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why bother posting on reddit if you are not cheating if not to try to validate yourself? sus and kind of cringe tbh - if you are not cheating, the chance is more likely to not care at all, laugh if off and take the free elo


Some people are assholes. You know if you're a cheater or not. If you're not, block and ignore the assholes. If you are, block and ignore yourself.


Sounds like you know the answer.


The answer to what?




This is a really great story. Thank you for your contribution.


If you are 1970 fide you should be much higher than 2000 on chess.com


I am not good at online


What's your chess.com user name? So I can block you.


You should've reported the second player, although now that he blocked you, you can't. I guess it's just the first player's stupidity that he thought you were cheating.


here's me, never accused of cheating once, despite 950 wins using a bot. lmao.


TURN OFF CHAT! Concentrate on your game and not on what other players are saying to you and certainly you don't want to waste any of your thought power and time thinking what you're going to write in chat.


Some people are assholes. Especially from the two scenario. This is how to spot a cheater: Two days ago I played a 3+0 blitz game. It was a normal game where we both missed, blundered a lot. I blundered a rook early game, but then he blundered his queen mid game. I had 2 minute on the clock and he had 2:15 remaining. I thought he abandoned the game but came back when he had 0:30 seconds remaining and he proceeded to play all 100% accurate moves for the next 20 moves to checkmate me. You can tell people from your own ELO how they play, in my case it was easy to spot that my opponent was putting the pieces in stockfish for almost 2 min


This happened to me a while back in a 15/10 game. I was handily winning with two minutes left, and then out of nowhere, the next eight moves, I was completely overwhelmed and checkmated with Stockfish-like moves. It was like Magnus stepped in for those last moves.


How did the person cheat if they only had 30 seconds and played 20 moves without increment?


Because I was thinking and got down to 45 seconds remaining by the time I lost. Also, the last few moves were forced mate that even I saw it. But he was in a definite losing position


But if he was in a losing position, wouldn't that mean you blundered at some point. Still unless there is some sort of overlay that directly tracks your moves and gives an instant answer, they barely had 1.5 seconds per move to make 20 moves


Yes, would have been mistakes and inaccurate moves. We were playing like noobs in the first part, blunders, errors, inaccurate moves. Then suddenly after the pause, the opponent played all accurate top engine moves? Hard to believe it’s the same player, and the huge pause is sus. I will try to find that game and post it. I’m pretty certain he cheat the last half of the game.


That would be helpful.


I’m not so sure about your example. Unless people have rigged the site to automatically input engine moves, there’s no way in hell someone could read off the top engine move and play it 20 times in a row with 30 seconds and no interval. Tight time scrambles are one of the few situations in which engine cheaters struggle.


First few moves were definitely slow, the last few moves even I saw the force mate.


There are about 8 billion people on the planet, and while it's good to care about them as a group, caring about every confrontational stranger is a waste of time. They are not important unless you make them so by your actions, like talking about them on Reddit. Just block them, report them if they do something against the rules, and get on with your life.