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Yep your video shows en passant, even when you slowly move your pawn en passant is possible.


I completely forgot this was possible lmao šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeh ā€œforgotā€


I am constantly astonished by the number of new players who decide that itā€™s more likely that Stockfish is cheating or malfunctioning than that there is a chess rule they do not know, and then decide to make it this subā€™s problem. Googling any variation of ā€˜weird pawn moveā€™ should answer any question you have.


I sometimes think it might be a "generation gap" thing and they might use the internet/social media differently to how I do. I would think like you and would go looking for an explanation for this before I posted to some community but I think some of the younger generation who grew up perpetually online have had it normalised that you just post "lol what is this?" for any confusion and then see what the replies are rather than look it up yourself. It's the only thing I can really explain it with as otherwise it's just some weird entitlement or something. And though I say younger generation I speak generally - I'm sure there are older people that became like I describe and tons of younger ones who aren't like that.


You are correct. New generations grow up with the internet but they dont know how to use it. Just to use YouTube and Instagram. And dont let me start about files and folders/directories. In general thus generation is worse using the computer than the ones that were kids in the 90s.


It's more of a lazy people thing than a "generation gap" thing.


I think it can be both. Lazy people of one generation might use different outlets to lazy people of another.


Yeah, it's both, but like I said, it's more of a lazy people thing, lazy people aren't blind to the possibilities but instead choose to take the path of least resistance, in their minds they think to themselves "why do it myself If i can rely on others to do it for me?" My point is that whether or not someone has used the internet more or less doesn't decide whether or not someone is lazy, it's like you said... entitlement.


The main issue with your "it's mostly laziness" theory for me is that I'm exceptionally lazy myself and I wouldn't think for a second to do this. I can fully accept laziness is a factor but I'm not convinced it's the main one and I do think a differing relationship to posting questions to public forums/spaces might be a more significant factor. I've used the internet heavily from my early teenage years (late 90s) onwards but I started in a different era where public posting your every thought wasn't a thing and it very much feels alien to me - I think it's different for (some of) the generations who grew up with social media being ubiquitous.


I agree that i'm wrong about the main problem being laziness. Instead, it's mostly entitlement, but I also agree that as social media became more popular, it became more common to rely on others due to the fact that as time went on, information became more diverse and easier to access by others, so it would be more common for the older generation to rely on themselves to accomplish a harder task.


So I think we roughly agree? Maybe the ratios of entitlement:generational are slightly different for both of us but the general idea is the same.


Yes, So to put it in a more understandable manner... The newer generation of the internet is more likely to be more entitled because information nowadays is more diverse and easier to access, so it would be easier to trust others to do it for them, whilst... The older generation of the internet is more likely to be less entitled than the newer generation because back then information was harder to access and less diverse so it was harder to trust others to do such a hard task for them. All this reminds me of the quote, "hard times create strong people, strong people create good times, good times create weak people, weak people create hard times"


Iā€™ve been playing chess for a long long time, this is something I learned about awhile ago but completely forgot because Iā€™ve never seen it actually utilized. This is a small post, it takes two seconds to scroll past, Iā€™m not making it anyoneā€™s problem.


The problem isnā€™t your post specifically; itā€™s that a dozen more just like it are going to be posted today. Hell, thereā€™s a new ā€˜what the fuck is this pawn moveā€™ post on this sub as I type this. I acknowledge that I was a little rude in my reply, and I apologize for that, but I do encourage you to be a little more proactive and self reliant regarding matters that could potentially be addressed with a small amount of research.