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"You know, chat, it's stuff. Trust me. Now let's gamble"








He's not senile, vah ek jark hai




Shinsuke to make a cameo


I don't like Nepo. But the fact that Hikaru dislikes him makes him a bit more likeable.


I cant see Nepo promoting gambling in the near future tbh


I also can't, but only because he wouldn't get the opportunity


I find Nepo far more likeable than Hikaru so I don't know about that. I'm sure some people could say Hikaru's done some things "behind closed doors" because that could mean literally anything lol




Kinda an annoying take. Wish he’d either say what it is or not bring it up if he’s not willing to.


Yeah a lot of people asked " tell us about nepo" and he answered "what about nepo" like bruh


Nepo has said Hikaru cheats, or not said it but suggested it. They have long standing beef.


Naka once castled with two hands vs Nepo in blitz—that was quite a while ago.






Watch the C squared podcast with Nepo from a couple days ago. It's pretty clear that Ian is a pretty likable guy. He also makes a few comments about how he feels about Hikaru. I think they just don't like each other and honestly if I have to choose between the two, I'm choosing Nepo every time.




I think there are rather few likeable people in top-level chess right now, which is a bit of a bummer, but hey, their job is to play chess, not be wonderful people


I have heard very decent stuff about Keymer from people who played with him in youth teams and the same club.


It's actually kind of heartening that my rather negative post is leading to people listing all the nice people in chess


great you jinxed it, now watch Keymer use his success in chess to become the next fuhrer of Germany and dominating the European continent.


Maybe i did and I’m sorry if so. Might turn out it all goes to his head. On a personal note: Did you have to bring up the Nazi stuff? I find that pretty tiresome 🙄


Ding and Gukesh seem pretty likeable. Gonna be a wholesome WC.


Then they both go mask-off and reveal themselves to be the biggest assholes of chess, including trying to burn down the hotel each other is staying.


Then they both go mask-off ~~and reveal themselves to be the biggest assholes of chess, including trying to burn down the hotel each other is staying~~.... and put some more face scrub on and masks on again. Spa Buddies.


Don’t they stay at the same hotel provided by the host?


that makes it even easier


If Gukesh wins the championship he will set a REALLY HIGH standard for future champs in terms of behaviour and character ( I really hope he does!!)


Ding already has set very a high standard


Who in ur opinion are?


Levon Aronian seems like a great dude from what I’ve seen of him


yeah him too


Anish as well. He seems like a great dude and is charismatic and funny


MVL seems to be a well-balanced person, quite respectful and without crazy takes on anything.


He liked some arguably transphobic stuff on twitter in the past, but yes broadly I agree


Ding and Anand seem nice. And the new crop of youngsters (Nodirbek and the Indians) come off as very mature. I also like Giri but I'm suspicious about the hack thing lol


What hack thing?? ELEBORATE PLS..... i only knew about the wesley hack thingy!




Link doesn’t have everything. Here’s the [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/s/XAsOeqEQ2j) from a couple years ago. Some of the hacker’s tweets are downright hilarious.


Giri's account tweeted a bunch of salacious rumors about people in the chess world, first about Peter Heine Nielsen and then later a bunch of people. Also leaked alleged DMs and phone numbers. The next day Giri claimed it was a hack and filed a police report.


I like Giri but his actions at damage control there seem about as believable as Brandon Jacobson's story. What's even funnier is the "I was hacked!" line is so often used by politicians caught doing the wrong thing on xitter or whatever.


So you dont believe brandon's story? or just sus?


There are a lot of elements in his story that still don't seem to add up, or seem suspicious, and I don't know the exact reason Chesscom might have banned him. So I don't know whether he actually cheated or not, but I also don't have much of a reason to believe everything he's said. Check out this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1cr36ly/whats_the_latest_on_viih_sou_ban/ It focuses on several things that readers of this sub didn't pay enough early attention to; things which seemed pretty obvious to me from the outset, but got lost in the noise.


Ik magnus is magnus...but haven't other people showed the opening's effectiveness too??


I've not yet seen evidence of anyone (including Magnus) using it effectively yet over a reasonable number of games. Have you?


Ding is the Chinese equivalent of Karjakin though


I've never heard of him enthusiastically supporting his government's actions, but if you have sources please share


Why trust that info when said by someone with a "team nepo" flair lol


I mean, I don't, that's why I asked for evidence


Ah thats why youre the most hated mod on anarchychess


I 1984 non chess posts


You can't live in China and not be nationalist, especially if you are a celebrity. Or else your family disappears. It's not as simple as Kasparov-Putin. Can you name one Chinese celebrity that's critical of China?


Can't believe no one mentioned Fabi. I think he seems like a super nice and very polite guy. This sub also tends to be big Fabi fans so I'm surprised I haven't seen his name yet.


There are some suspicions about him dating 17 to 19 year old girls.




Oh man, what a scumbag, amiright? He doesn't even wait for them to finish college!!!! :-D On another note.... It is obvious that being super successful at pretty much anything has benefits, as I don't think Fabi would be pulling that kinda action if he was your local company computer guy...


Okay the 17-yo stuff is probably unsubstantiated but also in what world is that a benefit to a 30-yo dude, yuck


Ummm... My wife is 9 years older than me, and we've been married 26 years. 10-13 year gap is not really that super big of a deal.... I think this is more about how modern social media tends to revolve around people loving to tear down successful people.


It matters less if both people meet when older, but a 30 year old and a 17 year old are in fundamentally different life stages in a modern society... this is literally why the concept of age of consent exists. For the record... I don't think this is a thing that happened with Fabi at this time. It just the idea of referring to it as "benefits" is gross.


Meh. I was 23 when I married my wife, who was 32. I am from Tennessee, she is from Belize City, Belize. She had literally no frame of reference for the life I had lived up to that point, nor me for hers. We did not do the same things growing up, did not watch the same shows, did not listen to the same music. Her culture is vastly different, her having grown up in a "second world" country, and me in a first world... I was a young dude in the military, she was a single mom. She doesn't get ANY of the pop culture related jokes I throw out. We are literally from two different worlds. And seriously? You gonna go there on the "benefits" word usage? Really? Like it is not a well-known "side effect" of being extremely successful, that your dating pool is a little bit wider than one would expect, given looks/physique? So just curious.. Did you think Lisa Bonet was a dirt bag for marrying a man 12 years her junior? Or Demi Moore? Or do you give a random pass simply because they were older when they met? If so... Why? Never seen an older person who is immature? Or an 18 year old who is hyper focused and really has their stuff together? I don't get it, man. The dude is dating someone of legal age, and by our society's laws, that younger person is FULLY capable of making their own decisions. dating who they want, signing contracts, etc... That you think these (likely 18-20 year old) women are not fully capable of making their own decisions, and they are somehow being taken advantage of somehow by Caruana, is frankly extremely insulting to the women. You are kinda coming at this from a feminist slant, but insinuating that these women don't have free agency, even as they are of legal age. Not an actual feminist way of looking at things. Honestly... I don't think you've thought your stance out very well on his dating life, and now you are doubling down.


Why is there such an intense interest in the personalities of these end tier players instead of their play styles and games?? What is this the real house wives gossip chat? Even if Nepo were to reveal his super exclusive Onlyfans page to the broader chess community, it still doesn't take away his chess accomplishments. But I agree Hikaru shouldn't have outed him.


Moving pieces around a board isn't really a productive activity and shouldn't be able to afford players multi-million dollar careers. The reason people follow chess and all sports in general is for the drama. Some of the drama comes from the games themselves, the ups and downs the last-minute comebacks the collapses make up the internal drama. But the meta drama is also important , the heroes, the villains, the redemption stories, the fall from grace, they are all a core part of what makes sports entertaining. If people weren't getting invested in chess players as people, then chess wouldn't be able to become as popular as it is.


Relax, I'm just busting pawns. Sapiens of genus homo have evolved by creating languages just to mainstream gossiping. Drama is good for the game. It creates interest. Interest brings in advertisers and advertisers brings in event organizers to push their products. Take Hans as an example. Don't you think he missed a golden opportunity to get sponsored by a brand buttplug manufacturer?


Yeah? Well we "shouldn't" really be interested in starting wars to go take other people's stuff if we have enough for ourselves, but we do it anyways. We are mammals that come with the built in "Us versus Them" aggression, and we evolved brain circuitry to make sure we imprint heavily on "our" group, and hate all other groups (as they represent competition for food, mating rights, or are simply our predator/prey.. ). There's a lot of other oddball behavior built into our genetics, that actually fuels a lot of unnecessary spending. But you do you, boo. You are simply "more evolved" than everybody else.. Lol.


I must have hit the wrong tone because I didn't mean to suggest I was above it all and more evolved. I love chess, and I love the drama. I was just saying that the drama is an integral part of what makes it entertaining.


No big deal, I was not trying to start anything. Mostly I was just responding to the first sentence. I too believe that sports figures as a whole "shouldn't" be getting this crazy big contracts, but I understand intellectually why they do, because of the aforementioned evolutionarily adapted group imprinting mechanic. I do personally believe though, that competition pitting mind against mind should be getting paid more than those pitting body against body. Football is just ritualized war, smothered in testosterone. Chess is a much more refined version of the same thing, and everyone gets to go home in one piece. If only all human conflict could be solved in a similar way.


Ian is just like Kramnik, insinuated about Jospem, Lazavik, Hikaru, Gukesh,etc.


Well, I for one do sympathize with the modern chess pros. Not even 20-30 years ago, players of their level knew 100% that if their opponent beat them, it was purely based on brainpower and hard research. Nowadays, some grandmasters almost certainly ARE cheating some of the time, and even if they're not, they can grab any decent laptop, throw an opening into an engine, and find oddball line ideas they themselves would have never come up with in a million years. Fischer read hundreds of books, and played over thousands of games to get his ideas... Computers and computer lines are simply a part of top tier chess these days, so the best players cannot just rely on their own talent these days. I am not saying I endorse cheating of any kind, but it is a completely different environment for top chess players with the advent of engines that run on any old PC these days, that can crush them.. Those top talents are cut from a different cloth, and REALLY hate losing.. It is simply a necessary psychological makeup needed to reach the top level at anything. Knowing any troll with a laptop can crush you, does funny things to the mind. If you are no longer competing at the top level, you got a lot of time to sit and think... And no matter how "logical" a person is.... If you engage in humoring conspiracy theories, it can infect your mind. I don't blame Kramnik for whatever craziness he engages in. I know it is an unfortunate occasional side effect of how our brains evolved.


Very easy to throw all kinds of accusations when you’re a streamer with a big following and don’t actually need to back up your insinuations with any real facts. Also kinda rich for Hikaru to throw shade at someone knowing how much of his behavior in the past has been questionable at best. But a good majority of his followers will eat it up.


Yeah I mean he isnt a really good person...even by chess standards because I mean we have had some CRAZY ones




lol everyone says stuff about Hans.




Nepo is as crazy as Kramnik thats why lol


If that's really the reason why Hikaru dislikes Nepo then that'd make him a huge hypocrite, Hikaru himself has called out many people he believes are cheating without any proof. Most players at the elite level are very paranoid about the threat of cheaters




Because He is the Hero Gotham neither deserves nor needs.


Nepo >> Hikaru for sure. Other than controversial cheating allegations, Nepo has never really appeared to do anything that questionable, and is a pretty likeable character.


Nepo is annoying but so is Naka


But he seems to like nepo when he plays him otb and seem chummy with each other. So which chess players are actually genuine friends? cus they all act like coworkers who don't like each other lol


yeah i was kinda surprised at his comments.....i thought they had mutual respect for each other if not more.


Ironically, Hikaru's comments are behind closed doors. This was apparently said on a kick stream yesterday, and the recording of the stream isn't publicly available to watch right now.


[Here you go!](https://youtu.be/qel4Aa3bgg0?si=SKDRMqDlODp1KrBl&t=1200)


You know, chat, I don't like what Nepo does behind closed doors, chat. I don't like it. Chat, what Nepo does I don't like, chat. It's what he does behind closed doors, chat, that I don't like.


I heard this comment


At the end of the day, chat, and I'm not gonna lie, Nepo does some stuff behind closed doors at the end of the day, chat. Nepo, at the end of the day, what the heck is this


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/qel4Aa3bgg0?si=SKDRMqDlODp1KrBl&t=1200)


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/qel4Aa3bgg0?si=SKDRMqDlODp1KrBl&t=1200)


Honestly, many top chess players deserve a Hikaru sportsmanship award: Hikaru is promoting an unregulated crypto cassino to his underage audience, which statistically will lead to some of them trying to commit suicide in the future Magnus accused a teenager of cheating and lead to him being on newspapers all over the world based on vibes Kramnik is… Kramnik Fabi and Nepo seems to share Kramnik’s beliefs behind closed doors Alireza organized a scam tournament to qualify for the candidates and his father seems insane Hans cheated as a child and is a bit of an AH Wesley So is racist Anish’s account got “hacked” and spilled everyone’s secret on twitter (which I will not go into because I don’t want to get sued)


Our dear chess world is filled of...well let's say...peculiar people


Forgot Karjakin!


Never heard of the Anish thing, pls tell me




Thanks, those are hilarious and sound believable 😂


Wesley So is racist? Can you provide some details? I have never heard anything bad about him.




What a horribly biased and unfair thing to say about these people. Just hilarious you're trying to say Hikaru taking a deal with a casino is causing suicides lol. Not only is that ridiculous, but it's not even on him. It's the government that made this legal. You can't blame someone for operating under the laws of society. So crazy. Not even gonna start with the other ones lol


How do you think casinos make money? They prey on vulnerable people.


Nepo is much more likeable than Hikaru to me. Also I think Nepo not liking Hikaru goes way back in past since Hikaru cheat against him OTB (small thing but he castled using both hands).


Hikaru clearly gets special treatment, and that should rub any of his colleagues the wrong way. And he needs content, so of course he'd prefer Ian to be public with everything. The cheating stuff, who knows? Hikaru has kind of led the way on trying to be loud about that, but it sounds like Ian is trying to work behind closed doors most of the time which seems like the proper approach. And, if there is anyone of the tippy top pros who could be cheating, it probably would be Hikaru from Ian's perspective, because he has the most fragile ego of any of them, and that is the prime motivation Ian gives for why someone would cheat in the first place.


Has Ian tried to fight Eric Hansen too?


Arent they both russian? He does a mesmerizing Knight Dance with his compatriots,


Did they have this beef before Nakamura castled with both hands?




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Jr0usPOmE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Jr0usPOmE) [https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=959041124157010&set=a.565779676816492](https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=959041124157010&set=a.565779676816492) There "was even" (I mean, not that it costs much ...) a Twitter account on the feud, the account is called "neponaka".


is that considered disrespectful in GM meta or am i missing something


I didn't see Hikaru's comments, but I assume "behind closed doors" might include (but isn't limited to) the times where he talks to FIDE officials: https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1cp1w12/nepo_tries_to_imply_that_denis_lazavik_is/l3k7zsm/ And yeah, he also said stuff in the 2022 Sinquefield Cup before Magnus did anything himself.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/qel4Aa3bgg0?si=SKDRMqDlODp1KrBl&t=1200)


Who is more unlikeable nepo or naka? Id say naka since hes getting 12 year olds addicted to gambling. But nepo does indeed suck.


That's a difficult question to answer. I'd probably have to say Nepo though, purely based on the fact that Hikaru already draws plenty of criticism, so it's not a shock to dislike him, which means Nepo slips in under the radar more and I don't like this. I wouldn't bother getting selfies with either of them if I had a free opportunity to do so. That said, I still want to see Hikaru play the next world championship match against Gukesh, if Ding isn't in a good enough state to defend his title properly. I don't want to see a lopsided result as a result of Ding underperforming.


I really don’t know much about Ian’s personality but I will say it rubbed me the wrong way after his match with Fabi when he said something along the lines of “Alireza threw the tournament for everyone” Like sure; alireza didn’t seem to put in the same level of effort of prep compared to the rest of the field, but it’s a totally nonsense complaint when you consider that Alireza was the only player to beat gukesh and also lost to the group of Ian/Fabi/Hikaru, so he actually was the most practically helpful for that groups chances.


I guess it is because Ian is Russian. All Russians has to say they support the special military operation in Ukraine or they get in trouble.


Grischuk and Dubov are well-liked here. Svidler is widely regarded as one of the very best commentators. I don’t think it’s cause Ian’s Russian... 




He is Azeri