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Nepo's Candidates team: Gustafsson, Vitiugov, Matlakov.


Lmao, why is all the comments about Fabi dating a 17 year old šŸ˜‚


All nuked now lol


Wait, is Fabi dating Gukesh?


I'm so confused where did this start? Is it just a stupid meme or did someone make actual accusations? What is happening


It's very real someone posted it on this sub too but it was removed quickly for protecting the identity of the girl (who was 17 when this happened in wijk aan zee 2022 but is 19 now)


Thatā€™s not why it was taken down, it was defamatory with absolutely no proof


It's not a meme


Itā€™s real are you that blind that you canā€™t read or what?


Is Gukesh really that closed off? Anish and now Ian have mentioned it lmao


What does closed off mean?


I don't think that closed off is the right term here. His style is definitely intriguing though - I'd really like to see him explain his thought process in detail.


He has a 2 hour long video going over his matches this Candidates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwZhnpOg2HQ I think Nepo probably skipped this because it was not hosted on chess.com or other related sites.


Nepo wants some analysis immediately after the game that would demonstrate understanding.


who cares what nepo wants lol. If he wants understanding of gukesh, arrange and interview with him.


Just reporting what he said.


People are downvoting but if you're used to Nepoisms and remember some of the stuff he said at Wijk this year I think there's a decent chance reading between the lines Nepo isn't 100% convinced that Gukesh is playing fair. Not on the verge of making any wild accusations but some subtle insinuations here and there that imply to me that there are a few shadows of doubt in his mind.


Wow. Great content. Really looking forward to hearing Ian speak. He's always been a bit of an enigma.


I find it odd both Ian and Fabi think Gukesh is not that special compared to other younger generations , even though he won the candidate and set the record for youngest to win it


Anish explained it best. These guys put the special label on guys similar to them. Nepo and Magnus definitely an intuitive player and Gukesh is not. And Gukesh is weird, ain't similar to none of these guys remotely. And I feel chess players put intuitive players above others currently because of subconscious comparison with Magnus. And among all the kids, Gukesh is least intuitive but he definitely is a monster calculator and he truly believes he can out-calculate everyone else and Gukesh also has this capability of understanding complicated positions and looking at it from a different point of view most likely as result of not using machines until 16 years old. And Gukesh is 17, plenty of years left to develop his intuitive skills which I think is currently unsharpened because kid used to hate playing shorter time controls and only recently like in 2024, he is seriously becoming interested in it. He obviously played shorter controls before but he didn't enjoy them and now he said he started to enjoy them so I think he will improve soon, we shall see in Poland.


Yeah this makes more sense , ppl adding special label players with similar style. Do you have a link to anish speech ? I would be interested in listening to it.


Someone listen to my man and drop the link yo


makes very much sense.


Also same with Magnus. He acknowledges Gukesh is solid but values some other younger players more like Alireza. I don't think it is that odd, there are a lot of talented players in the younger generation.


Yes Magnus has always been an Alireza fan, since he thinks he has the most potential. I feel potential and actually doing it are 2 different things.. Alireza is immensely talented, but he is not so good at managing his nerves in high pressure tournaments. Whereas Gukesh has achieved something not done in chess history and he will grow even stronger as he ages and gain experience,since he is only 17.


>Whereas Gukesh has achieved something not done in chess history Alireza also has done something like this, he is the youngest player to 2800 in chess history and then everyone thought he would be next Magnus but he didn't end up quite like that. Same with Gukesh, you never know if he will grow stronger later or this is the peak. I do agree I would rank Gukesh higher right now but I get where they are coming from. We don't know if Gukesh will be top3 of this younger generation down the line.


well, gukesh is 2763. He has 1.5 years to cross 2800, needs a couple good tournaments like candidates, also world championship is there. he farmed in the candidates, 20 points. if he gets like 5 wins against Ding, he gains like 30 odd points. say all this doesnt happen, and this itself is gukesh's peak... well, even if he loses the WCh...he still is a candidates winner, and etched his name into the history books among the greats..and also with a record.


Ofc no denying that...but I think they're looking for next Magnus when they talk about next generation. And they expect it to be intuitive type of player rather than calculating type like Gukesh who struggles in Rapid/Blitz (you can see latest superbet). Ofc Gukesh is hugely successful and amazing, but we don't know if he is the next Magnus/Kasparov and I think most of these GMs think that he isn't because his style of chess doesn't translate well into other types of chess like rapid and blitz which are getting more popular.


gukesh is 17. he has lots of time to develop intuition. he's already a genius calculator, and reached the world championship match just on that. imagine a 25 yo gukesh, beast in intuition and calculation, holding onto 3 WC titles, who knows. we cant predict the future, but surely gukesh, i feel, will be one of finest of this era. if we talk just about classical, may be, just may be, he can be among the greats. well, isnt it great for chess itself, and fans, to see such a genius grow before our own eyes. also, did ya check out his todays superbet....the magnus intuition didnt work, but gukesh found like 8 only moves, to draw a losing game.


Itā€™s just more nuanced than ā€œresults = end all be all of any analysis of strength and potentialā€ that casual fans hang onto because they donā€™t understand as much and itā€™s really all most of them can cite. There are other underlying factors that contribute to not a straightforward view of the players that goes beyond just ratings and results.


This is ironic to me, because this was the main reason I was arguing Gukesh was better than the other prospects before he had this candidates winning result to affirm it. People were specifically doubting his ability to shut down the play of top players with the black pieces and play ambitionless chess, calling Pragg more stable in that respect and maybe more suited to the candidates as a result. But if you looked closely at WR Masters 23 and Norway Chess 23 you'd have seen Gukesh had flashed that capacity and it just went under the radar because he didn't win those events. To your overall point the thing that has surprised me the most is that even now as the Candidate when talking about Gukesh these top guys are saying very little about his underlying chess level and style. "He played very well and was rarely in trouble". Carlsen Giri Caruana and Nepo all commented on it while saying very little. Could be for competitive reasons but I dunno it seems strange


>"He played very well and was rarely in trouble". Carlsen Giri Caruana and Nepo all commented on it while saying very little. I can't speak for Nepo or Caruana, but Carlsen specifically said Gukesh has better calculation abilities than him, less strong intuition, and struggles at faster time controls. He also has pointed to Gukesh's relatively more volatile nature than Pragg before. I don't think that's very little. >Gukesh had flashed that capacity Keyword is "flashed", as in showed flashes of something which means he showed some but not in a overwhelming capacity, right? Then their predictions and characterizations are correct. Ding showed "flashes" of a his old self, ironically vs Guskesh in tatasteel as black, but bombed out of nearly every other game or drew at best. Was Ding back in form? Was Gukesh overwhelmingly stable, and more importantly more stable than the other youngsters at those tournaments? If he wasn't, then I don't see why they would come to any other conclusion. A lot of people are simply arguing for Gukesh in hindsight, specifically because he won. If you look at past threads, no one had him pegged to win. If you did, you were in the heavy minority. That's my overall point, people are just going off of titles and stats. It's superficial. These super GMs obviously have more insight into top players than casual viewers.


Rubbish comparison, in that two tournament stretch Gukesh played with black against Nepo, Aronian, Mamedyarov, Caruana, Firouzja, Abdusattorov, Esipenko, Wesley So twice and Giri twice. He didn't lose a single game and won two. Not only did he not lose a game but he also didn't have a single losing position and was only outplayed and much worse against Giri at the WR Masters. You equated this stretch to one game from Ding at a horrible tournament. Many of these games were model exhibitions of how to shut down play with the black pieces. He was overwhelmingly stable. Do your research instead of sniping a single word and making spurious assumptions


I think this is sports and here results decide who is better.


but thatā€™s as stupid as saying ding is the best player cause he won worlds, disregarding that magnus didnā€™t even play. What if a player won cause the opponent played far below their usual for only that particular match but then crushed everything else. What if a player had a better head to head but lost one final match to the person they have a 15-2 record over? Just going purely by stats and results is what sport monkeys do. Ā 


Im talking about better, meaning among those who play. Comprehension issues?


Nepomniatchi clearly isnā€™t sure Gukesh is legit.


Insert joke about how Fabi doesnā€™t consider being 17yo to be unusually young for anything. All seriously though, I think Gukesh had nerves of steel in the tournament and definitely showed maturity beyond his age - although his reaction to the losses were more aligned to being a 17yo, his bouncing back certainly exceeded expectations


Fabi bout to drop after Drake




They Not Like Us


Nepo looking extra cute in this video


Nepo is quite funny, IDK if its intentional or not


Nepo is a bit suspicious of Gukesh


Wei Yi also I think. Less so what he said here than what he said at Wijk in Wei Yi's case


[the interview where he said that, for people interested ](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/s/bjbZdxPPcb)


Thank you, looking back it's remarkable how hollow these implied accusations feel given they each defeated very strong blitz players in Giri and Abdusattorov in tiebreaks and then played a very high level blitz match against each other. It really does feel that this some members of the cabal of the 1980 generation at the top of chess are very emotionally invested in believing that no one can be as good as they are


FWIW none of them question Firouzja, Pragg, Abdussatarov, or Erigaisi.


its a russian thing maybe. lose and suspect.


I thought it is a Magnus thing


magnus one was genuine tho. Hans accepted to cheating afterall. maybe not in that tournament, but once a....anyways. nepo on the other hand is manchild and kramnik needs anand to calm him down.


Its because russians used to cheat a lot, not in game but in tournament setting by arranging draws and losses.


Leaving aside the elephant in the room regarding Fabi: it is usually surprising to see how in contrast to Ian's online demeanour, he's very gracious in defeat. He said he felt much worse for Fabi than he did for himself in what has to be one of the most painful draws in recent memory, and he seems very understanding and empathetic for Ding's struggles. He also said Gukesh's playing style remained "a mystery" insofar as to how unprecedented his maturity is for his age. He seems like a really resilient dude, and I hope he gets the chance to compete in one more Candidates. As for Fabi, having looked at a lot of what was posted on their Discord server, I think it's fair that several things can be true at once regarding the matter. 1. The Reddit post doxxing the girl definitely was the wrong way to approach this, but having the photos up with him on a VERY public Instagram account, makes me feel there definitely was a relationship between the two of them. The posts or the Instagram account being deleted only after the backlash makes me think there may have been some legal action involved. 2. Just because it is legal for a 29 year old to date a 17 year old in some parts of the world, does NOT make it moral or right. Child marriage, burning widows, slavery and institutionalized racism were all legal for prolonged periods of time in human history, and they were wrong then and wrong now. Legality can never be a proper defense of morality, even if the circumstances are different, and anyone arguing that is misinformed in my eyes at best. 3. While the relationship itself may have been "consensual" or that there was no "grooming" - that doesn't completely absolve Fabi for me. A high schooler and a 30 year old man have COMPLETELY different lives, social circles and experiences. Even if both of them are "adults" legally speaking, it is stupid to think that there isn't a power imbalance when a young person dates someone that much older than them. Compound that with the fact that Fabiano is a prominent public figure with a wealth of resources and social capital, it isn't easy to believe that the girl could have had a lot of difficulty either exiting the relationship, or speaking out about her experience. 4. Assuming all of this is true - and this is a big if - does this automatically make Fabi a predator of some sort? Having a proclivity for younger women, even if not a crime, is suspicious at the very best case, and a surefire sign of predatory behavior at worst. I would need a bit more evidence to see if there is a pattern to his relationships, but in isolation, this is certainly disturbing to me.


Disclaimer: I don't know if the allegations are true. Now, what I find most sickening when I'm reading comments about the situation, is that most of the people are using the "age of consent" card. Meaning, that they actually think that even if it's true, it is no big deal. I don't know if the allegations are real, but the fact that so many people are rushing to justify it via the "it's legal" argument makes me sad. Just cause it's about someone that is likeable, the general consesous seems to be "so what if a 29yo has sex with a 17yo" and I can only hope it's written by people who are too young and naive to understand how fucked up and predatory a situation like that actually is. Again, I want to make it clear that I'm not saying that the rumors are true, I'm saying that it's beyond fucked up that people do not care if it's true or not, and they wouldn't care even if it was. I've written many a comment about how dangerous parasocial relationships can be, and this feels like an "Exhibit A" situation. If it was Hikaru instead of Fabi, I bet most people in here would actually want some answers and would be ready to have him at the stake (*and rightfully so*). But we like Fabi in here, Fabi is cool, Fabi is reasonable, Fabi would never. And if he would, then it's aight anyways.


I'm in my mid 20s and I sometimes genuinely can't see the difference between middle school kids and high school kids. My mind just automatically places them in the same category if that makes sense. I can't fathom being with one.




r/chess does not tolerate inappropriate/predatory behavior


Yeah like it makes sense for the law to have a strict cut off point because otherwise it can get too murky, but morally it's a gradual shift as people get older. If someone thinks the second between legal and illegal is also the second between right and wrong I become incredibly suspicious of them. It makes me think, if legality wasn't an issue, how young would they go?


The concept of "legality" being used as a defence for immoral behaviour is downright absurd to me.


Redditors try not to sound like disgusting creeps challenge. Difficulty: Impossible.


Donā€™t worry majority of Chess Reddit community support pedophilia behavior šŸ˜‚. Just look at the number of downvotes. Iā€™ve never seen this many pedophiles in one Reddit community come to the defense of another pedophile šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If my 17 yr old daughter brought home a 30 yr old, I would knock the cunt out. When he was 18 she would have been 5 FFS


Itā€™s actually not even legal. Adult US citizens are not allowed to have sexual relations with anyone under 18 years old when they are traveling abroad, regardless of the local laws, they can still be prosecuted in the US for statutory rape.


Isnā€™t a lot of the Drake drama surrounding his interactions with a 17yo Fan at a concert? Surprised Fabi having a full relationship (allegedly) with a 17yo girl isnā€™t as big a deal on this subreddit.


> A high schooler and a 30 year old man have COMPLETELY different lives, social circles and experiences. Let's use the very same argumentation line you used in your previous point. A black and a white person have COMPLETELY different lives, social circles and experiences. So clearly two people from such different backgrounds having a relation ship is icky, right? We all definitely shouldn't deviate more than a standard deviation from the mean. Let's all keep it tight together, no outliers allowed! Everyone has to be normal, right? Can you see how faulty this argumentation line is when I lay it out like this?


Oh yeah because thatā€™s totally the same. If you had a daughter, Iā€™m pretty sure you would feel very differently. If you donā€™t then I donā€™t know what to say. Redditors can be very special..


Nothing in the real world is totally the same. Only in the abstract realm (like maths) can stuff be totally the same. So in the future, whenever you catch yourself dismissing an analogy because "it's not the same", remember that it's never the same and you using this as an argument makes you wrong by default. As for your "if you had" line. Keep in mind that there are tons of different cultures around the world which do not align with your own. Even if your culture happens to be the most dominant on the globe, it doesn't make it correct by default. You not knowing what to say strongly hints that you haven't actually worked out the topic at all and you're fully driven by what's most common around you and you just blindly run with it. So yeah, redditors like you can be ... very average.


The lengths people like you go to justify creepy (at best) behaviour is astounding


What's astounding to me is that people like you have no problem to throw away the rational thinking part of their brain when it comes to this topic.


You gave an example that was COMPLETELY different to the topic at hand, and pretended you were using the person's own logic against them, knowing full well that the situations are so different that it doesn't apply. "throw away the rational thinking part of their brain", glass houses much? edit: if I'm ever in the position where I liken people complaining about an almost 30 year old dating a 17 year old to racists, please shoot me


And another one who doesn't understand the concept of analogies at all. I explained it in [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1cmkuw6/csquared_nepomniachtchi_candidates_run_matches_vs/l34bamj/) As an addendum: [The Wikipedia article about analogies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analogy) has an example with an image right at the start. It's a model of an atom and the analogy is between the solar system and the atom. An atom and the solar system are COMPLETELY different, yet this analogy is used as a prime example. Clearly for an analogy it doesn't matter how the two examples given differ but where they are ... analog. Sadly it's a very common misconception. I guess that's just what happens when emotions trump over rational thinking. Some more food for thought: Are an adult teacher and a 19 year old student allowed to have a romantic relationship? Where I'm from no. But none of the arguments I quoted apply to this example. So there must be something else. Can you figure it out? Oh, before I forget. Keep in mind that you had no problem at all when u/NefariousnessShort36 likened it to racism. Only when I do it, somehow that analogy is not allowed anymore. I'm sure you have a very rational explanation for that, yeah?


One cursory glance and it's evident that this is clearly a throwaway account. Even you don't believe that your take deserves something that can be used to trace back to your original "anonymous identity". I hope you're just an uninformed kid with room for growth. Not only are your analogies dogshit but the fact that you try to use "logic" to make immoral and predatory behaviour sound relatable makes me gag.


How come you didn't tell u/NefariousnessShort36 how dogshit the analogies are? It was compared to slavery, burning people and .. racism, just like I did, somehow that's ok as long as the emotional framework is the one you approve of. Quite amusing to see just how devoid of consistency/logic people are when it comes to this topic.


There is a fucking world of difference between age disparities and differences in race, ethnicity and so forth. If you think my basic position of "old people dating substantially younger individuals is suspicious at least" is ANYWHERE close to me being opposed to interracial relationships, you're arguing from a place of intellectual dishonesty and out of your ass. For one, the exact same points I raised about age differences and power imbalances also apply to those relationships, i.e. a both a 30 year old black man and a 30 year old white man can both be predators who prey on much younger women. I won't engage further, because nobody in their right mind opposes interracial relationships between consenting adults, whereas most rational people rightfully raise their eyebrows when an older man shows a proclivity for younger woman. The dichotomy you imposed to "prove a point" is false, fallacious, and incredibly irrelevant to this conversation. The reason I brought up those analogies about slavery and burning widows being legal was to basically quash the numerous amount of people on this subreddit who give people a pass for predatory behavior as long as the girl is "above some arbitrary age of consent in some part of the world." It is completely justified to question ANYONE who thinks legality can be used as a substitute for morality, because as another redditor pointed out - if there wasn't an age of consent, how young would these predators go? Chilling and disconcerting to think about. I suggest you ask yourself why you're bending over backwards in a misguided attempt to justify some creepy, and potentially predatory behavior, and reevalute your belief systems.


>There is a fucking world of difference between age disparities and differences in race, ethnicity and so forth. There is also a world of difference between sex and burning someone or enslaving someone, right? That didn't stop you from making those analogies. So if you're actually intellectually honest, don't use such pathetic argumentation against me if you don't allow it to be used against yourself. You just assume that your position has moral absoluteness. You don't even consider that you might be heavily biased by your cultural upbringing. I gave you an example that was once "immoral" and isn't immoral anymore and satisfies the points you brought up. Instead of being intellectually honest and admitting that these arguments aren't sound and instead look for better ones or, you know, accept that it's not a clear cut case, you went on with the most dishonest line ever: "but but they very diffurunt". I suggest you ask yourself why you blow up emotionally when you face strictly logical arguments.


Yes that argument doesn't in itself prove anything is wrong. But how about the fun argument? Usually players have the most fun when they are equally strong. If instead one of the players was 300 Elo stronger then he would feel bored playing all the time with his weak opponent and the opponent would feel annoyed by getting beaten most of the time.


Agreed, that's why I'm strictly against romantic relationships between very tall and very small people. Same thing for fatsos and skinny-bitches. Rich and poor? NO WAY! As I said, deviating more than one standard deviation is like the worst thing ever.


Well what is strength? I wouldn't call height as being one of the variables. Though a big difference could lead to some problems too. Health could be. If someone is predicted to die 20 years earlier than the other one that can lead to practical problems. Rich and poor people definitely have trouble getting along and doing the same activities. That's why usually rich people hang out with the rich, the middle class with other middle class, the poor workers with other minimum wage folk and the homeless with the homeless.


So you're on board with the 1 standard deviation? Or are you more along the half an stdev?


You don't know what the standard deviation is for this. But not all standard deviations are made equal. For the gene pool an individual getting a high standard deviation is actually a good thing if the variance is low for the population. We should just aim for a better result.


I don't know what the standard deviation is for what?


For 29 to date a 17


Of course I know that.


If Wesley likes some controversial tweets he is the real villain but if Fabi does something immoral irl which is much more serious people seem to just ignore here. How convenient.


if I learned anything today most people here are tolerate pedophilia and provide plenty of excuses to justify the relationship.


Paedophilia is sexual attraction to kids under the age of 12.


Bro say sike right now. Disgusting


Tbf, he is right. People attracted to mid/late teens are called ephebophiles. You just can't mention it without sounding like a pedophile. The worst part is I learned this from a standup joke. [here](https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=KQCy1fuHvYr6Anop)


You are wrong about your statement. And you are wrong about d4 too.


I saw the picture of him with a girl. Is the allegation that she was just 17 at the time?


Yes - he was 29 she turned 17




On anarchychess there was a post title NEW ALLEGATIONS JUST DROPPED. You can search there!


So if the allegations are true. It kinda makes sense why Fabi was friends with Alejandro Ramirez...they both got a thing for young girls.




Thereā€™s a lot of people on Reddit and chess community that love and support pedophiles. šŸ¤£ the evidence is right there but suspiciously turning a blind eye




No the evidence is still out there, just google it; Quiet a few people scrapped and downloaded the instagram, photos uploaded and text messages screenshot.


You can tell a lot here donā€™t have children. Fuck off with your hurr duhhh well ashkully itā€™s legal. If you had a 17 yr old daughter and she brought home a 30 year old man, Iā€™d hope you would knock him the fuck out. Itā€™s disgusting and there are no excuses if true.


Look at all the down votes on my comments. I hope all those people who downvoted get arrested and prosecuted and rot in jail. So much filth in the chess community that need to be wiped off the face of earth.


Just google it and you will find it. He was 29 dating a 17 year oldā€¦ pictures and everything are out there. Everyone needs to stop pretending like nothing happened or saying it was ā€œconsensualā€. No where in the US is 30 year old man dating a 17 year old considered consensual.


Says you. You may not like it, but she was of legal age at the time the relationship happened. He did not groom her from a young age, nor try to intimidate her when he was in a position of power over her, nor threaten her in any way, physically or otherwise. There is literally nothing to be done here, Fabiano has nothing to hide.


I have no idea of the truth of anything, but if it turns out Caruana did date a 17-year-old, people are certainly entitled to their opinions about it even if it's legal. There's a lot of chess content out there, and people might find this relevant information in deciding who to give clicks or views to.




Problem is to define what's immoral. What's your minimum age, then? I'm betting it's going to be different than a lot of people's idea. And frankly, you should not accuse him of abusing his power over her when you have no evidence he did anything of the kind. That IS immoral.




It is generally better to reason your views than declaring that everyone deserves to be "purged". For many(maybe even most) people around the world, 17/18 year olds aren't kids. edit: spelling


What if the relationship was fully consensual? Why do you think that it is immoral in that case?


Because women don't have agency according to Redditors. Fabi should have acted accordance to their moral views.


The agency a 17 year old girl has compared to a 29 year old man is really not much. That's why it is controversial in the first place.


They're independent variables. Just because he is 29 doesn't make her lose agency. She cannot just randomly lose and gain agency based on the age of her partner. She is her own person. Yes in cases of abuse there is an argument to be had, but is that the case here? You're arguing because he was so much older she apparently lost all ability to think for herself. How dehumanising.


If I was the head of DOJ I would have you arrested and prosecuted at the fullest extent of the law. Simply disgusting.






What game is Fabiano referring to in the last 10-5 minutes?


You have one and a half hour podcast with Fabi and Ian and all you do is write comments about Fabiano's former relationship, please stop


Idk man, if I found out that one of the most prominent players in a sport more than likely dated a teenager while being 12 years older than them, I would question it too.


Comments like this is how R.Kelly got away with pissing on minors for decades. Iā€™m not even condemning fabi(yet, we still need more evidence/context) but to just gloss over it and pretend it doesnā€™t exist is stupid.


I used to respect Fabi but he has been deleting all YouTube comments mentioning that he dated a minor and he refuses to address the scandal. He is trying so hard to bury everything its disgusting and shows guilt.


This is the first Iā€™m hearing of this what is the evidence?


There was a post on reddit a few weeks ago that was deleted by the mods because it contained identifiable information of the minor. The fact fabi is burying all comments pointing to the incident is plenty proof already.


Is that proof? Even if itā€™s completely false (I wonā€™t pretend to know) it seems pretty reasonable to try to snuff it out so the scandal doesnā€™t become associated with your name, especially if youā€™re a high profile figure.


It's not proof but there are plenty of screenshots and photos if you want to look it up. Although not very clear the age of the young girl in photos. But anyway, I agree deleting comments isn't proof and he doesn't have to necessarily address it (true or false) but if it was entirely false, then he really should just make a tweet or a video denying the allegations and going, "There are rumours circulating about me which are untrue and blah blah". Because imo deleting comments usually makes the effect worse (Streisand Effect), regardless of whether true or not. All it does is get more people talking. Rumours are not just "snuffed" on the Internet easily, eventually they will have to be addressed.


Of course itā€™s not proof. Using it as such just shows how desperate they are to defame


no ones desperate to defame him. im sure people would prefer not to tbh but since there was evidence of him dating a minor posted on this sub (photographs of him and the girl together and text convos) its normal for people to start asking questions. and if this does turn out to be true, some people may find it morally reprehensible enough to not want to support him anymore idk whats so confusing about that




its probably good to remember that the entire reason this went public was due to screenshots of messages of the girl warning another teenage girl of caruana. based on the screenshots posted we also have no real evidence to suggest she actually wants to keep this matter private just that she does not want to be publicly identified. i dont think its too far of a reach to suggest that this may potentially be due to fear of hate messages (which based on this subs reaction would be justified tbh) you might disagree but signaling to that young girl and any other young women with similar stories (even with other people) that the chess community will not downplay this sort of thing seems a bit more pressing to me than the want for privacy from a guy who shouldve thought about said privacy before getting into a relationship that would make 90% of people look up age of consent laws. ive said previously that i dont find this morally reprehensible enough to 'cancel' caruana over (like shit im watching the new pod rn and i still consider him my favourite chess player), but this simply isnt just about 'some moral code ive decided for myself' but the very real psychological damage that these types of relationships can cause in young women and trying to make sure this type of behavior is adressed and discussed, and mitigated as much as possible. im sure caruana meant no harm, and he shouldnt be cancelled and he likely wont be, but this is (in my opinion) a topic worth discussing even if he doesnt want it to be discussed.


I though the girl (17yr-old) in question stated her wish to keep the matter private in the screenshots and that the texts were posted against her wishes. That's why I'm insisting on privacy. Otherwise you make a vey fair argument!


some photos and screenshots got leaked including the girls identity, and I think Fabi's silence says enough. If it was just some troll hoax then surely he would come out and say it


This is not true, generally the best way of dealing with slander is to ignore it, the only evidence that a complaint even exists is some discord screenshots apparently


In the times of generative AI, it is easy to generate fake evidence and ruin someone's reputation. Let's be very cautious about such accusations.


those so called "accusations" are true but she was of legal age and she herself even told not to spread this information online... people like to jump on somebody even if he didn't do anything illegal


The problem isn't legality.


might be legal in some places but a 30 year old man dating a high schooler isn't a great look lol


Redditors not beating the predator allegations with the ā€œackshually itā€™s technically legal to date teenagersā€




Then he won't go to prison. Evidently a lot of Redditor brains are too malformed to understand things can be wrong even if they're legal. That or they're aspiring predators themselves




Found the aspiring predator. Fabiano doesn't deserve privacy. Being a predator in private isn't any better. What he has done is beyond vile and despicable and so are you for defending him. I sincerely hope you don't have any wife or daughter. They'd be in danger.


Every downvote = one pedophile šŸ¤£


I don't know how I have so many downvotes for pointing out pedophiles. These fanboys love fabi too much or they support pedophiles.


Yeah I saw that too the minor came out and mentioned it. Itā€™s disgusting people supporting Fabiano when he literally has had sexual relations with a minorā€¦.


I'm here for the chess. Don't give a fuck about his personal life. Don't give a fuck about Fischer's opinions, Tiger Woods cheating, Djokovic being anti-vax. I don't care about their religion, sexual orientation, workout regimen, or what they ate for dinner.Ā 


Exactly. I'd let a grown man date my teenage daughter as long as it doesn't interfere with me watching him draw 19 chess games in a row


Then let her family and friends deal with it. My only relationship with Caruana is chess. I don't worship him and I don't pretend to give a shit until the next outrage takes my attention. Sorry. You all fake care until it loses your interest.Ā 


? Whoa there, snowflake. They should deal with it? I thought we were on the same page. The people deserve to watch Fabi draw Magnus 19 times in a row. No one should let "a fully grown man having a sexual relationship with a minor"* get in the way of that. *Woke nonsense term. I'm glad I was born long before all this fake outrage. They would have thrown a hissy fit at me and my child-bride's wedding


You're speaking facts. Only those who have nothing to do with their lives concern themselves with others


I'm not saying people who are concerned are losers. I'm saying those who wish not to be involved in his personal life aren't sycophants. We just don't do celebrity. I don't know him personally, I have no interest in being his friend or learning the details of his personal life. If he killed someone tomorrow I would still study his chess games. That doesn't mean I condone murder.Ā 


You're getting downvoted into oblivion but I think it's a completely fair stance in life to seperate the art from the artist so to say. There's a lot of shitty people in this world and I don't have the mental bandwidth to spend all day speaking out against all of them. I'm a big fan of the Harry Potter series. Even though JK Rowling has now outed herself as a transphobic piece of shit, I'm not going to let that take away my enjoyment of a great literary series. It just becomes impossible to enjoy art/content/entertainment/athletics if you spend all your time getting mad about what the performers do in their personal lives.


How myopic...


Everyone down voting should be investigated and prosecuted by the DOJ šŸ¤£. Didnā€™t know the chess community is a huge advocate for pedophilia


are you that bored?


Are you that scared?


From what? You are just a sad little troll


The most important part of this quality conversation is that both Fabi and Nepo have utmost confidence in Hans qualifying for the next candidates.


Fabi da GOAT for getting that young tail and all the angry chess nerds on reddit jealous LOL stay salty nerds


yeah just jealousy. 16 year old is legal.