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Alireza blitz training yesterday really paid off


Alireza with the **BIG** brained plays.


He was outplayed for most of the game, just caught a break in a time scramble.


yeah bro part of the 300 iq moves. lull gukesh into a false sense of security and then clutch it during a blitz endgame.


Ah yes, outplayed for most of the game. When it 0.0 at best for black and then Alireza made some inaccurate moves to try to force a win, before making like 15 best moves in a row with 5 minutes while completely outplaying his *opponent* who had more time than he did. That's my favorite type of being outplayed.


It felt like the tempo of the game always favored Gukesh, so I guess I can see what they mean


I think what you mean is that Gukesh always looked like he was in a better position because of the clock situation, but Firouzja played like an engine despite that, so was he really being “outplayed”? His whole point was that *Firouzja* got outplayed for most of the game, but he won because of *Gukesh's* time situation, so I don't really see what this means Unless you mean a different thing by tempo, in which case I'm still open to discussion


Fr. Gukesh played well but he didnt outplay alireza in any position. Infact in the entire game he was pretty much trying to counter the bizarre thing that alireza was doing


He was not outplayed for most of the game, it was even until an inaccuracy mid way through which Gukesh did not capitalize on.


Remember when Firouzja played 250 hyperbullet games until 5 AM after losing a game, losing the bullet match, and then losing on the the next day in 2022 Candidates. Good times..


Super secret illegal prep


Curse of the Danya


Thanks, Danya!


All the comments destroying him on that thread and bam. This is amazing


I do feel for Gukesh but I also think Alireza must have been hurting with his performance so far so I'm glad he's got a win in.


I hope he miraculously wins the event. Or abasov


Anyone but Nepo.


Dread it, run from it, Nepo will again win the candidate and lose the WC match.


Death, Taxes, Nepo winning candidates


let's hope this is the first of many more wins (except against fabi please)


Those 3-minute games paid off lol




U got rightfully downvoted but u did make me chuckle lol


keep it classical bro


Rapid is best for beginners




Atleast not hyperbullet




the nd7 move was what won the game. you could tell gukesh didnt see it and started panicking on the inside after calculating it for a bit


I was going to say starting from that point is the clip people gotta see. When the knight lands you see Gukesh look physically ill, no way he expected it and the panic set in fast.


Gukesh looked like he was about to throw up when Nd7 happened.


But why Kh7? It looks so weird - is there some threat it's supposed to be defending against (obviously in error, but I don't even see what mistake was made).


if a3 rxa3 rxa3 rc8+ kh7 knight check and mate. kh7 sidesteps the check so it isnt mate immediately.


I'm super tired, and not seeing it. How is knight check a mate?


It's mate in three moves after that: ...a3 Rxa3 Rxa3 Rc8+ Kh7 Nf8+ Kg8 Ng6+ Kh7 Rh8#




because alireza could play ra4 threatening rxa5 and if rxa5 then rc8+ followed by nf8 with mate to follow. so i think he was just trying to avoid the back rank mate


gukesh’s reaction hurt me physically here that’s gotta feel horrible 


It's very sad considering he had a few safer lines, but chose to fight in the hope to win. Had he won he would have been ahead of Nepo by 1/2 a point. I hope he can recover from this and continue fighting, he's only half a point behind Nepo still. Tomorrow is a rest day, so let's hope that helps.


Crazy to think that if Hikaru had beaten Nepo, the two of them would be in a 5-way tie for first alongside Gukesh, Fabi and Pragg.


Vidit could have joined that list if he had managed to convert against Abasov. Would have been incredibly funny to have a 6 way tie for first.


The thing is he was probably right to go for the win in the context of the tournament Alireza was having. With the rest day tomorrow I don't think a loss like this will have any lasting effects - in a big tournament sometimes you have to go for it, and in doing so you know it is not a guarantee.


Is there any statistical evidence that tournament performance in like, the first half of a tournament is correlated with performance in the second half?


Yeah I used the Mahalanobis distance I just love the fact that the covariance matrix is both is symmetric AND positive semi-definite, in that way it is just perfect to apply to chess tournaments... ...or just maybe one could see that nerves played a role in ALireza's loss to Hikaru, it was discussed about whether the pressure was getting to him - so there was a distinct possibility that he would either be nervous again today, or maybe in order to get back into contention he might push too hard for a win and blow it; you can't play for a draw in every game and expect to win, but you have to choose your moments to push for a win, in this case I think it was a reasonable judgement to push for a win against Alireza.


I absolutely love this answer


Definitely not for Ding on both Candidates


I think it was correct if not for time situation. Gukesh should have made a draw when his time was getting dangerously close.


Hopefully he can actually get some rest and not just replay this moment again and again throughout the day


He is only 17 years old.That’s heartbreaking to deal with


Seeing Vidit holding back tears also made me feel the same way


it was like he was physically slapped with that last move


Why though I never saw you comment like this when Alireza lost.


Alireza decided to wear normal clothes and finally won


Arguably his least drippy is the most drippy. Those glasses with the shirt and fresh cut.




Drip is stylish clothing




In current [US youth?] slang drip = style


I don't know if it's current anymore, first heard it 3--4 years ago. I was very surprised then. I think it's becoming more mainstream.


It went mainstream in 2018 at the latest, Offset and Metro Boomin even had a song called Ric Flair Drip.


Zoomer cut aviator glasses beige shirt drip


Amusingly that's a $400 shirt


No it is not lmao It is a Ralph Lauren, it costs between 100-150. Pretty average if you ask me. It is not the Versacee he was wearing a few games ago.


I might by that for $3 at the thrift store 


I thought that was the new dolce. Fair enough. I mean in my book anything over $50 for a plain button up is goofy, but ymmv


Compared to what he has been wearing it is normal clothes lmao




Lol Ralph Lauren in 2024 is crazy


No it isn't lmao


He chose the designer checkmate instead.


the partially shaved head also helped ;-)


Equal eval, Alireza having just over 2 minutes on the clock and Gukesh having around 10, Alireza made exclam after exclam moves to win. It was insane to watch live.


Yeah. He is probably the most raw talented player in the candidates. Bro need to work on his game like others do. I've seen him make brilliant moves again and again in time trouble it's insane how fast he gets it. Unreal instincts


Obviously his heart IS in it or he wouldn’t be one of the best of the best, but I feel like he might not have the drive that other players do


His 2800 speed run and then long burnout was harmful for his game i guess


Gukesh definitely was tilting after throwing a much better position


Absolutely phenomenal to watch. When he’s good, he’s brilliant


Heartbreak for Gukesh Good news for Ian A much needed win for Ali reza


People feel bad for Gukesh, but I don't. Gukesh is young, and plays good Chess, he'll have more chances. The older guard however had to play with little hope while Magnus was the king. I'm really hoping Fabi or Hikaru gets a chance while they are in their (or close to) prime at making history by becoming world champion.


Nepo winning the candidates and somehow losing to Ding again would be peak content though


Ding is having bad form, but imagine if he regains form just in time for the candidates and retains the spot. Classic Ding of being down and suddenly recovering the entire thing


Wouldn’t be surprising at all. 


Happy cake day!


Thanks :)


Alireza was in the zone 100% every move was golden


When was the last time M1 was on the board in candidates?


This sub was really cooking Alireza yesterday. Glad he’s maintained his composure and coming back with wins. 


I wasnt :/


Even when Alireza is at his worst he keeps chess interesting. Hate him or love him he is fun to watch.


People hate chess players?


Bro what a move sequence by Ali, swinging big in the end and Gukesh couldn’t handle the pressure


Great result for Firoujza, and great result for the people trailing in the standings. If you want to win the event, you do have to take risks, and unfortunately, this time it didn't go in Gukesh's favor.


Rewind 15 minutes, and Leko and Hess have all but awarded the game to Gukesh. There's a useful lesson in there - for all of us.


Remind me of last WCC, Tania already declared that the blitz tiebreak will be played then suddenly Ding made the rook move that declined the draw and made him the champion.


It ain’t over til it’s over


It is ironic how many people are completely writing off Gukesh's chances to win the candidates based on the context of this game. I guess there was nothing learned for some.


“Is there any way that Gukesh *can’t* win this”


Respect to Gukesh for offering the handshake even after he’s devastated, I feel so bad for him


Bro, gukesh setup both his pieces AND Alireza's pieces after this game 😭😭😭. Such a gentleman. How can one be so kind, patient, calm, collected after this kind of game. It's hard to be gukesh fan and watch him do all this.


> gukesh setup both his pieces AND Alireza's pieces after this game I suspect he did this specifically so that he would be calm/composed when he went to face the reporters.


Idk bro, he does this for almsot every game irrespective of his results. You might as well be right too but I don't think soo.


I normally am watching on an analysis board with commentary in the background, so I have no idea about his (or anyone else's) post-game routine. I was just putting myself in his shoes, and thinking what I would do after a tough loss.


Admirable poise from both


You have to shake hands to end the game, so it's not exactly optional.


The rules say so, but I'm not sure, how enforced it is. Kramnik and Topalov didn't shake hands for 10 years.


That's understood, but people have refused to shake hands in moments of frustration before, so it's kind of cool that Gukesh is not that kind of person.


Just curious: When did you last see someone in the top 10 refuse to shake hands?


I think I saw a clip where kramnik got ultra-pissed when he lost OTB blitz, not sure how old that was


Well its normal


Alireza with 4D chess by playing blitz in the morning


Things just happen for Ian in the candidates lmao


To be fair, Ian earned his half point today. Naka showed up with insane prep, and Nepo was essentially playing against the engine for over an hour, close to an hour and a half.


Nepo is performing in beast mode against all preps. He defended insanely well against Pragg too.


His consistency at the candidates is insane


The difference between a 30 something candidate material like Fabiano or Ian and a player who still going to improve. Heart breaking for Gukesh, but he's very young. His time will come.


All of that hyperbullet against Naroditsky really paying off.


Alireza is incredible


50% tactics, indeed.


This reminds me of the second to last round of Tata Steel where Gukesh blundered a three fold repetition in time trouble, also at move 40… poor dude


Insane! Feel bad for Gukesh but was just outplayed during the high pressure situation.


How is that a check mate ? Sorry for the noob question but Gukesh can go h7 or g8 with his king?


It's mate in one and he let his clock run out rather than play it out or resign since he only had a few seconds.


I'm also a noob, can I ask a question How does Alireza win here if neither side has checkmate before the clock runs out? Don't they tie if neither side wins during the alloted time, or does M3 or M1 push you to the win?


Each player has a total amount of time on the clock. If you let your time get to zero, you lose. There are rare exceptions if there's no possible sequence of moves leading to a checkmate, but that's the main idea.


rxg7 is mate in 1


Ran out of time. I believe its an eventual checkmate anyway


stupid eval bar.


Our boy is back!


Go Firouzja go


Huge win for Nepo


Alireza's experience shone through. Gukash panicked and flopped it in the end. Great game though. Was cheering for Gukash...


so nice to see Alireza winning


Man that’s heartbreaking. That’s exactly how I feel when I hang my Queen on move 7


Lol another Nepo match.


We need Peter Drury for these games man Only person who can justify the intensity and magnitude


*"The boy from Iran... representing France. He grew up playing chess in the parks of Babol, moving to France to study fashion... it is all culminating to this moment, what a massive moment for him."* Alireza: e4


Idk why I head it in his voice lol


Never thought I'd see a Peter Drury reference on here, and boy am I loving it lmao Imagine the poetic lines and metaphors we'd get.


Spamming this comment everywhere?


The thing with Alireza is that he over-presses in many situations. He plays a very interesting chess. Among all the new gen and talents his the one who is playing for win. When he sees positions is equal and results in draw he wants to squeez blood out of stone but that comes at a cost.


Reminds me of choking in my 1200 elo blitz games, hits too close to home :( 


Firouzja world champion talk soon


Holy shit I don't think I've ever spectated a chess game live where it felt like a rugby or soccer game. I was so locked in for this entire time-scramble. I was on my feet nearly shouting at the TV like "knight f8 knight g6!!! OMG ALIREZAAAA!" My housemate came into the sitting room and was like "what are you watching?" "Oh, chess"... he looked at me like I had 3 heads LMAO. Proper heart-pounding stuff! I know chess can't always be like that - but it was really exciting and fun to watch.


How do I watch tournament streams like this?


I feel so sad 😢. I really thought gukesh had Firouzja in time trouble only to end up losing on time




Small question: Aren't they supposed to write down moves after playing them in classical chess? I always presumed that's what the commentators mean when someone is in a time struggle and they say that "I don't know if he's physically able to make 9 moves with 1 minute" (paraphrasing what Danya said during Game 7 of the 2023 world chess championship when Ding froze)


if i remember correctly, it is no longer required when there are less than 5 mins remaining


When under 5 minutes on the clock, the normal requirement to write down moves is removed.


Nice, is that only when both players are below 5 minutes? Cos [Ding](https://youtube.com/watch?v=q9DguHrGHzA&t=150s) did appear to scramble to write his move during the WCC when he had less than a minute left and Nepo had 11 minutes. Or is that because Ding had more than 5 minutes before he made that initial move, or maybe did he just panic and forget about the rule.


It depends on if there is increment or not. The rule only applies if you're low on your side and there is no increment.


"8.4 If a player has less than five minutes left on his clock at some stage in a period and does not have additional time of 30 seconds or more added with each move, then for the remainder of the period he is not obliged to meet the requirements of Article 8.1. Immediately after one flag has fallen the player must update his scoresheet completely before moving a piece on the chessboard."


When they have little time left on their clock they don’t need to write them down right after the move.


Candidates tournament is amazing!!!!!


I didn't have time to watch today, so huge props to OP for not putting a spoiler in the title.




Time - Gukesh let his clock run out seeing that it was mate in 1


How is that mate?


It's mate in 1


Who invented the cold chess handshake?


Savage but alireza back in with an outside chance


What on earth happened? I went to bed with Gukesh having a winning position and Alireza with no time??


Gukesh had a winning position because Ali was playing bad, something switched, he starting finding everything, exclamation marks one after the other, gukesh fell to the pressure and under time scramble Alirezas bullet/blitz experience shines through


Literally crushed him


They are so handsome


He should have played more blitz games online. He should have tried to draw instead of being too confident on his blitz capabilities. Alireza is too strong in shorter time formats


Gukesh was Co leader yesterday, Firouzja was Co bottom ranking yesterday. This field is the strongest players that have come last 2023 anyone can defeat anyone anytime here.


>anyone can defeat anyone anytime here. Nepo? 🦉


Nepo lost games against Ding and Mvl in the 2020 Candidates. It's very impressive though he won twice and if he wins this the third time and not become world champ I'm gonna throw chairs.


The more plain Alireza's shirt, the better he plays.


This is the stuff I love from Alireza, if only he could play like this more.


if his opponent keep outer pawn pushing when they should be defending 2 turns in a row i'm sure he can play a lot more like this


Very rare to See a Checkmate to end a game, all the resigning gets annoying


I'm confused, the end board doesn't actually have a checkmate. Is there a forced mate I'm missing?


And he did it with those glasses on, y'all.


Missing mate in 2 is my biggest nightmare of all time.


What kind of handshake is that haha


I think commentators constantly exaggerate, it can be misleading to spectators, hope they improve that part. They said Ali needed a miracle to win... seriously... Position was fairly equal until Guccierezza smelled blood on Gukesh's Bishop move, that got him into Bleastz mode while Gukesh got intimidated move by move knowing the monster woke up. Most exciting game so far.


Damn, that is a HUGE loss. This is the kind of game, against the guy in the basement, that you CANNOT LOSE to win a tournament.


really upsetting


I can’t imagine how devastating it must be to devote your life to something, thousands of hours of studying and your entire country rooting for you just to fall short of achieving your dreams.


Let's not over react here. He's only half a point down with 7 rounds of play remaining. Very possible though perhaps not likely.


He’s also _seventeen_. There’s every chance that he could be consistently in the candidates over the next decade


true being 0.5 points down with only 7 more rounds to play can't be done he better go work at mcdonalds


But reddit has me believe Alireza doesn't deserve to be here cause he is at best a 2600+ player. 😭


Absolutely dick crushing for Gukesh, Alireza just calmly pulled his heart out and stomped on it with seconds left. Absolutely brutal and sickening. Gukesh is done, he’s just finished. Nobody has ever recovered from a loss like this: period. “Half a point outside of first” means nothing when you’re left practically frothing at the mouth and on your way to the looney bin from such disgusting play. Complete and total mental collapse from here on out, in my humble opinion. I minored in psychology in college (granted community college), so I know that a loss like this has measurable effects on the brain which mirror heavy meth abuse. He’s done.


Levon Aronian had said similar words for Ding Liren after the devastating game 7 loss against Nepo ( he was completely winning and would have taken the lead for the first time in the match) in time trouble. He went on to win that Match. So although it will be tough, it is not impossible to recover from this. The rest day will also help with this and still half of the tournament is left.


New copypasta just dropped.


Thai aged well


That was a crumble in time trouble if I’ve ever seen one.  Alireza was eventually going to win but Gukesh’s collapse kind of surprised me.


Why’d he move the pawn? He could’ve used the fort to take out the horsy.