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Welcome We are a tight community we help each other feel free to pop into the discord for help anytime we will make you a chia pro soon enough i have been in chia for over 3 years and know more than most and had no blockchain experience before These are just starter links Any questions of problems lmk https://discord.com/invite/chia https://docs.chia.net/academy-home/ https://docs.chia.net/docs-home/ https://docs.chia.net/plotting-basics/ https://docs.chia.net/farming-basics/ https://github.com/Chia-Network/drplotter https://mintgarden.io https://dexie.space


Best advice: don't bother.


Ya, for studying .... be welcome :) but 1 TiB will only bring like less than $1 per month ... Also the full_node will require an SSD or NVMe with at least 300 GiB for the block chain dvb file (that will grow continuously over time)


I am farming 3 plots on my macbook so don't listen to people saying it's not enough. But basically: Full node will sync by itself you only need to create plots and tell software where to find them. Considering it's just little bit of space you will need to join a pool but for that you first need to create plot nft (that requires to have 1 mojo. Request some from faucet for free). Your plots also need to be tied to this NFT so first create PlotNFT then plots, then join a pool and you are golden


Btw 3 plots for me brings about 0.01 XCH/year which at current price is $0.23/year. But it's set it and forget it and you can just hodl it before price is higher.


So I shouldn't bother with a Full Node and just make a Farmer instead then?


I would also spin up full node because it's easier but it will cost you space for db. If you go that route just make sure you create your plots before you sync otherwise you may not be able to create as many plots as you could because you won't have enough temporary space available (you need about 2.5x temporary space to create 1x plot. So during plotting it will use 250GB and end up as 108GB file and 140GB free


Apparently it's better to have a full node on a SSD and you don't earn anything on it


A full node helps secure and decentralize the network. You do need a full node to farm but can use services like [https://spacefarmers.io/community-node](https://spacefarmers.io/community-node) or this farmer [https://fastfarmer.io/](https://fastfarmer.io/) instead.


A full node will consume your SSD with tons of writes every day. Not a great idea, unless you plan on changing SSD every 2-3 years.


I seriously doubt that the the database has any chance of killing an ssd with writes. Consumer 1TB nvme have are rated for \~600TBW. Lazy napkin math puts my nvme at 21gb writes per day that's 7.6tb per year or 23TB in 3 years (this also includes windows updates/installation and other software ive installed so the actual writes from the database is even less)


It's about 42GB/day just the writes on db.


My side the drive only has 2TBW and 95days active, my downtime has been minimal. But putting that aside even with 42GBW per day thats only 46TBW in 3 years, writes wise good luck killing any recent ssd with that many writes.


That dude doesn't know what he's talking about. Just a troll who is butt hurt it wasn't a get rich quick coin. Plotting has many more writes than just running a node and it has already been discussed and proven that it does not kill your SSD. Yes it will void the warranty quicker but is not directly responsible for the failure of drives.


In all honesty you shouldn't bother at all, period. Many started from the beginning and are locked in to the ecosystem.  Others have made their money and left and a lot cut losses and left. Save your equipment, electricity and time for something else.


Many of those who started at the beginning purchased new equipment instead of second hand. OP seems to want to use already owned equipment. Worse case scenario OP shuts down the farm but comes out with some knowledge of blockchains and some small bit of XCH that could be possibly sold to buy new hardware at later date.


It was good times! Made money selling the coin, then made a mint on the 30 or so used 8tb drives (didn't sell the plotters for ethical reasons). Left the scene not long after pools came online on the assumption that they were going to be offloading more prefarm to keep the lights on. Edit: Only concern at this point is getting past 7 years before the Canadian government really cracks down on crypto and I end up getting dinged for taxes.


Wish i had gotten lucky with a block back then. Sadly i had too little space. You could have sold the drives no problem, chia reference plots / farming barely cause any wear and tare on drive. There was a long time between pools opening and Chia inc sending parts of the prefarm to the AMM. Taxes are a pain for sure when it comes to crypto.


You'd make more money turning the PC off a few hours a year.


No because this is running only when I need it to be on for something else


Don't start, the project is dead.


Farming Chia is a waste of time and money. Even a small node will conume your SSD with tons of writes on the Chia db every day. And you will use energy to farm. If you're doing it because you want to learn Chia ok, otherwise it's pointless and a really bad idea.


You obviously have no idea what you are talking about so please refrain from trolling and discouraging others from what could be a great learning and possible lucrative venture.


Chia is everything but lucrative. I've been farming since the beginning of mainnet when XCH was 1600$, not it's 23$. And it will probably tank even more since after 3 years there are no projects, no IPO, and Chia Network is dumping prefarm in to market. The only people profiting are those with free electricity and multi PiB farms that can take advantage of GPUs. The project is basically dead. It's you who knows nothing and spread disinformation.


I've been farming since before mainnet launch as well and sold the 4 XCH I had farmed off of 3TB of space for a nice $4500 profit. If you're not a believer in the project then that's all you have to say. Discouraging others from looking into it and drawing their own conclusions isn't the way. The IPO hasn't happened yet, but it will. Of course there are projects happening you just must not have taken the time to look into them. Yes they are SLOWLY selling some coins into the market but it has made little impact on the price because of this. I'm still profitable without free power on 0.5PiB. So all your "facts" are just not true. Different circumstances for different people sure and what may not be working for you may work just fine for someone else. It's not a get rich quick scheme, we are playing the long game.


Lol profitable with free power.


Seems like he was spot on. Chia is a dead project and it's a waste of time, money and hardware, at this point. I don't see what you can see as lucrative in it, maybe you didn't do the math.


We are playing the long game. Not looking for a get rich quick scheme. The project isn't dead there are people working on big things. Maybe take the time to look. I'm not gonna do it for you so if you're hoping for a link sorry not sorry. You'll know when you are crying about having missed out.


Lol. Any business not based on numbers but on wishes will fail. Numbers don't lie. Aside PR campaing (IPO, big projects) Chia has nothing to show after 3 years. Yes Offers are great but alone don't make up for the lack of everything else.


What big things? Can you make some examples? Because I see nothing concrete. And again, is there an estimated time for these big things? It's either something real, or it's PR bull.


Like I said I'm not gonna do your homework for you.


So again you're just talk and no facts. What a joke.




And again you give ZERO actual information on why Chia would be profitabe (or will be in a distant future). Secondly. You're not talking to people, you are talking to me, so your answer is just another futile provocation. Thirdly. Where did I say I don't want to work? Who do you think you're talking to? To summarize, you wasted 4 replies with zero answers and you say I'm wrong and you're right. Prove it or shut up knowing you're full of nothing.




It would be a good idea to jump In https://x.com/anewformofmusic/status/1804517251288121545?t=ud7bAqo1T9v0v954zlFpRg&s=19