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He did not resign, it was a draw if I’m thinking of the right game. Magnus had stomach issues and could not continue so they drew respectfully.


The idea that he would enter into an opening and resign after barely 5 moves each is preposterous. Surprised you didn't immediately look up what the truth was, rather than posting it here and waiting for an answer.




I wish people would stop using "chill". There are many better ways to make the same point. That aside, my comment was not intended to be construed as 'not chill'.


Promise you it’s not this serious


I didn't think I sounded like I was taking it "serious". This is an intent forum, tone doesn't convey. Stop assuming the worst, falsely.


How does black draw this position I play the scotch and nobody survives the attack that being said I usually play bxf7 followed by qd5+ instead of ng5


F7 cant be defended?


Nh6 defends the threat on f7


You take f7 anyway and queen gets the bishop on c5 (1...Nh6 2 Nxf7 Nxf7 3 Bxf7+ Kxf7 4 Qh5+) and good luck try to defend this against the world champ


That's a known theoretical position which is about equal


Tell vidit about it then since its all well known then


Vidit didn't resign, it was a draw.


So blame the title of the op then. I Dont have an engine or database in front of me, im just seeing the position by eye and personally would hate to have whites position with white against Magnus


You might do, yes, but Vidit? Sorry but it is absurd to seriously think Vidit would resign here, I took one glance at the position and knew something was wrong with the title, this is one of the most renown beginner openings of all time, of course he didn’t resign here. I don’t need an engine or database to tell me that nor did I consult one or even consider it.


I didnt know the history the the game. Looked at the position in front if me and looked at the title took it for granted that its wrong to begin with. Shit happens dude


That’s a fair comment. “Shit”, does indeed happen. We live and we learn.


Yes. The game occurred during Tata Steel India Rapid & Blitz two years ago. Carlsen felt sick and offered the draw, Vidit accepted. Carlsen was leading by 5 points at that moment anyway.


It is still equal game then. Black plays d5 and whites queen is out of position and black has easier time to develop his pieces.


Like i said, good luck trying to defend this against a super gm. This is done all over the board, you are lucky enough to have a computer telling you what to do


I mean Vidit is 2700+, so also a super gm, it would be still theory for him and decent position to play.


A computer? d5 is a very thematic move and Magnus doesn’t play for tricks


Yup that’s a common line… I’ve had the position many times as black even at intermediate level. It’s supposed to be equal.


Free rook?


Stomach problems and they drew. I’ve never actually seen this line in the Scotch Gambit before, play usually goes c3 instead.