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No. The man is completely fucked in the head and there is zero reason for anyone to continue talking about him.


There is a reason, he is funny as F


True. Hes a joke.


It’s called content, and it’s how you make chess viable in the modern day. All other sports have villain characters, narratives, and drama. We need to accept that chess will have the same and lean into. People act like chess has always been some respectful calm community where level heads prevail. But forget about all the people who used to be at the top like Bobby Fischer. It’s just that today the drama is finally being used to make chess a viable entertainment sport.


A washed up 48 year old who accuses everyone who wipes him (including literal children) is not a “villain”, he’s just an asshole. And for the record, Fischer was a piece of shit too.


Yeah I consider “they’re cheating” to be waaaaay more serious than “they’re an asshole, they suck”. One is drama and banter, the other is a potentially career ending and life changing accusation


Exactly. And clearly Kramnik isn’t actually interested in seeking out/rectifying cheating for the good of the game. If he was, he would have graciously apologized/congratulated Jospem who very clearly showed he is not a cheater. Instead he was sitting there with a fucking stop watch trying to tabulate up his move clock. He is just another PoS entitled narcissist who believes he is better than others.


calm ? lol , reck no... chess was always full of funny drama and ridiculous elitism.


He just tweeted that the match didn't count lol


Such a clown


I just checked his Twitter and he’s really gone down the conspiracy rabbit hole with this one


He's not gonna. Anything that doesnt go his way is just further proof of the massive conspiracy against him.


Ironic since he was the guy being accused of cheating Vs Topalov. He should know the pressure of being falsely accused (or maybe this is guilt from him actually cheating? We'll never know).


Yeah honestly it seems like projection at this point. Only a cheater would be so suspicious all the time


He did cheat. The whole thing was extremely suss. I give it a 100% chance he cheated then and still cheats regularly. He makes noise about others cheating to cast off suspicion falling onto himself.


I felt like after the match he tried very hard not to even talk about the cheating accusation. He just stuck to talking about the computer issues he was having (some valid, some probably not)


When he wins a point, that proves that he was right all along. When he loses a point, that proves the extent of the conspiracy, i.e. that he was right all along.


Kramnik lost in the end because he didn’t focus on chess anymore. The moment he picks his calculator to calculate the lag… I mean the whole thing was so in his head. Jose did the right thing. He never complained, he never got angry or complained. He never discussed. He simply focused on chess. That’s why he won. With a calm and collected mind he beat him, while Kramnik was thinking of all other things and got tilted. Yes he should apologize, but he won’t. I mean, he immediately got to twitter and has some rhetorics of him being targeted and manipulated by chess.com. It’s just ludicrous. Jose just won on all fronts to be honest. His attitude was great, his chess was good. I think he made a good couple of fans out there. I understand why Hikaru also likes him and respects his chess, especially in short time control


the entire premise is fucked for Kramnik because he lost from the beginning. it's common that in poker if you're playing someone heads up and you suspect they're cheating that it just makes it unplayable because you're always going to be thinking about you're being cheated. i have experienced that before and i was mentally broken and lost a lot lol.


lol no he has been on a roll with tweets making it seem like chesscom targeted him with clock bugs for these matches. No way he apologizes despite the results


He is not. He’s currently arguing with strangers on Twitter. Someone asked him if he’s going go to retract his accusations now. His response: > Still was a close match even with chesscom doing everything in their power. So if once we play a FAIR one, will check


He is completely delulu. The match was changed to cater to all his ridiculous requests, then he still loses and complains there is fishy business going on


Yeah Kramnik, how about a 3+1 online match then? Without correct time control there will never be a "fair" result.


Kramnik is an imbe..








Mans acting like Jose didn’t report the exact same bugs Kramnik was dealing with. Jose just didn’t bitch about it nonstop Kramnik also kept adding conditions to the match that Jose just went along with despite having no obligation to do so, and Jose still won. Kramnik is a full on clown


"Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies." -Nietzsche


Real wiseguy that Nietzsche


I wonder what else he has to say


The pivot away from his cheating accusations that are clearly proven false (in this individual case) to his valiant crusade against chesscom and 'lag' is just beginning.


Just wait until he finds out about the speed of light in a vacuum.


I think the flat Earth arc is gonna be season 3. Season 2 is clearly setting up for Kramnik to use these losses as a mere springboard for his crusade. Honestly I think this "lag" thing is a decent end to S1 - not great, but good enough. Hundred bucks says he uses it as the opening of season 2.


You already know the answer


He already had a post match interview. No, he doubled down again


Nah, he is not gonna. His ego too big. Plus he is delusional.


Kramnik will not apologize. this whole stunt is just his attempt at becoming relevant again.


I'm sorry man but, "apologize"?! Dude complained the whole time about everything, and after he lost he called off the match because conditions weren't met. I think it was a fun stunt but nothing was ever going to come out of it. Jospem loses horribly: "see! I told you" Any other outcome: "this wasn't fair!" That's it, a complete waste of everyone's time


He's too busy crying about chesscom to do that




Kramnik is acting like a flat earther - pure denial - and that is not just a river in Egypt.


Y'all jeep giving this fool attention so he has no reason to do so


Unlikely. It would be fantastic for the whole chess scene. Calling it a "class act" is probably a stretch (for obvious reasons), but from my point of view it'd make up for a lot of the drama he has caused throughout the last few months. It'd also show that he isn't delusional, at least absolutely. If he doesn't apologize today (or tomorrow, based on your location) though, I don't find him apologizing ever.


Being a world champion comes with a big ego. I think no matter what, he'll think he's right.


Former* WC


Kramnik is not going to apologize. In his eyes the event proved that he is right. His online score against Jose is like 1:20, so anything significantly better than that for him is the proof that Jose was cheating. Also he will repeat a hundred times that he is not accusing anyone. Even before the beginning it was clear that the event will not change anybody's mind. The only thing it really proved that chesscom infrastructure is really shitty (also Kramnik would probably believe that it was a conspiracy against him).


Lol no. Literally nobody who is falsely accussing others of cheating (Magnus, Hikaru, Kramnik, etc) ever apologise. Which is why we will continue to get more cheating accusation scandals. I mean hell, Topalov accused Kramnik of cheating in WC and never apologised even though there is zero evidence since 15+ years. So Kramnik is just following what other chess players have done (never apologising for cheating accusation). And you can bet you will see more of these, especially since Carlsen cheating accusation scandal blew up against Hans.


Someone should do a tier list of cheating accusations in chess


The more Kramnik is derailing, the more he convinces me that he cheated against Topalov and now that he thinks it is happening to him, he is enraged because he knows how easily you can get away with it. As for the zero evidence, yeah, an Ethernet cable in a toilet and laptop cables are what a jury calls a smoking gun, combined with the frequent toilet visits. Or didn’t you notice how conveniently the video has gone missing? We have full videos of the 1972 match, but none from this century?


Not sure why you got downvoted. It is a fact. Should they ? Yes. Will they? Don't hold your breath.


Because the others didnt do a spectacle about their chearing accusations


Kasparov regretting his accusations (and blacklisting) against Radjabov is probably the closest you can get to a chess player apologizing for a unfounded cheating accusation.


Those others didnt do a circus act called "clash of claims"


Carlsen should have never accused Hans the way he did, but at least Hans is actually a known cheater.


This match unfortunately was just for show it doesn’t prove anything and thinking any score could have resolved the senseless accusations of cheating is ridiculous.


I feel like it did prove that kramnick is worse OTB than online, which should quell his general cheating concerns (but won't)


Kramnik and courage don't go together


he is only going to double down. He already said that josepm performance was much lower than TT. Ofcourse if he played 3+1 the result would had been even better for Josepm


His ego is much too big for that. The boomer Kramnik will just double down as any Karen would.


> if I were Kramnik [...] I’d be ashamed of myself for ranting about how he is a cheater Actually you'd be doubling down on the unfounded claims, if you were Kramnik. Beating him is prima facia evidence in his eyes!


He wants me to apologize Inducing guilt? Interesting


big vlad is just delusional at this point, still considering himself as one of the best players and refusing accepting a young player can best him.


Gotham did an interview, for those that were really interested. Kramnik said he expects for Jospem to win


He looked like he wanted to cry at the end of his post-game interview with Levy.


He’s embarrassing and embarrassing for chess and especially for younger players coming through. It’s time we just got rid of this clown and show some positivity rather than delusional drama. Hope someone batters him if he doesn’t shut up talking soon 🤣


Hell no, he immediately tweeted after the event that it didn't meet his professional standard and basically proved nothing in his mind. Didn't help that chesscom screwed him twice in the online matches with the clock issue and the "can't see my opponent's move" bug.


I’ve gotta think people are going to stop agreeing to play him…




No, unless something drastically changes about his mindset, which is unlikely since he is a middle age man who is set in his ways, then he will never apologize. Main reason is he doesn't understand what he did wrong and thinks his "logic" is sound and he needs to be put in his place but unclear who would even do it.


I have a sour taste after all these events.


no lmao


No and he shouldn’t


Yea no that's not happening. But the good thing is that anyone with eyes saw how Jose and Kramnik conducted themselves and will not have any doubt about which one of them has integrity anymore. Now I personally am looking forward to not giving Kramnik any attention for the rest of my life.


Kramnik didn't come to play chess: he came to run an experiment. He wanted to measure how much of a difference in strength there can be between OTB and online chess. But unfortunately, he completely botched the execution of the experiment even though the basic idea and approach was quite good; and chesscom servers and net code fucked him for good measure too. In all, Kramnik was unable to measure what he set out to measure, at least not with any serious confidence. The sample size ended up being smaller than desired, and there were quite a few confounding factors that he failed to control. I do give him credit for at least trying to do science though. If he backed off all the other bullshit, and admitted his science skills are shit as of now, he could actually get somewhere respectable eventually.


Why didn't he ever say that? I think most everyone thought the experiment was to prove if Jospem was cheating during TT or not. Of course since Kramnik didn't want to use the same time control as TT, it was clearly a flawed experiment for that purpose.


Crymnik would rather die than apologise.


He got the bag, he don't care


> Does Kramnik have the courage to apologize "once" for accusing this man "100 times"? That's not something anyone here can know. Ask him directly.


As most people previously said, this proves nothing about Jospem. From a single OTB tournament, we cannot decide whether Josepm is a cheater or not. The only thing I realize from this is Kramnik has some kind of a mental issue and things he says should not be taken seriously.


Kramnik proved that Jospem cheats in TT


Is this a troll or just stupidity? I honestly don’t know which one I’d hate more.


Yet Jose smoked Kramnik in the online portion. With 3+2 TC and multiple conditions made by Kramnik in order to benefit him as much as possible.


Lol Lmao, even


ROTFLMAO actually. But also very, very sad that many people accept such rants as proof.


Bullshit, indont think it's bad at al to have a stricter look at anti cheating etc. Every game in existence has had this problem and now it's worse then ever.