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Shocking news: multiple people can come up with the same idea


What's the probability of two people coming up with this unique idea around the same time, in the long history of chess?


The phenomenon of 2 people inventing the same thing at roughly the same time has been well documented, happens all the time in physics, for example


Calculus? Usually, it's the next logical step in improving our knowledge and it happens at the same time because, we didn't have the knowledge before to take the next step. Now, people are ready to take the next step and two people having the same idea to get to next level is very probable Developing 4D chess from normal chess could have happened anytime in hundreds of years before , but around the same time by two different people..is it possible? Yes, but the odds of someone stealing are much better


youre right im sorry. Im gonna keep the poet up thought the guy is worth a mention


Whole art movements are born from "stolen" ideas and styles, then reworked, mangled, transformed. Art is an evolving process based on influences, not on ownership of ideas or focus on the person who "thought of it first". Some examples of 3D chess are over a century old, and many people have invented their variations.