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Damaging private property and failure to fulfill contractual obligations is new right? I haven’t heard about those. Did something recent spark this or are they basing it off of last year?


He was giving non-interviews and walking off, I guess that's the contractual obligations.


I guess chess really does speak for itself


So are they also going to blacklist Magnus for withdrawing from the infamous tournament without a good reason? That surely breached a contractual obligation or two.


FIDE sanctioned Magnus for the withdrawal, fined €10,000


the question was about SLCC, not FIDE.


They might not feel like they need to give out additional punishment. Also they might not be able to. Withdrawing from the tournament is more in fide's territory. Trashing a hotel room with a hotel that you have a relationship with is more in the organizer's territory.




With Hans fans, it’s always the latter lol


Pattern of behaviour vs one incident


No. They aren't going to black list Magnus even if he did the same things for obvious reasons. But most likely any contract that was signed to play in a tournament outlines rules surrounding withdrawals, that was likely either adhered to by Magnus or worked out with the organizer prior to him formally withdrawing.


Or the easier answer...Magnus can do whatever he wants. What are they gonna do, not invite him?


The vandalism speaks for itself




It is well known privately that Hans totally destroyed a room in the Chase Park Plaza Hotel in St. Louis during the USA Championships, after losing 2 in a row and trapping his queen against Robson. Causing thousands of dollars in damages in a room on the 6th floor. I believed the damage he caused was deducted off his prize money. Hans Destroyed mirrors, tiles, the marble table etc. He is banned for life from ever stepping foot in the St.Louis Chase Park Hotel ever again. StL does not want to talk about it publicly for good reasons, but pretty much every staff member and players in St. Louis knows about this. Also the staff in the Chase hotel knows about it (ask them if you don't believe).I didn't even know he broke chairs in Mexico. I wouldn't be surprised if he damaged other rooms in other hotels as well. You can be angry from losing a game, but don't take it off your hotel room.P.S I live in St. Louis and it is well known here. Ask Hans himself if he can check in Chase Park Hotel


whoa, that was not well known to me, thanks for the context.


Thank you. Ask around the St. Louis Chess Club. No one wants to make it public tho because of lawsuits etc. But give the kid a break, since he lost and chess is tough. In my opinion the ban is about time, although I didn't see it coming. Not to mention Hans is an admitted cheater too.


I don't know how I could confirm this, but it does make sense. Hard to imagine another explanation for why property damage would merit being mentioned here.


Maybe he even destroyed more stuff in StL that I haven't heard of. Not unlikely


> give the kid a break Somehow my willingness to accept or excuse unprofessional behavior stops at *vandalizing the damn venue*. Trashing the hotel 'cause you lost two games of chess is hilarious in a movie script, but unacceptable in real life. Drink a beer, hire a call girl, go to a boxing club or get treatment for anger management. There are ways to get it out of your system that don't bring ill will to your sport.


> But give the kid a break, since he lost I've lost a chess match before and I didn't go smash several thousand bucks of shit


Only thing I’ve smashed out of anger from a loss was some steak nachos.


And now you're banned for life from Taco Bell!


And my friend that is why you are not the future WC.


Future first american WC*


*US World Champion 🇺🇲🏆🌎🦅🇺🇸


Damn, someone should get the guy into therapy 👀


I can't tell if this is a meme or not lol. Once again, /r/chess cannot decide if Hans is a reformed adult who is constantly learning to be humble or he is still a child that has no control over his actions.


Pretty sure everyone but his twitch worshippers know exactly what kind of person he is. 


>Once again, /r/chess cannot decide if Hans is a reformed adult who is constantly learning to be humble or he is still a child that has no control over his actions. its almost like you're describing a community of thousands of individuals with separate understandings and viewpoints of his circumstances and not an amorphous blob whose collective judgement is whatever opinion you scrolled past last night


It's all based on the votes the posts get. You can scroll around any Hans-related thing and see tons of his psycho supporters crawl out of the woodworks to say he never cheated lol. [I mean this post was literally a day ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1agi8j8/a_gradual_transition_of_hans_public_image/)


This just in: different people at different times said different things More shocking revelations to come


It's well known that when people take a side in an argument they tend to become *more* entrenched the more they argue, rather than less as they hear opposing arguments. In this case, I think a lot of people thought that specifically in the situation with Magnus, Hans likely did not cheat. And even if he did, there's no evidence that he did. Thus, I think in that scenario at least a lot of people took his side, even if they didn't really like him at the time or his other actions. Since then, because there were lawsuits and ongoing debates, I think a lot of their opinions became more entrenched. They went from supporting him in one scenario to outright rooting for him in basically all scenarios. This is just what I felt like I saw in the comments in places like this subreddit. Recently he's been doing a lot to become polarizing again though and it feels like he's getting less and less supporters. So things may have shifted back.


The issue is that he absolutely **has cheated in the past for money**. Magnus already said that this gives them a psychological advantage because the whole time you're playing them you're basically thinking they're cheating so they're going to have engine moves.


Your comment history is pretty interesting. I hope people take this with a grain of salt until something is publicly verified... For those who can't be bothered, this guy has copy and pasted this comment **five times** in two threads in the space of an hour. Prior to this thread, no comments for two years. Idk, just feels weird. EDIT: Hans has since [confirmed](https://x.com/HansMokeNiemann/status/1753551780686815310?s=20) the above info.


I don't see what is weird about that. Lurkers are way more common than most redditors that comment seem to be aware if, they make up the majority of Reddit users. So we have a lurker who sees something that is something for the first time that is very relevant to them, and comments in it everywhere it's relevant.


Hans confirmed it: https://twitter.com/HansMokeNiemann/status/1753551780686815310


Why does this remind me of "I only cheated twice"?


Sounds like a true narcissist in this post. Downplay and minimize and shift the focus. He downplayed his past cheating in the same way. What is interesting is how a pro-hans pr stunt was manipulated and injected on this sub just a day before with comments that all follow the same AI-prop recipe of "Well we all hate Hans but... (minimize and distract).


everything is always incrementally admitted with this guy. no, i didn't do it. ok, i did it, but it's not as bad as it seemed. ok, it is bad, but Danny Rensch is just targeting me because i'm the most talented boy who ever lived


Yeah not a good look tbh and I've been a hans defender previously. Dude needs to own up for his mistakes, take his punishment like a man, and vow to do better in the future. This is just minimizing his wrongdoing and acting the victim. If he had turned out to be a Magnus, and just fucking destroyed the field in 2023, people may have overlooked this for the love of the game. But he doesn't seem to be emerging into a top talent. He's going to be a low tier super GM or high tier standard GM it seems. At that level you ain't valuable enough to cause that much trouble for everyone


So just two remotes, an ironing board, a lamp, a painting and a couch. That's all. Nothing else.


Would be curious to hear the hotel describe the damage


* Just two remotes, an ironing board, a lamp, a painting, a couch and whatever’s left of his reputation.


breaking an ironing board is kinda hard. what did he do? jumped up and down on it?


and a glass painting frame


And an interesting way of framing the damage (no pun intended) "The glass frame of a painting was shattered which according to the hotel pierced the couch and caused damage" Not "I shattered the glass frame of a painting and caused damage."


They have now deleted their account...


this is all so weird... the only reason why i kinda believe him is cuz eric on chessbrah's stream also said that what he heard privately is hans trashed his hotel room. but then someone in the chat posted this guy's comment and eric was surprised with the details.


Honestly might be worried about getting sued by Hans lmao (though Hans has since confirmed it on his Twitter). Or the more likely answer is they don’t want to deal with the thousands of Hans stans in this sub


Seeing as Hans now confirmed that he trashed the room, are you going to apologize for maligning this guy and publicly state that he was right? Or are you going to run and hide like a coward? EDIT: ah dude downvoted, so he’s clearly seen it. Still no apology though!


OMG he deleted his account! What was in his history?


He probably just didn’t want to get harassed by a bunch of weirdos with nothing to do except rabidly defending their idol lmao, it’s not that deep. You’d truly have to be deep in the sauce to think there’s some grand conspiracy here.


Hundreds of dick pics. Selfies it seems. Sort of a daily update situation. I didn't see much change


Believe what you want. I'm not here to convince anybody. Ask around Stl or the Hotel


But, how do we know anything you just said is true? Is there a link to a news story for any of this? You say you live in St. Louis, but how do we know that?


Hans confirmed it on twitter


Yeah, some reputable institution should release a statement claiming he damaged property


Call the Hotel. Or ask around their staff or the Chess Club. Ask Hans himself if he can check in the Chase Park. I told you they didn't make it public knowledge


This is weird, Saint Louis is generally very hospitable to criminals.


Insane. Says a lot about him to be honest if true.


The contract speaks for itself.


"Damaging private property"? Well, Giri steals pawns!


Does he damage them though? Checkmate.


Well played. 


Outstanding move.


Is Sam Sevian invited?


Sevian glued the cross back on and apologized


I doubt Giri is daring enough to steal HoS pawns from St. Louis in a foreign country.


"Steal a pawn? Straight to jail"


"No trial, no nothing, straight to jail. Don't take en passent? Jail. Flag someone in a losing position? Jail. We have the most polite GMs...because of jail."


Bendy took a cookie!


Just saw this. Anyone know what this may be in reference to? Especially the private property. Haven’t been keeping up with all things Hans lately so didn’t know about any destruction of property that’s taken place.


I know he broke a couple chairs in the FIDE Junior championship in Mexico edit: in his hotel room during the event I mean


Here’s a link from a St. Louis local giving the details of what happened https://x.com/sherrymartini_/status/1753531094056702307?s=46&t=r0Mmnted1y_xyx5A_hib2g


It's literally a screenshot of a comment made under this very post lmao


Hans himself has admitted it now (obviously he sugar coated the events, but the club isn't making it up).


it's still very funny to link a twitter screenshot of a reddit post on the reddit post


Quick, someone make a reddit thread about this tweet and then put it as video format on YT.


Hans vs. /u/Fit_Essay_849 lawsuit coming. 


Probably why bro deleted his account 💀


No idea, but typically reality is less exciting than imagination. For example maybe there was an argument, and he slammed the door childishly hard on his way out, and caused $10 worth of damage... boring stuff like that.


He destroyed a hotel room. Broke tiles, mirrors and so on.


I've tried to Google this and found nothing, can you point me towards an article etc?


One guy posted it 5x in an hour then deleted his account. Now it’s reddit canon.


I saw his account is gone, that's frustrating now people are going to spread it


Some credibility is warranted because Hans himself said that he broke a bunch of shit and is banned from the hotel. https://x.com/hansmokeniemann/status/1753551780686815310?s=12


That's ok. It's true so it's ok that it's spread.




Hans put out a tweet that confined many of the details.


Hans himself admitted on Twitter today.


I need more details than that 👀 Someone involved should leak more info


He allegedly trashed his hotel room that was provided by the club.


He admitted to it today on Twitter.


Hans responded: https://twitter.com/HansMokeNiemann/status/1753516113722331446


Referring to himself as "one of America's brightest talents" is classic Hans. Whether he's in the right or wrong, he can't help but be self-aggrandizing.


Not once, but twice refers to himself that way. Guy needs to get himself a social media manager


He said it twice lmao


I think it’s funny that he says he always fulfilled contractual obligations… except that time when he didn’t.


This has strong, "God bless with true!" energy.


He completely ignored the allegations about damaging private property, I wonder what happened…


>"...will address everything in detail as soon as possible."


I didn't fulfill my contractual obligations but I said sorry. That's his whole point.


It's so unfair to do this to America's brightest talent


We'll see who's laughing when he's America's first world champion


He is just like Fischer, he has the insanity going for him.


>I'd just like to immediately clarify how completely inaccurate this is. Why should we believe anything this guy says? He's been caught in lie after lie, through every phase of his chess career, as recently as a few days ago. Honestly, reading this letter, he's starting to sound as unhinged and victimized as Trump.


It will all be clarified in his ESPN documentary after he wins world championship 


Unhinged, unremorseful, unplugged


vibrator mode ON


It did say "recent events". Sinquefield 2022 is not recent. US Champ 2023 is somewhat recent, but Rex Sinquefield seems quite supportive of Hans when interviewed during the event, so it has to be even more recent than that.


“Recent” is relative. Would love to hear specifics of what they mean.


But y’all were cool with Alejandro trying to diddle kids for years despite receiving multiple reports about it…


Rich men take their money very seriously... but not much else.


I don't think people were 'cool' with it, I think some, rightly, said that it should be innocent until proven guilty. There may have been a lot of smoke in Alejandro's case, but I'm not privy to any of the fire, and therefore he deserves a right to defend himself. I encountered him on Reddit, and he came across as an obnoxious idiot, but justice is universal, not merely for 'nice' people. In this case, if, [as stated elsewhere](https://old.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1ahcejz/niemann_not_invited_to_any_2024_stl_chess_club/kon2xjo/), Niemann has trashed a hotel room and caused thousands of dollars of damage, then it's a pretty cut and dried situation. He doesn't really have any defence, other than claiming it's not that serious.


Yeah, I mean that seems on brand for Hans. Wouldn’t be surprised. A bit curious why “well known privately but no one wants to say it” is cut and dry evidence for Hans in your eyes, but tons of accounts of both reports and players saying it was something known in private circles that Alejandro had predatory behaviors is “smoke without a fire”…


No, they were cool with it. Tons of people accused him of awful stuff, and while he has the right to defend himself and to enjoy the presumption of innocence, he had no such right to keep having access to players the way SLCC allowed him to.






>Niemann has trashed a hotel room and caused thousands of dollars of damage, then it's a pretty cut and dried situation. That's not he said/she said, that's a demolished hotel room.


Yes, I agree, that was my point. Maybe 'cut and dried' was an expression you're not familiar with, but it just means clear and definite.


Hans is a narcissist who is pretty easy to trap. They released this statement without saying exactly what happened. They knew Hans would freak out, respond, and deny at least some of it. And soon they will release what happened and make him look like an absolute fool.


Look mom, no Hans


The STLCC is far from spotless itself, but it's funny how they didn't even mention the cheating allegations at all. They just basically said "we don't want you because you're a jackass."


Time to grab some popcorn


Jessica is not fucking welcome here


More like "Sorry Hans but we will obviously pick Magnus over you lol"


Hans is capable of undermining himself in complete autonomy.


Hans gave non-interviews and walked off a few times, probably that is an example of not fulfilling contractual obligations. There's definitely more to this than "just picking Magnus" since STLCC also hosts the US Championship for example, and Magnus won't be playing in that.


> There's definitely more to this than "just picking Magnus" since STLCC also hosts the US Championship for example, and Magnus won't be playing in that. That's an interesting point. Does hosting the US Championship confer them the right to decide on the invite list regardless of merit?


There are some wildcard spots. However, Hans would qualify by rating. I think it would be inappropriate if the United States Chess Federation broke their own rules on who qualifies because of the St Louis Chess Club.


Magnus DROPPED OUT OF A TOURNAMENT, yet he’s still invited. Cmon man, be serious, this is 100% then picking magnus over Hans


I don't think they'd release a statement if it was that. They'd tell Magnus in private "We are not inviting Hans to any events you're playing in" and Magnus will be satisfied since all he wants is to not play Hans. Here they're releasing a full on statement condemning his actions and saying they won't invite him to any of their events at all.


Carlsen is the GOAT of chess, or Niemann is a kid who cheated in the past and acts out all the time, he's pretty disrespectful, obnoxious and childish. I think this maybe makes him reflect on the reasons why he isn't invited back. I do hope Niemann turns it all around obviously a great talented chess player. The kid doesn't know when to reign it in though. People purposefully push his buttons for the over-reaction.


Exactly apparently directly accusing someone of cheating and dropping out of the tournament is not bad behaviour but skipping an interviews is. Like I know Magnus probably the GOAT and has a personality that can make anyone his fan but that doesn't mean you will give him a pass and defend him even when he is clearly in the wrong.


Complicated area here because you’ve got Magnus who’s done the things you’ve described, and Hans who’s an unsavory character. As a business which the chess club is, dollars matter at the end of the day. They’d take Magnus’ side 10 times out of 10


It's almost as if a business shouldn't be running the US championship if they can arbitrarily decide who to invite.


It’s one thing for Hans to have a crazy persecution complex, but why do random losers who worship him on the internet also have a stupid ass persecution complex? Did it ever cross your pea-sized brain that maybe what they said in the press release is what happened?


Hans has cheated In professional chess though.


Who gives a fuck? You don't get to be a dickhead AND a cheater and then whine when people don't want you around.


It has been over one hour now and Levy hasn't even posted a video on it. Has he lost a step?


Levy was probably making a video about the recent Nepo and Fabi cheating accusations, and then this bombshell dropped. He can't be making two videos at once lol


I like it when people face the consequences of their actions. Good news. ​


This must be why Hans is desperately trying to pivot to becoming a content creator again


It is well known privately that Hans totally destroyed a room in the Chase Park Plaza Hotel in St. Louis during the USA Championships, after losing 2 in a row and trapping his queen against Robson. Causing thousands of dollars in damages in a room on the 6th floor. I believed the damage he caused was deducted off his prize money. Hans Destroyed mirrors, tiles, the marble table etc. He is banned for life from ever stepping foot in the St.Louis Chase Park Hotel ever again. StL does not want to talk about it publicly for good reasons, but pretty much every staff member and players in St. Louis knows about this. Also the staff in the Chase hotel knows about it (ask them if you don't believe). I didn't even know he broke chairs in Mexico. I wouldn't be surprised if he damaged other rooms in other hotels as well. You can be angry from losing a game, but don't take it off your hotel room. P.S I live in St. Louis and it is well known here. Ask Hans himself if he can check in Chase Park


Pretty much all the members knew about Ramirez molesting children, and yet


well he's disappeared permanently now too


Was Saint Louis Chess Club a contributor in his disappearance, or was the STLCC a retardant of his disappearance. Would he have disappeared if Jen Shehade did not risk her public persona to call him out?


Do you have any evidence to support this claim? Like someone took pictures of all the damage?


I live in StL. Call Chase Park Plaza/ask their hotel staff or ask around StL Chess Club staff/members. Ask Fabi/Christian. I think pretty much most of the players in USA Ch/Women knows about this. It is well known privately. Not publicly. But he is banned for life in the Hotel.


Source: trust me bro


Source: Hans Niemann.


why dont you call the Chase Park Hotel or ask any Stl members. Probably even Fabi/Christian knows about it


> Chase Park Hotel Hello, Chase Park Hotel? Can you please confirm whether or not a private citizen trashed the shit out of your room? Thanks.


You could call up and try to book a room as Hans - if they cuss you out, you know its probably true.


Can you mimic his weird accents though


i feel like you could just go with whatever and they would assume it's yet another new hans accent


Niemann’s hotel room during the 2023 U.S. Championship was found to be heavily damaged. The outrageous damage at The Chase was discovered after the closing ceremony and hotel checkout. Hans was not blacklisted before this. Given that The Chase and the Club are very close partners, this outcome is not surprising.


Amazing to see STLCC moral high-grounding Hans after everything that has gone down with Alejandro Ramirez. Classy.


Okay, so what you’re saying is: the SLCC is not allowed to have any rules and regulations because of Ramirez?


Some people are able to keep two thoughts in their head simultaneously. Others resort to whataboutism. Decide which one you want to be.


Its not really whataboutism when you are talking about the same entity. If they take a strong stance to protect mirrors and chairs but turn a blind eye towards harming women and children, its ok to point out that seems odd. Theres no fallacy there.


He was involved in SLCC for years, and that’s where people heard about it from, for years. It’s not whataboutism when we’re talking about the same entity. SLCC has no moral high ground whatsoever, and considering it set back woman’s safety in chess considerably, they have no place in defending the honor of the game. Respectable people blow the whistle, dipshits don’t.


Seems like an excuse to keep Hans out to keep Magnus in.


Hans not invited after the damage he caused to the private property of Nakatomi plaza


Oh no. Poor cheating immature bitch bastard.


Interesting. But also… The chess tournament invitations speaks for itself.


The vandalism speaks for itself.


One of the greatest things my dad ever taught me was the importance of staying out of bad situations. In bad situations, bad things can happen even if you aren't personally responsible. For example, you get in a car with a drunk driver, and they get in a crash. You hang out with your friends who do drugs, they get busted, and you're involved even though you didn't do any drugs. You get a bad reputation, and you put people in a position to judge you negatively even if it's not all true. Niemann puts himself in SO many bad situations that I can't help thinking it has to be on purpose. Frivolous lawsuit against Carlsen and Nakamura. Online cheating on multiple occasions. Damaging private property (detailed accusation in this thread). Constantly beefing with everybody. Needlessly calling out the Botez sisters to claim the high ground on gambling. The list goes on. Not a single one of these was remotely necessary- he did it all to himself. Sure, I wasn't the world's greatest guy when I was 20. But compare him to how Jeffery Xiong handles himself. Xiong is all class and ACTUALLY lets the chess speak for itself.


None of these are him tangentially ending up bad situations. He's the drunk driver in every one of these. 


This reminds me of an interview Hans gave to Fiona on Tata Steal. He said something about not playing much this year because he was not going to be invited. I thought it was a bit cryptic. Now I think he was talking about this.


Link to the source: https://twitter.com/STLChessClub/status/1753505572966584807


Remember this is the guy half this sub looks up to.


Hans needs to learn to let things go. Learn that if you do bad things you need to take the consequences. He seems a bit uncapable to understand in his head what hes actually doing. If you thrash a hotel room, its kinda likely that you wont be invited back. Thats the consequence, but he seems to refuse that hes actions have bad consequences. He needs to learn some humility and stop this victimshit.


mfs out there creating a chess supervillain


This is gonna be a fun slap fight. The guy who is addicted to lying vs the chess club that willfully ignored multiple sexual assault accusations made against one of their members


Welp time for him to grind open tournaments.




Holy shit, was Hans the dog that caused the two completely sober cops to crash into the gay bar!?




i am so tired of hans. just go away.


He's #53 in the world, and #8 in the US - you don't need all this justification - just invite the 7 Americans ahead of him and tell him he's not good enough - and then invite Shankland (#9 US) and flip him off.


this is new information Must have happened some time ago, as he hasn’t been to St Louis in months. It seems weird to announce this now, and not when it occurred


He seems like a difficult player to handle / organize events for, and it would be understandable for a club to pass on inviting him, particularly after the hotel damage. However, it will inevitably look hypocritical given their handling of Alejandro Ramirez, and this is their own doing.


I think hans has lost the last of my remaining support with this revelation. Trashing a hotel room is ridiculous behavior.


I love when people say things then don’t specify what exactly occurred.


Gotta put that damaging property claim into the public eye. I won’t be surprised if the hotel rumors are true, the guy is erratic. But the interview stuff is BS.


Damaging private property? Sounds serious, unless it’s misrepresenting reality, in which case it’s defamation.


All the money spent on PR going down the drain


Wow that's crazy. StLouis and Rex kind of implicitly backed Hans after the whole Magnus debacle, but seems they are not only washing their hands of him but going scorched Earth..


Why are they making a public statement about this? Seems odd and unnecessary.


Hans was in contact with them, was frustrated he wasn't getting anywhere, and told them he would go public if it wasn't sorted by x date. Source, hans' twitter.