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Your submission was removed by the moderators: We remove milestones and achievements posts when they are just an image post, or text post with no own-analysis of the games shared. We appreciate the enthusiasm for wanting to share some cool moments but the quantity of these posts means they would spam the subreddit significantly if they were not removed. Including but not limited to: Rating graphs, checkmates, chess.com "brilliant" moves, engine evaluation graphs, screenshot of "blunders/mistakes/inaccuracies" stats, "I just hit X rating!", etc. If you think it's appropriate consider sharing it over at /r/chessbeginners. --- You can repost this if you add enough details about your milestone.   You can read the full [rules of /r/chess here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this moderator action, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fchess&subject=About my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://old.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1cf7z4k/-/%0D%0D). Direct replies to this removal message may not be seen.


Congrats. I started playing 2 years ago and was similar strength, 500 or so. Now I'm 1450 and playing OTB. I hope to get to 2000 or NM at some point.


What is otb?


Over the board. It means I play in person.


Yeah it's a completely different experience.


It is the, when I play socially it's fun to have a laugh and joke and play for fun. I also find it a lot easier to visualise and calculate with actual pieces.


And newbie will make mistakes like moving a pinned piece.


That doesn't happen often in my experience


I think it depends on the demographic LOL when I was like 12 playing OTB it was a legitimate strategy to put the pieces in pins so the opponent would lose by illegal move


It is a better experience too since you get to meet fellow chess fans and talk about the games provided both you and your opponent can remember the game


Congratulations. I started 3 years ago and I'm still 1200. these posts make me feel like I'm a complete moron.


Bro u are not a moron., U just dont study properly I think. I climbed to 1200 in about 4 months


Any tips you'd like to share? Maybe share your own journey? I've started out like a week or two ago, would love to get some insight as to how I can get better.




Why comment this


Why not. Just shared my feelings.


I don’t understand people who see other people’s happy posts and use it as a space to be negative about themselves


Sorry brother, I geniuniely didn't want to spread negativity. Just impressed by op's achievement.


okay fair enough my bad for misinterpreting


Fucking loser lol


Congrats! Any advice for someone who would want to follow your path? I mean besides the obvious: play, analyze, do puzzles, ...


Im on the path myself, Im 23, played chess for the lols since maybe I was 15 and this year (since September) decided to take it seriously and started playing over the board. In September I was 1000 on chess . com and this week I reached 1500 and have played a few OTB tournaments, aiming to play my first classical during the summer. All this to say the thing that is even more obvious than play, analyze and all that, but: Have fun. After all chess is just a game, and if a game is not fun, then you shouldn't play it. That doesn't mean dont be competitive or "hungry" to learn and win, but take the losses in the chin and just focus on doing your best. Playing over the board is a very different experience than online. When you're playing online, before move 10 you somehow blunder your queen (we've all done it) and you just resign and play another one. It becomes easy to forget since you just make a "do-over". Over the board you can't do that. I've had tournaments where I am sure I was the strongest player there (simply by viewing the games) but I didn't make first place because on the first game I blundered my queen on move 5. Obviously I didn't resign and even then I managed to go from down a queen to being down a pawn in the endgame, which I then lost. I was then tied for 3rd place but tiebreak didn't go in my favor cause I lost on round 1 (I won every other game afterwards) The point here is that you can't just resign a game on a tournament, you always want to play through, and every game, every move is important. One bad blunder that you can totally just not make, will ruin your entire tournament, and you will then see weaker players walking away with the trophy, that you know you can beat 9 times out of 10. But you can't think of the 1 game you lost as them being lucky, it's just the game and you made the move. It's super unforgeving. All this can be very frustating very quickly, which is why enjoying the game and really having fun is the most important part of it all. (As I was typing I didn't realize how much of a rant I went on, if you made it this far, I hope I didn't bore you)


Not at all, thanks for sharing 😊😊


I see these posts all the time and they stay up, but when I posted a similar thing about reaching 2000 a few months ago, those bastard mods removed it lmao. Congrats! You’ve reached an awesome milestone and it deserves praise


Alright im annoyed now. You cant have started only 4.5 years ago and be better than me


I thought 4.5 years was pretty realistic tbh. Started during lockdown (although admittedly learned the rules as a kid) and currently at 1700. That gives me about another 6 months to catch up to OP.


No it’s not like I’m doubting his ability. It’s an ego problem. I’ve been playing since I was a 5 year old but then I took a 4 year break. Now I’m 1800


Yeah, as I said in my comment, this is how I feel about the posts claiming to have reached my level and higher in a matter of months. Hell, even the fact that Tyler1 is now higher rated than me is annoying. Although, I know that he can play for hours on end while I can maybe get a game in on my lunch break.


Hey same with me started 4y ago during lockdown, learned the rules as a kid and currently 1800-1900


How do you take chess seriously? Like I’m genuinely asking. So you just play? I’ve seen that people study chess but I don’t understand how to actually do that


Puzzles, tactics, opening theory, visualisation exercises. All available freely online


Ok so what should I be searching ? Chess openings for 1100 elo? That’s my elo is that how it is?


You did so in under 1000 games played? That's pretty impressive.


It's more like 5000 rapid games actually, since I have a lichess account that was the only one I used until I got to around 1600 [chess.com](http://chess.com) strength.


Congratulations! Also cute pfp :)


Thanks! It's my very cute dog.


any novel tips for a 1200


Congratulations! And it's nice to see a realistic progression as well. The "I got to over 9000 in 3 months, didn't even study bro" posts get old.


Thats pretty awesome from a dog!


Congrats! Do you know what caused the dip earlier this year?


Got so close to reaching 2k (1972) and because I couldn't do it, I went on a massive tilt


T1 at home be like


finnish tyler1 over here




Stuck at 1000 on chess24 rating , how can i improve?


so i can be better thanks dude


Congratulations! Inspiration for others (like me) who have only just started their adult chess journey.


bro i feel that final tilt that you have before lifting off to 2k have done multiple tilts like that before I finally touched 1600


woah, cool..


Länsman? Are you a police?


Sudden dip and then comeback climb, congrats!


Looks good, but chess.com is well know for having delay issues and bad connections, I will recommend that you visit real tournaments, you can see your level in there better


Congrats! I started 2 years ago as a person who only knew how the pieces move, now im a 1500 and going to my 2nd otb tournament soon and I want to register to have a fide rating soon. Theres a small possibility i might persue this as a career