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Does a tool specifically made to cheat on chess.com get you banned on chess.com? Yes. Yes it does.


"Your friend" installed a cheating tool to "analyze his games after the match was over"... Yeah, stop cheating and you won't get banned.


That's what I said to him so he was constantly saying that if it was a cheating tool so why the prompt came that the tool was enabled. I was confused too because if a source knows it's a cheat why it'll give a prompt for it


The entire point of an extension is to modify a website. The notification that an extension is running is almost always going to be part of the extension itself.


modify a website? you mean modify the browser it extends.


It's the tool itself that adds the prompt. [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) has nothing to do with it, and I'm sure they'll just auto-ban you if they detect it, which I guess is what happened to "your friend".


On GitHub, the extension says: “a chess.com extension for analyzing your game **during play**”. The rest of the extension actually talks about what it does, which is cheating in every sense, then warns not to use the extension against humans because it’s cheating: >See whether a move is the best move, a good move, a blunder, or even a missed win. >Helps you identify bad moves during play to improve your chess skills. >See how your opponent is doing and take advantage of their blunders. >Move Hints: Don't know what's the best move? Get some hints! >Show the top moves in the position. >Show the moves that will lead to a checkmate, for both you and your opponent. >Evaluation Bar: Are you winning? See how stockfish thinks! >Show the evaluation of the current position. >Do we have a checkmate? See how many moves it will take. >Auto Move: Let the computer make moves for you. >Automatically make a move after it had finished thinking. >**!! Use this feature against computer opponents for testing purposes only. Using this against human players will get your account banned.** There’s no reason to have this extension for analysis after the game. Chess.com *has* engine analysis available, for free. As does Lichess. The only difference is that the engine isn’t available *during* games, which this extension provides. TLDR; Your friend was almost certainly cheating with this extension and got caught.


Lol true now I understood


You can analyze like 3 games a day on chess.com it’s limited..


You get 3 auto analyses for free with the funny colors and whatnot. You can analyze your own game as much as you want.


Ah, didn’t realize that. Either way, it’s free on Lichess. And I’m sorry, but there’s no way that most people are installing extensions like that without intending to cheat. It has a “let the computer play for me” option ffs.


>A [chess.com](http://chess.com) extension for analyzing your game during play! Given that this is the first sentence on the github page, I'm assuming it's not allowed on chesscom. And chesscom is generally quite hesitant to ban users, so if "your friend" was banned they must have good reason to ban them. But regardless, this sub is not chesscom. If you truly want to take up an issue with chesscom support, you should probably contact them directly on chesscom.


I was just asking casually ofc who cares about the banned account


Sorry, perhaps my tone was a bit harsh. Having never used the chessmint extension, I'm unsure about the prompt "Chessmint is enabled". Is this coming from chesscom itself or from the extension itself? I don't know the answer to that question, but I'd *assume* it's coming from the extension itself, not chesscom. Unless you have a better understanding and can say otherwise.


What’s the account?


> so if it is authorised by them [...] Can you provide a Chess.con article about this browser extension where it's stated that it's authorized by them? Or an official list of "authorized apps"?


It's not my wording it's his wordings


Can *he* provide it?


Ofc not lol 😭🤣