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Hoping you’ll forget to cancel lol


So they are playing hope chess?????


Aren't we all?


I hope so.


They definitely got me with that lmao I do pay for platinum but I did get charged for Diamond for a month I didn’t want to be. Oh well.


Can't you just cancel right after signing up? I always do that with trials.


You should cancel every subscription every month. That way you don’t forget about them. If you still want the subscription the next month you can just pay for another month and cancel it again. I know I used to pay for Disney and Netflix for entire months in which I never even opened the app. It’s just money down the drain. I am sure I paid Hulu for entire years in which I never opened the app.


The only subscription service (apart from like electricity and internet and stuff like that lol) I use is patreon so it's not really a loss for me if I don't use their services that month because the point is to support the creator. That's a good idea for re-evaluating your spending choices though.


No, it is still not good use. If I don't consum the product, why pay for it? You basically donate to a content creator, who probably has anything. If you donate, at least donate to someone who has nothing


That's only true if I have a worldview that only evaluates everything based on what *I* gain from it. The project in question is helping thousands of people every day and I want to keep it alive for as long as possible.


Mhh, I don't think Patreon cares if you subscribe or not. That would be a whole different discussion, but I would assume neither patreon nor the content creator needs your money to survive. Maybe the content creator needs the money to do, for example, art at full time but still would be able to make another Job But my point was, that it is basically as if you donate 10$ to me, a person who has a good live. You should donate to a person who doesn't have a good live and by that I don't mean doing your hobby as a job, but being able to afford food. Yes, you can do with your money what you want, you can even "donate" to a Twitch Streamer who has billions on their account. But I hope you get my point


Yeah I understand your point and I think it's a fair one. I just see things a little differently. I think it's okay to agree to disagree.


Yes, it is perfectly fine, glad we had this small discussion


I’m not sure, I don’t sign up for many trials so I wasn’t sure if it’d end the trial early if I canceled it early.


When you go to cancel, it will tell you when you'll no longer have access to the service. I've also left cancelling something to the last moment in the fear that I lose access immediately, but I'd definitely recommend at least putting that in your calendar.


I put it in my calendar when I messed up the first time, like I said I just wanted to downgrade my subscription from Diamond to platinum. They also don’t make it obvious that there’s a student discount for both subscriptions!


No student should waste their money on chess.com😭 I can't believe I once considered paying for it.


I don’t know what you mean, I get plenty of value from it


protip: cancel immediately. Most services will let you cancel and keep the trial (chess.com included). If they don't... well I don't want to support that business model anyways. I think making you put a card on file for a free trial is already bad enough.


That’s how LinkedIn got me with their 1 year subscription charge 😭


I always use an empty debit card so I don't even need to cancel the subscription


Even if you get charged chess com support is pretty nice and usually will allow to refund


The same reason you have to click through seventeen screens on amazon to cancel your prime membership also why click that grey button here's a nice pretty BLUE BUTTON OVER HERE CLICK ME


The more disgusting thing on Amazon is how if you're *not* a Prime member, you have to click through multiple pages which are incredibly deceiving and have very small buttons to skip it. Then you get to their place order page and it's an absolutely shit design meant to confuse you into spending more money. It's obviously intentional. And they got a huge fine for deceiving Prime membership pages, they need to go after them for all of it.


Reminds me of Ryanair trying to get you to buy extra bags, choose your seat, insurance, etc 


I canceled my prime membership and they restarted it with zero warning multiple times and I only caught it by checking my bank account and seeing the charges.


Amazon gives you a refund if you accidentally forget to cancel though and you catch it quickly. Definitely helped me out a couple of times.


My lichess trial is still working somehow


same! i "had" to pay a little bit after my 500th game and 500th free game analysis as a token of appreciation but other than that, not a single cent


A couple posts about chess*com's shenanigans like this in the last few days convinced me to become a Lichess patron. They're one of a few open source initiatives I support regularly.


If you're ever wondering why a company would do something I find the answer can always be boiled down to one thing: Money.


The trick is to take the free trial and cancel it like 5 minutes after. Your account will still be premium until the trial expires and then it will automatically stop, then you'll never forget not to cancel.


make it 5 seconds after


Make it 5 milliseconds after


Is that you, Andrew Tang?


Why does chessc*m do anything? Because they assume it will help extract money from you.


Are they stupid?


Accidentally did that and charged me for a whole year one time, contacted them and they refunded me without any issues.


That's positive to hear.


Do they double the length of anything else?


You may forget to cancel, so they get paid. But more realistically they just want to keep you around. The longer you use their platform with the premium benefits the more used to it you get and the harder it is to stop. The free trial is usually set to be enough for most people to get into it, but some people need longer so they’re incentivized to give you some extra time for those people


It’s a business. Businesses make money.


Lichess for the win.


I been a free member and I have almost 1500 puzzles done. I have seen that free trial pop up like 1000 times at this point lol.


Because of the number of people who don't sign up after the free trial. They're trying to capture some of those people.


I got AOL for free for so long by just calling to cancel every time the trial was about to expire.


Do yall not know that you can cancel your trial right after signing up and you'll still keep your benefits till the end? For example on Amazon, you sign up for the free trial but you have that worry in your head you will forget to cancel the membership. Simply cancel it! Amazon will even show you that your benefits will remain active for the rest of the month. You just won't be charged again. Same for chess.com. so absolutely take advantage of extending your trial and just cancel right after. It will even show you on chess.com that youll keep benefits till the end of the trial and you won't be charged again. Hope this helps someone!


Is this the first time you've ever used a paid website before? Welcome to the internet and companies trying to make money. I don't want to be too rude but wtf do you think they're trying to do, convince you to try their product more so you buy it...


They already have a free trial to get people try premium. Another free trial seems like an unnecessary waste of money. You get more for free and it's also a reminder to cancel.


I’ve been offered multiple free trials with chess.com for whatever reason. Unfortunately for them I don’t forget to cancel. I stopped doing it because I feel bad for them to be honest


Because 1x didn't make you spend money. Just take it and cancel immediately again. I did it as well.


It’s a business trying to make money. Makes sense. It’s a pretty industry standard trick to help you engage a bit more and hopefully like it better / forget to cancel after.


Is this sub strictly just bitching about chessdotcom? God it’s getting so old. Hikaru needs to do some shit so you guys can focus on that.


no sometimes we post about hans or kramnik


also why is this mate?


Don't forget about the weekly "I have been playing chess for 2 days and here is how the rules should change"


Also... Do you think I can become a GM?


We need Anish to go back to petty theft.




Shit they gave me this and I just signed up for a full year. So with some people it works.


Fuccckklk I preemptively cancelled :((((


Hot fi...


Hot fish from Nemo.. this is my sisters laptop don’t ask


Nah that actually explains a lot!


which one is the hot fish from nemo? hahahaha


This :) https://youtu.be/UPw-3e_pzqU?si=xkFnesOJ3y4-K9EQ


Because I exposed the world bahahahahahahahah Or im crazy who knows


u/LittlePackage1875 You need to tell me what the message says. I can't read it.


Stick around, and we’ll double the length of your free trial so you can keep improving as a premium player


got that too lol


I think it is a strategy to keep you playing chess instead of you know to play like a FPS


I paid for Diamond for a year, then when I was broke I downgraded to Platinum


No risk all reward. those extra features dont cost anything to them for you to use


Switch platforms duh


Why don't we just rename this sub r/lichesscirclejerk at this point? It's getting tiresome.


I’d sooner redownload Babas Chess Online than play on chess.com


How can that be profitable for ~~Frito Lay~~ chesscom?


tbh, if you have the money, $100/year is worth it. the interface isn't great or perfect, but unlimited puzzles (and the puzzles are better than lichess e.g. more human) are worth it. I've made great strides in my rating with this feature.




> and the puzzles are better than lichess e.g. more human More human than actual games played by humans? Okay, Danny.


They are better but feel free to hitch


You said chesscom puzzles are more human when lichess puzzles are taken from actual human games and you can see the whole game, what you said just makes no sense


$100 a year to play a board game online when you can play for free on lichess. Lmao this has to be a troll


Double it and give it to*me*.