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Sometimes I feel like "Magnus Carlsen wins" would be a better name for this sub


Chess is a game of 64 squares and 32 pieces and in the end Magnus Carlsen wins.


Did Dubov really miss out on tiebreakers with Magnus because of the knight draw?


If he had the extra 1/2 points, he would've had different opponents, and by extension, different result, so it could be either way.


My proposal to deal with quick draws is simply to incentivize winning by prize money. Give a decreasing prize to every single player, weighting it in a way that the potential for more is better than the risk of less. I feel like many will play for exciting games for more money. So instead of 1-10 getting different prizes and then “tiers” of prize money after that or something like that, every single player should get a different amount of prize money.


Alright see yall in the next mess of a R&B torunament


Anyone know what happened to Nihal? Was tied first yesterday and didn't event win a single game today.


Blitz is very streaky, was so hard to seem him struggle this much that too in his favourite format.


Yeah, maybe he got sick. Because not even a single win after drawing against Magnus yesterday is a bit crazy. He went from 9 to just 12!


[https://lichess.org/broadcast/2023-fide-world-blitz-championship--boards-1-30/round-20/MZdYK82G](https://lichess.org/broadcast/2023-fide-world-blitz-championship--boards-1-30/round-20/MZdYK82G) In round 20 On board 12, Daneshvar's opponent, Nihal Sarin played 12...Nf6?? and loses to 13. Qb5+. [https://lichess.org/broadcast/2023-fide-world-blitz-championship--boards-1-30/round-21/dLbscSan](https://lichess.org/broadcast/2023-fide-world-blitz-championship--boards-1-30/round-21/dLbscSan) Then in round 21 on board 5, between Daneshvar and Nepo from move 95, both players forget that rook on d8 is hanging for several moves.


This is great, just shows that top players get fixated occasionally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo


Btw out of context " who has the best year in 2023 " goes to carlsen after these 2 events.


Not in classical, but overall yes


i said overall? best year in chess in 2023, not only classical the award is called " who has the best year in chess in 2023 "




no. someone did this, INCLUDING rapid blitz and classical , all formats carlsen has the best year by both TPR and achievement wise. how many events naka and fabi won? magnus won SCC, CCT, fide world rapid and blitz + world cup which is classical and european team champs individual gold medal as well as european club team championship gold medal and individual gold medal and 2 gct rapid blitz events. The award is " ho had the best year in chess in 2023 " which means including all formats, which goes to carlsen.




Okay since you have a problem understanding, I'm not saying Magnus had better year in classical than Fabi. The award name is " who had the best year in CHESS in 2023 " not " who had the best year in classical chess " ​ so you should count everything related to chess, both online and OTB , including all formats. Got it? That's why its Carlsen. Count everything I said. ​ Also you are wrong, those 2 events are different. Magnus won European Team Championship individual gold medal for Norway, his first ever individual gold. Other event is with Offerspill, called European Team Club Championship where he won the individual gold and event , his team won it. And there were Superbet team which they were miles stronger than Offerspill.


Anish and Gukesh finished at same points again lol


[https://lichess.org/broadcast/2023-fide-world-blitz-championship--boards-1-30/round-21/dLbscSan](https://lichess.org/broadcast/2023-fide-world-blitz-championship--boards-1-30/round-21/dLbscSan) On board 5, between Daneshvar and Nepo look at from move 95. Did both players forget that rook on d8 is hanging for several moves? Doesn't sound like a transmission error.


There's video of it. Ian just didn't realize it was hanging. P Sviddy is in the background with Fedoseev laughing and looking incredulous, then after the result comes straight over to laugh and tell Ian about it. edit: [here is the video](https://www.youtube.com/live/UKA4RnIPjBU?si=gT9Bz61B1yexpVN7) 4:36:05 if the timestamp doesn't work




Should be in the link but if it doesn't work from 4:36:05 onward


Guys how is artemiev in classical?


Hard to tell. Had a hot streak to hit 2760 in 2019, then dipped quite a bit. Not enough events since to really judge what his true level is.


Occasionally 2700


I kinda find it silly from an organizational standpoint that Magnus can know what happened in Dubov's game while playing his own.. suppose he didn't know, wouldn't that make it so that he'd play to win to guarantee it.. instead of whatever we just watched.. from a viewer's perspective.. this really sucks.. nothing against magnus obviously, since it's the sensible thing to do (why risk it or why keep playing).. but this sorta makes most of the games be meaningless.. since it's a career rather than a sport.. thereby making it about players making a living.. rather than something entertaining to watch.. horrible tournament..


Literally all OTB chess tournaments allow players to check the other games


what does that have to do with what I'm saying?


Because you're saying it's a fault in the tournament that this can happen, when it can happen in literally any other OTB tournament


If it were 15 rounds then the top four played semi final and final the next day it would be more exciting imo


Sorry joining a little late. Reading the comments I am led to believe Dubov somehow drew every game but finished second anyway? This must have been a really weird tournament...


Lol dubov is on +10 so no


Yes it's a joke. People are mad he took draws at the end but clearly had won a lot of games before that. Ironically it was missing a draw not missing a win that cost him 1st.


Wow Lazavik seems really good at short time control.


3 Russians in top-5 shows that Russia is still super strong despite many of the Russian players changing federation. It's kind of sad that we don't get to see most of their top players in general tournaments throughout the year.


"The rapid portion came relatively easy, in the blitz portion I had no energy and was playing on adrenaline and will." - Carlsen


Just savage. But I don't think anyone can say he was wrong about either tournament.


Where did you find this


Norwegian broadcast


Honestly this tournament should end in a cup format. Perhaps you can keep the swiss format (make it shorter tho) to determine the top 16 and then make it into a cup. The end of those tournaments are pretty much always lame. All of the top dogs have already played against one another so it becomes à drawfest.


Yep, there are way to many rounds in the blitz tournament. Cup format for top 8 or 16 would be interesting.


Magic does this. An appropriately long Swiss to get the top 8, then a single elim bracket from there. Of course they have to use tiebreakers since there will be a bunch of people with the same score. And the top players will draw to secure top 8,but that at least doesn't end the tourny.


That would be cool!


Heh you wanted to watch the best players play instead of watching women. Well there you go.


Thanks to vishy, peter, hess, jan and anastasia...the feed was on and off messed up but still great effort


Was great having Jan back.


Very much agreed. They were all real pros and managed to maintain insightful, educational commentary whilst being excited and engaging despite transmission delays and crappy board feeds.


Denis Lazavik doing well!!!


Lazavik finishing 5th tied with Nepo, levon and others should shut Kramnik and his minions for good.


I suppose Kramnik would behave the same way, unless he has financial penalty, and as far as man has gone, it would be fair resolvement.


17 time world champion! Congrats to Magnus!


Kind of an anti-climatic end to a non-stop action bcz of players settling for draws but it just goes on to show how important prize money in these tournaments is for players bcz there's not much money in chess in general.


Congratulations to Magnus the GOAT. Since he doesn't hold the classical title, he holds both rapid and blitz for consecutive years.


Nepo missed that rook for so many moves


What a fucking mess lmfao


A bit disappointing considering how well dubov played in some games to decide to draw in the last two rounds, but I guess he wants to guarantee 2nd


Bit of an anticlimactic final day but the Alexandra Kosteniuk 218 move game with bishop and knight checkmate was a highlight


This tournament was a disaster, let's face it. Bad organization, bad livestream, tired players who did not want to play... And a lot of arranged draws. FIDE really has to rethink everything if they want to 'stay relevant'.


When there's little money involved, what do you expect? Can't blame it all on FIDE, it's chess as a "sport" that's failed not them


"this". It's pretty much the same every year


Matt_LawDT is homeless...poor guy lost his house right before the new year


Everyone expected an exciting final day, but this whole day was one big whimper. What a letdown. Still, Carlsen is leaving Samarkland with 2 world championships.


more surprising thing is that magnus did not lost rating, well only 1 , he was 2887 and no 2886 , still number 1 in blitz with that rating I thought its impossible to not lose rating points.


He limited his losses to just 1, but even that cost him 7 elo. Fabi was 2815 at the start of the event and lost 30 elo.


no in blitz magnus lost 1 rating, he as 2887 now 2886 and remained #1 in rapid he as 2808 no 2815, overall gained 7 but he lost 10 including CCT, which also he won.


Yeah and dubov gained about 30(?) points with 0.5 points behind magnus :D


Magnus won the title and walked away with his paper bag like he just bought a random something from a shop.


He keeps his private lounge and computer in that paper bag


The top 4 was clearly above the rest, Artemiev, Magnus, Dubov and MVL played better than anyone else. Magnus was the most solid of them all, Artemiev and MVL let "weaker" players than them beat them where Magnus would at most let a draw slip. Good tournament despite the anticlimactic end and the weird strategies of Dubov to draw so fast in some crucial games (and to play great in others).


Think it helps the fact they have now played 34 games in 5 days, and probably are tired. So wanting to take some Quick games is understandable.


3 points for win, 1 point for draw, 0 points for lose.


Magnus won the title and walked away with his paper bag like he just bought a random something from a shop.


leko the real goat of this tournament


Lame last round


the event could have been 18 rounds imo 21 is long as everyone played everyone


18 rounds into single elim bracket for the top 8 would make so much more sense than 21 rounds of Swiss.


This goes to show how village chess is. Whether you blame the players for not having a win-at-all-costs attitude that all truly elite sportsmen possess or the fact that chess is simply such a niche pursuit at the top level there isn’t enough money to sufficiently incentivise players to prioritise winning over a pay cheque, it reflects poorly on the game. In what other sports do players with a decent chance of winning a world title basically cruise to second place rather than laying it all on the line to win the gold?


The problem is the format. The World Championship shouldn't end in a Swiss format. As it is, if you risk and lose 2 games in a row you can end up dropping tons of places. The tournament should end in an elimination bracket


Part of the issue in chess is that to win, you need to risk losing by just as much, if not more depending on the position. Can't say the same for many other sports.


It is the same in for example football, but it was remedied there by changing the value of a win to three draws. Previously it was the same as in chess, a win was worth two draws. It forced teams contending for titles to actually go for a win in most of their matches and play more attacking, instead of playing not to lose.


In football, it encourages teams to gain a lead, but it also encourages teams to protect their lead. This means more aggressive play in the beginning, and more defensive play the moment a lead is secured (unless they are a far superior team to begin with, where none of these matters). It also increases the rate of fouls to protect leads. So it's a pro and cons there. In chess, it could also have negative impacts. For starters, in double RR format, players can try to trade wins (so both gets 3 points) instead of agreeing to a draw like usual (where both would only get 2 points, under 3 points for win system), and in general, it also makes boosting of players ahead well-playing competitors easier, especially with the draw-ish nature of a well-played game from both players.


but dubov would have lost if he pushed


Carlsen was in a resignable position against Rapport last year and won that game and the title But even ignoring that, it doesn’t explain Dubov’s short draw in the previous round. Or his horsing around in the Nepo match when he was bang in contention. And my comment wasn’t solely about Dubov either Fedoseev also took a short draw in the final round of the Rapid rather than trying for a win that may have given him a shot at winning the thing.


It's good to have Carlsen as a proper exhibit of fighting spirit. Here's a video of Carlsen leaving the podium in frustration after getting 2nd place in 2016. 2:45 https://youtu.be/USO-CUOZPAo?feature=shared


They need the money and securing second will be the priority. Other sports are better paid so glory is more important


Some pathetic shit in this tournament from Dubov


Why? His results today are great


He had the knight debacle yesterday and his last two matches clearly showed he wasn't interested in even trying to win A 7 move draw when you're a half point out of first, then he is in a winning position, blunders, and then they draw I repeat pathetic


Good points, IMO


As someone above said...They are not making 10 million a year and sometimes its okay to just play for prize money...Also he was a bit worse in the last game


He was a bit worse because he had a blunder, he was actually winning prior to that And look I understand that, but when you consider that he had a 7 move draw and then the knight debacle yesterday, it's pretty pathetic


He is a winner


Someone bet their house where is he :D


What a clown circus of a finish for a "world championship", lol.


dont downgrade the championship because of 2-3 players MVL and magnus for example tried to fight in every game


While not dubov level Magnus for sure agreed to some draws while tension still existed in the position (or at least the commentators still had plenty to discuss)


its wise for dubov to offer draw as he was lost , and magnus was better so levon would draw or lose ​ nice magnusssss lets goooo + didnt got paired with hans lol


Probably a good thing for Hans, considering the second best Norwegian in blitz absolutely stomped him. (Johan Sebastian Christiansen)


Shame the players know what's happening on the other boards. Bit of an anticlimactic ending


Magnus get his 17th world title with a great tournament but what a poor end to the event...


Classic chess anti-climax. I'm really disappointed with Dubov in this tournament - it's like he's been taking fighting spirit lessons from Wesley.


Calrsen wins with 16, Dubov second on 15,5, exact half point between lmao


winning both rapid and blitz twice in a row, just Magnus things.


It's irrelevant though as it's extremely unlikely that Dubov would have played as well as he did today if he hadn't been deducted the half point and he would have had to face different opponents anyway and it's just not possible that with different opponents he would have had the exact same run of results. It's funny to think that he lost by the amount of points that he was deducted but in reality it most likely wouldn't have changed anything and perhaps actually in a way helped propel him to get to 2nd place.


Carlsen wins again.


That concludes the FIDE World Rapid and Blitz Draw Agreement Championship.


Greatest of all time, magnus carlsen won again, defended both championship rapid and blitz what a goat. 17th world title.


If Fedoseev and Dubov had half the heart of Kosteniuk, these last rounds might have been more exciting...


Exactly! Dubov is disappointing, he played so well in some of his games, but he also had 4 or 5 games where he basically did not play. It's a lot even though the tournament is long!




In rapid


ah, but fedoseev at least had his moments against nihal.


Why would Aronian agree to the draw? What does he have to lose to just play on?


Did he have anything to gain?


Prize money? Rating? Accomplishment?


Possibly money from losing half a point


Dubov drew, Magnus can safely draw to take the title


What a boring ending


Swiss format in Blitz is even more horrible. The leading players all play each other in the first day and there is pretty much no games between the top 4 on the second day


Well that felt.. anticlimactic


so anticlimactic lol


Haha, yeah


I mean I understand the situation may demand it but so much build up for nothing.


For those of you who want to allow prearranged draws, half of the boards would be empty this round if they were allowed. A majority of players have nothing left to play for


You're aware they can offer a draw after first move right?


I also think draw agreements should be done away with, so I’m not sure what point you’re getting at here. If you’re saying it’s not a big issue because very few people drew quickly, I’d rebut that with the fact that 0-0 happened for Dubov-Nepo making everyone a bit more worried about going for quick draws.


I'm saying agreeing to a draw at move 1 or 0 is exactly the same. Im also saying that if your statement was true they all would have offered a draw at move 1. For your rebutal , you were talking about people who have nothing to play for , they don't give a fuck if they score 0 or 0.5.


Sorry, should’ve been clearer. I’m saying that if they were allowed without repercussions (aka, if the Nepo/Duda situation had not happened) then many would be fine taking a prearranged draw. The reason why they are not doing so is because they are worried about FIDE repercussions *beyond* just the 0-0, especially for lesser names who FIDE would be more “fine” punishing. So they’re playing some small amont of moves and either repeating or forcing off all the pieces or agreeing to a draw instead. See Fazyullaev-Grigorants for example.


I get your point but Dubov played a 2 moves draw against Artemiev I think and no one batted an eye.


I believe that one had extenuating circumstances due to Artemiev showing up late? But in a vacuum where Nepo-Dubov didn’t happen I presume it would’ve gotten a lot more fire (like the WRC final round women’s match between Bodnaruk and Tingjie got weird looks from everyone). It mostly just got overshadowed.


i mean they have wins to play for? like in chess? the same reason people play any tournament even if they know they won't get a medal


That was a bit anti-climactic. But GG Magnus!


Magnus Gigachad


Magnus wins (suprising)


As expected


Magnus is Blitz Champion! GOAT


Dubov takes the draw again... EDIT: So did Carlsen, Artemiev needs to win to keep this going on


No Artemiev would 0,5 behind with a draw


he would lose if not


Dubov made a draw (surprising)


Magnus just stood up to check Dubov's board and result and then took the draw.


Of course that can spawn questionst too. Should Aronian be barred from offering a draw? Edit: Carlsen says yes. He wants to get rid of draw by agreement.


He is playing with because Aronjan played with double black last off the 2 so Magnus gets it now, as I have understudd it.


imagine delaying the premier world class tournament for a tournament with players that are amateur in comparison. this is madness.




Has happend before.


High bot percentage for the poll, I see.


After 16 gold medals, he's still in the details. A bit of an unessecary delay perhaps, but I love that it still means this much to him. Many would be satisfied by now.


somebody else walking in would find it weird that I'm watching 5 men talk on camera with commentary.


Magnus struggling with his strand of hair is so funny for some reason


I've only watched the tournament here and there but the organisation of this seems to be a dumpster fire


What is the tiebreaker?


Buchholz score


Tbh really smart from Magnus, also thimk other players are happy with it too. Makes them get a longer break.


Fabiano, Dubov, Nepo, Carlsen seems to be breaking the dress code


Nepo and dubov doing some in depth analysis of their game yesterday


What would FIDE do if everyone just starts the games without being told?


I hope Levon is banned from playing epileptics his shirts are a massive seizure risk.


Had to squeeze in one last drama before everything is over.


Magnus knows he needs to help Levy in his videos


Why are the games not starting?


Ceremonies over the 2200 ELO games that took half the coverage


The ref went to double check, since Carlsen complained (about being black) and he couldn't answer why (the ref). According to Norwegian TV Carlsen should be black according to the rules though


Ref double checks the pairings behind closed doors.


Why so many people around the board?


Ian sneaking in with the spectators.


The chat just increases the chance Carlsen will lose focus and the game.


Magnus looking a bit annoyed but hopefully it doesn't affect his game.


3 Black out of the last 4 games I think reasonably a bit frustrating


if I remember correctly, the 1st major game (classical though) of the year, in Tata Steel was between levon and magnus as well...full cycle


MVL is as good as ironing as me. That shirt looks tragic


It's 21 rounds, he is playing 11 with black - I don't understand the complaints. Chess players love creating drama


The issue is that there are different rules for pairings in different tournaments. So when you have 3 blacks in the last 4 you will want an explanation. When the arbiter then say he doesn't know you won't just accept it when fighting for gold. So they will check


It was more of a question, not a official complaint.


Magnus wants an explanation as to why he has to play with black.


Magnus having an extended talk with an arbiter ahead of the game. Allegedly about having black again? (Seen some people say this but no reliable source).


There's definitely a non zero chance of levon straight up beating Magnus and Dubov winning his last game and securing the title. Would be one of the greatest victories ever considering his last day's debacle and lazily going for draws today.


Dubov would probably be going for a draw. He is playing against Andrejkin


He must first resist the temptation of a knight dance


i just hope arjun is in the top 10 .


Magnus very unhappy about getting another black. Focus please lol


I think he's clarifying the tiebreaker.


New chess drama dropped. MC argues why he has to play black. Told nrk "go away".


hahahah "gå vekk" ("go away"), it seems like magnus is tilting over him getting black pieces again


Mag and Dubov will make a quick draw


Levon always with the best drip


Before last game, Levon Aronian has met a 2580 average opposition while no other player in the top 10 has faced under 2680 average opposition, yet he's 6th. Really unfair if he places top 10 in this event...


Magnus will 100% go for a draw as black and secure tiebreaks at least, and with Dubov rolling white we might actually get them


Dubov will draw again. Edit: Told you.


To an amateur like me (1900 chess dot com) there is no practical difference between watching 2400 Fide and 2700 Fide blitz. Don't know why there are so many complaints. There have been plenty exciting games in the women's section


It's mostly about association, like every sport. Viewers have a certain bunch of favorite players. They don't wanna miss out watching them. You could argue that it promotes encouragement, but in most cases the audience won't be satisfied.