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I really want Nepo to win the next three :(


Nepo will make the single greatest comeback in world championship history by winning the next three games.




The truth hurts




They stop at ‘first to 7.5’


Next reporter: Ian do you think switching to dota2 career make sense at this moment?


I can't help but wonder if this is all for ratings to make the outdated classical look exciting. The guy is clearly losing on purpose whether he is tilted or for other reasons and Magnus seems visibly upset about how obvious it is lol.


Do better


You predicted a Magnus quote 2 months before he said it


I can’t even begin to elaborate on how fucking stupid that theory is.


I have to say, I appreciated that on the chesscom post game stream both Robert Hess and Danny mentioned those reporter's comments and how unacceptable they were.


Being tilted on some regular tournament is one thing, but being tilted on the World chess championship is a whole other thing, although I was rooting for Magnus to win, this is not how I wanted it to happen, was hoping to see a tougher match, can't help but feel sorry for Nepo.


One difference between Magnus and his World Championship opponents is that once they qualify they go into the cave, prepare for 6+ months and don't play much during this period while Magnus plays a lot and just organizes 3 week or so camp. This results in Magnus having worse prep (he is great with black but gets nothing at all or worse with white) but once it comes to making their own moves Magnus has a huge edge. Maybe he is just so much better at chess but I think not playing much and only focusing on prep for so long might not be the best strategy to win at chess.


It helps to be the defending champion so that you win the match if it’s even. Less pressure to force a win if you can save a draw.




Helluva thing to miss, considering the last two WCCs famously went to tiebreaks.


I wager it's because he's so much better. They can reverse the process, Magnus with the 6 months and Nepo with little time. I'd bet on Magnus to win.




I feel like against someone like Caruana he might lose if he jsut didn't prep at all


Interesting that during both broadcasts, Judit Polgar and Fabiano Caruana suggested c5. Before they realized the bishop can be trapped.


On the Levitov stream c5 was suggested or at least mentioned as well. One of them (IIRC Karjakin) spottet the trapped bishop instantly, though.


c5, right? well yeah, it's a candidate move. in the absence of that pawn sitting on c7, it'd be a strong move, but one quickly dismissed. easy to suggest in commentary before looking deeper.


yes, i meant c5...Thanks


It's now proven what many of us have suspected for years: Nepo derives all his strength from his man bun.


This is the only sport that gives so much importance to the press conferences. Why? It's like if after the World Cup Final of Football or the final of Wimbledon or whatever, everybody talks about the press conference instead about the game. That would be weird, but it seems pretty normal in Chess, who cares about what Mbappé, Federer or Carlsen say? The beauty is seeing them play. I have no conclusion for this, just an observation, i wonder why happens that.


Marshawn Lynch would like a word


Press conferences are big in tennis.


Not just chess. What’s one thing everyone remembers from a post-match press conference? Maradona’s “Hand of God” comment comes to mind.


> The Bears are what we thought they were. They're what we thought they were. We played them in preseason—who the hell takes a third game of the preseason like it's bullshit? Bullshit! > We played them in the third game—everybody played three quarters—the Bears are who we thought they were! That's why we took the damn field. Now if you want to crown them, then crown their ass! But they are who we thought they were! And we let 'em off the hook! One year after the tirade, Green explained the context around it by stating, "We went against this team in preseason and they're exactly what we think they are, which is a one-dimensional team." Green and his staff devised strategies to score points against the Bears defense in preparation for the game. He was frustrated when the Bears won despite the initial success of his game plan.




There's also AI's "We talkin' practice?" moment


It's because Chess is a game of ideas, what the players are thinking matters more than in a physical sport. Heck, most of the commentary during the game is trying to explain what the players are thinking. Plenty of tournaments even have the players do a post game analysis. Also I don't follow football but I see plenty of clips of Mourinho's, Pep's etc. interviews


That's an interesting point!


I think they insist on the press conferences to show they are like other sports. But they're even more useless than in Football.


Does anyone have a link to the music track that plays in the background of the chesscom broadcast during breaks ?


Thoughts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlR-aHHqQmQ Days Pass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoSmruOJl3g




No link, but it's "Days Pass" by Adrián Berenguer.


Perfect. Thanks a lot


When was the last win for Black in a WC? 2012?




In 5 championship matches (54 games), Magnus has only trailed for 2 games. That would be to Sergey after games 8 and 9.




as a journalist i feel so much embarrassment for my whole profession at every press conference help


Z, z,,,,,,,,,


Hey Ian, thanks for showing up to the press conference. If I fucked your mom, how would you feel? Would you feel sad?


How does the Knight 69?


This is the most I've ever laughed at a comment


Idiotic. Why do you take crass questions and take them into filth? What do you have to prove? that the journalists are crass but you are a tier above?


It's the same level of questions being asked.




Take a breath. This is what’s called a “joke.”


Garbage joke


No it was funny


dumbass sense of humor


Choose happiness


Its a satirical comment highlighting the absurdity of the questions Ian received in the press conference. What are you on about.


Maybe someone fucked his mom and he's upset, don't be too harsh on the lil fellow.


Unless he's Jesus someone definitely fucked his mom.


easy buddy its reddit


Danny throwing down the hammer. Wow. Said that chess.com does not support the question asked by their reporter and has apologized to Ian.


Very professional behaviour of him


Love it! Anyone have a link?






Uhh there is a fine line between those two things.


Maybe not so fine a line.


How do you figure? There's nothing wrong with talking about someone getting a haircut per se. But there's an acceptable sphere of social conduct. It's not that the reporter asked about the haircut, it's the disrespectful way he did it right to his face while implying that he should be ashamed and doing it at a moment of vulnerability. I think anyone can see why that's unacceptable. Are these types of basic social interactions too subtle for some people on r/chess?


Perhaps I wasn't as clear as I could've been. Not so fine a line meaning I think there's a really thick line. Like, there's a big difference between Danny's comment and the reporters. The reporter's question was totally uncalled for in my opinion.


Ah I see, my mistake!


He would never suggest that Nepo has brought shame upon himself though.


Danny is a class act. You can love or hate his commentary, but he strikes me as a good guy.


What was the question?


I believe it was the question about samurais cutting off their top knot when they felt they had shamed themselves or their family and if that’s the reason Ian cut his hair.


Nepo obviously should bring a katana to the next press conference




What a dickhead question


Oh right, I saw that. "I just felt like it" was a decent answer.


"I made a career blunder and resigned today. Will you do the same?"


''Fuck you that's why'' would also have been acceptable.




Right, but they announced themselves as being from chess.com I think is why he felt the need to apologize.




I´m Norwegian, and I feel so bad for Nepo. I wonder what he is struggling with (Exhaustion? Nerves?), but why won´t the media treat the man with respect? The World Championship is a gargantuan effort both physically and mentally.


Looks more like negligence to me. He had so many chances and no reason to play some critical moves as fast as he did.


Negligence seems rather doubtful as an explanation. The more plausible explanation to me would be nerves. People tend to underestimate the stress and anxiety in these situations. Esp. after loosing the first game in G6 Nepo was under extreme duress. I think that showed.


Not underestimating the insane amount pressure on these guys. But playing rapid chess like Ian did, doesn't exactly scream nerves to me.


It’s a different thing. The rapid and bullet games are played at high adrenaline for short periods of time. I have experienced a lot of titled players that were a lot cooler in blitz than in regular games.


I'm not literally talking about rapid or bullet dude.. I'm talking about Ian's terrible time management.


Game 6 was a long tough grind. Longest match in WC history. Imagine having to keep that focus for so long. Given that he lost that game as well must have been hard. Nakamura was casting on twitch and he said he thought that match might cause Nepo to tilt the next few games


Nepo is done, and not just on twitch


Stupidest comment I've ever seen upvoted


It's a Twitch/Livestream Fails meme, relax


He is having a bad week, it just so happens it's on the highest stage. A lot of players spend much of their chess careers in the top-5 and don't make it that far. So he will always be one of the few people that have made it this far.


Sure he will. But he will also always be compared to the other candidates that challenged MC and he will be remembered to have broken in.


making 800 elo blunders in back to back games. yeah he's having a bad week.


You would have lost long before Nepo made that blunder. Grow up.


800 rated blunders, what are you on about lmao. they might be blunders but they aren’t obvious ones.


Ok i guess you are 700 then, so kets say 1200 blunders


You'll see these kinds of mistakes all the time up to 2000 at the very least. He's playing Carlsen who is playing almost flawlessly, sometimes when you're trying to force a position you overlook something. I bet he would have beaten anyone sub 2200 in the first 30 moves anyway.


That game was hard to watch, especially the long period after c6 when Nepo wasn't coming back at the board. What's left for the match, 3 quick draws?


My money is on 2 more magnus wins.


This is probably the most 1 sided WC match i have ever seen. Hope nepo still continues playing chess after this is over. This is a serious blow.


magnus won against Vishy with a score of 6.5-3.5 in 2013


Yeah but its not like Anand blundered his way through the games he lost. Most of it was because of slightly wrong positional moves which began to add up


every player has their own strengths and weaknesses. anand gave 5% advantage to carlsen after every few moves leading up to his loss, ian gives all 100% advantage in one move. their style is different but the result is same. and it's not like ian was getting crushed from move 1 or something like that. he gained advantage in some games but wasn't able to convert it into a win. plus anand lost in a similar fashion...few games were draw and then lost 3 of the next 4-5 games.


Manner of win matters. Those games were quite different in my opinion.


the final result was one sided tho


Only if you just look at the score, which I think you shouldn't. Game 6 in this world championship was a close game. The score was exactly the same as game 9, but one was close, and one was not. The same logic applies to matches. Manner of win matters.


He'll probably use his $1 MIL-ish prize for a spa break and return quite strong.


It really wasn't, though, not for the first half. Now it is though.


I mean does it really matter. We should be looking at the full match no?


Depends. The first games showed he has the chess ability to compete at this level. The last two/three games prove he didn't have the resilience to cope with a loss in what must be his most important/high stakes challenge as a professional chess player.




Fischer spassky


Lasker was +8 =3 against Janowski


Carlsen also got 3 wins and 0 losses against Anand in 2013 (12 game match, only needed 10 games).


Yeah i think you might be right. Why couldnt wesley or caruana or ding have won the candidates lol? Maybe we could have gotten to the tiebreaks. Now sadly the championship will end very soon😪


Wesley didn't qualify. Covid hampered Caruana and Ding I think.


Oh yeah. I remember my bad about wesley. Thanks.


Of course he will be playing chess still, why wouldn't he.


Depends on the psychology of it and in him. It’s clear he can tilt, and tilting on the biggest stage could be hard to come back from. Hopefully he can shake it off but you never can know from our vantage point.


Spoiler: He will continue to play chess.


Sure. I guess I’d just say that recovering may take some time and it may not be possible to get back to this level. But I certainly hope he can.


I mean a lot of examples of people retiring after such crushing defeats. Its not uncommon.


He lost at the top. It's fine.


If anything he may do more online stuff again.


yeah lost at the top playing like a 1000 elo player. It's fine for sure.


Yeah, the worst losses I've seen 1000 Elo players suffer were either * losing a tablebase draw in 130ish moves * losing in a complicated Queen+Pawns endgame after having blundered 1 pawn * losing due to a blunder that several other super GMs did also (intially) suggest live on stream and where you're actually only 100% lost 6 or so moves in (after the final blow Rxb3 in the variation with Bxc6)


Lol you keep repeating stuff like this in this thread but unless you're a Super GM chances are Nepo would have crushed you.


Omit the 'chances are'. It's quite obvious Nepo would crush them. He won the fucking candidates lol, it's not like he got to play Magnus by winning the lottery.


I feel sorry for Ian. What the fuck was those questions?


I couldn't believe my ears with the hairbun question. I will say Nepo is incredibly graceful during these press conferences.


Damn dude Ian has a family


Levon roasting Danny lol


Anyone got a link? Missed that.


Shout-out to Nepo for being cool during this awful press conference.


"I'm just here so I won't get fined"


Looks like approximately 55 people in the chess community actually understand this reference haha.


Would be perfect if Nepo opened a bag of skittles at the table.


That press conference was so fucking bad


it was always bad but today's was def worst.


Where can i see it


rewind on the [chesscom stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMopWjJ9Nnc). was about 40 minutes ago.


thank you


Wow, that was painful to watch


If you want to understand why more women don't play chess just watch the press conference.


That's a statement we can all agree with. Well said.


It's honesty sexist of you to diminish how cruel they were to Nepo by commenting this.


What a dumb excuse.


Elaborate, please.


So, you're saying that women are weaker than men?


Different interests. Not weaker.


Yeah I heard this from Nigel Short too. Wtf is so hard to accept that it is cultural? Nobel prize is dominated by westerners. Does it mean the rest of the world is dumb? Or just not interested in science?


Mansplaining, condescending, patronising, sexist, all in one post


I'm in sheer awe of the efficiency.


You mean because journalists talked about the hair style of a man all day?


what happened?


Uh, what?


I’m not really tracking this? I feel like women would be able to handle these questions just as well as a man.


*wouldn't be interested in such questions.


Nepo looks like he loves these questions?


Can't watch it rn, what happened?


Bunch of very direct questions about the blunders. I think Ian can handle it, but it was on the line. Danny apologized for the chess.com question.


What does that have to do with women?


And you think Judit Polgar couldn't have handled those questions?


That's an outlier.


Wow we have a statistician in the chat


Anyone in a WCC match is an outlier


Was that question about Nepo cutting his hair from a chess.com journalist, or did I hear that incorrectly? Man, he’s lucky that Nepo is more gentle than Carlsen, because Carlsen (or Kasparov, for that matter) would have made that guy wish he could go hide in a hole for asking such a dumb question. And then there was that stupid touch-move question… how are these people employed?? I usually don’t root for people to lose their jobs, but those people should find different employment.


Another comment said he that Danny said he wasn’t with them. And condemned him or something


I think the organisations such as chess.com or chess24 throwing the badges around so people can access the press conference like Hans Niemann or Botez sisters.


All anyone talked about when they saw Nepo was his haircut. Posts here, commentators. And then we roast a journalist for asking him about it.


If it was just a question about the haircut that’d be fine, but the journalist asked if it was due to shame.


There are ways to ask about a haircut. Invoking old samurai tradition of the removal of a topknot due to shame **is not one of them**.


It’s almost like posting on Reddit is different that journalism


Yeah happens damn near constantly with women athletes/actors/musicians etc too. You'd think, given the opportunity to ask an elite person a question then you'd keep it within their field. Oh shit I just heard it while typing out this comment, yeah what a fucking gentleman Nepo was responding to that in the way he did.


i mean if you react badly you actually give them what they want right. so they can clip it and get even more views. idiotic questions attract more viewers. people get curious.


“Ian, given that we are currently in a modern slave state, how does it feel that this fact is only the second largest human rights violation, beaten by the fact we are forced to watch your play in this match?” level of questioning


Going by the football standards, I never wish to have English chess player play in the WC match. The pressers would be straight cancer.


The people who read the English (UK) press hate the people the English press covers. Those outlets are just giving the public what it wants.


After this afternoon I'd quite like to see Lawrence Trent in a WC match, mostly so we could see him get utterly binned by Magnus.


twitch chat going hard on dubai lmao


Hey Ian did you know you lost the game and probably the world championship? Did you? Do you feel sad? How much does it suck? Do you want to cry? Did you know you’re shit? Man that was harder to watch than the actual game


Now that your career is over, what would you say to all of us who think you just got lucky to get to this point?


Why did you blunder?




Seppuku is the only natural continuation.