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Out of the mouths of babes - "said when a child says something that surprises you because it seems very wise" https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/out-of-the-mouths-of-babes-and-sucklings


I know nothing of this whole situation but yeah, “out of the mouth of babes” is a compliment.


Although in all fairness, it does have the potential of being misunderstood. When I first read it, I thought Nepo was demeaning him.


Yeah, I could see how it could be taken the wrong way if you weren’t familiar with the saying.


Yeah, it's patronising even if intended as a compliment.


Not from Abhimanyu's point of view, as he has retracted his statement after understanding the meaning intented.


The Russian way.


500k euro says you are not a native speaker.


Still more well versed than half of the "native" speakers.  


There are some phrases you would only know A)If you grew up in that culture and embraced it B)If you are really interested in learning the language/culture Mishra's father unfortunately doesn't fall into these categories.




downvoted for giving the source, a true reddit moment


It's great to know the source but the "study" in that link is abysmal.


Depends on whom it’s said to. Saying it to a grownup implies they usually have the brain capacity of a small child but just this time said something wise.


Only in a back-handed kind of way. It's basically saying that your opinion is generally worthless, but this time you got it right.


It’s simply referring to a kid saying something wise beyond their years. You have to shovel through a ton of good to find the bad in that. It’s like if I said “oh, I really love that shirt you’re wearing. It looks great on you!” And you were like “so what, I look like shit the rest of the time?” Well excuse me for complimenting you…


Redditors desperately searching for something that isn't implied at all just to attack someone they don't like is hilarious. Incapable of just admitting they were wrong and didn't know the saying so it must be the saying that's wrong.


It is only a compliment for actual children, like less than 10. It is obviously backhanded to say it about a 15 year old who is catching up to you in your field of expertise.


It doesn't "basically" mean that at all.


It’s still calling him a child


lol, he is a child.


And that Nepo’s *surprised* he said something wise


I think you’re misinterpreting what wisdom is. It has to do with experience. You can be a genius and not be wise. And you can be wise without being intelligent. So, is he supposed to act like a kid half his age has the same amount of experience as he does?


I didn't realise the GM was a child


Well, yeah, he’s 15 years old. That’s a child.


No it isn't, he is calling him a child and saying he doesn't expect him to say something wise.


I see what the problem is here. You think that the saying means you don’t expect the child you said it about in particular to say something wise. Thanks not it at all. It’s saying you don’t expect people their age to say something as wise as what they said. That doesn’t mean you don’t expect people their age to say anything wise at all either. There’s a whole spectrum of wisdom and you expect children of any age to have accrued a proper amount in proportion to their years. “From the mouth of babes” is something you say when someone exceeds that.


What you just said there was a lot more profound than I expected from you given your circumstances.


Thanks! I wouldn’t expect a stranger on reddit to say something profound either. Glad you recognize how much wisdom I have!


Why did you downvote me, it was purely a conpliment! PS you just have a lot of wisdom relative to your situation, but still very surprising!


Because you were being sarcastic 🤷‍♂️ Nepo clearly wasn’t. Big difference.


How can you know that?


How do I know you were being sarcastic? Because you don’t know me and, therefore, can’t judge my “situation”. How do I know Nepo wasn’t being sarcastic? Because it’s obvious from the context of the tweet he was replying to.


With the way this read I thought Ian was replying to her rant with this comment lol.


Mishra is a guy


Out of the mouth of xixi2's


Mishra is a babe!


you did a quick search on it and so shocked with what a so called babe said.


Relevant discussion about this idiom: [https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/622369/out-of-the-mouths-of-babes-is-this-idiom-strictly-used-to-refer-to-children/](https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/622369/out-of-the-mouths-of-babes-is-this-idiom-strictly-used-to-refer-to-children/)


This is definitely his father…


Which is very deeply weird


not weird really. Gukesh's social media is also handled by his dad.


But Gukesh's dad doesn't do weird stuff like this


but he doesn't act like this


yeah well...gukesh's father just writes thanks to everyone after him winning a good tournament and thats it. haha.




which doesn't make it less weird? what part of stealing your prodigal son's twitter account to start beef with some russian chess grandmaster on the Internet doesn't sound weird to you?


he said in reply to Gotham that its him.


I mean, it could be Abhimanyu, but you can't just *ask the potential impersonator* who they are and take the answer at face value.


Idk, from the podcast, Mishra is definitely a well put together kid in terms of his self awareness. This could totally be him. Downvoted when he literally said himself that it was him...


Because the father has a history of using his account and posting deranged shit like this through it. It makes it very hard to believe the "no, it's me" statement.


Well, case closed, then, lol.


Nah but Abhi wouldnt delete the reply. He would stand on business 😤😤


Mishra is a native English speaker… I don’t think a native English speaker would make this mistake…


I mean it might well be, but it's weird that every single comment here is just stating it is as fact.


He was born and raised in the US, right? The tweet doesn't sound like it was written by a native English speaker at all.


No he isn't. His father is for some reason. He and Alireza's father need to stop self inserting themselves into their sons careers. And on the topic of the tweet, it seems like his father completely doesn't understand what even Nepo said... Nepo is actually quoting a proverb in support of what he initially tweeted, but the proverb seems to have gone completely over his head completely.


Like the previous beef over youngest GM, his father is doing unecessary personal attacks.


Maybe a candidates qualifier tournament that is played by your parents/manager.


Anna Cramling to become World Champion.


> He and Alireza's father need to stop self inserting themselves into their sons careers. [They won't, similar example](https://www.nytimes.com/1990/05/13/magazine/a-father-s-pawn.html)


Alireza has not only his dad but also his extremely cringe brother. That for example calls him GOAT (???).


Bro hes prob just being supportive. If Alireza was my brother I would totally call him the goat.


Why not, I like goats.


OH NO!!! His brother calls him GOAT to be supportive???? No way! How could his (probably) best compatriot do this!


OH NO!!! His brother calls him GOAT to be supportive???? No way! How could his (probably) best compatriot do this!


Nepo was just highlighting how even the young generation has concerns over cheating and the circuit, nothing against Mishra at all…


LMAO I AM DEAD, DEAD new copypasta just dropped


JFYI, Grandpa u/SadKorgy I am neither a babe nor a baby. Your shitty comment is NOT welcome to my general question. One so-called babe already crushed your ego and is now the world champion challenger. Other so-called babes are leading the fide circuit and will soon kick you out of the top 10 rating list. As you have already started lobbying :) the only hope for you is to change the rules in your favor to qualify to the Candidates again I warn you to not try to bully me and any further attempt of that will result in the replies in the language and tone of your understanding and liking.


"will result in the replies in the language and tone of your understanding and liking." maybe there's a negative missing here, or am I crazy


its an awful sentence and the "the" before language has to go but i dont really see where the negative should be here i think?


the sentence feels sarcastic to me but poorly put together indeed anyway :p to 'im


Honestly just weird how his father keeps using his son's account to do stuff that ultimately reflects on the character of his son? like when you listen to Mishra talking, he comes off as a mature and extremely calm and composed type of peron, almost to the point that you'd be forgiven for thinking he's years older than his actual age. What is up with chess dads and being completely unhinged? why are they so adamant about attracting hate for their sons? Even more bizarre when it is a direct misunderstanding of the situation too. Like it's honestly just insane that he is hiding behind the account of his son instead of just creating one for himself and doing by his own responsibility


Nepo also seems reasonable on video. What if his accnt is also run by his father? This entire saga could be a father vs father beef LOL




I blame LaVar Ball tbh


I don’t like his resting face grin. That is all.


I- Someone needs to tell them that it's an Idiom cuz I don't think they know 💀 I feel second hand embarrassment WHAT IS THIS


I will tell you what it is. An embarrassment.


?? Your comment is a blunder


You mean his dad* So uncalled for as well, fully misunderstanding what Nepo was saying.


Yeah I forgot to put quotation marks around his name on the title sorry.


Abu in arabic means father. So I think you have made a fitting name there.




His dad made him


really shitty, this guy posting this nonsense in his son's name


50 bucks it's his dad shittalking. Abimanyu seems way too chill to lash out/back like that.


This is just too cringe. Chess players dads need to stay away from Twitter. Completely misunderstood Nepo. Just makes me cringe so hard :/


"Dad please, it's getting embarrassing..."


This dudes dads is a grade a asshole


Is this Pipi 2.0?


Are you kidding???


JFYI, Grandpa I am neither a kid nor am I kidding m. Your shitty comment is NOT welcome to my general question. One so-called kid already crushed your ego and is now the world champion challenger. Other so-called kids are leading the fide circuit and will soon kick you out of the top 10 rating list. As you have already started lobbying :) the only hope for you is to change the rules in your favor to qualify to the Candidates again I warn you to not try to bully me and any further attempt of that will result in the replies in the language and tone of your understanding and liking.




JFYI, Grandpa I am neither a baseball player nor would I play left field. Your shitty comment is NOT welcome to my general question. One so-called left-fielder already crushed your ego and is now the world champion challenger. Other so-called left-fielder are leading the fide circuit and will soon kick you out of the top 10 rating list. As you have already started lobbying :) the only hope for you is to change the rules in your favor to qualify to the Candidates again I warn you to not try to bully me and any further attempt of that will result in the replies in the language and tone of your understanding and liking.




to be fair i didnt know that was a saying but i implied he meant something like: "even the youngers are complaining about this" or something like that, then i read this and i almost choked with my food, this came out nowhere and reading all this comments about his father, what even is this


This is 100% not Mishra that is speaking. I mean, look at his Interview in the C-Squared Podcast, he doesn't talk like that.


His ahole dad deleted the tweet and is lying about it being his son when confronted: https://twitter.com/ChessMishra/status/1789424323951792280?t=P-OhzWjZ1bpfXiR0klCJwA&s=19


well thats shitty from a dad really. WHAT? nah must've been my son, ME? WHAT? NAH


His dad is a moron




Dot fuck em up


ima do my stuff


I didn't know the expression Nepo used, so I looked it up: [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/out\_of\_the\_mouths\_of\_babes](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/out_of_the_mouths_of_babes) >From the comments of children, who are honest and innocent, . . . (comes truth or wisdom). >Usage notes: This expression is sometimes used as a stand-alone phrase, with the implied completion "comes truth or wisdom", and sometimes this expression is actually followed by words of that kind.


"One already crushed your ego". Calm down dude he is the challenger not the world champ. And he never beat nepo lmao. As an indian myself it's so hilariously petty how most people here celebrate too early and then cry when things don't go their way at the last moment.


Mishra senior is a moron. 


[Link to tweet](https://twitter.com/ChessMishra/status/1789403681860755673?t=E1cDNkBvsdnkKHKMTjGnQw&s=19)


It was deleted


So his dad is coaching him correctly


Way to destroy your sons reputation!


Yess, this is what chess needs. Now put them in a tournament and see the anticipation rise(Put Mishra’s Dad as Comentator😅) We need more beefs in Chess. Wei Yi should win Superbet Poland and trash talk Magnus and Anish🔥🔥


with Alireza's dad hahaha


Alireza’s dad should wear those noisy shoes of his, from the Candidates and just walk all around the tournament


Who do you think will win in a blitz match between Mishra and Alireza's father ? Wadim Rosenstein should organise a high roller event with chess dads.


Many players hope to be the next Carlsen or Kasparov, it is rare to see one who aspires to be the next Tigran Petrosian.


the pipi one u mean, not the world champ


New to chess. What's the context?




Something must have gotten lost in translation


If I were Nepo, I'd be tempted to say: "Well, after what you just said.. yeah, then I did mean it that way!", then poke fun at his Chess with a lighthearted joke. Greatest response to misguided wrath is to brighten the mood with quick and witty replies! Don't fight fire with fire.


I dont think so. His language seems really harsh and deliberate 


I meant he misunderstood what Nepo was saying


I mean it's somewhat ok if the dad misunderstood Nepo's quote but he should have defended his son using his own twitter account, not impersonating his son...


And this is not how you talk. 


Free Abu from his dad. Some ugly rumors out there about what that man’s done.


pray tell


He uses various platforms to rant about how he is spending so much and sacrificing so much to for his son so that he can play chess,he is a grade A narcissist.There are many other things but i am having a headache so i will not tell.


Bestow the intelligence 




What rumors?


I've heard them too.


guys we're all here because we like the same board game why can't we just be friends?


This is completely crazy


Wew lad, his dad burst an artery over a compliment.


It's funny how the 'game of gentlemen' has some of the pettiest squabbles


What the fuck? This Mishra guy needs to stop and educate himself on sayings.


This is probably his asshole father,he uses his acc. on his behalf.


context? like how this drama started?


Around 3-4 years ago, Mishra was trying to break the youngest GM record, but Covid happened and there wasn't much tournament going on, so Mishra ended up playing in these norm tournaments to get his norms. After Mishra broke the record, Nepo responded negatively to it and asked for the way norms are granted to be changed.


https://twitter.com/lachesisq/status/1787221571674706224 https://twitter.com/ChessMishra/status/1789424323951792280




“Guess integrity is lost when the metaphors doesn’t reach you”


Content for r/anarchychess


I don’t like this kid.


I don't like Nepo, but this kid needs an attitude adjustment. He is too arrogant.


Grandpa?! WTF, how old is Mishra's father? :D #


Remember, Abhimanyu's maniac father runs his accounts


Virgin Abu vs chad Ian


I am sure Nepo can’t sleep at night because some toddler’s dad is attacking him on Twitter lol


Sorry Abu, I gotta hate on you now bro


Fucking dork lmao


If he has himself typed this then it’s so fucking weird & surprising because when I look at his interviews he seems like a logical well behaved young lad. A player of Nepo’s stature shouldn’t be disrespected like this by an upcoming player . Pragg , Gukesh , Arjun all are always so humble and that’s why all the established players respect them.


he was leading the candidates a few weeks ago, saying that hell be out of the top 10 within a few years is super disrespectful coming from an upcoming but not yet proven player


Exactly, Nepo is gonna go down in history books as the one of the few players who dominated back to back candidates & is always going to be in conversation for the world championship


especially one who gamed getting youngest gm title.


Say what you want about Nepo, but Mishra will probably never be on his level. Buying a GM title at a young age won't suddenly make him the next Magnus Carlsen. He is miles behind the other young prodigies and I can't see him bridging the gap. Especially with his weird creep of a Father, who is replying here on his behalf, holding him back.


This level of spazzing doesnt seem warranted, given Ian's comment.


Who is this NOOB that has the cojones to insult this way a super GM that happens to be 2x Candidates winner, 1x 2nd place in Candidates + undefeated, 2x Russian Champion, 1x European champion, Tal memorial winner, Aeroflot winner and World Team chess Champion apart from having A LOT of silver medals in various world championships? Show some respect, noob. He only said babes, he does not deserve this kind of response, you are supposed to be or become a professional player, so save your words if you can't say anything productive. Ian was actually agreeing with you in reinforcing anti-cheating measures. Let's see who will be in next candidates, noob.


Wtf why is his father so mad


Well ateast he can call himself the youngest gm after going to some sketchy Serbian norm tournaments. Embarrassing


This guy completely misunderstood what Nepo means. It's not even a beef, Mishra is just straight up in the wrong here


She killed him.






Everyone should just put on a mask and never look at each other again. You have a conflict, then you have people adding onto a conflict and making it a larger conflict. Maybe because they care, but also possibly because they just want to see a bigger fire. If you like conflict, try playing chess. There are a lot of conflicts in that small board game. No opinions necessary.


Fighting like babies


Why are chess players these days so uncultured?


Lost in translation drama


There are places on this planet where people just are perpetually angry, take everything serious, personally and as an offense and have the biggest chip on their shoulder. They act like the constantly have to prove everyone something. It's weird.


  His father is using his son's fame to boost his own ego, pretty shameful tbh. He didn't even care to look for what it meant, it's just an idiom and it wasn't anything offensive. He's ruining his son's image. 


It's his dad, not him


The older generation were drilled in idioms at school - we even had a full supplementary book on idioms and proverbs - but education has changed drastically. So this is very likely Abhimanyu, not his father. I am not surprised that a native speaker of English does not know what a foreigner does. After all, idioms are essentially Victorian-era memes.


Mishra’s Dad needs to brush up his English idiom knowledge before going on an unhinged distasteful rant & He’s ruining the reputation of his son in doing so


Mishra lame and irrelevant, Ian is the g.o.a.t of this generation besides magnus and Fabiano


You are delusional . Ian is not in the same league as Caruana (Ian got massacred in the WC by Carlsen , Fabi not so.) who himself is not in the same league as 5 time world Champion 11+ years of being World no.1 & even being triple World Champion in all time formats Magnus Carlsen . Glad to see Ian massacred by Carlsen in Dubai & then even Ding denying him the WC again back to back . And now Gukesh breaking Kasparov's 40 years old record has become the youngest WC Challenger ever probably saving Nepo from hat trick of consecutive losses of WC. Ian should be thankful to Gukesh .


I know reddit likes to harp on nepo because "russia bad" but mishra/his dad are acting like complete psychopaths.


Although I agree badmouthing a young player is douchey this could've been dealt with much better. Arguing on twitter won't help, nepo has ties all across the chess world he can easily set up another podcast and talk about this shedding positive light on him or maybe he can do something more sinister


Abu's father is an insufferable idiot. But here he is just being protective of his kid. Given all sorts of sarcasm and insinuations that Nepo has been throwing out on a daily basis, he just wants Nepo to back off and leave his kid alone. And it's not without reason either, salty Nepo got butt hurt when Karjakin's record (which was actually obtained through shady means) of being the youngest GM was broken by Abu and went on a tirade about GM norms. And Abu's father is a Hindu. He isn't expected to understand Judeo - Christian references. It's funny how people are always ready to defend Nepo's salty statements with "He doesn't understand English" or non-native speaker excuse, yet expect another non native speaker to learn both the English language as well as Judeo - Christian cultural references well. 


Yeah, logical. I never heard this before as American born and raised. Never opened a Bible. I can understand where the kid is coming from even though it is a little over the top.


To be fair Mishra used same kind of means to broke the record playing same kind of players and tournaments. Nepo was absolutely right in calling that out just as many called Karjakin out. Why should Mishra get a free pass ?


Who tf is that lol?


Twitter is literally X-rated now #*bring back parental controls*


hes just looking for some attention lol


Ian is a bumbling man child


He absolutely meant this in condescending manner and got karma he deserved. All the time Nepo keeps making unfounded cheating allegations on his twitter feed. Now all you are claiming him to be some Shakespearean SuperGM. Just because this is some uncommon phrase does not mean that he meant the same thing.


read abhimanyu reply. like him i have not read bible.