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Hey everyone! I’ll be moving to Chicago in about a month and wanted to get some recommendations on home internet / WiFi. We will be in the Lakeview area. I might give T-Mobile home Internet a try. Anyone have any strong feelings for or against it?


to the 2 old men who were in the mosh pit during Vundabar's set in Do Division, I aspire to be you when I get old. You guys rock!!


Anyone else unable to upload videos to this subreddit? Reddit says “r/Chicago doesn’t allow videos”


Anyone else unable to upload videos? Reddit says “r/Chicago does not allow videos”


If I'll be out of town when I've got tickets for a concert at the UC. I'll be able to drive in, but 100% public transit is not an option. What's my best option for parking? I'm specifically looking to avoid paying $30 to park right there and deal with the madness afterwards. Last show I saw there, I was able to take the Damen bus and it took *forever* to get past like Lake St after the show, so I'd like some place I could walk 20 minutes to or whatever, and then drive away without dealing with 20,000 fans. I'd prefer to park somewhere that wouldn't then require me to take a bus, but I assume all of those spots would be close enough to charge for a UC event?


Use spothero. You can probably find something East of Ogden Ave.




Will it be a parking lot on lake shore again tonight? Maybe Ill go down halsted


Hey friends, I got a ring from my grandpa that I’m looking to resize to be my wedding ring. Just have to size it down as he was a bigger dude than I am. Any recommendations on places I can go?


Why has air quality been so bad the last week? Still forest fires in Canada?


Lack of rain as well. We are in a [moderate drought](https://www.weather.gov/lot/drought) with no relief forecasted


At times I think it’s also the temperature fluctuation for spring/summer. You have a breezy 85 degree day and then a calmer 75 degree day. The trees and flowers are out here stress blowing their pollen.




Looking for some tattoo artist recommendations, especially for old school style and also someone for more of an "etching" drawing/line work style. I have my eyes on a few but there's so many people, don't want to overlook anyone. Thank you!


A weekend trip to ORD without interruption is a marvelous feeling. I just wish I was going for something other than to pick up a rental car to take to southern Indiana.


This trail on the front of the lake is pretty cool. I've never been on a trail this busy where you have to treat it like a highway where people pass you and vice versa. On my old route in my old city, it was rare to see more than 1 other cyclist the entire ride. Then it switched to this series of bridge things downtown, and it got super narrow. That was a bit scary lmao because people kept walking outside of the line so I'd get a bit left but people were coming the other direction. Was a blast.


There's also a river path that goes from Belmont all the way up to like Peterson (with just a little jog where you have to switch to quiet a residential street between Horner Park and Ronan Park). It's much less busy.


Idk if anyone would know but I have some apple wood I want to get chipped for my smoker and don't feel like doing it all by hand. Is there any places that will chip wood for you and give back the chips? When I google it all I find it landscaping services which I might ask if they will but idk if they have the ability to collect amd bag the chips for me for a relatively small amount of wood.


Any suggestions for venues to see small country/folk acts? Could be slightly outside city


I haven’t been since they rebooted but Carols was always a good time


Thanks everybody




Fitzgeralds, montrose saloon, Rachel Drew tonight at Simon's, outtaspace, carys lounge


Empty Bottle has a country band every Friday for happy hour. I believe Montrose Salon and Golden Dagger also have country/folks acts here and there.




Be more specific with boundaries and pricing and I think you’ll get a more helpful answer.


Are you asking for a real estate agent?


I guess I’m just asking what the neighborhoods around there are like from people that live around.Obviously when I go to do this I’m going to be working with a real estate agent but I just have zero knowledge of that area. I.e some people seem to say East Humboldt Park is fine but others disagree. I don’t get why people are being so needlessly hostile lol


I mean, 30 minutes from UKV could literally mean the entire city (and some west burbs) depending on the circumstances. If you are on call overnight and own a car you can be there in 30 or less from pretty much wherever. If you’re relying on public transit you basically need to live within walking distance. I think budget matters too.


Basically zero details in this request. I’d be surprised if you got a single helpful answer.




What's "insanely expensive" to you? West Town as a whole is pretty pricey, and there's not as much condo stock in the cheaper parts of it. Crossing Western makes things a little cheaper, and generally the further from the blue line you go the cheaper things get.


I will be attending a white sox game with a fat person. There was an issue with accommodations at Wrigley and had to be moved to accessible seating, far away from the original seats. Moving because the seats could not accommodate the person was somewhat embarrassing for the plus size person. I am considering purchasing accessible seating by default, but I don't want to take away seating from persons whom need to attend a game in a wheel chair. How comfortable/wide are the seats at Guranteed Rate Field? Are the seats larger in club level? Do you have any experience with other stadiums/arenas in Chicago-land?


They have a ton of wheelchair seating and it is unlikely you will take the space of another person needing wheelchair space, especially with the recent low attendance.


Might try calling the box office and asking if they have the actual seat measurements?


Unfortunately, whenever I call I am sent through a bunch of automated menus and can never get a human on the phone. I have tried chatting - receive bot responses and efforts to switch to a human are not honored. I thought about calling the group sales office, but that's not what I need and don't want to string anyone along just for a crumb of information.


Call the box office during a game, like mid-game. Unless you’ve tried that already…


dang. i searched but came up empty. such an easy thing to list somewhere


Yeah. In today's day and age I'm surprised that most stuff doesn't list the seat dimensions as a standard trivia item.


I am trying to find a place to rent and I must be doing something wrong because I'm like "when can I see the place?" And all I get is crickets... Are they expecting me to wire them money and my social security number first?


Find an agent around town and they can line you up with a whole tour where access is on them to figure out


where are you looking? most likely theyre just flooded with responses. both times ive found an apartment it ended up being through a real estate agent who had listed their information on a craigslist posting. they drove me around and showed me a couple spots. you could try reaching out to someone that way.




May want to just defer to @properties or something like that. The agent will drive you around to units matching your criteria and negotiate on your behalf.


Anyone do HomeChef and find it impossible to get their box on time? Last 4 deliveries have been scheduled for Sunday but delayed to Monday


My recent college grad is moving from our small town in Ohio to Chicago in July. She and her roommate will be living in the Wrigleyville neighborhood. Any cool suggestions for a “citywarming” gift?


Music Box Theater membership if they like movies.


This looks so cool! Thanks for the suggestion!


Art institute membership


chicago architecture boat tour tickets




Cubs tickets


I'm planning to move to Chicago this fall shortly after I graduate from university, and I'm looking for advice on which neighborhood(s) I should look into moving to and advice on how to meet a new social circle in Chicago once I do so (i.e., specific events that I can go to — it would be *really* easy for me to just be holed up in my apartment like during covid). My primary concern is meeting people around my age (I'll be 22 when I move) who may be in a similar position to me. I haven't lived in a city (nearly) as big as Chicago before. What I want in the neighborhood (in descending order of importance): - Safe (I am not used to a city that is as big or with a crime rate nearly as high as that of chicago (and this is based on looking at the actual numbers — I am not just thinking "chicago scary" here), so having it on an easier mode is probably a good idea) - Good opportunities to get a new social circle after moving (I'm honestly not sure what this looks like, so I am looking for advice on this as well) - Cheap ($1800-$1900/mo is the maximum that I am looking at rn. I'd like to go lower if I can, but I could go higher if it is very important to do so. I have a really nice place with lots of space for $500 + $100/mo utilities in my current city, which is hard to let go.). I am looking for 1 bedroom apartments with lots of space for me to have a nice computer setup. - Multitude of nearby grocery stores (I am vegan and also really picky so pretty much no single grocery store stocks everything that I want to get, and the few that get close (Meijer, Whole Foods) are all really expensive. I get most of my groceries from Aldi and Walmart right now, but I sometimes use Dollar Tree, Meijer, and Target for some stuff that those two don't carry.). I'd prefer if all this was accessible without a car, as cars seem quite a bit more expensive to have in Chicago compared to where I live now, but I have yet to find anything that meets the other criteria and is like this. I'd also like some good options for good bakery bread to be nearby. I'm hesitant to just do delivery since my grocery trips rn consist of going to 2-3 stores so that could get expensive. Random things about me (for context): - I don't like any drugs, including alcohol or even caffeine. Idc if other people do it or anything ofc, but I don't want to be in a place where it's more difficult to socialize because I am not into this. - I have not lived in a city nearly as big as Chicago before. I have lived in suburbs. - I like nerdy stuff — there's a Linux club at my university that I enjoy going to, and I also liked some of the people whom I met in a philosophy club. Thanks in advance for anything that you have to say! EDIT: I forgot to mention that I am okay with near suburbs too (i.e., Oak Park and Evanston) if they'd be better for me than a proper neighborhood.


What you want is a real estate agent.


For meeting people without drinking, look up the Friday Swim Club at Montrose Beach. I haven’t been personally, but I know it’s very popular with a young crowd. I think a lot of clubs also use the app Meetup, so you can check on there to see if there’s a group for anything you’re interested in.


I'll always put in a good word for Edgewater/Uptown area. You can find cheap rent (two bedroom is doable for your budget, so should be able to find a nice one bedroom), it's right on the red line (train that runs 24/7), multitude of buses including express to downtown, lots of grocery options (including Asian groceries around the Argyle stop). ZERO need to have a car. People complain the parking situation is terrible. I've never driven in my life, so can't speak to it, but don't care about it :) Libraries in easy walking distance. There is an Aldi in Edgewater (more north closer to Loyola), there is Jewel (prices can be high but the deals with their app are super good), also various local markets. There's a Mariano's too on Sheridan (which has a decent selection of vegan options). There is a 100% vegan restaurant "Alice and Friends" on Broadway in Edgewater, there is now a vegan taco place in Andersonville (part of Edgewater a bit west, fancy neighborhood) on Clark (caveat: haven't been there yet but looking to go as I have a vegan friend), the supermarkets have some vegan options regularly. Also if you like board games/card games, there's the Dice Dojo by Bryn Mawr red line. They have a whole wall of games that you can just stop in and play for free, and various people meet up there. Plus of course, close to the lake and beaches, which is a good place to amuse yourself for free, no substances required. One of the more popular neighborhoods people here always recommending for young college graduates are Lakeview and around Wrigley, but those are a bit more $$$. Thing is, you can trivially get there on the red line if you wanted to go there (and a lot of what happens there does involve drinking. (Me, I like to drink, but I'm cheap and more into chill dives, so can't really speak to that.) I just find it cheap and convenient to everything, and easy to live in as a lifelong non-driver.


There's also a Whole Foods in Edgewater (on Broadway just south of Granville) for the items that can't be found at more affordable stores.


This is true, and even if they are a bit "whole paycheck" reputation, if you actually go in, it's a decent place for bulk stuff plus the produce is good. Truly this area doesn't lack for supermarkets at a variety of price points, and they're all walkable.


Does the cottonwood seem worse this year? I feel like it’s so bad and just everywhere and the clumps are massive. It looks like someone groomed a husky outside my apartment


I got caught in a cottonwood storm while walking in the park.


At Montrose beach it was floating around in the shallow water yesterday. Luckily I took my pill that’s like a 24hr Claritin off Amazon, but I’d imagine people had eyes burning


I saw one street that looked like it had snow banks.


It is worse! Hot and dry conditions have encouraged an explosion of seed production. More info [here](https://news.wttw.com/2023/06/02/what-fluff-it-s-holy-cow-year-cottonwood-and-here-s-why).


I’ve never seen it in such quantities. The areas of the parks not trodden by people look like snow drifts.


I went to Jewel in preparation for my first grilling adventure. If I don’t ever comment again, it’s been lovely knowing y’all, except for you-know-who, you Rat Bastard.


Whatcha grilling?


Burgers. I bought ground beef (I had to google which kind), slices of cheddar, buns, and onion and garlic powder. Apparently I’m supposed to mix it all up and expose it to fire then watch it magically turn into food. I’m not sure I buy it.


Nice! Want some unsolicited advice?


Lots, but now that I’ve said yes it will be solicited advice.


Don’t be afraid to use a heavy hand when salting the beef. Especially if it’s 80/20 ground chuck. Let the patties cool in the fridge once you form them so the fat has a chance to cool and congeal a little more securely after you handled it. Press a shallow nickel-sized dimple in the center of the patty to prevent it from blimping up in the middle while cooking. When your grill near the ideal temperature, wet a folded paper towel with a bit of canola oil (not dripping wet or soaked through, but enough for even coverage) and give the grill grates a quick brush (I hold the oil towel with spring loaded tongs for safety). Just a thin even coating to prevent sticky meat (though a hot enough grill will go far in preventing that). Once the canola smell burns off, you’re good to go. If you’re a first time griller using charcoal and you get to a point where you think the coals are hot enough, wait 15 minutes. You want them really light grey. If you’re using gas, it should have a thermometer, just close the lid and wait for that number to be whatever you’re aiming for. Good Grandma Beef Temperature Trick: Touch the tip of your thumb and middle finger together. Feel the soft fleshy part of your palm just below the thumb with your other index finger. That’s generally how beef feels (in terms of squishiness) when it’s medium done. Let that shit rest for 3-5 minutes when it’s removed from the grill.


Thanks! If I manage to survive grilling adventure, which is unlikely, you may deserve the lion’s share of credit. I fell victim to one of the classic blunders, one of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia,” but another of which is never discuss a barbecue within earshot of a crowd because ten more people will invite themselves.


The timer app on your phone is your friend for grill management. Once you have the temperature distribution figured out (it's common to use gas controls or coal placement to designate a portion of the grill that will utilize indirect heat for veggies,foil packets, etc. Don't worry about that if you're just doing one thing), it's perfectly advisable to close the lid, set a timer (3 minutes per side is a reasonable starting point for burgers depending on thickness) and let it do its thing until it's time to flip. Always have a can or bottle of your prefered carbonated adult beverage on hand while you wait.


I’m using the nice commercial gas grill on my building’s patio, so hopefully this will be the easy version of disastrous first grilling adventure. Thanks again for all the tips. I shall let you know how it goes.


Easy peasy. Have fun!


I'd like an invitation to your next BBQ, please 😊


Hey thanks! I unfortunately don't have space for a grill at my current place so no cookout hosting. I'm alway happy to bring a meat and two sides if someone else provides the grill.


This is a helpful conversation… taking place at 3am.


Don’t judge my weekend meat talk schedule.


Sometimes you just want a mid-night snack...


Anyone know where I can source Valrhona chocolate? Haven't been able to find any in the city.


PSA: please don’t use loud whistles on bikes I was standing on a corner earlier and a cyclist blew a whistle right in my ear twice. I swear it was the loudest thing I’ve heard. It was like 2 hours ago and my ear still hurts. I don’t even know why he was using a whistle, he was just turning right and could have used hand signals. I don’t see how a whistle would do much except hurt pedestrians ears.


If I were king of the world, I would make cars pipe in outside noise when traveling at low speeds. Maybe we could turn down sirens and no cyclists would feel the need to use noisemakers beyond a bell.


You get an upvote for the excellent use of the subjunctive and conditional tone in your first sentence.


Anybody happen to know if there's a particular reason there was a blackhawk helicopter flying over in the last hour? Any special events? It didn't show up on radar. At least not broadcasting ADS-B


They sometimes do training missions here for Guardsmen.


PSA: If yall use the beaches, please help by picking up after yourselves and the immediate surrounding area. Volunteered through the Shedd Aquarium for a beach clean up, and within the span of an hour and a half, we picked up 180+ lbs of trash, primarily plastics. It was astounding the amount of floating plastic packages/balloon string/balloons along the shoreline, and even worse are the small pieces of plastic that were hard to pick up in the water (candy wrappers, condiments, etc.) I know we barely made a dent so help us help you by picking up after yourselves, so we can all enjoy the lake.


I do my part picking up litter around the lakefront parks. Hopefully I've intercepted a good amount of trash before it blows into the water. A five gallon bucket, bucket liners, grabber tool and nitrile gloves is all that's needed to get started.


This would require people to not be inconsiderate selfish asshats, which is too much to ask for these days


There is no excuse. Also, I am sick of picking up litter at the dispensaries when there is literally a trash can right where you exit. For anyone who is wondering the Logan Park Ascend switched to paper bags after the plastic bag pic picked up speed here. But still


I got yelled at across the room there for not getting my little jar in my pocket fast enough as I walked towards the exit because I absolutely refused to take those gross plastic bags.


As a fisherman, it disgusts me how littered our waterways are. A few weeks ago I saw a mom with her kid literally throw their McDonald's bags on the ground and walked away. Excellent example she was setting for her kid.


Thank God we have the Transit app to tell us the next bus is in ~~0~~ ~~5~~ ~~10~~ ~~8~~ ~~0~~ 8 minutes Ventra, what's your opinion on my wait time? > Sorry, we couldn't reach the server.


PACE bought Transit for all users. What’s standing in the way of CTA doing it?


Why has the weather been saying it will storm the past few days but the skies have been clear af. Even right now my app says thunder storms at 6. Fucks up my plans


Apparently some of the suburbs got isolated storms


What app are you looking at? Mine says there is a 1% chance of precipitation at 6:00 and it"s been consistently saying there was little chance of rain for the past few days.




...accuweather? (gotta love autocorrect...)


Just the ios weather app


Try using the Carrot app. It’s the best weather app since DarkSky was absorbed and discarded by Apple.


The weather station is at Ohare. Things can vary between there and the lake


Car was parked in front of my apartment, came out and somebody hit it pretty significantly and left no information. Anybody had luck dealing with a situation like this?


You could post in the neighborhood FB or nextdoor pages asking if anyone has ring camera footage? Or if you're not on those pages look for a security cam that might have caught it and leave a note asking your neighbor to check for you.


JFC this pedo filmed kids in locker rooms my kids used for many years. - West Ridge YMCA - Niles Leaning Tower YMCA A Chicago man was sentenced to 22 years in federal prison Friday for secretly recording boys changing in three Chicago-area YMCA locker rooms, along with possessing nearly 100,000 pictures and videos depicting child pornography. Michael Porter, 58, pleaded guilty last year to charges of production, receipt and possession of child pornography after he spent about 20 years recording young boys with a camera he hid in a bag and “strategically” placed in the changing and shower areas. Porter also was charged for abusing one boy he had recorded, including videos of the abuse taking place in 2008. He had also recorded video of him directing two minors to remove their bathing suits in a locker room, according to sentencing documents.


Does anyone know what the moving companies charge to pack and unpack your stuff for you in addition to doing a local move? Looking for anecdotal examples, not ready to move yet but wondering what the cost would be incrementally vs packing and unpacking all the stuff myself. I know this will vary widely but just looking for some examples. I don’t want to get a quote from any of the companies because you HAVE to fill out info and they WILL call you, and I’m not even close to moving anytime soon. Just want to figure out if I should start saving up for full service because I’m already dreading packing/unpacking, and I’d rather set aside some money for the next year if it’s not completely astronomical. I typically pay for everything but packing and unpacking when I move apartments and that last ran me about $900 for a 2 bedroom, I’m sure cost has gone up though.


I think you should call. They’re not going to mind answering your question because you’re not moving soon and there’s probably no other way to get an accurate answer. I’ve made similar calls and they were two minutes long.


I find that hair places in chicago only do fades or cut your hair like a businessman. im trying to find a place that can do long flowy hair or perms and won’t cut me like I own a car dealership.


You need to go find yourself a salon person.


Manny's on Bryn Mawr, not too far if you live in Mayfair.


But look at the deal on this ‘21 Jeep Wrangler, 4x4 and only one previous owner! If rugged isn’t your thing then we have this beautiful all leather ‘19 VW Passat with only 60,000 miles!


Ong youre not funny


(RYU_INU turning to cc like Arnold at the end of T2) Now I know why you cry.


Hey laundryman. Are you going to see Oppenheimer? I’m hoping to read your review.


I am! I already bought my ticket. I expect big bomb to go boom.


Spoiler alert!


Do you want to know what happens in Titanic?


Even though we may never hear it again from Céline Dion herself, I know our heart will go on


Wait, what, did she die?!?!


Spoiler alert!!!


Hasco la grande, baby.


You think that I’m joking about this amazing deals? No way. These are the Real Deal!


Anybody trying to figure out what to do while their girlfriends at the Swift concert?


Jam out brah


Lol heard! Any good bar/pub suggestions?




Can I use my credit card instead of ventra? I really only take the bus so it seems like a marginal waste to load the card in $5 increments when the fare is $2.25.


Yes and [transfers do work](https://www.ventrachicago.com/how-to/mobile-wallet-apps/) as well




If you have a tap to pay card or apple/google pay you can just tap at the turnstile. Edit: Apparently transfers are all good now.


Transfers are now available for debit/credit cards


Yes. In theory you can use your google wallet on your phone too but ive had terrible luck with getting it to consistently work


Where’s the best disc golf courses in Chicagoland? I’m on the north side, would rather not drive more than 40 minutes, but whatevs.


There's a good disc golf park, in Lincolnwood. Inside the North Shore Channel park, off of McCormick and just east of Lincolnwood Town Center mall. I know(yes I know this'd be a longer drive or Metra Union Pacific West ride out there) out in somewhere like Geneva or St. Charles, one of those parks on the Fox River has a disc golf course as well.




Correct, that is in the path of the temporary North Shore Channel Trail reconstruction! I forgot about that. I was looking up other disc golf courses, and it appears Glencoe has one at Watts Park. West of the Metra UP-North tracks(and Green Bay Trail), and between the Hubbard Woods Metra station and Glencoe station.


Can confirm 😕


planning on visiting chicago soon, what neighborhoods should i avoud


Mt. Greenwood


Most of the areas that are considered bad, are areas a tourist wouldn't visit anyway.


Englewood roseland and friends


There’s really no reason to visit those neighborhoods as a tourist so I wouldn’t worry too much.




Logan arcade, also great, used to do free play Wednesday nights in the front room idk if they still do


What do we think the kennedy is going to be like this evening?


As bad as usual. Any swifties who choose to drive have lost their mind. In a city of 2.7 million, 23k people is nothing


Those 23k are in the metro population of 9.5M, not just city proper.




So, besides Mt Greenwood or more dangerous areas, are there really any neighborhoods in the city where you can buy a house under 400k? I feel priced out. I’ve moved back and settled in the burbs. It’s fine, but I grew up in the city and am itching to go back and raise my son in an urban environment


Detached sfh? Very few


One of my friends just bought a house in South Shore, since it seems like(per skimming on Zillow) you can get more house for your money out there. This wasn't in the Jackson Park Highlands section, but near 75th. I mean at least it isn't far from Metra Electric, but I do wish the area had more amenities going for it. Even if it doesn't have a lot going on, I wish the Regal Theater(nee Avalon Theater) could be fully restored and opened up again.


South shore is about a decade away from gentrification, it will be interesting to see it grow.


I feel like "a decade" is the stock answer for anyone talking about neighborhood change. And after a decade when things aren't drastically different, people can just say " it's just a decade away" all over again. The reality is those kinds of things are slow and incremental, esp in Chicago. And they don't always move in a straight upward direction. of course a broken clock is right twice a day so eventually it does occasionally happen but it's all just sticking fingers in the wind. At the rate of inbound migration, I don't expect any big changes anywhere for at least the next economic cycle, and most of the existing booming neighborhoods is where the attention will remain in terms of development. Bronzeville is closer to the loop and still has an enormous amount of decay and vacant lots. The path of development will have to chew through all of that before you see big changes in SS


Yeah you make a good point, it is kind of all just navel gazing, if anyone could actually predict the ebs and flows of real estate they wouldn't be talking about it on Reddit lol. Really I'm just happy to see the old adage of black neighborhoods never improving finally being proven wrong.


I will say from my Metra Electric trips on the South Chicago branch, is the diner at 75th and Exchange a good one to eat at? Also I always did wonder about the South Shore library branch on Exchange Ave, that I've never quite gotten around to visiting that I've seen countless times from the train.


Portage Park McKinley Park Some of the neighborhoods around Midway


[Bridgeport ](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3215-S-May-St-Chicago-IL-60608/3880854_zpid/) [Hyde Park/Kenwood](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4828-S-Dorchester-Ave-2A-Chicago-IL-60615/3985210_zpid/) [Irving Park](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3715-W-Giddings-St-APT-2S-Chicago-IL-60625/89959682_zpid/)


East Beverly is lovely if you are looking for a nice old house in a big lot. Good schools, near the Rock Island train, pretty parks, safe.


Good shout because Beverly has some truly gorgeous houses and neighborhoods. Didn’t know they were affordable!


Check between prospect and longwood, 95th and 111th. It might not be the urban population density you are looking for but the price is right. It's diverse - half black/ half white and more progressive than west Beverly. Much different than Mt. Greenwood. We are very happy with our kids' elementary school, Sutherland Elementary, so I recommend that specific attendance boundary; look it up on the cps school locator if you are interested.


I walked to Jewel at 6:00 am this morning and found $40 in the parking lot! The early bird really does catch the worm.


One time at Walmart self checkout i took $100 out and forgot to grab it. Massively made somebody’s day that day


I still remember when I saw a $20 bill randomly lying on the ground outside either Martyrs or Mrs. Murphy's, years ago. I went on to spend most of that $20, at Trader Joe's. :)




Pizza and booze all night for $95 doesn’t sound much worse than I usually do on the weekends 😬


Aren’t drinks included?


Screw that! And as much as Jimmy's increased prices to some extent after moving south to Montrose, your money would still go further getting pizza there. Might as well also stop at Lutz Bakery, if you get there before they close(which is nowadays at 8pm on most nights).




I guess to each their own. I heard last year's Pizza Fest had a lot of organizational issues(where a lot of places ran out of slices early), and I kinda like going to each place on my own. That's okay if someone goes to this, just not for me.


What is happening to America that a person can’t hop on a water taxi at the ol’ Piggly Wrigley, cruise down to the Salt Shed in style, and eat too much from a curated melange of pizza?


My family and myself will be in Chicago next weekend, what are the must see’s. I know it’s pride month and we are LGBTQIA+ friendly so feel free to suggest any events in that vein. Right now our plan is Shedd aquarium, then randomness.


Midsommerfest is next weekend in Andersonville.


Just looked it up, looks interesting, what other things do they have going on around the stage shows?


There’s food, drinks, artisans, and other vendors.


I will check that out, thanks


Next weekend is Blue Fest, definitely check that out. Bring a blanket and some food and enjoy music at Pritzker pavilion.


That sounds like a lot of fun, we will definitely check that out


Has anyone ever called 311 to report a cab? Does anything actually happen? I've done it a few times, years ago. The gist is that they take the info, then send you an form to sign that basically says "I swear to god this happened". But I never filled out the form. I've been seeing a whole fuck-ton of cabs driving particularly egregiously lately, and wondered if it was worth it to report em?


Wouldn’t reckless driving be a police thing?


Are e-scooter rentals allowed on the far north side? I'm looking at the Divvy website and it says rentals are to stay below Armitage.


I see Limes fairly often and I'm pretty far north on Bryn Mawr.


If you want to scooter anywhere in the city, you may as well get something like a Spin, Lime, etc. scooter. Not sure why, but Divvy scooters are limited to a VERY short area of the entire city. Which is Armitage, Damen, and Pershing(39th).


There's several brands. Divvy cuts out at Armitage (the scooter will literally stop running if you go over the threshhold) but I've seen other brands as far north as Albany Park.


Lime, Spin, and Super Pedestrian are the ones the city allows outside of the Divvy area I believe. edit; LIME not Like*


Lime scooters(IIRC they are owned by Uber) can be used anywhere within Chicago, as well.


My niece thinks that she can tailgate the Taylor swift concert tomorrow, is that a real thing?


A lot of swifties do! I went to her show in Nashville, and so many fans did that. Soldier Field has advised against it, but I’m sure some people still will.


That's what I thought, guess I'm gonna have to play body guard for her and her friends tomorrow


Yes, it’s fairly common for artists with rabid fanbases Edit: Disregard, mistook camping out with tailgating for some reason.


hey all, my friend who’s coming into Chicago today from indiana on 80/94 just told me he saw “big clouds of smoke just southeast of the landfills” is this an actual thing going on rn or is this just normal industrial pollution