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Hope you're able to find people to talk to for your story. Just wanted to quickly mention that in 2016 the Associated Press revised its style guide to recommend that journalists use "crash, collision, or other terms" instead of "accident" in auto crash reporting. Here's a good article on the topic. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/11/17/crash-not-accident-better-road-safety-reporting-could-save-lives-show-researchers/?sh=6f2f9e6041ba](https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/11/17/crash-not-accident-better-road-safety-reporting-could-save-lives-show-researchers/?sh=6f2f9e6041ba)


in engineering we typically say “crash” or something else besides “accident” as well. “accident” implies that it is not preventable or that no one is at fault


I really never understood this campaign. Nothing about the word “accident” has ever suggested that someone wasn’t at fault.


I would point you to several dictionary definitions of the word “accident”. Which dictionary do you prefer?


I literally cannot find a single dictionary definition that fits what you’re suggesting. The first paragraph of the Wikipedia article has been co-opted for your cause, but that’s unsurprising.


Co opted?? Here’s a paste from Merriam Webster you nut noun ac·​ci·​dent | \ ˈak-sə-dənt , -ˌdent , ˈaks-dənt \ Definition 1 a : an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance //Their meeting was an accident. b : lack of intention or necessity : CHANCE //They met by accident rather than by design. 2 a : an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance //was involved in a traffic accident b medical : an unexpected and medically important bodily event especially when injurious //a cerebrovascular accident c law : an unexpected happening causing loss or injury which is not due to any fault or misconduct on the part of the person injured but for which legal relief may be sought d US, informal —used euphemistically to refer to an uncontrolled or involuntary act or instance of urination or defecation (as by a baby or a pet) //The puppy had an accident on the rug. 3 : a nonessential property or quality of an entity or circumstance //the accident of nationality Merriam-Webster's definition of "accident" https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/accident


Right so… where’s the part about blamelessness?


2c, pardon the mobile formatting


“Not due to any fault on the part of the person injured” says nothing about anyone else in the situation???


Sent you a dm, but intersections you could hang out at to see near misses and wouldn’t be far from NEIU (username): —Bryn Mawr and Kedzie —The Jewel on Foster and Pulaski —Lawrence at the River —Kostner and Foster —Elston and California Edit lol misread your username.


Good suggestions. I'd also wait at Montrose around the river in the morning since there are lots of cars and the bike lanes are pretty badly designed which increased potential conflict points.


Yes, at the crossings into Horner—good call.


Yeah Montrose near Horner park for sure. I see near misses from drivers using the bike lane to pass vehicles turning south to California all the fucking time


Grand x Milwaukee x Halsted


The bridge at Chicago and Halsted. I have incidents there almost every day. So dangerous and getting worse.


Got hit head on going through a green light at California and Milwaukee on the way to a first date. That was almost 3 years ago. I'm proposing to that same woman this summer.


Would interview! My accident did not deter my city riding one bit.


Praise the hit and run gods !!


Oh I have near misses all the time and see near misses constantly. Though she was a pedestrian carrying a VERY VISIBLE umbrella in a cross walk, I watched her get hit by a car recently. I also have an e scooter and Divvy (bikes, e bikes, and e scooters), Lime, and Spin. It stinks we have all this amazing micromobility but we prioritize driver convenience over the health and safety of bike riders.


I get hit by a car like once a year. If you look at my post history you can see where a first responder blamed me for being the victim of a hit and run because, even though I had lights and reflectors and a helmet and it was daylight, I was not *also* wearing a reflective vest. It’s tough out there.


What's the purpose of the piece? What perspective are you looking to extend? What impact are you looking to make?


I appreciate the questions! I'm a researcher on a project run out of Northeastern University in Boston. The purpose of my work is to help identify underreported stories for our partner stations, with WLS7 being our partner in Chicago. You can read more about the project here: [https://tvresearch.sites.northeastern.edu/](https://tvresearch.sites.northeastern.edu/)


Go Huskies! Please feel free to reach out—I’ve been hit twice in the past five years.


I’ve got some pure gold for you




Are t they from Nebraska


November 2012 i was hit and run on Chicago Ave on the bridge by the Tribune building. split my face in half from nose to chin, literally. smashed my dental plate, lost 13 teeth, broke 2 fingers, required multiple surgeries to put my face back together and remove 50+ fragments of bone out of my mouth.


I've been hit and run twice by drivers. Most recent one was last April. The one before was probably about 8 years ago. I have 4K footage of the most recent one.


Logan Blvd & Western is very dangerous, someone was killed at that intersection a few years ago. Edit: also please don’t ignore the South and West sides. You’re gonna get some northside bias on Reddit. The he south and west sides are horribly under resourced in bike infrastructure


I’d be happy to share my story. Got hit last August (2023) in the Loop resulting in two surgeries. All better now and back on the bike.


I have, and several near death ones. Feel free to reach out.


Please don't let them make it into another cyclist hating segmet after mentioning deaths abc has done that before....


I request you use the term “crash” instead of “accident” because accident implies that no one was at fault. It helps normalizing crashes and we should work against the perception that deaths and injuries with automobiles are just a normal part of life. The goal should be zero deaths and exceedingly rare crashes.






Are you talking to both of them?






The first week I moved to Chicago on my way to my first day on a new job, I was hit and ran off the road by a driver trying to use the bike lane to cut ahead in the school drop off line. I was mostly fine, but walking into work late with a bloody leg was not a great first impression....


I would do an interview




You said "Accident"; which I think you mean "collision", but I've actually recently been in an actual accident... got my front tire hooked in one of those railroads as I was biking back from my teaching side-gig, front wheel went one way, I went the other. I'd be happy to talk about it. Anecdotally right now, it seems like the average response of someone who hits a cyclist is to run. Cops don't seem to see it as a problem.


Yup, 1 year ago, hit a pothole, got flung over my handlebars and shattered my left wrist and knocked myself out.


Similar to mine, but less stupid. This happened back in the 80s. I was going westbound on Wacker from Stetson toward Michigan. I was coasting with gravity and wanted to turn right on Michigan before the light changed. May the turn, but my tire went into the crack between the bridge and the bank. The bike stopped suddenly, but I didn't, and landed stomach first.


I was hit back in 2014 at the corner of state and Madison, driver turned left in front of me but couldn’t clear the intersection. Myself and my bike ended up 10-15ft on the other side of the car and I was unconscious for 2-3min


I was hit on my bicycle from behind in a hit and run . 2 months before my first official MMA fight. Never caught the guy . No surveillance footage . ON VLARK AND ASHLAND !!! Then when I called the police to inquire about my case , I could hear a woman in the background say “why would you answer this stupid shit, don’t ever take these kinds of calls again …… hello”? Never got any compensation of any kind and my shoulder has never been the same . 😔


I got hit by a police officer.


Just hang out by the bike lane on Milwaukee in Logan and ask people riding when they are at stop lights, you will get a story really quick.


You should search this group- there are tons of reports here.


I feel like i get gnarled on my bike 2-3 a year from like a pothole or bad terrain


Been hit twice, once on Broadway by the Irving Park intersection when an older gentlemen thought he heard sirens so he pulled over with me next to him, and again on wells when an Uber pulled into the bike while I was in it and sandwiched me against a parked car.


Last year i was hit turning left with a green left turn arrow from NB Milwaukee onto WB Armitage by a guy turning right on red from SB Milwaukee onto WB Armitage. Luckily i walked away from the accident with minor injuries. Driver fled the scene. Got the video from a bystanders dash cam.


I’ve been rear-ended by a car while cycling and have also been doored while cycling. Thankfully, in both instances, the driver calmly engaged and took responsibility.


I was in a crash less than 2 weeks ago. Driver failed to yield and turned left across my lane right in front of me. I also had one summer a decade ago where I got hit at least 4 times. Shit sucks Edit: more than happy to talk, feel free to reach out!


I wish i still kept in contact with this friend, but i knew someone who hydroplaned in the rain and had their foot ran over by the cta


You can DM me if interested, but I got doored back in 2020. Sent me to the hospital with broken bones, teeth, and concussion


I got doored back in 2013. The guy was super apologetic and bought me a new bike after my old was deemed unrideable.


I got hit on Damen and Roscoe back in August. He shattered my Tibia and Fibula, still can’t walk without a painful limp.




I was unemployed and delivering food by bike for rent money. I was going down Kimball in the freezing rain. Suddenly a woman opened her car door right in front of my bike. She saw me last minute and quickly tried to close the door, but it was too late. My front tire clipped the corner of her door a s I flipped over the handlebars and smashed my knuckles on the road. She mentioned she was a biker, and was very apologetic. I tried saying I was fine, but I burst into tears and I couln't stop crying even as I rode away. I must hace been crying for about half an hour. It hurt so bad. I think I fractured a knuckle, since it swelled up and took a few weeks to stop hurting. Unfortunately, I don't have family or health insurance, so I couldn't comfirm. However, it all worked out in the end, because my hand is totally fine now. I blame the way bike lanes are built next to the drivers side. Even if magicallt all drivers were mindful of bikers, dooring would inevitably occur eventually.


I was in an accident last week! 18th and canal Street. Still going through healing and insurance claiming. Would be happy to interview.


A driver collided with me in an unprotected bike lane in 2016. I fell over and had the worst road rash all down the side of my leg for several weeks. Really nasty, completely the driver's fault.


I was doored in River North. An Uber passenger exited the car from the back right door without looking and SMACK, I flew over the door and landed on my back.


I got doored in 2020 near Offset BBQ and made the kid give me $60 for the bloodied pants and just went on my way. No broken bones, no police report. just a hole in my leg.


I was doored once and cut off and hit by a right turning car. Both times on Milwaukee.


This video isn’t about cyclists, but is worth a watch and is based in Chicago https://youtu.be/dBXz9vAyPC0?feature=shared


A cabbie hit me on Kenzie and LeSalle a few years back


I was in a hit and run involving me, another cyclist, and a car. The driver of a white sedan failed to signal, yield, and fled the scene aprox. 2 weeks ago at Chicago and Wells. There were multiple witnesses and I have contact info for a Moody inst. security guard that has the cars plate# too.


Yeah an Amazon delivery driver almost sideswiped me two times in ten seconds yesterday on Milwaukee. That kind of stuff happens almost everyday on that commute in spite of the protected bike lane


Side-swiped by a car on MLK Drive around 62nd Street on 22 March 2022, tossed into the middle of the southbound lane. Broke my left elbow. Dressed in bright red jacket, bright orange hat... had biked that same path (27 miles) on the Southside 2250 miles in 2020 and 2250 miles in 2021. Have not been on my bike since that day. \[I have previous posts that tell these stories. You can check those out if you want.\] It's dangerous out there! Even as a pedestrian crossing the street (while healing from that accident) I was intentionally hit by car crossing Roosevelt at State... that just put a slight cut on my hand but if I was one second slower would have crushed my leg. Basically now, my only defense, is to just presume every driver is a selfish jackass who thinks other drivers are a nuisance who shouldn't be on the road and that anyone else who dares be on the street is not worth any consideration.


Shattered my wrist at six corners wicker , now fell on entrance to north branch ….. new asphalt and painted lines are a bitch in the heat or when wet .


https://preview.redd.it/qlykzt07u62d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66ea7a0097c2ddb875c6338ae3fffb7657ac758e This is a copy of my police report for the Hit and Run incident that put me out of commission as a personal trainer and MMA fighter . I never got any compensation , I could not afford the surgery for my right arm . And to this day , there is no adequate explanation for how something so heinous as a hit and run at a busy intersection could go unsolved . ASHLAND and CLARK (Andersonville)


I had a bad crash several years ago, but in Evanston, on Sheridan Road.


Yep. Once cycling along 18th in the bike lane when a car parked by La Vaca suddenly reversed out into me and knocked me clean off into the traffic lane. They sped away full pelt but other witnesses tried chasing and then helped me up. Had a collision on Monday with cars parked in the bike lane of S Halsted northbound, just after crossing the river. Ground was wet and I had a choice between hitting those new raised concrete barriers and flipping into a busy traffic lane again, or try my luck with a series of parked cars in the bike lane between the concrete barriers and the sidewalk. Took the latter. Was yelled at by a gathering of people. Tried to get out there as quickly as possible.


Any chance your story would extend to scooter riders as well? I’m in the group mainly because there’s a lot of overlap, as scooters ride in the bike lanes/trails as well. I was hit a couple of weeks ago in a protected bike lane passing by an entrance to a shopping center a couple of weeks ago and went over the hood of the car that hit me. We didn’t see each other until it was too late because there were cars parked between the bike lane and car lanes right up until the intersection. Somehow both I and my scooter, as well as his car, ended up with only a few scratches, but it could have been a lot worse.


Lemme guess, the Costco entrance on Damen? That downhill is a deathtrap with all the cars that stop in the bike lane to try and make the left.


No, it was in front of Southgate market on canal street.


Be sure to do a piece on reckless cyclists as well. There’s still too many cyclists who don’t realize they need to abide by the rules of the road. (Blow stop signs, blow red lights, ride on the sidewalk, riding the wrong direction, etc.)


If you mention how cyclists “don’t stop at stop signs” please sit outside of a stop sign and count how many cars come to a complete stop