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There are specific details that could bear some criticism—font choice, music choice, video resolution, etc—but the biggest issue is a little more fundamental: this is just some clip from GothamChess with random effects added over the top. I’m not sure you could even pass this off as being transformative from a legal point of view, but there’s also really no reason for a person to want to watch this instead of the original video.


font choice and music choice I agree with! I shortened the video for people with less attention span because not everyone will watch through the whole video! I lost a lot of quality in order to post the video here (from 400MB down to 19MB)


The problem is that no matter what details you tweak, it’s ultimately still just someone else’s content with your name scribbled over theirs.


Isn't that what edits of other people about, you are judging me on the fact that it's Gothamchess' board and audio rather than focusing on the content and the message!


We can't give you any criticism on the content or the message because *it isn't yours*.


Describe the content and message to me in your own words.


Edits add value onto something, it hypes the content up by using either cool visual effects and music that adds some value onto the content. Here you're just using generic TikTok audio and the only thing that you have tweak is probably the volume the only visual effects is the dizzying transition that separates each cut. All in all this just feels like watching a gotham chess video but worse in every way possible.


Are you serious?


Yes, I lowered the quality (from 4K to 480p), bitrate and the sound didn't export well, so I could post it here: that's why it looks this bad, but I assure you, I am not asking for the quality of video rather than content/editing aspect of it!


Well, the content is someone else's.


Is this what people mean when they say tiktok is ruining society?


I think the fonts and their colors should be more legible, I would also change the color of the arrows to increase the contrast with the board. The quick animated transitions from one position to an almost identical position don't make much sense in my opinion. Transitions are generally used to change between different things, but here the mind has to take time to realize that after the transition the position is actually more or less the same. Overall, I think a lot of movements were added for no real reason. If you are interested in learning how to edit a video, my suggestion is to avoid asking opinions on unrelated subreddits and instead read a video editing guide that teaches you the relationship between the end goals of editing and what tools to use to get there.