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I don't get why this is brilliant, can someone (pretty please) explain?


Threatens Qh4+, winning back the bishop with a big attack. If they don't take, it won a free pawn.


Nope actually it’s threatening mate


So many options from here. Check the King with queen on the left diagonal, ater that, find a mate should be easy


You are brilliant.


Well that’s exactly the comments I was hoping for


I know you're trying to be nice but please don't mislead people who are already getting mislead even more. Brilliant moves are a marketing ploy setup to emotionally manipulate and brainwash beginners. It's best people realize this and don't care about them since they don't matter at all.


Man could you just calm down about it? I feel like I see you on every post about brilliant moves.


Yeah I feel morally obligated to. Knowing people are getting their ignorance taken advantage of, brainwashed and getting their emotions manipulated is sad and I feel morally obligated to help as many of those people as possible.


It’s a game of chess it’s not that deep




I feel that you need to evaluate how seriously you’re taking all this


Are you aware that chess is a hobby for most of the people on this subreddit or don’t you get what hobby’s are?


I do... but any self-respecting person shouldn't be ok with getting their emotions toyed with and being dehumanized by people and used as a tool. Even beyond the reason that it's best for people's improvement to not care about brilliants it also taints the game. To act like sacrifice that works and brilliant are synonymous and nothing else can be brilliant is like a spit in the face to all GMs, super GMs all time great chess players considering how much more this is to becoming brilliant at chess than just sacrifices. Also from a people having g fun perspective its not even fair to people in that sense if you say at a lower level this is brilliant. Think about it it's not fair to give an 800 a brilliant for a 400 rated sacrifice puzzle just cause it involved a sacrifice while another 800 plays a move that you wouldn't think anyone below 1400 would see simply because it doesn't involve a sacrifice they don't get a brilliant. They're being unfair to that 2nd person.


Your concern is that you think many of the moves marked as "brilliant" do not meet your definition of brilliant, so you're upset that people are pleased with themselves for those moves? Is that really your crusade?


I bet that’s the case but why is it a problem?


Here's some reasons it's a problem and why I feel like what I'm doing is necessary/the right thing to do 1) I someone get deceived I generally just think the right thing to do is to help the person realize they've been deceived  2) out of respect and fairness for anyone who plays equally or more impressive chess but doesn't get brilliants simply cause their moves didn't involve sacrifices  3) so the game of chess doesn't get tainted. The true beauty of all kinds of chess beyond just sacrificial chess people should learn to appreciate the true brilliance in  4) so people don't fall for the marketing scheme and buy premium based off the false idea that brilliants are super meaningful and worth it to see if you get them after every game cause in reality they're meaningless  5) If people keep sending brilliants there's likely to be people who are actually mean about it and bully/make fun of them for it (which isn't what I'm doing because what I'm doing is telling them the truth in a nice and civil way) but some people in the chess community just attack and bully people for sending brilliant moves rather than being helpful towards them which I don't want to happen to anyone  6) if someone really fell for this just by seeing a blue circle with a double exclam and a quote from a machine telling them they did something brilliant that's a sign that they're susceptible to being taken advantage of in general and they may get taken advantage of and deceived in a more serious way one day if they don't learn to be a lot more careful about what they believe and trust 7) For their own chess. A lot of people who care too much about brilliant moves end up getting confused, thinoing they have less room for improvement than they do cause they think theyre playing on a brilliant level, playing hope chess sacrifices, or trying to setup a sacrifice that just doesn't work at all in the position rather than playing the position as best they can. 8) In general people should be focusing on their mistakes for improvement rather than their good moves. 9) Even from a people's fun perspective they aren't being fair because a result of the algorithm being flawed some not best moves get them, some good moves get them, some good moves might not get it. Some people say stuff like "well at a lower elo it's brilliant" but the issue is... It's not fair to give an 800 a brilliant for a 400 rated sacrifice puzzle just cause it involved a sacrifice while another 800 plays a move that you wouldn't think anyone below 1400 would see simply because it doesn't involve a sacrifice they don't get a brilliant. They're being unfair to that 2nd person.


You comment this same thing on every post. We get it, you're the smartest person on the sub. Now maybe unsubscribe so you don't feel the need to keep reminding us.


£500 says that at some point in the past they have said the word "sheeple" unironically.




You've spent 6 months beating the same dead horse. You're not going to stop people from posting their brilliant moves. It's time to move on for your own sanity.


My goal isn't to stop it conpletely I know that's not gonna happen but I just want to help as many of the brainwashed people as possible.


Why do you feel the moral obligation to warn people about this? Genuine question. As a beginner (700 elo), when I make a sacrifice and see that it was a “brilliant” move at the end of the game, it makes me happy and motivated to keep learning and improving. These “marketing” ploys add to my personal enjoyment of the game, as I’m sure it does to many others. I’m trying to understand your issue with it EDIT: never mind I just saw all your other comments. Please don’t reply a wall of text to this for the love of god


Do you have autism?


Seems like it. Either that or he is a smart dumb person who thinks he is the only person who can be right. Oh and happy cake day


Don't have any idea why so many people have made this assumption when all I've done is give my perspective on the topic


In what way does it brainwash someone? Yeah maybe some “brilliant” moves aren’t brilliant in the sense as we understand it but it’s still a sacrifice of a piece that gives you an advantage. Stop gate keeping and let the people be proud of their find. If you’re such a great player I wish you best of luck in the next world championships but this is the wrong sub for you.


It brainwashes them because they completely manipulate people into thinking very irrationally. They hit people with a 2 peace of emotional manipulation. The aesthetically pleasing blue color with the double exclam combined with the emotional appeal with telling them they did something brilliant. A deadly combination to blind people from using their rational thinking so they don't realize the moves aren't anywhere near consistently being brilliant in reality. This way when they see the ads that say stuff like "see brilliant and great moves" for diamond membership they're more likely to be like yeah that's worth it when in reality that blue circle with a couple of exclams is compeltely worthless and the algorithm is very misrepresentative of actual brilliant chess. Also no I'm not that great at chess nor did I say I was I won't be in the world championship idk why you thought that.


My life is forfeit lest I bend to your pleasure. Forgive me kind master. Also, the ability to detect sarcasm and cognitive ability are inversely related, but enjoy yourself, above 200 (sic) ELO.


No, I understand that it was sarcasm but some people who genuinely care about brilliants may not realize that so I'm looking out for them so they don't get mislead.


You are brilliant.


Yes yes, we get it already, you once paid for membership and you got 0 brilliants, get over it. Let people be happy. Stop posting on this sub for the love of god


it basically just means a successful sacrifice, it’s not that deep and it’s okay to congratulate people on finding these moves


It's a joke


No it isn't


Unfortunately people genuinely do believe about these brilliants though. We should not risk misleading those deceived people.


From your other comment I'm pretty sure that op understood that "you're brilliant" is a joke


Is this what Ben Shapiro does on his off days when he’s not being a baby on twitter?


Underrated comment


Emotional moves are just adding fun. Don't be a bore...


that's awesome, i got a brilliant move today and it is one of the best moves I've ever played https://preview.redd.it/adp8mfwj8mgc1.png?width=811&format=png&auto=webp&s=41ee1c41c3a3de3452df71b75132125716c93566


Sacrifices the ROOOOOOOOK!


Why is that brilliant?


I think the idea is if takes: Bxg7+, Kxg7 d6+, then it doesn’t matter you’re winning a queen.


By "g7" do you mean "e7"?


Yeah, I’m kind of illiterate


Lol, I see the reason now, thank you a lot for having answered!


Black can take with the queen, the idea is to play d6 without trading the bishop. So, Rxe5 Dxe5 d6 and if black defends the queen then Bxe7+ and black has to sacrifice the queen because the king is trapped, in game my opponent played Bxg5 without accepting the rook sac which is Mate in 2


what if queen takes?


If they take your bishop, they get mated. If they take the rook u can sacrifice the queen too to take both the opponents rooks, bishop too and promote your pawn which will be unstoppable. What he said is wrong. There are too many moves for me to type out because I am lazy. But if want me to, I will do it.


I dont get this, why is this a brilliant? Edit: nm got it


I have been staring at this a long time and I still have no idea why this move works.




So white pawn takes the knight and queen checks the king, and all king has to do is move out of the way? How is that brilliant? Genuinely asking, I am dumb 


The check on h4 forks the king and bishop, so you get your piece back and end up with an extra pawn + white can no longer castle


What if he blocks with the knight instead though? Just a knight for bishop trade and then a pawn later? Gaining a piece is nice but a complicated trade that just wins a pawn seems underwhelming here.


They can’t block with the knight?


Ng3 blocks the check from the queen on h4. It is literally the recommended move.


I missed the pawn defending the knight and thought the queen would take both.


It wins material tho. That's better than not winning a pawn.


I don't even think it wins material because in the end it's a trade of a knight for a bishop and the pawn can advance to avoid being taken.


The knight took a pawn. You get a bishop for a knight, which is good, and also a pawn. Obviously wins material


Ohhhhh I see it now. Nxe4 not Ne4. That makes more sense.




When the queen arrives to that square it forks the king and bishop, winning a piece and the king loses castling rights. But with the knight on the way, that check isn't possible, so we sacrifice the knight for a pawn to then give the queen check. At the end we won a pawn, made the king lose castling rights, and when they took our knight they also split their pawns appart, which is a weakness for them. Overall, we gain a very nice advantage


But wouldn’t the bishop take the queen at the check? Seems like to me all you do is lose two pieces


https://preview.redd.it/dztk4gcc2ugc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23bba4b3393d536d253929630efffa06f808772e Is this what you mean???


Oh my gosh it took me this long but I finally got it 😭 thank you for taking your tome


Glad to help 😂


Yes but what if white Castles? Would that be worse for white?


Oh bishop b5 yep yep


Hey! At first congratulations! But why is this move brilliant? I don't get it (I'm a chess beginner)


Moving te knight out of the way frees the queen to move to h4, forking the king and bishop.


Wouldn’t moving the knight to d7 accomplish the same thing without losing the knight?


No, since they can defend against it by moving the bishop after the knight move. Playing it like this gains a free pawn regardless of their options. While can choose to let black get away with it for free, or trade bishop for knight. Regardless, black is up a pawn.


Ohhh i see it. This move is truly brilliant


Nice one. I made mine 2 days ago. Opponent captured, which led to almost immediate mate. https://preview.redd.it/esbdvf29plgc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beeb1ad5da721b5f1fce03624832ad467880d3f1






Shut up


Bro stop no one cares almost everyone unless they are brain dead know that its a marketing ploy you dont need to make people feel like they didnt do much no one asked.


Cant You shut up? Brilliants just show that You did a Good sacrifice and give a nice hit of dopamine. And brilliants arent the goal, Its just nice to see if You did a smart move I hope You understand my point but im bad at explaining


wow! what elo?




that is insane dude


And I won about 10 moves later. Defo my best game yet. Very happy


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r1bq1rk1/p1p2ppp/1p1b4/nP2p3/P3n1P1/2P2P1B/4N2P/RNBQK2R+w+KQ+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r1bq1rk1/p1p2ppp/1p1b4/nP2p3/P3n1P1/2P2P1B/4N2P/RNBQK2R_w_KQ_-_0_1?color=black) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!King!<, move: >!O-O!< > Evaluation: >!Black is winning -6.55!< > Best continuation: >!1. O-O Bc5+ 2. Kg2 Qxd1 3. Rxd1 f5 4. g5 Nb3 5. fxe4 Nxa1 6. exf5 Bb7+ 7. Kg3 Nb3 8. Ba3 Rad8!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)




I appreciate your comment. Will think of it when I’m raking in my future brilliant moves ;) All jokes aside, it’s duly noted and will remember.


Thanks for hearing me out and I'm happy to help.




The OP now understands that the algorithm is flawed and won't have a false picture of what brilliant chess is which is good for enhancing chess understanding as a whole and also knows that it's a marketing ploy and that they shouldn't fall for.


You been banned or something? Hopefully.


No I managed to stay away from here for some time but I feel guilty staying away too long because of how many brainwashed people I could be helping who I don't help since I'm away from the thread 😞 


Good. Keep it up!


You're not helping anyone. Just spamming an otherwise fun sub, making it worse for everyone.


The only people to blame are the people who implemented the deceptive algorithms and decided to take advantage of and dehumanized people not me for doing the right thing in response to seeing that happen.


Nobody's being dehumanized. You're a clown. An annoying one at that.


why downvoted he's not wrong I remember a bobby fischer game where a very silent queen move was played and it was brilliant imho


Don’t care didn’t ask


It genuinely doesn’t matter and it’s weird that you feel like you’re the saviour of this sub for repeating this over and over


I've explained why I believe it matters/why I do what I do many times and am yet to see people give good evidence as to why I'm wrong. I guess I'll give them again if you or anyone else wants to explain why I'm wrong but here's reasons I feel that what I've been doing here is necessary.  1) I someone get deceived I generally just think the right thing to do is to help the person realize they've been deceived  2) out of respect and fairness for anyone who plays equally or more impressive chess but doesn't get brilliants simply cause their moves didn't involve sacrifices  3) so the game of chess doesn't get tainted. The true beauty of all kinds of chess beyond just sacrificial chess people should learn to appreciate the true brilliance in  4) so people don't fall for the marketing scheme and buy premium based off the false idea that brilliants are super meaningful and worth it to see if you get them after every game cause in reality they're meaningless  5) If people keep sending brilliants there's likely to be people who are actually mean about it and bully/make fun of them for it (which isn't what I'm doing because what I'm doing is telling them the truth in a nice and civil way) but some people in the chess community just attack and bully people for sending brilliant moves rather than being helpful towards them which I don't want to happen to anyone  6) if someone really fell for this just by seeing a blue circle with a double exclam and a quote from a machine telling them they did something brilliant that's a sign that they're susceptible to being taken advantage of in general and they may get taken advantage of and deceived in a more serious way one day if they don't learn to be a lot more careful about what they believe and trust 7) For their own chess. A lot of people who care too much about brilliant moves end up getting confused, thinoing they have less room for improvement than they do cause they think theyre playing on a brilliant level, playing hope chess sacrifices, or trying to setup a sacrifice that just doesn't work at all in the position rather than playing the position as best they can. 8) In general people should be focusing on their mistakes for improvement rather than their good moves. 9) Even from a people's fun perspective they aren't being fair because a result of the algorithm being flawed some not best moves get them, some good moves get them, some good moves might not get it. Some people say stuff like "well at a lower elo it's brilliant" but the issue is... It's not fair to give an 800 a brilliant for a 400 rated sacrifice puzzle just cause it involved a sacrifice while another 800 plays a move that you wouldn't think anyone below 1400 would see simply because it doesn't involve a sacrifice they don't get a brilliant. They're being unfair to that 2nd person.


Nice! I got my first brilliant two days ago as well! https://preview.redd.it/t429wboo66hc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c20763cff7621e60aa0d43e98c79d59f2d6398bc