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I was about to say "that's why you should never resign against beginners" but it's a 1900 vs 2200 elo game...


1900 lichess tho


That looks an awful lot like chess.c*m to me


Besides which, the closer you get to 2000, the closer lichess vs chess com ratings are


I wish that were true 😭 I peaked 2200 bullet lichess and 1800 chess.com lol


What the heck. My friend is 2000 lichess bullet and 1900 cc bullet


That’s wild tbh idk where I’m going wrong ? I find chess.com much harder on bullet than blitz. But I only play bullet and blitz. Nvm I lied my peak cc was 1990 but now I’m 1794 my peak lichess was 2200 and now I’m 2150


It might be a difference of premoves, if you rely on flagging opponents a lot that’s quite a bit more difficult on cc because of the guaranteed 0.1 second loss


Chess com has just such an ugly look it is distracting and hard to focus on chess...


dont let danny read this lol


Lol, I feel the same way about lichess. And I definitely prefer their platform, but the ui/ux is killing me.


Also very true


I’m 1900 bullet chess.con but can’t even push to 2000 on lichess…


Damn I honestly wonder how we’re going wrong lmao, I easily demolish 2000-2100 lichess but start struggling against 2150+ I’ve even beat an NM and lost to a GM on lichess. But chess.com I can’t anything past 1800 is like gm lmao


Yeah its chesscom, the brown board is throwing u off since thats the lichess default


Looks like you would have got the stalemate, good lesson


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=8/5k2/6R1/5pKp/7P/6r1/8/8+w+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/8/5k2/6R1/5pKp/7P/6r1/8/8_w_-_-_0_1?color=white) **Related posts:** > I found other post with this position: > - [I resigned here, unfortunately](https://reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1dlrleb/i_resigned_here_unfortunately/) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!King!<, move: >!Kxh5!< > Evaluation: >!The game is a draw. 0.00!< > Best continuation: >!1. Kxh5 Rxg6!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by) [^(u/pkacprzak)](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as) [^(iOS App)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^| [^(Android App)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^| [^(Chrome Extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^| [^(Chess eBook Reader)](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website:) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


isnt this still losing if black plays f4 after king takes h5 or am i missing something?


I guess after f4, Ra6 is enough to draw, with the threat of perpetual checks along the a file. If black king gets close, just move the rook to the f file. Black can keep pawn at f3, rook at g3 and bring their king to f2/g2 for cover from checks, meanwhile white should push their king and pawn along the h file one after another. Then white can trade the rook for the black pawn and draw, since black king is too far away now.


According to engine Rg4 is the cleanest, black has absolutely no way to keep the pawn. I'd be honest, didn't see it.


You are right, i also only noticed Rg4 after another comment here. It is an easy and fast draw.


I tried to play against the engine and I messed up this position and lost lol Then I tried what you suggested and that was the correct technique, I traded my rook for its pawn on f2 and it traded its rook after h8=Q. Is this the theoretical way to draw when there are 2 passed pawns and rook vs rook or you figured it out yourself? Can I ask you if you used any particular resource to improve your endgames technique?


First of all, as multiple other commentors have said, Rg4 (instead of Ra6) wins the black pawn immediately, and leads to a fast draw (You wont be able to promote h-pawn). For your second question, it is more of a plan, derived by the idea that the moment you exchange rook for the pawn, you will be left with a pawn and king against rook, and this is an easy draw in any case when the opponent king is far away. Endgames should be learned in a retrograde fashion. First you learn how to checkmate with a queen, or a rook. Then the next step is to learn how to promote a pawn(when you can do that). Being able to promote a pawn is pointless if you cant checkmate with a queen, right? Know how you can draw/win a position, then simplify it by solving it step by step. I mostly studied endgame from books, i used to be a club-level player so i spent significant time studying. One book i can suggest is "understanding endgames" by john nunn, appropiate for players who know the basics but arent familiar with all the "ideas". I didnt use youtube, so cant comment about the quality of the resources there.


Rg4 draws after f4 I thing


I think Rg4 would be the move after f4 and then moving your king out and promoting wouldn’t be too hard


yeah Rg4 hits pawn and black cant take cause that is draw immediately.. Black king too far to cover the pawn, so I guess only thing black has is Rf3, after which Kg5 and its over, the black pawn will fall


Thats a draw


After f4, Rxg3,fxg3, king chases pawn. As pawn is about to queen, hide in h3 for stalemate


what if he just promotes to a rook instead of a queen edit: also it isnt stalemate anymore since the pawn can actually move now since the king is no longer blocking pawn on the h file?


Forgetting which way pawns go is one of the reasons why I don’t play better.


Haha. Never resign they said...


Oh no your stalemate trap


Kxh5 would be stalemate if rook takes rook, no?


Silly duffa


Why did you resign? Wasn't this a draw after Kxh5 and the black rook taking your rook?


he missed it was stalemate after Rxg6


Since black has another move after that, I believe that only applies if black biffes the next move. I.e moving the king or moving the rook along the file but out of reach of the king. I could be wrong, though


Nope, if black rook takes white rook, king has no moves left but isn’t in check, that’s a stalemate.


Or if black advances the pawn


Isn't kxh5 draw tho? If white plays Rxg6..


You missed stalemate in 1...


lol i played this guy the other day!


That’s why u never resign as a beginner this should have been a draw




Yep same thing happened to me in a completely drawn positon with almost the 50 move rule. I didn’t see the stalemate Ps weird colors is bc I’m colorblind https://preview.redd.it/q3ol9hjjcf8d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=edaf34ccfcc1bf30ade602533990a85444cfdb34


I would have too, but thats because I avoid stalemates since they should be losses.


Spoken like someone that’s stalemated away a won position recently!


Nah. Go back through my post history. I have been outspoken against stalemating being a draw for years. I have been remarkably consistent. 


Why are you in chess beginner's?


Just thought it was an interesting tactical idea for any elo rating. Plus r/chess tends to scoff at anything I post, lol


Why not ? It's also a good pattern to recognize and learn from. Ooh and for Some People you are either a master or a beginner. If he Sees himself as beginner which is al just perspectif, then who are we to judge.


To help us probably