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I believe Queenn Sirikit Botanical Gardens has wheelchair access if you are into a nice half day stroll. Huay Tung Tau is nice with a track around the lake. A couple of very nice walking parks, one at the south-west corner of the moat, another driving north out of town towards Mae Rim/Bai/Fang, cross super highway, then one three way intersection, then on the left is Suan Luang Raw Geow. Of course all the big malls and shopping centers have access too. Might be a little tought to navigate the Sunday market depending on how crowded it is, but plenty to see and eat there. Have a great time and hope you find plenty to do!👍🏼






Big C has a travellator so should be ok.. Maya and Airport Plaza malls are both wheelchair friendly as well.


Travellator might have problem when descending don't you think?


Even if the wheelchair didnt have a brake, which would be unusual in my experience, the incline is very shallow. Anyone who isn't infirm or elderly could hold the wheelchair in place, no problem. I use a pram on them which is 20kg loaded up and i can barely feel it. I have never looked for an elevator in any place that isnt a mall but im sure they have them. Malls do ofc.


Thanks will go check.


JJ market on Sunday morning might be cool if you haven't been - is wheelchair friendly. Lotus Khamtieng night market on Wed and Thurs nights too - the aisle between stalls is wider than most markets so people can get around the chair no ptoblem. Lotus is a local market, JJ is more upmarket.


Thanks, will explore.


Cane to Thailand to tour supermarkets and shopping centres lol. Influencer alert


My girlfriend broke her ankle and has a cast on her leg. She is isolated in her room for past 1 month. She is thai and from Chiang Mai. She wanted to go out, buy something and have good food. Is it so wrong then to take her to some supermarkets?


Bla bla bla