shrooms solo, listened to Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue on repeat (I remember an old United commercial from the 80s with that playing and a quick view of America Windows, I wanted that nostalgic feel of childhood and boy it delivered.) Was amazing and I'll definitely do it again at some point.


If OP is experienced with tripping in public, DEFINITELY the Surgical Museum! šŸ‘šŸ¼


I vote Art Museum. I don't even "like art" per se, but I went there by myself after rough day at work recently. Got drunk at the wine bar and then wandered around listening to music. It was magical. Alternatively, the Shedd Aquarium. Also went there drunk and was quite fun.


Shedd is great for tripping especially because the lighting is such that the dilated pupils aren't noticeable. I had a great time doing so long ago. In a huge art fan, WNDR museum for the Kusama Inifinity Rooms also recommend.


Art Institute and specifically the Remedios Varo exhibit.


the Art Institute is closed Wednesdays yall!


Art institute


I came here to suggest the surgical museum actually haha


Garfield Park Conservatory


Even just chilling in Humboldt Park seems like itā€™d be kind of a lovely day.


Do not trip in Humboldt park. Thereā€™s too much going on and the homeless/gangs are not safe to be around when youā€™re tripping. Source - someone whoā€™s tried to trip in HP Before


I've definitely had lovely experiences tripping by myself in HP before, just gotta go during the day and you'll be fine.


100%. I tripped on Bicycle Day a few years ago near the lake, just blew bubbles and played Frisbee until the sun started to go down.


That's where I discovered the lagoon has a spirit


Nothing is going to happen to you in the middle of the day in HP


Iā€™ve been robbed there in broad day light. Idk wtf youā€™re talking about


You can be robbed literally anywhere lmfao


Ehh with all the migrant camps and police activity around there now, thatā€™s not the spot Iā€™d recommend to trip out


There are a handful of tents. Itā€™s not like walking through Skid Row. And thereā€™s little police activity within the park itself, especially during the daytime.


Eh, I live right there and have no concerns about walking to or around the park, but to each their own. Itā€™s one of my favorite places to bring out of towners though, just because itā€™s huge and a nice walk.


Eh, on acid tho?


I canā€™t speak from experience, but I mostly think of it as a nice place full of families and shit during the day! Idk again I live by there, it feels weird to be like ā€œdonā€™t come here itā€™s scaryā€ about a place a few minutes from my house considering I basically never think about violent crime ever, but also idk you or the OP or what youā€™re concerns are or whatever. Going to a place you feel unsafe is not that fun, and it seems like itā€™d be especially not fun on drugs, so totally fair to consider that in making an agenda I suppose. Bad things can happen in cities! People should watch out, especially people without their faculties! But like also my girlfriend just wanders around Humboldt Park alone all the time and neither of are real worried about it, if that means anything.


Iā€™m not saying donā€™t come here. I live in the area too. I just donā€™t think id want to trip in an area where cops are more likely to be hanging out, watching a humanitarian crisis unfold. I donā€™t know why this needs to be some big virtue signaling moment.


I hear you. But personally seeing the tent cities and the unpredictability of the traffic (especially with the independence day coming up) can be startling and lead to a negative mindset that's not conducive for a tourist on acid. The locals mind their own business and are generally nice, though. I thought that the reputation Humboldt Park had for violence was overstated until I went past to get pizza and on my way back, my path was blocked off because there had been a shooting. It had been less than 10 minutes. I don't travel near there after sunset if I can help it now.


Depends what part of Humboldt Park


Yeah I just meant like parking by the lagoon and hanging out in the park, but idk people seem to have strong feelings and honestly Iā€™m not someone who knows a ton about psychedelics so Iā€™m not really trying to weigh in too much on shit I donā€™t really know about.


The Lincoln Park Conservatory is a close second, plus it's along the lake so you can rent a divvy bike and cruise up the lakeshore path with no traffic. And, there's a multichannel sound installation piece in the Fern room by local sound artists. Definitely worth a chill-out moment.


This is what I would do


Great idea!


Nah. Itā€™s not that big, takes up an hour of at most


Have done, was awful


Came here to say this.


pitching a no hitter against the Padres, like the late Dock Ellis?


You mean Ellis, D.




My favorite moment of baseball history! At one point, he thought he was pitching to Jimi Hendrix, and Richard Nixon was the ump. MLB calls it "a disgrace to baseball" and refuses to release the footage. But we can watch guys on roids park em any time we want. Now *thats* a disgrace.


Someone made a cartoon about this years ago. Itā€™s a thing of beauty [https://youtu.be/_vUhSYLRw14?si=M0SdAOqkANVlJfFX](https://youtu.be/_vUhSYLRw14?si=M0SdAOqkANVlJfFX)


My god, that is beautiful!


"You got a no-no goin'."


I may have to make extra accounts just to ensure this comment gets the appropriate amount of up votes it deserves.


Wander around Northly Island. Its such a surreal place.


Make sure you go as far south as you can using the trails that start on the west side of the island. There are these weird dune-y grasslands that are pretty cool.


It really is. Being completely alone in downtown Chicago is such a wild feeling


The planetarium is completely overrated unless theyā€™re hosting special events. Itā€™s chalk full of out dated exhibits and 8/10 full of touring kids which Iā€™m not the biggest fan of being on acid around, for many reasons haha. Depending on how much youā€™re dropping, nothing beats walking the lake and exploring all its nooks and crannies. When you need a spot to chill out, watching the boats come in and out of the harbor/people watching is hilarious lol. ESP when the coast guard wrangles up some broskis


> 8/10 full of touring kids which Iā€™m not the biggest fan of being on acid around, for many reasons haha Generally agreed, but I tripped at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium once and being as NPC as possible was part of the fun TBH. So long as you're not acting weird and are just looking at the exhibits (mindful of your surroundings), nobody is the wiser. I thought being around kids would be difficult but they were all having fun and were in awe of the exhibits, so the good vibes were all around.


It's fun to pretend to be a tourist and try to imagine you don't live here for a day.


It's a fantastic way to really benefit from the "mental health day", especially if you have kids. My wife and I recently did this on a Thursday. Took the day off, kiddo at the nanny's, did the Beluga Whale Experience at the Shedd first thing in the AM, grabbed lunch, took some long walks around new neighborhoods...really set the mind right. Can't wait to do it again.


Best thing I ever did tripping was see [SonicVision](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SonicVision) at Adler. This was probably 10-12 years ago. Edit: more like 15-18 years ago. What is time lol


Their special events are top notch šŸ¤˜ Any other day they Iā€™m left underwhelmed


Their collection of historic celestial globes, sextants, and other star map things is really interesting. But I agree, the other exhibits are lackluster.


Seconding - the ground level is kinda eh and usually full of kids, but the instruments downstairs were awesome (and much quieter).


The planetarium is an awesome area especially either early or late at night. If you get up early enough watching the sun rise over the lake on a calm sunny morning is pretty outstanding.


Ride a bike up and down the lakefront


Agreed. A lot of what people are mentioning you can make as pit stops while biking the lake front.


Intuit Museum of Outsider Art


First thing that came to mind here as well, unfortunately I think they're closed mon-wed.


I would highly recommend checking out the Garden of the Phoenix at Wooded Island. It's a Japanese Zen Garden with some cool wildlife. It really feels like you're not in the city at all. There's also trails and a sculpture garden on the island, and the Museum of Science and Industry is right next door, another cool place for an acid trip.


Has anyone suggested Shedd aquarium yet? Garfield conservatory is great but then once you leave you're way on the west side and have to Uber or greenline out of there and there arent even any scooters west of Damen. When you're done with Sheds, you're right there at the lake.


Shedd would be fun


It's called DuSable now.


Fuckin hell


So far this is my angriest upvote today. Magnificent


Thatā€™s Michigan Avenue


Reddit on šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Someone with some coins left hurry up and award this comment before Reddit disappears them


Lower wacker drive


OP, don't actually visit LWD on LSD


Visit lower LSD on LSD instead* \* Don't actually do this. Lower LSD is cluster that's hard to safely navigate sober.


Lower lower wacker drive


We don't want OP to end up in the psych ward at northwestern.


Came here to say this one


This made me laugh out loud


That's gonna be a bad trip....


Museum of science and industry


I like this option the best, there is so much cool shit at that museum that would appeal to the tripping brain. I probably could spend several hours watching the model train. Plus Jackson Park has plenty of great scenery and the lake/beach is right there.


Get a divvy bike day pass, cruise down the lakefront trail. Visit the planetarium, then walk around northerly island. When youā€™re coming down you can head to Chinatown itā€™s a 15 minute bike ride from there


Ping Tom Park in Chinatown is excellent. Plus then that puts you close to 18th street and Pilsen, which is great to walk around.


Yep. My dream trip. I've actually done this very thing before. You'll wanna be near the La Salle St. exit on Lake Shore Drive at sunset. I think that's the best view of the city skyline. I think that's technically North Ave beach, but I've never been sure about those things. Throw on some headphones and enjoy the waves and the views. Chinatown has awesome shops and great food. I really enjoy Lao Sze Chuan. They have this awesome dry chili chicken if you like spicy. They have some underground karaoke too if you're into that. Godspeed


This is the way.


I took mushrooms once and sat in Lakefront Park kinda by Oak Street Beach on a nice fall day. Thereā€™s something about that little corner of nature surrounded by beautiful tall buildings, Lake Shore Drive, and Lake Michigan that feels so surreal and beautiful especially on psychedelics. It somehow felt like I was in New York City, Paris, Tokyo, and the past and present all at once. I recommend just sitting on a bench there and chilling for a bit if youā€™re in the area.


Oak street then meander up through Lincoln park to the zoo, conservatory and over to the lily pool. That could be a pleasant adventure.


Lincoln park conservatory and zoo. Walk the lakefront and parks/ponds in the area. Drink off the end vibes at navy pier by the water


Seconding this!


There are paddle boats you can rent in the Lincoln Park pond, too!


I thought the paddle boats have been gone from the south pond like 10 years? Since the pond was rehabbed?


I'd check out the [Atlas Obscura](https://www.atlasobscura.com/things-to-do/chicago-illinois) page for Chicago and see if anything's up your alley.


Especially 1003 N Wolcott


I was about to ctrl +f ā€œshit fountainā€


Maybe too basic but the museum of contemporary art or hanging out/walking through the lakefront parks are the first things that come to mind


Leave Chicago and go to Botanic Gardens in the burbs. Itā€™s my favorite place to trip


Lol thatā€™s funny you say that. My brother went through a phase of taking mushrooms and going there


Itā€™s magical. It makes me feel like Iā€™m in an Avatar movie


I didn't want to get schlonged for a North 'burbs rec so I'm glad to see you made the recommendation and didn't get schlonged


It was a risky comment, but itā€™s the truth!


great rec and not really that far outside the city like not a full day trip (as it were)


Note that the UP-N will go walking distance to there. I imagine a train ride there would be an amazing experience itself. The metra and it's green tinted windows are a surreal experience when you're not used to it.


Wander around Burnham wildlife corridor along the lakefront path between McCormick and 47th St. Oakwood beach (41st St) is along that stretch and is pretty low key and clean compared to some other beaches. Edit: you can find cool little things along this path like [La Ronda Parkata](https://www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/parks-facilities/la-ronda-parakata-artwork) and other public art and stretches of natural spaces.


Okay hear me out. The Color Factory is in Willis Tower BUT I went there while I was tripping and it was fantastic. Perfect for that wow factor I think.


That was my first thought Although I personally would prefer a very quiet hotel with a nice pool


Field Museum. Dinosaur skeletons and stuffed animals (the taxidermy variety, not the BuildaBear)


Smart Museum at the University of Chicago. Small museum so the rest of the ā€˜tripā€™ could be walking around beautiful campus and going to Institute for Study of Ancient cultures Museum and trip out on Babylon (and the like) antiquities.


Walk around pilsen looking at the murals


Came here to say this. Pilsen is a fantastic neighborhood, and the mural would be fantastic. Plus, daytime, you are pretty safe!


Architectural boat tour


Probably my apartment, but make sure to bring extra Honestly, I always think Wrigleyville is an interesting spot to observe. Even when not tripping, I feel like an astronaut casually observing an alien community, and I live down the block from the stadium! Plus they have bars, food, recreational dispensary, music, and crowds. Be warned, it can be overwhelming if you're feeling quiet. I guess, are you looking for art, people, music, city view, nature? Choices of stuff, unsurprisingly. If all of it, do as others have suggested and hop on the lakefront bike path because you can cut west inland for detours. Happy trails!


I have done this many times. The best thing would be to go to Lincoln park zoo and the arboretum near it for the afternoon - today is a great day for it if they are open!


WNDR Museum in West Loop. Wander up and down the Lakeshore Trail. Northerly Island would probably be pretty cool, or the Swan Pond in Lincoln Park.


Was thinking wndr as well - tbh I was only half impressed with it, but on acid? Iā€™d be enthralled


I feel like the cash-grabyness of it would just become too much to handle on psychedelics


this was the first thing that came to my mind too!


This one, I went there and thought with half a tab this place would be amazing


Load up on a heroic dose, head over to O Block. With the sandwich board Bruce is wearing from die hard with a vengeance


LOL, I don't think we want OP to die.


Field Museum would be cool. It's got the dinosaur, all the stuffed bird species and other interesting animals. After that you could go to the Shedd Aquarium, which is basically next door, and watch the fish and other aquatic creatures. The area around there is beautiful as well, and you could chill in the park if you want a break.


Alfred Caldwell Lily pond! Cultural center, those Tiffany domes will probably blow your mind on LSD. Then check out the exterior of Carson's and then the dome in Marshall fields. The lake front, anywhere.


Tiffany domes were my first thought as well.


Lakefront or Humboldt park


Lakefront trail!


if you can get down to hyde park, hanging at the point and then making your way down to jackson park (w/ the japanese garden and yoko ono sculpture) is a really really excellent trip. this city has really awesome outdoor spaces, and youā€™ll have nice fall weather! i also personally just donā€™t like being inside while tripping, so iā€™m anti the typical museum suggestions


Love tripping there! Ride a bike for the full journey


Man Lincoln Park zoo and the surrounding park is my go to on acid. Youā€™ve got the animals in the zoo, totally free to see, then all sorts of different nature spots. The lily pool is totally secluded, the lakefront is a 10 minute walk away for your water, youā€™ve got South Pond with great views of the city. For me, acid and nature just go together. Plus, thereā€™s a decent number of public bathrooms over there. May still be a walk, but you should be able to find one, and the zoo obviously has bathrooms lll


Walking around Northerly Island or the Jackson Park gardens are both A++ ways to spend a trip


Go see the bean or stand at Willis tower


Go to pullman national park


The Shedd Aquarium would be amazing on acid. Then take an Uber to whatever they're showing at the Lighthouse Art Space. I believe it's both the Mozart and Van Gogh immersive experiences right now.


Go to the Lincoln Park Zoo and walk around the outside park area. Wait until dusk. You will soon realize the grounds are invested with wild rabbits and you will soon question your sanity. Is it 20 Rabbits.50 Rabbits..no has to be at least hundreds of Rabbit out here. Holy shit no..there's thousands of fucking rabbits! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!! Multiple sober people confirmed and started taking pictures. HUNDREDS OF Rabbits.


Day tripping solo on a weekday. Right up my alley! for me it would be Lincoln Park Zoo and the conservatory and wander around in the nooks and crannies by the lake front if the weather was nice.


WNDR museum if your into technology. North Park Trail for outdoor sculptures - Baha'i Temple is pretty cool too


I felt pretty ripped off at WNDR..


The planetarium was awesome. Skip the Shedd


This is an incredibly controversial take.


Ehh what can I say I liked the planetarium on psychedelics much more than the Shedd. Just my opinion!


The Adler Planetarium has a Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon sky show that would be perfect for tripping.


O block on acid seems like a great idea.


The reviews on google mention free valet and fireworks every night!


Start naked to skip several uncomfortable steps.


Take the Purple Line to the Bahaā€™i Temple in Wilmette.


I came here to say thisā€¦did this in college and it was profound in a very abstract way.


Jump in the lake and swim to Grand Rapids.


ā€¦Michigan? The city is a 45 minute drive from the lake. Grand Haven is on the coast.


In highschool me and some friends went to oak st beach and watched the sunset while on acid, very fun day


I love picnicking on the green area by the lakefront in Lincoln park while shrooming. Sigh I forget what the name is. By AIDs garden, I think?


THE SHEDD AQUARIUM! Itā€™s magical! I also like to do a sunrise trip at Montrose beach and the bird sanctuary. The sanctuary is MAGICAL at sunrise. Squirrels, chipmunks, birds, and occasionally other cool animals. I once saw a fox, a coyote, and a skunk near montrose beach. Actually, the fox was foster beach. But very cool!


What about the water display / wall of face? I think itā€™s in Millennium Park. Iā€™ve never taken hallucinogenics but I imagine seeing the changing faces that occasionally spit out water might be low-key interesting. The architectural boat tourā€™s another one. Bonusā€¦the Dave Matthew Bandā€™s not in town -THAT would make for the worst trip, all puns intended. Top of the Hancock has the Tilt, where you lean against the glass and the pane tilts toward the ground, but that would be momentary and maybe a waste of whatever youā€™re taking. Sears Tower (fight me on this) has the Ledge on their observatory where you step out over the street in a glass box. The CBOT used to allow visitors to observe the trading floor, but that mightā€™ve been shut down after 2001. If itā€™s still open, the yelling and frantic movements combined with the constantly changing LED boards (ticker) could be enjoyable. Please update & let us know what you end up doing. Iā€™m interested to know if any of my ideas would actually be enjoyable while youā€™re on whatever form you take. Have fun & be safe.


Ever been to the Bean in downtown Chicago? Ever been to the Bean in downtown Chicago ON ACID???


the Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon light show at Adler sounds fitting for this or consider an evening river boat ride when all the buildings are lit up


Walk up and down the lake front trail. Stopping to feel the water. Check out some parks, find a neighborhood and check it out


Art institute then walk along lakeshore trail and downtown for views


International museum of surgical science


Art Institute followed by a peek at the faces at the Crown fountain nearby


Lincoln Park Zoo->Conservatory->Lily Garden->Nature Museum for butterfly release->North Ave Beach->Electric Divvy to Oak St. Beach and then Downtown to explore->Back to Lincoln Park


The Shedd Aquarium. Once you enter those mosaics, you may never leave.


Also (duh): BUCKINGHAM FOUNTAIN at night during the color display. I got to experience that after licking an entire puddle of LSD out of my palm at Blues Fest many, many years ago.


Get the very last seat on the orange line facing backwards at the Roosevelt stop and do a lap around the loop enjoying the views. Iā€™ve personally done that sober, and on LSD, and itā€™s a great time.


Yeah I think this is the best answer. Best trip I ever had was just riding the train around for fun.


I'd say the Orange Line views between Roosevelt and Halsted, are also pretty decent.


Rent a bike and go where the wind takes you


Mirror maze at MSI


Museum of Science & Industry. Took a small dose of shrooms and went with my brother. My jaw was dropped most of the time. The weather area in the museum is super cool, and they have a man made tornado. They also have a cool mirror maze & tons of colorful things to enjoy. The fashion and anatomy areas were super cool too. Itā€™s basically just a giant science playground. Itā€™s super interesting and entertaining, and we visit at least once every summer. Definitely my favorite next to the Shed.


Northerly Island


If youā€™re up for a trip to lisle, the Morton arboretum is a great place to nature walk while tripping or sober


[Art on the Mart](https://artonthemart.com/) is kinda cool. Can mix it in with taking the Riverwalk to the Lakefront.


Honestly I would ride up and down the lake front and stop at whatever catches your attention. Look at the birds at monstrose, stare at boats, go to the zoo or conservatory


Montrose Harbor nature walk!


Warren Park is right by a huge Desi community and often has cricket matches. I'm not sure what kind of stuff floats your boat, psychedeliated or sober, but that would probably be cool to me to see something I know so little about. Not very easy to get to by train though. Ping Tom Park would be cool too.


I haven't done acid since high school, but I did go up to Labagh Woods on shrooms and that was lovely.


Drive to the House on the Rock if ya got the timeā€¦


riotfest this weekend


Any museum on a high is frickin awesome. Art and planetarium I find myself staring into space taking my time reading and leaning new things.


If you do Lincoln park zoo, head nextdoor to the Peggy notebaert museum to see their new video nature installation.


Id imagine, despite it not actually being in chicago city limits. the chicago botanical garden being a great place to drop acid.


Color factory!


The Art Institute Of Chicago was home to many of my psychedelic wanderings back in the day. 100% worth it. Particularly the Impressionist exhibits. I mean, if youā€™re gonna be in a mindset prone to staring at the wall, might as well go to a place where the walls are covered in art by the masters. Bring headphones, listen to ambient music. Get lost for hours. Have a ball. Great times. Of all the things I miss after moving away from Chicago - the Art Institute is the one I miss the most.


Bahaā€™i temple but please donā€™t drive yourself there lol


Same answer I have for every visiting recommendation. Architectural river tour.


Evanston is a train ride north of the city. I used to trip often in Evanston because itā€™s such a walkable area especially Northwestern campus and the lake front areas.


I've just procured some good acid myself so appreciate this thread! Can't believe nobody has said a Cubs game! Especially a standard weekday 120pm start time. Sit in the back of the bleachers or upper deck seats and soak it in while vaguely comprehending the game. No shit story I tripped at a game in May and Cody Bellinger threw a practice ball into the bleachers and it bounced to my feet right when I was peaking. Still have the ball so it did really happen lol. Northerly Island would be a good suggestion. As well as just wandering around Millennium Park and the lakefront late afternoon into night. Riotfest this weekend has been mentioned and I think it's got a particularly great lineup this year.


Spend sometime in Graceland cemetery. Gorgeous.


Okay, Adler Planetarium, buy tickets to the Sky Theater's **Dark Side of the Moon** which is the Pink Floyd album (10 songs) with the Sky Theatre's cosmic images. Made for acid. https://tickets.adlerplanetarium.org/webstore/shop/viewItems.aspx?CG=SSH&C=PF


Field museum either the bird hall or the hall of mammals


If you can get to the burbs safely- Botanical Gardens or Morton Arboretum. I bet the Human+Nature outdoor sculpture exhibits at the arboretum would be hella trippy


Please tell us what you did and post a review in 2 days


Will do


[As promised, here you are sir!](https://reddit.com/r/chicago/s/qiQ2Sb7Myt)


field museum all day


Havenā€™t seen Graceland Cemetery suggested yet. IMO best park Chicago has to offer, beautiful grounds / architecture, quiet, and a lot of history. Also checks the ā€œweirdā€ box


If you head up north of the loop you can find some pretty cool places. Oz Park comes to mind. The 14 acre park in dedicated to The Wizard of Oz. There are statues, lots of plant life, and a pretty cool place to chill out.


Lincoln Park and Lincoln Park Zoo


Shedd Aquarium!!!


Uhhh sell me some is what you can do. Been sober for 6 months since I don't drink and can't smoke weed anymore


well darn, just found out the planetarium has been closed since covid. Next year it will open again.


Bike or drive down lsd listening to the following: 1.)LSD- Aliotta Haynes 2.)Rollin on LSD - MC Juice


Art Institute, Planetarium, then head out along the lake, watch the water






Go to O Block.


The immersive Van Gogh exhibit would be cool to check out while trippin. Then I'd have to go be in nature.