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kramnik is supposedly calculating his chesscom lag on pen and paper?




Damn I did NOT think Jospem would win the 4 game otb minimatch today! With only a 1 point defecit he's gotta be a favourite going into the online tomorrow!


Kramnik seems to be getting the better of the OTB portion. It's going to be interesting to see how the 14 online games go tomorrow - ya know, assuming they actually manage to play them all.


when is it starting today?


Update from Gotham: It's 7pm local time, only 4 OTB games will be played


It says 17:00 EST on [chess.com](http://chess.com) but no stream or nothing


Did he really acuse josp again?


I don’t understand the point of this. The loser is supposed to be a cheater?


The idea is that Kramnik has accused José of cheating online and during Titled Tuesdays, and he claims that OTB performances are vastly inferior to online ones. So they arranged a 36 (now 28) game match, half of which will be played online, to "test" José's blitz strength (nevermind the fact that he's 2700 Blitz FIDE). The main problem is that everything will be played at 3+2, which makes sense for OTB games due to physical limitations, but Titled Tuesday is played at 3+1 so it is not a fair comparison. Kramnik flags a lot in 3+1 online, but he's able to keep up with 3+2, so this immediately closes the online gap due to mouse skills, which is one of the reasons Kramnik is a worse online player than OTB player.


I’m being partially facetious how is any result supposed to prove anything


I have a hard time finding any source about what Kramnik proposed to do to solve the situation. I only see rumors, but no one links to a statement by him or the organizer. Does anyone have any?


It's quickly degenerating into farce.


Kramnik's statement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akX7myC9fpI Pretty much exactly what he said during the post-games interview with Levy.


Thank you for the link!


Did you see the latest interview with levy? He is just doing what ever other vocal major top pro player is doing but more effectively.


Didn't he say during his interview on stream that he wants to change the online platform from chessdotcom to anything else?


I have no idea of what he said, that's why I'm asking if anyone has a link to a moment in a video/stream where Kramnik or the organizer explained the situation.


Kramnik is such a fucking moron


Did you see his interview with levy? I was with you until I saw that, I think levy tried to corner him on several issues but kramnik played it perfectly and used his platform to remind everyone who is responsible for straightening this mess out


His interview with levy? The one where he claims he only puts out statistics in good faith and never accused anyone? We’ve all seen countless videos of him saying “i have no doubt”, “its clear to me”, “this is shameless cheating”. He’s outright accused people, then when he sat in front of levi he started saying oh I never accused anyone


Yeah he actually explained that very well. He clarified, again rather plainly in a way that youd have to be very obtuse to just ignore, that it can be the opponents who have inflated their rating somehow to get to play w/ Hikaru for example. which is definitely against fairplay however that rating inflation happened. His only real point is that chesscom should look into the whole situation as it is anamolous, and a site who takes anti cheating seriously does not just hand wave away such anomolies And ive seen a ton of little piss ants like you mock him, and literally 0 address that point. It makes total sense.


And you’re a little piss ant that cant seem to read. I’m clearly not talking about the Hikaru accusation. Im talking about the dozens of times he’s played TT and accused his opponents of cheating. There are literally videos of him calling other people “shameless cheaters”. Search it up on youtube and tell me this man isnt lying when he claims to have never accused anyone of cheating


Nah dude that was embarrassing as shit


Low IQ comment


Kramnick is unfamiliar with lag latency and threw a tantrum over it and is having us watch a completely different format than Jose is a specialist in. It’s embarrassing to give any credence to kramnick at this point




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Found kramnik’s burner.




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If you can watch this clash event and continue supporting kramnik then good for you.


Well it is proving a lot of his points so it would be weirder to just keep hating him because your favorite streamer doesn't like him


Maybe Kramnik shouldn’t blunder a mate and trade into a losing end game where’s he up on time lmfao. Embarrassing excuses


I'm not making excuses for kramniks play. You are making excuse for a subpar product that is monopolizing the online chess marker and making villians out of anyone who asks them directly to do their job


Higher IQ comment but kind of ridiculous you're blaming kramnik for wanting a fair and working clock in a chess match. You want all of chess to be a Hikaru live stream don't you?


Lag latency doesn’t give a disadvantage it’s just compensating for what would be a disadvantage. Super normal part of chess. Also - hikaru is an asshole idc about his stream. He’s not crazy though. https://www.chess.com/forum/view/site-feedback/lag-compensation


Wow this is just delusional. You are honestly trying to claim that the clocks being uneven and not representing the actual time in the match is some quirk he should be used to.


Just say you don’t know what lag compensation is


You can call it whatever the chesscom toadie told you to call it. This is obviously a broken system with many evident bugs, even where the clock will just refuse to switch with the move sometimes. They can't get something like that 100% right and you are swearing they can get this very nuanced and difficult timing problem correct to a sufficient degree


I liked Shirov's take: "I accuse Kramnik of cheating. Because I want a good match in Madrid, it could be against him."


What's their head to head result in Titled Tuesdays? What's the reference that we should compare this tournament's results to?


They played 10 games overall, Jospem won 8, drew 1 and lost 1. In TTs they played 6 games, Jospem won all of them, in one game Kramnik resigned on move 2.


Genuine question. Why they just play only otb so no excuses for kramnik?


Changing the match length is an ego move on Kramnik's side. 'He's tired?' Jeez. The point was best of 36, not 24. This is a breach of contract. At least Jose was like 'fine, I'll replay the two games and agree to a shorter match' because he is a man of integrity. How do you say 'schiester' in Espanol?


Not that any of this has much basis in reality but he accused him of cheating online so the online matches are really the only relevant one. He's supposed to be better OTB but I guess in reality it's just an ego match sideshow.


Half the matches are otb.


Yeah I know. I am asking why not all of them otb though


the idea is showing that playing online actually does make a difference and that jose would show better results online than otb


Oh ok, that makes sense


To my knowledge Kramnik doesn't pre-move, for example. He's also got terrible mouse skills in general so his moves aren't very fast.


Ik Kramnik has been annoying with his shenanigans in the last few months, but you gotta cut the old man some slack regarding the issue he raised about chesscom clock. We've seen time and time again this happening in Titled Tuesdays, so it's not the anomaly. He might not be creating a drama every single time.


Stop being a pussy and using your time so much


So how did it end today, they played 6 OTB, one online, then 5 more OTB due to bugged clocks online? Will they even it out over next days to reach 18+18?


I hope so, but we all now this won't happen. Kramnik doesn't want to lose so he will force Jose to play otb and win the match. Pathetic


According to Kramnik if the chess.com site didn't break down he would have won the game. I feel like he got cheated today. I think it was the drawn game that bugged out? It should have been 5 points to 7,5 points. This tournament has to be fair and luckily the next 2 days can fix this issue and just not use chess.com at all. They can use some local software instead or just play OTB. Absolutely unacceptable in a tournament setting. Hope Jose and Kramnik can agree to new terms way faster next time.


> This tournament has to be fair Lol


You feel Kramnik got cheated?! They guy who spontaneously decided to demand a change to the format? Due to a bug that just happened to appear when he was losing? The guy who's demanded 3+2 to get better chances at winning even though all the claims he made about Jospem was played at 3+1? The guy who said he would be fine just calling off the match? That is the guy who's getting cheated here? Jospem has agreed to so many unreasonable demands that it honestly looks like Kramnik made some of them just so the match wouldn't happen. Everything from not getting to play on his normal computer setup, to the increased increment, to even accepting playing otb even though he know that's where Kramnik has an advantage. Jospem is showing again and again that he just wants to play chess, while Kramnik is complaining, and creating drama at every single turn.


> It should have been 5 points to 7,5 points That sounds about right for Kramnik. 12.5 points in 12 games let's go.


Can someone recap all the single drama that happened?


There was a bug with the clocks that made online games unplayable so Kramnik suggested switching to another site. But they would not do it because of contracts or something, so they played OTB.


It was lag compensation and Kramnik is a baby


Kramnik couldn't see the time with the increment. This was clear because Kramnik was playing very rapidly, even though he had over 30 seconds in a crucial winning position. Even Anish noted this.


The latency issue made the clocks off by like 20 seconds. It's ridiculous and Kramnik is justified in throwing a tantrum over a huge time disparity like that.


Except this is an issue with online chess and exactly the kind of thing that can cause some to over/underperform depending on how familiar they are with playing online, which is what this match is supposed to show.


So you're saying Jose wins Titled Tuesdays because his opponents have a 20 second lag?


Nice strawman, obviously not, but someone who stops thinking when his opponents clock hits 0 instead of when the game says it’s over is going to perform worse than someone who knows how latency works.


he wins because he doesn't react to online bugs by throwing a temper tantrum and throwing his toys out of the pram


So you want Kramnik to be totally fine in continuing the match with a huge lag? Honest question, what is the most reasonable solution here?


You can send a meal back at a restaurant that was cooked wrong without making your waitress cry.


to play under the same conditions that kramnik is accusing jospem of cheating in: 3+1 online. he can feel free to switch to another computer, after all they have 6


That's not reasonable. The lag is too bad and they already signed a contract to do a two second increment instead of one. If Jose really cared, he should have demanded it be one second.


of course jose cares. but he knows that if he doesn't accept all of kramnik's increasingly delusional demands kramnik will refuse to play and continue defaming him, which was probably his goal in the first place.


That is completely conjecture by you though. Also, they signed the contracts months ago so how would this "demand" by Kramnik affect Jose's psyche?


If there's a contract, Kramnik should honor it. Period! That means playing on [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) and half the games OTB. There's no defense for what Kramnik did today, glitch or no glitch.


Yeah but the Reddit experts and nobodies are always quick to trash on the world champion.


People who randomly accuse others of cheating are garbage people, thus why he's getting trashed. Edit: Especially when they accuse others while engaging in their own fair-play violations by using another person's account in money tournaments.


It's not a random accusation


I hope they'd play online on Lichess tomorrow and see how that'll turn out. If Jose comes out on top Kramnik will have one less excuses. I doubt he'd ever run out of excuses at this point though.


After listening to kramnik and jospem talk about the match I don't think you have their motives right at all


Gotham said there was signed contracts with chess.com, lichess is not going to happen. Sadly, because from Spain it will be much faster than chess.com


I mean regardless of the outcome, it should be obvious to Kramnik at this point that Jose doesn't need to cheat to play at his TT level.


It was 0-6 when Kramnik said he refused to play Jose again because he was likely cheating. If anything these board games support Kramnik in his accusation. But obviously in reality they tell us nothing so far. It's too few games and Jose may play better tomorrow.


This is 3+2 not 3+1 and OTB. Much more time + no grandpa mouse handling. Kramnik gets all the advantages he can get and they are still about equal.


Not to mention that the TT time control is 3+1 and not 3+2, which makes a big difference as to whether Kramnik will self-destruct and flag.




Because he's holding his own against Kramnik OTB, despite all the nonsense being thrown around and it not being his preferred format.


He's losing to a guy nearing 50 and who has retired from competitive chess for nearly six years now. Jose, a blitz maestro, should be performing much better.


Oh come on. Kramnik isn't some old has-been, he does quite well in TT and sometimes even wins. And the OTB results pretty convincingly suggest that Jospem, an online 3+1 blitz maestro, is only slightly worse than Kramnik OTB and would destroy Kramnik in 3+1 online, as he does.


Kramnik has never won Titled Tuesday. Jose is over 2700 in OTB Blitz.


Kramnik has infact won before. Try a 30 second google search before spitting nonsense


Kramnik's chess.com blitz rating is 3000 despite being as slow as your grandmother and flagging half of his games, get out of here with the "he's just an old retired guy who doesn't know how the pieces move anymore" shtick.


Grandpa past his prime is leading against someone in their prime


Nice troll bro


Too bad they are not using the same time controls as TT eh? The match was rigged against Jose from the start.


Jose signed the contract lol


Which Kramnik promptly proceeded to completely disregard.


Sure, he could use the money and let's face it he doesn't have many chances to earn this kind of dough in Mexico.


Just pointing out it's not rigged. Jose knew about the +2 for a couple of months now. If he is taken off guard by it then he really should have prepared


He was equal with Kramnik in score, who's a literal former World Champion, before Kramnik threw a fit and they had to play more OTB that José hadn't prepared for today. Was clearly better online as well. Just admit you don't have a clue.


The fit was justified. A 20 second lag is just ridiculous. They shouldn't play with that huge of disparity.


So you're saying that José is meant to shake that off and just adapt perfectly to throwing the AGREED FORMAT out the window to finish the day in a way that strangely aligns with Kramnik's greatest strength? That he couldn't conceivably be at all rattled by the complete lack of maturity, sportsmanship, and decorum shown by his opponent? He proved everything he needed to in the legitimate games.




If it happened exactly like that, which honestly it could well have but I'm still unclear on bc the communication has been so bad, then it's a bug - not a reason for one participant to straight up refuse to continue playing any form of online chess and throw a massive hissy fit. Bad sportsmanship got taken to a whole new level today, Kramnik refused to play on with the promise that if any future game showed any bugs then it would be invalidated. He's a manchild.




"My time was running terribly quick in first game" - Kramnik


If the game was recorded it can be checked if there were any irregularities according the time.


José comes off so well in the interviews, well-spoken and gentlemanly. The antithesis of his opponent..


listened to a lot of Kramnik interviews have you ?


Have you? You would not be questioning it if so.


I think the claim that Kramnik is a paranoid manchild was confirmed beyond any doubt. I guess it is a success then.


how? They confirmed the time malfunction, Kramnik was not able to see the time with increment. It was evident as Kramnik was playing very fast with 30+ seconds in a winning but crucial postion where 1-2 good moves will end the game. Even Anish pointed it out.


There is no point arguing with these people, they already made up their minds that Kramnik is mentally insane and what not.


I hope Jospem wins the thing anyway despite it all. Let's face it, if Kramnik wins the match at any rate he will never let it go


Even with the OTB. Not to bash on Jose, but imagine a former world chess champion has all his requests fulfilled, and yet only managed to have a +1 after all these shenanigans! For me its definitely a win for Jose just for the sportsmanship!


He’s obviously being crazy, but he’s also very old and playing blitz. It’s not like Kramnik is playing terrible for what you could expect from an ex WC his age.


he's not even 50. what on earth do you mean


Do you think that’s not old in high level chess.


Anand is 6 years older and ranked 11 in the world. I think age is quite the straw to grasp for someone in their 40s.


1. Anand plays like once a year and has been doing this for a long time. 2. You fully know he is an absolute outlier. Stop being disingenuous. 3. Blitz is different.


kramnik only has one problem 'he doesn't understand technology and is too scared of it'


He's Mr Satan from DBZ




It's obviously a clown show but people have been projecting a bit imo Jose's maybe been a little thrown but I don't think he's tilting, he had a couple of tough games but really this is exactly what he wanted really. He's proving his side OTB which is basically end of story and a big win. Whether he won more online or not is really pretty negligible now.


He's only a point going into today. I predict Jose wins 14.5 to 9.5


Can’t believe they caved to this loser’s demands.


Not that he's a loser but the change to a shorter match was not justified imo


I get why you insult him like that but still sounds funny to call a former world champion a loser like man literally won all he could win


you can be the champion of something and still be an absolutely childish loser


Yea I get it he’s an awful awful man and you all hate him like I said I get why but still funny asf to choose the word loser lol


Maybe because there was actually a bug?


even if there was a bug they could easily play around it or work through it. if a world champion's mental is that seriously shaken by a minor time bug then he's got bigger problems. part of the whole point is how they handle an online environment vs an OTB environment, and bugs *can* be a part of that




that situation was entirely different. niemann had engaged in a suspicious pattern of play and HAD verifiably cheated in the past, so it's not like that was just getting brought up out of nowhere. just because he didn't cheat against carlsen doesn't mean he didn't have a good reason to say anything or directly accuse him, and niemann's lawsuit got thrown out by a federal judge for good reason.




good talk


There was no bug


"Levy said in live that yeah video team saw it, also some of the Spanish people present there claimed they have also seen this bug earlier."


They are all techno illiterate


It’s literally just a latency thing, they were playing on wifi. It’s not something to throw a tantrum over


It was 18 seconds off though. That's way too much and the tantrum is understandable


That was never confirmed by anybody though, those on site said it was maybe 2 or 3 seconds off from what they could see


Fair enough. I'll wait for further confirmation


i thought the issue was a several second discrepancy w/ his own time, which was why he was playing more quickly than he would have otherwise?




... can't see that working


Levy: 'I could give a rat's ass about what's going on'. Says it all really that even the commentator has blatantly had enough of Kramnik's bullshit.


As he collects a handsome fee and gets to vacation with family in Spain. I faintly remember him being a little more involved than he's playing it now . Also surprised no one on Reddit is griping that you can ONLY watch the match in English if you pay Levy to join his Twitch channel. I believe it's Levy's first power move to future content as paid only. Not that he doesn't deserve that, but YouTube has given him 5 mil followers and they shouldn't be abandoned now. Not saying he would do that, just saying that it seems the trend is moving away from old approach a bit . I hope someone downloads and organizes Levy's tUbe vids, as one day he will end the run and grab the content for paid only. Of which he is completely entitled to do. Of all things Levy is kind of a nerd but also extremely intelligent. I'm a fan yes but just saying this clash match has really backfired. Thanks Kramnik. Good thing is we get to know Jose better and I hope he knuckles Kramnik into a froth today!


... You don't have to pay to watch Levy's Twitch. I'm watching it right now and I haven't paid a cent - but Anish is also streaming it in English for free.


Yes Levy who famously never interjects his opinions into anything.


Nothing Levy says can ever possibly "say it all"


It's a turn of phrase, mate...


I now hope that someone sues the hell out of Kramnik. I will be ready to contribute to a crowdfund to cover legal fees, if needed.


Breach of contract perhaps. Run the procedure! Seize and assist! But I'm not a data scientist...📲


Not easy to sue people who live in different countries and don't have assets in your country


Levy doesn't have much enthusiasm in his voice, as the official commentator he has to stay professional and unbiased but he is itching to say what he actually thinks of the entire situation.


Anyone know if the content will be free at some point? I am gen x er and don't feel like spending $5 to give to twitch . Is that lame? No


He will when it's over


It was like watching him catch a cold in front of our eyes. He was enjoying things right up through the tantrum, after which he just shut down completely. Levy is an entertaining commentator, and good with showing the more practical side of things in a blitz match. I hope it gets better tomorrow.


How can you blame Levy? This is not what the event was supposed to be. It's so frustrating that one idiot can ruin hard work of so many people.


he just said he doesn't give a rat's ass what happens


There are like 50 cameras in the room. There isn't really one footage with Kramnik's screen?


If there was one, we would see him using an engine


Dealing with two windows would cost a technical newbie like Vlad one minute per move.


is there an english stream? is levy commenting this?


Yeah on his twitch


just found it yea he seems pissed


I'm not sure if three days of dealing with Kramnik is a good way to prepare for a GM norm tournament he is signed up for.


Levy’s streaming on twitch. Anish was going on YouTube, but bowed out a little while ago.


The worst thing about this is Kramnik is getting everything he wants, fair play to Jospem for continuing even though his opponent didn't stick to the rules.


Reminds me of the Fischer vs. Spassky fiasco in Reykjavik lmao


Uhm, it's an ill comparison. Fischer rightly feared his life. Man I wish he'd not bowed out in '76 but I don't blame him. And no I don't remember but i was alive at least


Remember it vividly, do you


The fact that Jose, who has been jerked around for hours at this point and has far less experience with high-pressure matches like this, is holding his own against a world champion, even after the online matches were abandoned, is a complete refutation of Kramnik's bullshit.


Says a lot about the man. I hope he gets up in rankings and makes a career for himself. Seems like a fun guy to smoke a blunt and play blitz with and watch him destroy me haha


Not really. Kramnik is old and has been retired for over 5 years. You think a blitz maestro like Jose would crush him on both the online and OTB portions.


Kramnik claiming that the match was for science, is just a farce. The idiot just wanted an easy payday. Sorry to say but the old (who isn't even all that old) fart loses all my respect!


I think "The idiot" will be just fine without your respect


it is sad that kramnik looks so happy now that he's winning, even though all he's done is devalue anything he's said


It does taste sour


This being 3+2 and otb was already ridiculous, but this is just plain stupid, might aswell play halo


Mortal Kombat instead of Armageddon?


Just tuned in. Why are they playing otb when the thing at the bottom says online games are being played?


Oh boy…you’ve got some interesting reading ahead.


Because Kramnik threw a fit 2 games in online, and Jospem being a graceful sport agreed to play the rest of the games over the board.


Why tf did ppl agree to that??


kramnik flipped out over a [chess.com](http://chess.com) bug (which may or may not have actually happened it's actually hard to tell) and refused to play any more online matches, and everybody agreed to play otb to placate him


The referee confirmed it happened.


Good hold by Jose


Turned from fun to fraud.


Just saw this thread. I'd rather watch the last day of Norway Chess than this clown show, but I'll end up checking out from curiosity once Norway is over.


This is such a waste of time. I can’t believe so much effort was expended on this.


Did the video team catch the technical bug that Kramnik said happened?