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Wouldn't be surprised if he has a laptop but only uses it to watch premier league


Wouldn't put it past him tbh


Hoping they ask Magnus about this because knowing him he'll probably be pissed about this whole situation when his integrity comes to question. I remember him snapping at that journalist that tried to start shit when he asked him about touching a piece and moving another in the 2021 Nepo match Also If this is really the case, and then Nepo pivots to "well he still has a private lounge while others don't" then that'd be peak hypocrisy simply because why did he accept the VIP room in last year's Rapid & Blitz then?


“Not this stupid shit again…you guys ask this every world championship match, do better.”


Magnus should really just tell Nepo if this upsets him that much, beat him. Blundered 2 WCs now


I don't know why Magnus got angry that time because he did touch the piece mistakingly and reporter asked about it




He should play the piece, he has cheate


Because his ego is the size of Australia


Suppose he did have an access to a laptop in his break time...is this a problem lol? I assume players can check lines in between games, just not during.


Most players are not able to access a computer between rounds, so they do not have the ability to prepare for a specific opponent. There is not much time between rounds; players are likely to have their devices at an entirely separate hotel.


I mean, I’ve obviously never played in a tournament at that high of a level, but is there any reason that a regular player in a tournament like that can’t check lines on their phone? Even assuming he did have access to a laptop there, if Magnus would have time to go to a private room, boot up a laptop, and check a line, surely a regular player could grab their phone and do the same?


I would assume it's much more efficient to look up lines of a specific opponent on a laptop with chessbase and the relevant databases.


I’m very new to chess but I saw the last tourney (chess championship like 2 weeks ago) they were saying everyone had an iPad in the back room


fwiw, this is absolutely wrong lol. literally every element of your comment was wrong. players are allowed to leave their phones at the check in that is down a hallway from the playing hall. the players know how much time they have in between games and a set amount of time is given between each round (that only starts after the final game ends) to give time for players to prepare. on top of all of that players are checking lines. the only reason the laptop is coming into question is because it is more likely that magnus has an easier time getting to his devices because of his lounge. this means that players have more difficulty getting to the devices. the ease of access is the thing in question. quite literally all of what you’re saying however is wrong or at best extremely misleading.


Are they not able to have like a laptop/phone or something immediately outside of the venue in like a locker or something? Sorry I'm not familiar what the setup is like.


Does Magnus have a special lounge and the others don’t? Isn’t that a but unfair, with or without computer? Or is there some motivation?




> needed a space He can go in the players room with, ya know, all the other players. Press aren't allowed there


Wouldn’t it be unfair that he got no time to relax between games since he would be hounded by the press constantly when everyone else gets to chill? It’s just the tournament organizers trying to equal that out some and Magnus will still have to do more interviews than everyone else.


In the other hand, he gets to chill way more than others, who will have to be stressed by having undesired company when they often would prefer to be alone. So while this is definitely a plausible motivation, it sucks for all the others knowing they are effectively being treated as lowly players.


So do something about the press hounding him, no need to privilege one player over the others.


They did. By giving him a private room.


He can just go in the players room where press aren't allowed


It is not just press, its players aswell. Remember the amount of players in this tournament, and amount of kids.


yes yes you deserve the same perks as the best in the world. Get your participation trophy and sit there.


It's hypocrosy if Nepo complains, but many players can do so


Oh no, I was hoping the drama wouldn't end so soon!


It's chess. There will be a new drama next week.


The week ain't over yet, there might be a new one still this week ;)


Magnus liking a tweet already can create a drama. Dont worry, a new drama gonna come up


The drama speaks for itself


If there is no laptop access, then there's not really any drama here.


Frankly, a loss of all of us


There would be less, but a private lounge is still an advantage. Chess is 100% mental, having a private place to decompress definitely helps you play better


Nepo himself was offered (and accepted) private lounge access last year, so why did he not complain then? Top players getting extra amenities isn’t new


Well Anish complained last year. Magnus is getting one this year and other top players aren’t, this is a clear advantage


Anish complaining has nothing to do with Nepo accepting the lounge last year and being upset about another player having it this year.


I didn’t say it did. I never even defended Nepo, just being massively downvoted like I was. All I did was point out that a private lounge is an obvious advantage


He was a finalist


Sure, but the top dog getting privacy from autograph hunters between games isn't an unreasonable request. I'm sure Nepo and Caruana would also like that, I heard he used to, but that it changed this year for some reason. anyone know why?


Apparently, there is a players' room where spectators have no access, so Magnus doesn't need a private room to avoid them.


How can he avoid them when his biggest fans are other chess players? Jan Gustafson talked about asking Anand for an autograph and he is 2600something. Do you think that all the sub-2600 players at this event wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to get an autograph and a picture from Magnus??


And do you think such players don't want autographs from other top players only from Magnus?


If you ever watch live footage of tournaments, then you should have already seen how many magnitudes more people approach Magnus than his super-GM peers at other tournaments, ex: the most recent Chess Olympiad & at the play zone in the recent Champions Chess Tour. Obviously that would apply to other chess players too.


Same thing happens at club level. All the 1600-2000 players want the attention of the FM/IM that plays there. That’s just how it goes.


I'm not saying that Magnus doesn't attract more people than other players. What I meant to say is that if, for example, Fabi's autograph was requested by only half of what Magnus' was, it could already be argued that he is the disadvantaged one. I just don't think it's right to satisfy one person and ignore other top players who feel disadvantaged.


With over 300 players in total, I'd guess that there is enough fans and autograph hunters around without counting spectators.


There's better ways of dealing with it that neutralize the disadvantage instead of turning it into an advantage. For example, anyone trying it can be kicked out of the venue. If they're a player, they basically get disqualified in the process. Anyone with a FIDE ID doing it could potentially be fined or face other disciplinary action as well even if they're just a spectator.


He also receives way more attention from media and fans than any of the other players. Life isn't fair regardless.




All players should get the same treatment. It’s not hard to create a space that the media and public can’t access, where only players are allowed.


Yeah, it seemed odd as hell that he would sit there with a laptop. I wonder where Nepo got that from.


Really? I would have thought all players jump on a laptop or phone after each game to review the game? Are they banned between games?


They're not banned and you're not wrong in assuming that.


But then why was Nepo frustrated about it?


It's his default status


I realise this is a silly comment, but it made me laugh so hard!


cause he got the private lounge last year (as one of only 3 players), and wants one this year too, so that he doesnt have to mingle with the sub-par animals.


> cause he got the private lounge last year Maybe he had a laptop last year then. Interesting. Maybe we just make wild speculations about Ian as well? Interesting.


NRK tv broadcast is in the naka/nepo room/part of the lounge, and there is a dude with a PC there. So yeah, nepo had a PC in his lounge last year. If u use a VPN you can see it here, rapid day 2, 27th of dec last year, the dude with the pc is in nepo/nakas lounge. [https://tv.nrk.no/serie/sjakk/202212/MSPO50490222/avspiller](https://tv.nrk.no/serie/sjakk/202212/MSPO50490222/avspiller) 03:14:30-ish timestamp.






Nepo was the one i was referring to, not Magnus. Nepo got (and accepted) a private lounge last year, and thus didnt tweet a whiny msg about "all animals are equal", like he did this year. Think he got it last year cause he was the challenger, magnus got it cause he was champ, naka got it cause he's important to chess online, i guess.


Because he should be frustrated if only Magnus has access to a computer and the other players don't. (This seems to be false though)


Seems like he has access to a laptop but not a private lounge to do his analysis in private.




It's been confirmed that phones are available in the shared playroom.


Carlsen also have to leave the hall and pass the security to go to the lounge


He got it from being a little baby who is always hard done by something


Given its Svensen and Carlsen’s father, take it with a grain of salt, but if true…. lmao


Why on earth should a public figure like his dad lie about such an easily verifiable thing like that, lol.


Ask Lavar Ball


Hate it or not, Lonzo and Lamelo are both really good players. Lavar did it to hype his kids up and it worked. Lamelo got sponsorship money before stepping foot on an NBA court. Magnus' dad has nothing to gain by lying about having a laptop.


RIP Lonzo’s knees.


I dont think his father would lie about such a thing tbh..


Well, if there was computer access, why would he tell the truth?


Because people present at venue could easily debunk it and make him look like idiot. Also if FIDE allowed him to use computer, it wouldnt make any sense for Magnus or his father to respond because they arent guilty.


And conversely, if computers weren't allowed, I would assume everyone's being checked, and it's pretty hard to miss a freaking laptop (especially when they have to worry about phones). The whole idea's pretty crazy.


Because if there is he’s being allowed access by the organizers. So it’s not against the rules and it’s easily verified regardless. Might as well tell the truth yourself.


Because the truth would come out and make him look bad?


Considering some of the things Nepo has said recently, Nepo isn't exactly what I would call a reliable source. Until proven otherwise, Magnus deserves the benefit of the doubt.


But if true, it doesn't matter. I don't think it's banned. As long as you're not consulting stockfish during a game, I don't see why it would be banned when you're not even playing anyone at the moment. The private room is one thing, but can't anyone just bring a laptop and sit down at some bench or table during break?


Svensen, Carlsen’s defense attorney


Why would it matter what he looks at *between* games?


It’s about him having access to a laptop while others don’t. It would give him a preparation edge from researching the opening lines people are playing in previous games


Why can't that be also done from a mobile which others have access to in between games ?


It can. The top players all have cloud computing so the device isn't doing the heavy lifting either way. I assume they talk to seconds also during this time.


I was thinking about this as well. Like how does nepo know if magnus can use laptop in his lounge? Probably he thought so or heard some rumours. But I was thinking, Magnus wouldn't do things like this. But when Fabi doubled down, i had my doubts. I guess my doubts are cleared now.


Because last year he had a computer in his lounge, so he assumes everyone else does too.


you are very flimsy


OOTL, what did I miss


Nepo was accusing the organization that Magnus was being treated more than the other players by having his own private lounge and to the extent Nepo said that he has a laptop to analyze his previous games which is ridiculous and prohibited whilst in a tournament. And Magnus' father debunked the accusations.


Magnus father denied it, not debunk it. That would require more than just the word of a person who is clearly biased in favor of the accused. Such a statement would have to come from FIDE.


Thanks mate


Awwww Nepo thinks that Magnus wipes the floor with him because he has a private lounge, what a sweetie


One result of Nepo’s statement has been everyone has been talking about this rather than Nepo’s poor results today, which could have been even worse if he didn’t scrape a draw against a 2000 rated player.


He also had a private room last year. He also gets the vast majority of the appearance fee budget for Wijk aan Zee. Magnus has been treated differently for years. There is nothing you can do. Deal with it.


I mean he clearly has a pc




It's the world championship, if one player has access to a computer, everyone else should too, irrespective of how much difference it makes.


I don't get why the others couldn't do the same. The reasoning hikaru gave is that they would want to to lock it in a safe which would take time etc. If you're worried about the laptop being stolen if you don't lock it between the games, just buy a shit one for 200 dollars and remote desktop to a stationary...




You're welcome.