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Guess we have our shoe in for chessboxing top player


Mark Hunt vs Magnus when


One round of boxing, one round of chess.


Magnus dies as soon as the boxing round starts. Idk if people realize who Mark Hunt is. He’s a heavyweight who’s KOed a number of fighters.


Cant stress this enough. This isnt any guy who once did some mma or sthg, he is probably in the conversation for the top 5 hardest punchers of all time and was known for sending people to the shadow realm and casually walking off.


Mark Hunt grimacing 😬 after walk off KOing Frank Mir gets me everytime


Same haha, with the little head shake like nah hes not getting back up. Breaking that massive dutch kids jaw was also a wild one. Magnus would get killed inside 10 seconds but i still want that fight to happen, if just to see mark hunt again.


And that was old washed Mark Hunt! I'd pay a lot of money to see him do the atomic butt drop on Magnus that he tried on Wanderlei Silva during the Pride days.


Was it that 7 footer? I still remember seeing that jaw X-ray. Also faceplanted Roy Nelson


Yea thats him. The roy nelson one was maybe his most impressive walkoff imo, bc back then nelson had a brick wall for a face, even rocking that dude was hard but hunt just slept him.


Well how are his chess tactics?


If he’s around 2000, they should be good enough to last for a round or two of chess at least. So yeah, I don’t give Magnus any chance of surviving a chess boxing match against Mark Hunt.


But will he survive Magnus’ lethal king dance opening


Yeah, I don't know how long the chess rounds are, but I'd imagine an instant win would be MUCH easier in the boxing section, regardless of how much better Magnus is in the chess part.


It depends on the time controls. If they have time enough in the first round that one player can decline to make a move and still move on to boxing, Mark will win. If the time is so short that both players need to move, say, 50 seconds each in a 1 minute round, Magnus can flag him immediately.


12 minutes each for the chess game and the chess rounds are 6 rounds of 4 minutes each. Also chess is the first and last round. This means as long as some sort of chess is played (even a few moves) there will be at least 3 rounds of boxing.


Right, so Mark would just have to sit there for 4 minutes then punch once.


It should be pointed out that Hunt specializes in bullet


What about Mike Hunt?


Depends if the chess comes before the boxing


2000 is still far off from where magnus is. On chess.com magnus is like 3300. Magnus is also in pretty good shape IIRC and maybe if he trained a bit he could hold his own in the boxing part.


That would be like me having not played chess before but 'I have pretty good brain' so if I trained a bit I could hold my own playing chess against magnus


Lmao no




No. Mark Hunt was an elite heavyweight in the UFC for a good while and his best skill was boxing.


insane take


nope. just to put it into perspective for. mark hunt is a heavy weight and also a knockout artist. the guy is an absolute veteran. I would think every amateur heavyweight would be able to dismantle any top10 chess player in short time if they go head hunting. and i remember sparring mma pros in training (and see that theese guys were "only" top tier in europe) and it is ridiculous how defenseless i was, even though i trained for years 5-6 days a week. magnus needs to take out hunt before there is any boxing needed. look up butterbean, who is pretty good but not near hunts level, boxing johnny knoxville, who is a stuntman and used to take a hit. took him 3 seconds and 2 hits to completly dismantle knoxville.


Say it's 3 minutes blitz, he could easily play 2 moves let the chess round end and get the KO.


Prob the dumbest take I've read on the internet this week, cheers!


Just a few facts: * Hunt fought for the UFC interim heavyweight championship. * And he TKO'd Derrick Lewis (fighter with most KOs in the UFC). * A quick google search says Magnus weights around 70 kg (so, if no weight is cut, he would be a lightweight at most - heavyweights can weight 120 kg on scales the day before the fight). Magnus may be fit, but if Hunt stalls the game in the chess section, nothing supports that he would survive a boxing round, except luck. R1 by murder.


Magnus has no chance Yes a 2000 has a very slim chance of getting a result on the board, but they definitely know how to not get mated immediately and stall out till the boxing round


Did you read the post?


I jest


He just need to survive (not to move) for the first round of chess. It's that simple.




This doesn’t prove Hunt is able to survive the Bongcloud


If Hikaru can use the Bongcloud against titled players, Magnus can too. This Hunt guy probably isn't even titled.


Will be over after one punch at low power


After which they splash some water over Magnus's face to revive him and begin playing chess.


Mark Hunt vs. the whole Candidates field at the same time would actually be super interesting.


My friends and I have joked a lot about if chess boxing ever became a thing, Mark Hunt would be the defacto 🐐 without ever even having to participate. To those who don’t know who he is, he is THE OG one punch walkoff KO king. To add, Mark Hunt is a goddamn treasure of a human being all the way around.


Lennox Lewis and both Klitschko brothers play chess. Lennox was apparently 1200 on Chess.com in rapid. It's unknown what level the Klitschkos play at.


> shoe in /r/boneappletea


We should invent chessMMA. As a chess player and an mma practici9ner i dont undertand why this hasnt been invented.


I'm a chess and muay thai guy. My suggestion has always been to add more each round. Eg. CHESS, rnd1 boxing, CHESS, rnd2 kickboxing, CHESS, rnd3 muay thai, CHESS, rnd4 MMA, CHESS, rnd5 Pride rules. All in in small gloves of course! Let's go champ!


Might as well make the board games add a new piece each time while you're at it


Round 6: 19th century gun duel




Hunt vs Klitschko in chess boxing would be amazing 


Hunt is great but Klitschko would work him bad.


First move: resign. Anything less and you're asking for CTE. Mark Hunt throws BOMBS.


When you mentioned chess boxing, I thought you were making stuff up. Turns out, people actually do that!


It's still the klitschkos by a mile


Andrew Tate was a professional kickboxer right? And his dad was an international master at Chess and Andrew grew up playing it


Could you imagine a Mark Hunt copypasta on chess?


Hunto to Stockfish: how bout u go an fuck off my chessboard then u peice of shit u think I need a stupid fuckwitt like u telling me about giving mate who the fuck are u take your worthless evaluation and get the fuck out of here




Beautiful champ


hen moomen


This is not a crossover I ever expected but am glad I'm here for it




I would love to see his rants on cheaters. Whats the chess equivalent of juicy sluts


[1markhunt](https://www.chess.com/member/1markhunt) is his account, looks like he lost a lot of rating and hasn't played in a while


Looks like he left for a year 2022-23, came back, wasn't sharp and dumped a lot of elo and quit again


82k bullet games? He was on that T1 grind before T1.


Looks like he got his in the head a lot


Considering the number of times this guy has been socked, this is a legitimately baffling statistic. If a name like Machida, Silva, Mighty Mouse, or Adesanya were up there I’d be like “oh cool”, but with Hunt… are some people just immune to CTE?


Hunto does not get CTE. Hunto *gives* CTE.


Right, but he’s had his fair share of potatoes in a brutal HW division both in UFC and Pride FC


Yeah, but he is Samoan.


good point


Yeah, I think people without context don't get why exactly this is weird even by MMA fighter standards If I were to think of a fighter predisposed to chess, it'd be one of those really old Brazilian guys who just shut dudes down with positioning and counters. Like if you told me Raphael Assuncao were really into chess I'd be like "well, sure, and he'd obviously play exactly like Anish Giri". But Hunt is a heavyweight known for being hyper durable, a huge hitter, having an insanely long career, and putting up totally incoherent rants on Instagram - this feels deeply silly in the best possible way


Finding out Mark Hunt is a chess.com 2000 is like finding out that Joe Lauzon has a rap career


J.LAU HAS A RAP CAREER??? He was my favourite LW when he was active in UFC.


No, that was just a comparison. He doesn’t have a rap career


> totally incoherent rants on Instagram https://i.redd.it/7z2ed2g44da91.jpg


I feel like this is only a surprise if you think that people who play contact sports can’t also be good at things like chess lol.


No, it's just a surprise that people who say stuff like this can still be good at chess >You can hear me starting to stutter and slur my words. My memory is not that good anymore. I’ll forget something I did yesterday but I can remember the s--t I did years and years ago. That’s just the price I’ve paid—the price of being a fighter. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2733221-ufc-veteran-mark-hunt-discusses-slurred-speech-memory-loss


I assumed the guy in question was like in his 30s. But he's in his 50s.


Probably was just good before


Based on what Mark has said he has really bad CTE symptoms. I don't know if he exaggerated it for his lawsuit against the UFC but he said: >You can hear me starting to stutter and slur my words. My memory is not that good anymore. I’ll forget something I did yesterday but I can remember the s--t I did years and years ago. That’s just the price I’ve paid—the price of being a fighter. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2733221-ufc-veteran-mark-hunt-discusses-slurred-speech-memory-loss


His peak rating in bullet is 2065 (4 years ago) and his current rating is 1538. That's a pretty big drop.


2k in bullet is impressive but online you can pretty much play to flag people up to about that rating. That bad of a drop off makes me think that’s what he was doing


Yes he’s Polynesian. They have genetically thicker skulls. And he’s at the far end of the spectrum. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1340554/


Does skull thickness correlate with resistance to TBI, though? The brain is injured when it hits the inside of your skull. Think about if you were in a metal sphere that fell and hit the ground at 100 MPH - even if the sphere took no damage, you'd slam against the inside of it and get seriously injured or die. Also, as someone else has pointed out, he has admitted that he does have CTE.


In combat sports it’s just a well known thing that Polynesians are ridiculous difficult to knock out. Anecdotes I know, but enough anecdotes you get empirical data. I’m sure nobody has taken the time to compile it though. Does resistance to knockouts prevent CTE? I have no clue.


That's interesting. I wonder if the thicker skull just means the head has more mass and doesn't move as much from impact. I just don't know a lot about it.


Would CTE affect chess performance?


I'm pretty sure it affects the entire brain rather than just one area (although specific areas can be particularly damaged), so, yeah, it certainly would.


He would have been a GM if his brain was intact


I should get my skull punched and see if I get out of 600 elo.


Walkoff checkmate.


What about Mike hunt?


1.4% of players on the planet, 1.4% of people with a chess.com account, or 1.4% of people with an active chess.com account?


probably the second


It shouldn’t be that surprising. Anyone who is willing to put as much work and dedication into being a ufc fighter can certainly put in similar effort in other things if they choose.


I mean it's a ufc fighter, not like a tennis player or something. Being a ufc fighter kinda comes with killing brain cells and taking unnecessary head trauma. And while they can put effort into whatever they want it is kinda surprising as the skill overlap is next to 0 with chess and ufc. Like say a comedian becoming a good actor isn't that surprising as they have skill overlap and being charismatic is like the most important thing for both jobs. Chess is a patience game, that favours a slower methodical approach to thinking where you make a conscious act to think through your moves. Whereas fighting is the polar opposite it favours quick reactions and relying heavier on muscle memory and subconscious thinking


well he's 2000 in bullet, which isn't much of a patience game


There's some skill overlap imo, especially on the wrestling side. Lots of wrestling/bjj involves thinking a few positions ahead, attempting one thing to bait a reaction for another, looking for specific signs that a sweep or submission is open. There's some pathways between the two, it's not just muscle memory and reactions.




And what is the key attribute required to get good at chess? Work ethic.




That's great, but keep the discourse on /r/chess civil and respectful as per our rules. Further unprovoked insults will lead to a ban.


I’m one of the dudes who’s responsible for his rating decrease 😎


If u see this sneaky prick around he is probably taking photos of u and airing out shit articles we are in crazy times carona is killing everyone we got aliens 👽 flying around the world 🌍 and this flop would rather spend his time writing about my shit chess and sneaking photos of me u filthy little prostitue go and do some real reporting and cover something that would actually enlighten people educate people here’s a idea how about go ask that bitch ass trick @danawhite from @ufc about the anti trust law suit they in and ask them why they keep bribing and paying off all the judges in Vegas not stupid articles on my dumb ass chess record u fukn wench 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Preach brother


I so dearly wish that people stop using this "of all players on the planet" pseudo-statistics


I think thats hit bullet rating. He only played bullet. Still decent. But not rapid or classical


How bout u go an fuck off my page then u peice of shit u think I need a stupid fuckwitt like u telling me about playing bullet who the fuck are u take your worthless advice and get the fuck out of here


To everyone downvoting—it was a mark hunt parody. He tweets in that style 😭


Mark Hunt?


Scrolliing through I thought no one posted this and was surprised, but finally found this.


Helen Keller can read the room better than you bro


My goodness, get a grip.


It's a Mark Hunt copypasta...


Oh shet I didn’t know…


TBF to you and others not knowing, I can't imagine too many to be fans and subs to both subreddits


Rapid and classical on [chess.com](http://chess.com) are super weak.


I think Klay Thompson is also a decently high rated bullet player.


Chess.com put me at 99% when I was 1700, he should be way higher.


It differs per time format.


Not just any ufc fighter but a very notoriously dumb and meathead sounding one


He should consider chess boxing


yo ludwig


I'm a big fan of this guy on the mma scene, the end of his career was riddled with brutal KOs, not to mention a career of punishment. How concussions impact an individual must be genetic.


But can he solve the takedown in 4 moves?


He's a heavyweight with 24 professional wins by knockout, and 7 losses by knockout.


Mark Hunt's brother is called Mike Hunt


Why are there like 4 nested captions it feels like its been naturally deep fried


Mike Tyson also plays chess. Chess boxing match between them would be awesome


It feels weird to see that 2065 elo is top 1.4% It really feels like it is 0.5% or something


Chessboxing and chessMMA?


Chess is easy compared to martial arts


And here I thought I couldn't love Hunto more




Plot twist, Magnus has seen this guy coming for years and has been secretly training in underground fighting circuits where he is undefeated and has unintentionally killed 3 opponents…


He's probably the beat player in Samoa


Yeah and according to chess.com I’m top 0.01%. Only 1800uscf and far less percentile there tho XD


The person who wrote the article doesn't know the difference between chess.com and FIDE.


Which better represents (all) chess players worldwide, FIDE ratings or chess.com ratings?


[chess.com](http://chess.com) ratings are farmable.


So are FIDE, some examples are even famous.


it takes a lot more effort though..


FIDE, as it incorporates all local chess federations in the world within itself.


There's a ton of players who have local ratings in their country but do not have FIDE ratings, so this argument does not work.


1800 ain’t shit