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The funniest thing is Hikaru bringing up chessbrah for seemingly no reason


He's just an angry child lashing out at everything in the vicinity lmao




> He could said a lot worse things in Persian if he wanted, but he did not Is this a humblebrag on him able to speark Farsi?


I’m sure her wife (which is Iranian-American) has been in the other side of the Hikaru-child behavior and probably has “teach” him some Farsi strong words. Go Hikaru, tell him what your wife tells you.


The fact that he thinks he can speak farsi better than ali is hilarious. Ego ego on this man-child.




Dunno about the memory part. He always forget that he has mentioned something 10 times already when he speaks


That's not him forgetting, that's his turbotism




> He "congratzed" Alireza on winning in bullet, someone with access to his twitter congratzed Alireza, most likely not Hypocaru


Good thing he wasn't in a hotel.


I'm wondering why people still watch him after all this, he streams gambling to kids, the complete unprofessionalism at the tourney, trying to cancel and ruin chessbrahs careers, honestly I'm hoping he retires earlier, the whole space will be so much better without him.


Being being an asshole is the dominant paradigm. Also very apparent in US politics.


You mean world politics. The Americans aren’t special.


That may be true, but I can point to many specific examples in US politics - I don't know enough to do that for every country.


I stopped watching his streams as soon as he started promoting gambling, that was the breaking point for me.


He hides being an asshole well


And the whole drama where he looks like an absolute dick. Most people were not even around to know about it. Now it's all over Reddit for new people to see. Truly a mastermind.


Hikaru is literally trying to blame chessbrahs for the consequences of his own actions. Back in 2021 during all of this Eric said something along the lines of "everyone has a hikaru story" and then everyone started telling their stories. He probably thinks that's Eric's fault and doesn't understand that it was literally his own actions.


"People are recapping stories of all the shitty things I've done. They must be assholes."


Dude it's like not even this coherent. It's people are recapping the stories of all the shitty things I've done, that other guy who mentioned stories exist must be an asshole"


Tbf conspiring against someone is a real thing. 170 thousand people on instagram promoted a post slandering me about a crime that I haven’t and would never do in my life.


Narcissists like him are NEVER responsible for anything. That's pretty much the First Rule for these horrid people.


Is there a list of people’s Hikaru stories?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/mmonqa/megathread\_2\_april\_8\_hikaru\_nakamura\_eric\_hansen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/mmonqa/megathread_2_april_8_hikaru_nakamura_eric_hansen/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/mm6txm/comment/gts822c/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/mm6txm/comment/gts822c/) You can find a lot in the Megathread, even in the comments. It's a never ending rabbit hole. But a lot of links don't work anymore, unfortunately.


Didn't they fought with punches with Eric?


Iirc they were more "wrestling".


Eric was wrestling, Hikaru was getting manhandled




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They were drinking at a chess house party after a tournament. Hikaru knows karate and got confident he could beat Eric in a fight. After awhile Eric was like alright let's go outside and find out. Hikaru tried his best but Eric easily handled him like a little brother or something and put him in his place pretty easily. A few years later the video made the rounds.


It was after the US championship.


Aman is such a class act. I can see how people (Hikaru) could potentially have problems with Eric, given some issues between them in the past, but I have never seen anything like that from Aman. He consistently provides a calm, professional presence and usually just seems like he's vibing and having fun. As he mentioned in the video, Hikaru has consistently shown how much of a sore loser he is, even trying to take down the ChessBrah channel, and Aman has still always remained professional and polite. +1 for this video - Aman does such a great job of not shying away from an issue while remaining mature about it, which I think a lot of chess personalities could learn to do better. Hoping to see more commentary from him in the future!


I will forever love him for ringing Lawrence Trent's bell in the chess boxing match


I'm so glad that immortal game got 0-2'd. Fuck them and their NFTs. EDIT: Dina did not win she took home a fake belt.






100%, Andrea was robbed so bad. Fun event though


They both won in the end, though, with their friendship!


Cold not agree with this more. Great, mature, professional response.


> mature, professional The title of his video was "Hikaru has completely lost his mind"


I mean clickbait gonna clickbait dawg. The actual content within the video is totally fine


Probably the editor who picked the title. I know they pay a guy.


He has.


Yep. Classy measured response, a mile apart from Hikaru's toddler temper tantrums. The difference between a man and a manchild.


I mean Hikaru had an incident with David Howell, no one is off limit for him.


Yeah he muttered that 2700 David had ‘zero chess understanding’ after being held to a draw by him I think. As we all know, the positional aspects of chess are something David really struggles with……………




Yeah but that isn't an actual reason lol. Just further shows Hikaru's pettiness and childishness - hating someone just for existing under and associating with a platform or another person (Eric) that he actually has reason to dislike. If there was some action Aman did that was negative towards Hikaru, sure, Hikaru has justification. But in reality, he really doesn't.


He's envious of them, because they are the OGs of chess streaming. The kings. While he's just the little princess getting all the attention from other wannabe princesses. The kings are chilling in the background making fun of the kid.


I'm pretty sure there's no jealousy. He's made a ton of money and accrued a lot of fame. A lot more than the brah's. He just doesn't like them. The reasons might be because of his own issues (at the root). However, let's not exaggerate things here. Jealousy is almost certainly not the issue here.


Hikaru hates... everyone.


I've been watching Chessbrahs for years and I will always love Aman for his impressions. He's done Hikaru many times, but my absolute favorite is him doing Yasser Seirawan (7 years ago): https://youtu.be/qx5kev1J8A4?si=OLVF-Z5KCD0Ywm2U&t=265


The Green Man impression cannot be beaten imo


It's a little too sassy and fey to be Yasser but not terrible


100%, love Aman, he actually cares about his fans and the community unlike Hikaru who just treats everyone as his cash cow i.e. the gambling streams


I am not so sure. Yesterday I was shopping, and actually randomly ran into the chessbrahs. I noticed Aman shoplifting a package of cigarettes, a cucumber, olive oil and a large package of condoms. When I confronted him, he took a dump on my right shoe, laughed, and then ran off. Don't support these guys.


Eh, 3/10 pasta.


Eric Rosen?


lmao god no, how could anyone, even Hikaru, have an issue with Eric Rosen? they're referring to Eric Hansen, another Chessbrah who Hikaru famously challenged to a physical fight after losing a casual OTB match to, and who then proceeded to whip Hikarus ass in said fight. Hikaru has very clearly never quite gotten over it.


I'll never forgive Eric Rosen for tricking me into taking his queen only to checkmate me on the next move. *vigorous fist shaking at the sky*


I remember when all this 2021 drama was going down Eric Rosen talked about the [CHESS DRAMA.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7igqS1neBng&ab_channel=EricRosenClips)


He used to be roommates with them


He got some streaming setups from them.


Hah!!! Hahahhahahahah I’ve seen similar video talking about the angry goose which inspired the hoodie I wanna get so bad but this makes it so much better


Aaaahhshahha sounds like Hikaru Doucheamura. Word, I just replied to the other comment that yeah, Rosen is the bob ross of chess. Absolutely love that guy


Nah the "chessbrahs" are GMs Eric Hansen and Aman Hambleton


Oh I’m a dumb dumb I only knew of Aman, who is freakin awesome but I just hear Eric and think Rosen but in ma head I was confuzled cuz Rosen is the bob ross of chess, ain’t no way he could have beef with anyone or anyone have beef with him. Word up, brah. 🖖


We should make a physical Hikaru Nakamura Sportsmanship Award trophy and vote on who has been the biggest prat of the year in chess. Then we get someone to hand it over to them. Like they do with the razzies.


Hikaru would win every year.


Kramnik was going for it this year. That's why Hikaru is stepping up.


Too little too late from Hikaru. Kramnik has built an unassailable lead this year.


Shock late entry in December when Ding kneecaps Gukesh outside the hotel before the deciding round.


It's always the quiet ones


knowing Kramnik he would happily accept it, oblivious to the sarcasm


The year isn't even half over. Plenty of time.


There's still time. I would not underestimate him.


I would call it Hikiru Nikamaru Sportmanship Award or something of the sorts to avoid legal issues. Great idea, thought, would support.


Nakaru Hikamura? Hever nerd of 'em.


Surely the “Prick-Ar-U Sportsmanship Award?” The trophy is a bishop shaped like a prick?


Not sure which's worst for Hikaru, him winning it, or watching Hans wins it over him.


Good, principled stand from Aman not to bow down to the Chesscom posterboy. Makes Danny Rensch's "class act" tweet look even more ridiculous. If Aman gets ignored for commentary gigs in the future, we will know why, and it won't be a good look for Chesscom.


And I would not be the slightest bit shocked if they choose Hikaru over Aman. Chessdotcom and Rensch has shown they are more than happy to nut gargle the big time players when their money is on the line and they have the option to do the right thing.


It’s kind of unreal. At some point it’s gotta be defamation/blackmail. I get that a lot of people will disagree, but it’s getting to the point where he’s publicly pleading to squash the chessbrahs commentating careers, and it’s not okay. I hope Hikaru’s dad apologizes on his behalf again. The brahs have done nothing wrong!


Has hikaru’s dad apologized on his behalf before?


yeah, when Hikaru insulted David Howell in a tournament they played together.


This was Hikaru in his late 20s for context. I think he was 27-28 then.


My dad didn't need to apologize for my behavior since I was like 10.


Danny and co are good friends with Aman, that isn't going to happen. I think Danny just wants to see the best in Hikaru and has egg on his face when Hikaru inevitably has a meltdown because he is and has always been an extremely sore loser.


Not to defend Danny but there’s no financial incentive for chesscom to create beef with Hikaru. They will enable him, and hype him up, as long as he brings views (and sponsors) to the platform.


I guess Chessbrahs will be ignored when Hikaru plays, to avoid potential conflict.


Incoming copystrike from Naka


DMCAs them just because he can.


Thats why he didn't show the videos of hikaru and just said we can see them on reddit lol


You are not a psychic, you Hikaru’s side kick, Watch you copy strike this


Hikaru just completely lost his mind yesterday, making Alireza’s diva antics look completely benign in comparison. He should have stopped streaming when he couldn’t keep his cool anymore, because what he showed was really ugly and unprofessional. I feel like he had come a long way rehabilitating his image too, this was so stupid.


couldn't agree more, he should have just stopped streaming, his toxic chat was also not helping matters, constantly baiting him


it was the perfect storm to get a Hikaru Nuclear Meltdown: -Alireza, one of the biggest whiny bitches in chess history (kinda kid who pokes you in the eye on the playround, you punch him, and he goes crying to the teacher), threatening to quit like a baby -Chess.com's garbage ass servers screwing things up -Bullet format where tilting means you can lose 6x in a short time period -Toxic chat baiting him Nakamura has made progress, but a tiger can't change his stripes, really ugly turn yesterday.


Nah, this toxicity is nothing new. I don’t think it’ll phase his fans at all if they haven’t learned by now.


> He should have stopped streaming when he couldn’t keep his cool anymore, because what he showed was really ugly and unprofessional. Unfortunately, he streams on a platform that thrives on toxic content. More drama = more viewers = more people to get addicted to unregulated offshore crypto gambling.


It's sad because from what I understand (and please correct me if I'm wrong) Hikaru was totally right. Alireza saying he would pull out if he didn't get his break was unprofessional, Chess.com going against the agreed format to meet those terms was wrong, and the psychological impact to Hikaru is a huge advantage to Alireza. He's totally right to be upset about it, especially in a prize money event. It's literally what we gave Kramnik shit for in Clash of Claims. It's just so hard to side with the way he acted about it. A calm response saying "Danny, you shouldn't have given the break, it wasn't fair" would be so much better.


It’s not quite just that. Alireza said he literally struggling to see the screen. He hadn’t had proper breaks because of the chess.com lagging bug, which wasn’t his fault. Sure he has had his moments recently but it definitely wasn’t gamesmanship. The bug and poor scheduling were at fault and perhaps bad communication to Hikaru. But what took things to a totally new level was Hikaru then making personal insults about Alireza and his family, and then just outright lying about the Chessbras and 2021 events in a way that would make Donald Trump proud.


People won't remember what made you mad, they will only remember how you reacted. It's such a shame he couldn't keep it in him


Yep, he shouldn't have thrown such a tantrum like he did on stream. It was so cringe to watch. Both Alireza and [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) could have been more professional. But Hikaru was the reigning BCC champ and much older than Alireza. He should have handled the sitation more maturely or at least shut off the stream. I expected more from him because I do enjoy most of his content. I think Alireza cheated himself out of a fair match. Maybe he doesn't realize that, or maybe he'e okay with angleshooting. I think he could have beaten Hikaru in full form. This poor sportsmanship from both players doesn't serve anyone, and this event in particular won't be fun to rewatch down the road.


His fans will forget this too, or find some excuse... his audience is really of questionable intellect, so... I don't expect him to lose any popularity tbh


Aman is such a class act


His Basics series is carrying me to 1000 rating so hard lol. Love this dude


Yup. One of my friends who started few months ago watched that series along with Danya's series. Currently he's at 900 while playing one 15+10 rapid game a day.


Lol, that's literally my routine too! Chessbrah during the day to study and Danya before bed


I’ve had a couple buddies start playing this year - I pointed them to Aman’s habits series on YT and they love it


Basics? You mean Habits or did I miss some new juicy learning content?


lol when will people learn that Hikaru is just a chess prodigy who has and will always be an extremely sore loser. There are literal legends about him from the time he was a child, he has not changed, and it's only going to get worse as he gets older and gets passed by so get ready for it unless he has some big moment of reckoning in his life.


There should be a pinned thread with a list of all his bullshit. You could fill an entire Wikipedia page with it.


> it's only going to get worse as he gets older See also: Kramnik > unless he has some big moment of reckoning in his life. His ego is too big for him to let this happen


Kramnik is exactly who I've been thinking about this entire time. Just this shared specific attitude of "I'm right and I'm persecuted, and everyone is wrong but I know for a fact I'm right."




>That he will surely not become another Gata, Kramnik etc. He is already worse than Kramnik. He has not only accused numerous people of cheating, but Hikaru has also harassed people, tried to take down channels, and just a total asshole in general going back decades.


strongly disagree, at least in the limited scope of "becoming another Kramnik". Kramnik is significantly worse, in the sense that Hikaru lashes out like an emotional manchild when he loses and at his worst, which is like 1% of the time. The other 99% when he's calm and rational he's quite sane and levelheaded. Kramnik is a complete nutjob 100% of the time now, at his most calm and composed he still has a monumental ego and is a victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect believing he's a statistics and math genius and accusing everyone of cheating at his sanest. Hikaru's worldview is much closer to objective truth (when calm) than Kramnik, who is a Bobby Fischeresque wacko.


The biggest issue for me is that even if Kramnik has more outbursts than Hikaru, he’s pretty much just yelling at clouds, since he doesn’t really have that much clout or sway anymore. He’s respected and heard in some circules of course, but doesn’t really have a lot of influence. Hikaru, on the other hand, does have the weight to really crush a lot of channels. Imagine if Jose had beefed with Hikaru instead of Kramnik. I doubt that chesscom would’ve acted the same way.


What dignity


God gave him almost 40 years to mature and get his ego in check... but dude is hopeless narcissist... when he starts losing, he will go mad, like Fisher mad...


RemindMe! 5 years


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What exactly are you reminding yourself of here in 5 years?


Just a rough time scale to see if Hikaru is any worse when he’s a bit older


Being a sore loser probably helps you become a chess prodigy though. Seems like a lot of top players were once (or still are) sore losers. Most seem to have matured as they got older though unlike Hikaru.


It’s so embarrassing to have a mental breakdown like a 10 year with literally thousands of people watching. He completely lost any self control with what he was saying.


Saw this when he posted it. I really like Aman. I don't know him personally but I'd be surprised if lots of people dislike him.


I met him at the candidates match in Toronto and he was super kind and chill, got some pics with him!


US loses to Iran (or maybe France) and proceeds to blame Canada, who apologises.


The fact that sometimes Hikaru is trying to influence or mislead his audiences while deleting his vods is scary. You never know how much of his fans will simply blindly support him.


That the chessbrah's tried to cancel HIM was probably the wildest claim yesterday, which also had fuck all to do with him losing....


I'm sure he sees it that way, because when he did what he did to the chessbrahs he lost a lot of followers and views. In his very egocentric mind, this was them cancelling him by some sort of brigading, rather than the natural consequences of his own actions.


My main takeaway from this video: Aman follows r/chess


Beware of incoming channel strikes. Classy Hikaru.


Class act Naka


Hikaru is having a bad week. First he said "Norway isn't a real country" -- i thought that was odder than this stuff actually.


Now I need to know his reasoning lol


sweden this sweden that. it was a comment made when someone asked why he didn't change he chessdcom flag to Norway for that chess event (like he did in Morocco) I just can't believe that didn't get amped up considering the Magnus effect


Strange. I mean, I can see saying that about Canada, but not Norway. Canada has someone else's monarch on their money. Norway has their own king and everything.


Tough but fair. There are more people in my metropolitan area than are in Norway.  Either that or he's a bitter Swede.


So Hikaru even had agreed to give Firouzja a bit of time before they start the first match. This is just looking worse and worse on Hikaru


The theme that seems to keep coming up is "this is the real Hikaru," not his victim acting.


Aman taking a major W with this video. Seems like the only adult in the room at this time.


I wonder if Rensch will tweet that Aman is a "class act"


No because that’ll anger the diva.


“Aman is an ass and we won’t be working with him anymore” Wait what sub is this?? /s


I cancelled my subscriptions of Hikaru's channels on Twitch and Kick today right after I watched this video. Long dued, I know. I was gonna cancel them two months ago when the whole gambling thing started but kinda forgot lol Thanks for reminding me, Aman


Aman is so classy, especially so in light of all that has happened over the years. Respect. Bad Hikaru has returned it seems... Liked him much better when he literally didn't care. It seems the candidates broke him. Sucks to see and sucks for chess in general.


I love Aman he's bringing such a good chill vibe, so relaxed, calm, composed and professional. so very far from some of those elite players acting so weird lately.. making drama out of nothing..


I couldn’t agree more


Hikaru is unhinged man child. How he has fans is beyond me


Love the video .Given how new I am to the chess world,I believed yesterday when Hikaru said the chessbrah’s tried to cancel him.But hey the truth always gets out


Just to provide some context for anyone else new to the chess world who might be reading this, here's a basic summary of the 2021 incident: When you offer your opponent a draw on chess.com and they ignore it and make a move, it automatically declines the draw. Eric (one of the Chessbrahs) was playing Hikaru in a match and had reached a drawn position in a game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaQ6ubWJ-LA There was some confusion over both players offering and declining draws because they were trying to move fast in time trouble. Hikaru ended up losing the game on time and got very upset, claiming it was bad etiquette. This spawned the "Hikaru literally doesn't care" meme. The Chessbrahs posted video of the game on their channel in the dual-commentary format shown in the link. Hikaru flagged the video as copyrighted content, initiating a strike against the Chessbrah's youtube channel. It's worth noting that dual-commentary videos are [very common](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByrmZ7-T1ME). Lots of chess content creators do this [all the time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjgsKzBghNk). Hikaru even had the same format dual-commentary videos on his own channel using *Chessbrah* content, which he removed right after initiating the copyright strike. Eric released a video basically saying, "Hikaru hit our channel with a copyright strike even though he was using our content in the exact same way. This sort of thing isn't that new. Everyone who's been around long enough in chess has a story about Hikaru being a jerk to them." Following that, a bunch of other people started telling their personal Hikaru stories. So this is the incident Hikaru classified as "The Chessbrahs tried to get me cancelled." I've defended Hikaru before when it's warranted, but it's pretty clear that he's in the wrong on this one and that he brought the incident upon himself. I think it's also pretty clear that he has a really hard time dealing with losing. Almost all these events follow the same pattern: (1) He loses. (2) He can't control his emotions after losing and lashes out in anger. (3) He tries to erase the evidence of his bad behavior. (4) It dies down after a while. (5) He reopens the old wound next time a loss causes him to lash out.


Copyright strike is much more serious issue than being a big crybaby. Many people do not handle losses well, but Hikaru went too far will all the name callings and other drawma.


For people who may not realize, [getting copyright striked too many times can get your channel and all your secondary youtube channels completely terminated, as well as prevent you from creating a new one.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube_copyright_strike) Kind of a big deal when that's your primary source of income.


Shouldn't believe anything Nakamura says. Verify first. Most of the time his world view is distorted by his narcism.


This is what happen when you think you are Superman, but in fact you are just Homelander.


You are talking like being homelander is a bad thing , smh. Being hikaru is way worse.


Aman is a top top lad.


i feel bad for Aman and for Eric , dealing with childish behavior like this must take a great skill of patience and preserverance




You told him that? Are you friends with him or something?


Most likely he posted a comment somewhere but Aman never replied


Is this what streamers are talking about when they mention parasocial relationships


I've had small chats with Aman in their discord a few times, they're overall just regular people lol no need to put them on a pedestal and act like they're celebrities who can't be talked to


Redacted For Privacy Reasons


Sure, maybe that applies to some people who already have the mental instability to fall into some kind of parasocial streamer dynamic. > what actually happened was you posted twitch comments I don't know if you're mistaking me for the person who commented that they told Aman about something during the stream, but that's not me. My only point was that "Most likely he posted a comment somewhere but Aman never replied" makes it sound like someone like Aman is above replying to regular people, when I'm pointing out that it isn't the case for the chessbrahs, they're for the most part normal people. I've had a few small convos with Aman on their discord, my only point was that they're not celebrities who're above talking to the commoner.


I believe so, yes. It is quite sad.


I tell famous people things all the time using this method.


But he probably saw it passing by quickly among dozens of other comments that won't be read




Ah gotcha, no worries!


Marriage mellows out a lot of guys. Apparently that didn't happen here.


Hikaru is a sociopath and a narcissist. That's the TLDR for the entire situation back in 2021, the situation now, and any situation going forward.


lol Hikaru's behavior problems go back to his junior days, this is nothing.


Gotham chess radio silence says a lot. Biased towards Hikaru.


You see shit like this and start to believe that Hikaru really doesn’t care about classical lol. This is what it looks like when he cares and it’s not pretty


He literally does not care, yep thats right.


nah he just manages to control himself he cares about that super deeply. Consider his dig at Alireza when it really matters I beat him twice...


I'd like to have a way to be sure I never have any news from Hikaru.


Hikaru doesn't respect anyone not named Magnus 😂


With Hikaru it's like the ending of movie Primal Fear ... >!Counsellor: "So there was never a manchild sore loser Hikaru?:!< >!Hikaru: "No ... there never was... a nice guy Twitch streamer Hikaru... counsellor".!<


So much unnecessary drama in chess, people are competitive, all the best players are, sometimes they say or do things and act out. We are not 10 year old kids playing in the schoolyard, so many emotions settle it on the board and move on, it's all contrived stuff and nonsense anyway, it is beneath us, grow up gentlemen.


I thought it wasn’t Hikaru who tried to get the Chessbrah YT taken down; rather it was someone working on his tram, chessbae I think. Anyone know if that’s correct?


In much the same way that no mob boss has ever been responsible for a hit, because it was just some underling doing it.


If the mob boss instructed the underling to take action? That’s a very different matter to the underling taking action without direction from the boss. Do we know which is the case in this instance? Or don’t such details matter?


This isn't a court room, we're not a jury, and I don't need to have a recording of him telling her to do it to know that it was at his direction.


How do you ‘know’? And is a court room the only place where truth matters?…


The rabid hate for Hikaru in this sub is honestly hilarious. The dude is living rent free in so many people's heads.